
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776 - JG 104

שבוע טוב

Shavua tov. Wishing everyone a great week.

"Whatever you think, be sure it is what you think; whatever you want, be sure that is what you want; whatever you feel, be sure that is what you feel."

Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí - אני יהודי
my mother is Jewish, therefore I am Jewish.”

Things I wanted you to know - 
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should

I did not want to rain in her parade but..........
and this is my little detail she sent me this pic......you fly on a private plane but yet you are drinking evian water in a plastic bottle(smiles)...no it is not kosher.....

and remember, you are not rich enough if you have to post pics of yourself inside a private

This girl is drop-dead-gorgeous ❤️❤️❤️
Miss Colombia 2016 Andrea Tovar

Hi there! Once you get this you have to publicly say 5 things you like about yourself, then send it to your ten favourite followers (non-negotiable) spread positive vibes ���� 

Thank you darling!
1. J'aime bien ma curiosité et mon ouverture d'esprit
2. Mon sens de l'autodérision
3. Ma ténacité constante face aux objectifs que je désir accomplir|réaliser…même face à l'échec.
4. Mon sens de l'organisation
5. Mon cynisme et mon sarcasme inébranlable ;)


Ganda oh!

Some of the best Vogue covers from my library........

My Choice of  “Real Life Princess versions of Disney princesses”
1.Princess Merida as Princess Lalla Salma of Morocco
2.Princess Jasmine as Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel of Saudi
3. Rapunzel  as Princess Madeleine of Sweden
4. Princess Belle as Queen Rania of Jordan
5. Mulan as Princess Sirivannavari of Thailand
6. Ariel as Princess Beatrice of York
7.Aurora as Princess Charlene  of Monaco
Sheikha Mozah is the Queen of course, not the evil kind~!
I am reposting my own post, I made this three years ago.

The bodies........VS


The weather! First and foremost, but also it’s an urban city next to an ocean, which is a rare combination. The proximity to New York, Europe, and Latin America makes it very appealing as well. 

Parking at Bal Harbour...typical Bal Harbour

Desde la Argentina.....una amiga muy bella y mas importante muy
inteligente me manda esto.

nunca te casaras conmigo..porque..

and Mugdha's backside is comparable with Beyonce, JLO and others........

Hebrew word of the day:

one of my favorites
European white truffles can sell for as much as $3,600 a pound,

gummy bear breast implants


It is amazing to think that nighttime is actually the natural state of the universe, and the only reason we have daytime is because Earth just so happens to be facing a giant star illuminating it.

It used to be a woman's darkest secret. But now plastic surgery has become a status symbol - and even something to brag about.
Not long ago, surgeons agreed that the Holy Grail of cosmetic surgery was discretion and helping clients "get away with it".

Life is full of beauty

Beautiful.. She was  wearing blue Ulyana Sergeenko couture blouse ensemble from the Spring 2013 couture collection. Simple and elegant as always, blue diamond ring and earrings completed the look

Azzedine Alaïa  is truly a petite gentleman, but a giant when it comes to his skill and work

What distinguishes Alaïa from the Chanels and Louis Vuittons of this world is that focusses on clothes rather than "it-bags, perfume and sunglasses. Much like Bottega Veneta, Alaïa stands for discreet luxury. Alaïa only holds fashion shows when he has something to show (so that does NOT include coutoure, pret-a-porter, pre-fall, pre-summer and cruise collection). 

GOLD sends me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Donald Trump has all these beauties around him....daughter, wife and daughters in law.........

and I got this message????

ideal date: we go to an art gallery. you hold my hand and walk around with me. we make up stories about the people in the paintings, and whisper them into each others ears

and I: sounds nice.........

Been there done that...

thigh gap

mini thigh gap

no thigh gap




Luiza Zissman one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic



more tidbits
Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places people

some of my favorite things, people....places

a few of my French favorites
paris france

Fill In The Blanks: French Favourites

My most memorable taste of France is — there are far too many to name only one
Wild strawberries, salted caramel macarons, ripe figs from the garden, , fois gras and apricot confit, chevre and I can go on and on…

Boulangeries or pâtisseries  boulangeries
Boulangeries are such a unique part of life in France. Standing in line at the boulangerie, watching the French come and go about their daily life, is a simple but rewarding pleasure.

Who is your favourite French actress — Marion Cotillard
Ever since A Good Year I have been a big fan.

 French girl, red lipstick or not — a big yes
The Red lip is the best make-up tip of all. 

A French expression I love is — coup de foudre
A bolt of lightning, which evolves to mean, “love at first sight”. 

When you imagine Paris, what is the signature scent — Eau D'orange Verte by Hermès

My favourite French fashion designer is — Raf Simons for Dior
The Dior collections seem to become more magical each season; dresses to dream of.

The favourite arrondissement in Paris is The 16th arrondissement is known for its 
high-end shops and embassies.

Will you play? I would love to know about your French favourites?

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free


Mira Duma setting the style........

Long, buttery Wangish pyjama-henley dress in a sober navy with floral Doc Martins with hints of navy and a very aunt-ish touch of scarf at the neck just throwing off the downtown with a mild shock of toff. And the i-don't-care nordic blonde hair. Like, sorry but who even cares about Sieber at this point?

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........


Peepy & Mother Lee, The World's Best Mother-Son Style Duo
Together, they form an unbeatable fashion duo, and have pretty much been killing the mother and son fashion game since they started.
Seriously, look to them for the ultimate guidance on how to take any selfie with your besties.
From matching poses to the coordinating outfits, these two have it down.

a little take on Japan-日本,

 The first greeting you usually learn in Japanese is often お元気ですか? o-genki desu ka? which corresponds to "How are you?" (although it can be more accurately translated as "Are you fine?"). The reply is はい、元気ですhai, genki desu (Yes, I am fine). 


The power of having the money or a rich sponsor to change your look from 
mundane to looking great.......and going to the right plastic surgeon

 This girl looks like a dream. I mean, now she does. Apparently, she used to be more on the heavy side and with a bad hair style. She lost weight, changed her nose and lips and, now, she looks like a goddess

Marina used to look just a little less good in the past. Lips-nose-boobs done and she’s perfect now.

She looked like a Jersey Shore character. Now she looks like an aristocratic lady.

 She actually looks quite natural after all the surgical interventions. 

In her comments, she writes things like, “If you don’t like my photos, go and cry in front of a mirror at how ugly you are instead” –

We know what you used to look like before. Lips-nose-boobs combination strikes

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!! 

Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

   HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned

YAS! I just woke up and discovered these stunning images
Sheikha Mozah and Princess Lalla Salma look absolutely spectacular at the Fez Festival of World Sacred Music on Friday night in Fez, Morocco. Sheikha Mozah was dazzling in stunning yellow/greenish Jean Paul Gaultier couture caftan from the Spring 2016 Haute Couture collection.

Sheikha Mozah looks absolutely spectacular in stunning yellow/greenish Jean Paul Gaultier couture caftan from the Spring 2016 collection at the Fez Festival of World Sacred Music on Friday night in Fez, Morocco. She proved me wrong, because just two days ago I have said she never wears yellow. I love this ensemble, stunning accessories and blue belt completed the look.





No company is more synonymous with the coffee drinking culture than Starbucks. But is it about the coffee at all? or is it about status???/ or non-status????

Danish high-end hi-fi maker Bang & Olufsen(my favorite) reported on Wednesday a 47-percent plunge in its second-quarter net profit and announced the closure of 125 stores...they are the best but the bad economy is creating  havoc...........

Bang Olufsen store

I’ve been mulling over the state of fashion—it feels like there is a seismic shift taking place, and I’m not talking about the merry-go-round of designers and houses. I sense that fashion is finding new footing.

"Do not get upset with people or situations, both are powerless without your reaction."

Saint Rémy de Provence #1

It is a town small enough to feel like a village but large enough to have everything and more.

Nunca se falou tanto em diversidade de corposquebra de padrõesautoaceitação autoestima quanto nos últimos tempos. O assunto esteve na internet, nas revistas, nas mesas de bar e todo mundo vibrava a cada nova investida de um meio de comunicação fazer algo que desafiasse a norma vigente de corpos e etnias.

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

Look – Feriado

I'll take the bagels and this are real Israeli bagels not the contraptions they sell in

Boker Tov: Enjoy the Breakfast 

היא נראית נחמד, אבל צה"ל יכול הרוג את בן רגע אם אתה כל כך ראויים לה

IDF-ישראל מתגוננת כוחות

I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the 
world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776, unless 
otherwise statedI am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or 
without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776

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