שבת שלום
May you all have a Sabbath of Peace

This light is eternal..............SHALOM
Felice e contento - un po' come nelle favole
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
I had written a great post for 112 and hit the wrong button and totally erased it....and even my
prodigious memory will be hard pressed to re-write it but I will do my best.........
Today I had my daily two hour walk in a manner that I like.....coming down from the Hills
to Sunset on to La Cienega and to Wilshire......going to North Canon Drive and back up to the Hills after a light breakfast at the Polo Lounge
and by the way, as I have mentioned here before the fit or fat routine, meaning the long walks make your body slim like and no muscle bound body which I detest......here is the proof
and before I forget while on my daily walk I was listening to sirius xm on one of
my iPhones.....a song that was played reminded me of Più bella cosa - Eros Ramazzotti
the line of the song-
per dirtelo ancora per dirti che
piu bella cosa non c'e
piu' bella cosa di te
unica come sei
immensa quando vuoi
grazie di esistere
The song in english I heard was......you've made me so very happy I am so happy
you came into my life.......I want to thank you girl......every day of my life i want to thank you
Is he going to turn me into more of Dorian Gray?????
and my skin is Dorian Gray like(smiles)
Beautiful Sheikha Mozah
Does a degree from Parsons is still prestigious?
I am sorry but the snob in me told her when she sent me this pic....no plastic cups but you
look cute......
Add in your own language
Hebrew- “Ani Ohev Otach”אני אוהב אותך
- English: I love you
- Japanese - aishite imasu (愛しています)
- Slovak : Milujem ťa
- Finnish: Panisin
- Slovenian: Ljubim te
- Danish: Jeg elsker dig
- Portuguese: Amo-te
- Tagalog: Mahal kita
- Punjabi: Panchod chup kar
- Somali: Dhillo iska amus
- Arabic: انتا حمار
- Spanish: Te amo
- Bangla: ami tumake bhalo bashi
- Indonesian : Aku cinta kamu
- Hindi: Mein ghadhe ka bacha hoon
- Pashto: spey pashante khkarey
- Urdu: Mujhay tum say mohabbat hai
- Tamil: Po da mairu pudungi
- Malayalam: Patti kazhuda de mone
- Kannada: Nind tale nal gobra thumbide
- Telugu: Nee muddilo manta petta
- Azeri: Seviram Sani
- Russian: иди на хуй (idi na houy)
- Bosnian: Mrš u pičku materinu
- Marathi: Mi tula prem karate/karato
- Kurdish: Ez te hezdikhem
- Chinese: 我爱你
- Greek: Σαγαπω
- German: Ich liebe dich
- Swedish: Jag älskar dig
- Romanian: Te iubesc
- Norwegian: Jeg elsker deg
- Polish : Kocham cię
- French : Je t'aime
- Lithuanian: Aš myliu tave
- Korean: 사랑해 (sa rang hae)
- Hungarian: szeretlek
- Italian: ti amo
- Ukrainian: Я люблю тебе
- BrasilPortuguese: eu te amo
اسمعني - جلسة مجيدية
but not the plastic diet coke and the plastic plates....no, not kosher(smiles)

Despite all the haters that resent their phenomenal way of making money...Goldman Sachshas not lost its AURA
The idea of being alone is fine and attachment perhaps not........
my kind of girl.....bookish and cute
Being Beautiful is more than how many men look at you, or how much makeup you can wear. It is about what you live for. It's about what defines you (class, good manners,elgance etc etc). It's about the heart , the soul and the mystic you possess. It is being different, special and going against the flow.
And finally, living out what you honestly think. And that is a beautiful thing.
Half of her beauty is her brain.

All people want stability and beauty, amongst many other human (humane) necessities.
There are celebrities, friends and investments.

Very VVIP type of institution.....very JEW but WASPS with lots of zeros on the right are allowed(smiles)

When referring to your namorada (special one) I hate it when they say baby...it is written in so many songs and it is said quite often....JG says: call her "darling or dearest, it sounds more classy and more original"

Prince Alwaleed bin Talal bin Abdulaziz Alsaud, 58, whose grandfather was the founding king of modern Saudi Arabia, is no stranger to the United States or Western media. He considers himself a "great friend" of America and the "world’s foremost value investor.
I see you in all of my favorite songs.
And Carlos Santana is an amazing guitarist his solos makes the guitar cry....wow.
tight dancing..........
Been there done that...
mini thigh gap
Chiharu Okunugi one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits

love of the Babushka.....Babushka Chic


more tidbits
Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places people
more tidbits
Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places people
some of my favorite things, people....places
some of my favorite things, people....places
Elena Perminova’s rocking another look that’s all H&M’D. And I’m pretty sure Elena also has the white version of these pants. Love this look it’s easier to pull off than some of the elaborate outfits the Russian fashion mafia saunters the concrete catwalk in from time to time.
The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........
a little take on Japan-日本,

. Japan is the most polite country in the world, where society's "golden rule" is to never cause 迷惑 meiwaku (inconvenience, trouble) to others...
There are interesting ways to gain an understanding of a society through its language. Two words that speak to Japan's rule-oriented approach to behavior are the words chanto("properly") and chanto shita ("proper"), which are used to grant a higher status to "the way things should be done."

Grant Stevens, MD
'Gummy Bear' Breast Implants: The Future of Breast Augmentation Surgery?
Like kids in a candy store, more women are seeking out a type of silicone breast implant that one doctor calls the"gummy bear."
Dr. Grant Stevens, a prominent plastic surgeon in Marina Del Rey, California., coined the term "gummy bear breast implant." He said he gave the implants their catchy nickname because when cut in half, the implant is stable and retains its shape, much like the chewy, gummy bear candies.

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
First Lady of Turkey Emine Erdogan receives Her Highness Sheikha Mozah at the Presidential complex on the occasion of Her Highness visit to Istanbul. Sheikha looks gorgeous in @elsaschiaparelli couture white blouse with jeweled vest and light brown skirt from the Fall 2015 collection. She accessorized with brown Gucci bag and heels.
Sheikha Mozah was dazzling in Schiaparelli couture ensemble from the Fall 2015 collection. She kept the runway vast which was embroidered with rhinestones, paired with white blouse and light brown/camel skirt.


This is my favorite news stand in BH.....it is frequented by many celebs (Models-Actresses)...and what happened to glamour? no actress from the noir era would be caught looking like this....

Ulyana is the epitome of elegance............

You see, the Kingdom, KSA is a country of contradictions, girls have access to education and enjoy easy luxurious life style for the most part, latest in fashion and clothes, latest in technology etc. BUT, they are still denied their independence; they can’t even drive . If you have never been to KSA it is hard to put the two facts together because being denied such a simple and basic right represents a dominant image of oppression and it’s just natural for someone to think that girls-women must be all wrapped up in black all the time and have access to nothing except the kitchen and all that jazzy stereotypes.
Well, thankfully it is changing. Restrictions are vanishing by the minute and they’ve gotten more outspoken, more demanding and some of them just can’t wait to show that they are actually not that much different after all hence the pictures ;)
I love this...and i got this from an Israeli friend(Ortal)
Fact Or Fiction? The Truth Behind The Health Myth.
Myth 1 Weight loss is about cutting calories.
All calories are not created equally. Calories from sugar and refined carbohydrates are likely to be stored as fat, where as calories from healthy fats, protein and vegetables are likely to help shed fat.
Skip calorie counting and shed the weight by eating whole, unprocessed foods.
Myth 2 Egg yolks raise cholesterol.
Egg yolks do contain dietary cholesterol, but the latest research shows that consumption of dietary cholesterol has no correlation to blood cholesterol.
Surprisingly, it is the yolk where all the nutrients are found.
Myth 3 Gluten free is healthier.
Many supermarket gluten-free options can be packed full of extra sugar, salt, trans-fats, colourings, flavourings and other unknown ingredients to make it taste good. This can outweigh the benefits of choosing gluten free.
Go for the real deal or opt for whole foods, which are naturally gluten free.
Myth 4 Eating fat makes you fat.
Unfortunately we’ve been fed the wrong information over the last 30 years. Numerous studies have now shown that a higher healthy fat and lower carbohydrate diet is the most effective for weight loss.
Myth 5 Healthy food is more expensive
With a little planning eating healthy can actually cost less. Farmers markets can be cheaper and you can find fresh, locally sourced produce.
You can save by cooking from scratch and bringing nourishing lunches to work.
Myth 6 Eat regular snacks to keep metabolism high and blood sugar levels stable
Put simply, if we’re snacking we’re eating more than we need to be. If you eat the right things at mealtimes your blood sugar levels will remain steady for several hours after eating.
Our bodies are not designed for grazing and a constant bombardment of food… even healthy food! More importantly each time we snack we release the fat storage insulin, which isn’t conducive to weight loss.

Dukhoon Malaki is a a fragrant paste to burn in your home. The aroma is sublime it does not make much smoke. This make for an interesting gift even for the most elegant of your friends.
The Cierra Wrap Top
Beyond feminine, bordering on feline, but with none of the fuss. Cierra is a wrap blouse with a deeper than deep neckline and a thick sash tie that wraps around multiple times to create a perfectly precise silhouette and a satisfyingly substantial bow.
ל"ג בעומר שמח
A Doodle by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for Lag B'Omer.
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the
world and life is.....
world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776, unless
otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or
without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776