בוקר טוב
Life is all about emunah. Without emunah we are doomed to a life of misery & despair. With emunah life is bearable.
إحياء ذكرى شهداء معارك وحروب اسرائيل
"To talk well and eloquently is a very great art"
more things, people. places that send me.........
women with red hair and freckles.........
private airports............
Rolex Gold Watches and Cartier Love Bracelets

Rouge, la couleur de l’amour !
big hair
the Maybach
Shatoosh specially made Brioni dress jackets

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Common abbreviations used in chat, emails, SMS (texto in French) or when taking notes. Here are the 10 most common French ones:
BJR = bonjour = hi
BSR = bonsoir = have a good night, hi (in the evening)
SLT = salut
MDR = mort(e) de rire = LOL
JTM = je t'aime = I love you (I'm in love with you)
MSG = un message = message
PK = pourquoi? = why?
QQC = quelque chose = something
QQ1 = quelqu'un = someone
BZ = bisous, bises = kisses
BJR = bonjour = hi
BSR = bonsoir = have a good night, hi (in the evening)
SLT = salut
MDR = mort(e) de rire = LOL
JTM = je t'aime = I love you (I'm in love with you)
MSG = un message = message
PK = pourquoi? = why?
QQC = quelque chose = something
QQ1 = quelqu'un = someone
BZ = bisous, bises = kisses
plastic cups......no thanks......
Balmain dresses......who wore it better
Que Brasil es el mayor producto de top models del planeta es algo conocido a nivel mundial: Adriana Lima, Alessandra Ambrosio, Gisele Bundchen, y muchas más modelos menos conocidas pero igual de espectaculares son el mejor ejemplo. Cualquiera que se de una vuelta por las mejores discotecas de Sao Paulo se queda con la boca abierta al ver la pasarela de mujeres impresionantes, de pieles perfectas y piernas larguísimas que se pasean por allí como si nada.

the true beauty of a real Pilipina...a Pinay

In the Hebrew system of the numerical value of words, the Hebrew word for life (chai) has the value of 18. This makes 18 a favorable number as it indicates hopes of a long life.
Story of the Cruise 2016/17 CHANEL show in Cuba
Holiday Cafe: située dans le 16ème arrondissement, cette annexe de l’un de nos magazines préférés et nouveau café vous fera envie du petit-déjeuner au dîner en passant par le déjeuner ! | 192 Avenue de Versailles
gummy bear breast implants
Local anesthesia is any technique to induce the absence of sensation in a specific part of the body, generally for the aim of inducing localanalgesia, that is, local insensitivity to pain, although other local senses may be affected as well.
and any plastic surgeon worth its salt will only use local anesthesia or twilight sleep type of anesthesia....
Steven Teitelbaum, MD
and gummy bear implants may be a thing of the past as this new option
"Ideal Implant," a new kind of saline implant.
Donald Trump and Gordon Gekko(Michael Douglas)
Any plastic surgeon worth its salt would want to create this face....
the symmetry is perfect , the angles....
Las hemos pillado. Las famosas presumen de vida sana, de practicar deporte y
de cuidarse mucho para conservar su belleza, pero cuando nadie las ve, se ponen
a fumar.
de cuidarse mucho para conservar su belleza, pero cuando nadie las ve, se ponen
a fumar.
to preserve its beauty, but when nobody sees them, they start smoking.

There’s always a real reason behind every “لا بس اسأل”
Need I keep on saying it...no plastic cups...only ceramic or crystal........
By request from Maharashtra
Some foreign words I Love:
at yafa-את יפה - (Hebrew)
MENSCH (Yiddish)
Samishi katta desu. * さみしかったです。(Japan)
A sus ordenes (Mexico)
Cara Mia (Italian)
Bon chic, bon genre (France)
(Arabic) Alyawm/ Al aan اليوم / الآن
"agapi mou" (Greek)
Bahala na ang Diyos(Tagalog)
Kluge- (German)
MENSCH (Yiddish)
Samishi katta desu. * さみしかったです。(Japan)
A sus ordenes (Mexico)
Cara Mia (Italian)
Bon chic, bon genre (France)
(Arabic) Alyawm/ Al aan اليوم / الآن
"agapi mou" (Greek)
Bahala na ang Diyos(Tagalog)
Kluge- (German)

thigh gap
mini thigh gap
no thigh gap



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Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places people
more tidbits
Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places people
some of my favorite things, people....places
some of my favorite things, people....places
made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

If I had to define it in one word, it would be chic chic and chic. She's the queen of chic, especially necklaces and bags. Another word that comes to mind is luxury. All she carries is not exactly cheap. I mean it's a mixing of expensive clothes.

J’adore son look tout noir avec juste une petite touche de fluo.
The Courtin-Clarins are resplendent in this image
The Courtin-Clarins are resplendent in this image
The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

a little take on Japan-日本,

If you ever visit Japan, you'll naturally want to be aware of what constitutes bad manners so you can avoid making a negative impression on the people you encounter there. A lot of customs are related to food or drink, for example it's polite to use the back of your chopsticks (the part you haven't been eating from) if you need to give a piece of food to someone else, and it's impolite to pour your own drink when drinking with others -- let someone else pour for you, and vice-versa. Some social taboos are related to Buddhism, and the reason why you should never stand chopsticks up in a bowl of rice is that this is reserved for funerals, done when offering a last bowl of rice to the deceased. (Surprisingly, some things we consider bad manners in the West, like slurping soup or noodles or reaching across someone's plate to get something, are fine there.) One of my favorite customs in Japanese restaurants is when the waitress presents you with a hot towel when you sit down to eat, which is for cleaning your hands...though invariably people clean their faces even though this makes you look like an ojisan, or a middle-aged man with bad manners. One of the subtlest areas of manners in Japan is the idea of 遠慮 enryo, which means to hesitate or to refrain from doing something. After a group of Japanese has finished eating a meal such as pizza, there'll always be one piece sitting uneaten, because it's polite to leave it rather than be the person who took the last piece.
Thanks to its skin rejuvenating, laser technology, ClearLift promises results similar to a neck lift without the long recovery time. The non-invasive (and painless) procedure takes no longer than ten minutes. And the results are immediate.
“It’s perfect for people who don’t need a full neck lift, but have wrinkly skin around the neck that could use some tightening,”“People will come in during their lunchtime, go back to work, and no one will be the wiser they had anything done.”
retouches for Taylor Swift....nose and breasts..........
Nose Jobs

For the past 10 years I have admired the facelift results of Vito Quatela, MD whenever I saw his results , in textbooks, and in facial plastic surgical journals. He worked with my Doctor, who I call Michaelangelo, Dr Steven M Hoefflin.....Dr Quatela does a fantastic facelift procedure...And Dr Hoefflin highly recommends him to all who will listen. And by the way, another upcoming Dr who has trained with both Dr Hoefflin and Dr Quaatela is - Sarmela Sunder, MD.....she is on her way of becoming great herself.
More of stunning Sheikha Mozah and Princess Lalla Salma attended the Fez Festival of World Sacred Music in Morocco last night. She looks absolutely spectacular in this stunning Jean Paul Gaultier couture caftan. I am loving the long and wide sleeves.
La Paris Hilton China.......Chai-yan the most hated in Hong Kong....

The dress is like a woman's chambermaid- it is the closest confidante a woman can have aside from herself. A dress knows all the secrets you cannot hide anything from a dress: it sees all your flaws in technicolor or all your virtues for that matter. Yet a good dress does not reveal secrets....What JG?? yes, it is so!!!!

Chanel Boy bags are the latest classic Chanel bags, and they are jaw-dropping beautiful

Regardless what western press says …Putin is a true Nationalist

PRE-FALL 2016-2017
There are some interesting pieces in the Céline Pre-Fall presentation. The color palette is really beautiful, too.

Grapefruit comes from Asia, but now the tree lives everywhere from India and Greece to California and Mexico. It's always been grown for its juicy, tart fruit, but grapefruit also moisturizes and cleanses skin, and its amino acids, fruit acids, and flavenoids work together for a purifying effect.
Bella Hadid x Robert Riley Jeans
Bella Hadid x Robert Riley Jeans
black Maticevski pieces
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the
world and life is.....
world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776, unless
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without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776