3,000 years old and 68 years young!
Today is 68 years since the Jewish people returned home to the Land of Israel.Today we thank G-d for bringing us back and celebrate our truly incredible country and all that it means to us. Israel is the Jewish homeland, given to Am Yisrael by Hashem thousands of years ago.On 5’ Iyar 1948, after 2000 of suffering and persecution away from our beautiful land, the Jewish nation were finally able to live once again in their country, the Jewish State.
Chag Ha’atzmaut Sameach !

שבת שלום חברים יקרים
Shabbat Shalom!
Wishing everyone a great weekend too.
“There are no better moments than the ones you share with your family. Shabbat Shalom

From the land of the rising sun I got this message this morning....
Watashi wa anata o aishite
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
Boker Tov Olam....Good Morning World......another day in Beverly Hills
modestia parte......I told you
The dollar is looking bearish
a doctor called Dr. Nigma Talib told a model friend
'If you want to get on my diet plan, you have to cut out sugar, dairy, gluten, and alcohol.'
will change your life
Cherry Red
Gorgeous photo of model Bella Hadid on the red carpet in Cannes yesterday. Such a spectacular gown on a beautiful girl!
Why Are French Women So Damn Cool? I know, do you?
Here are a few of my favorites....from the past and the present
Quite simply, Mademoiselle Coco Chanel redefined the modern woman. Leading by example and not just her designs, Coco Chanel became a style icon with her striking bob haircut, boxy cardigan suits and tan (a suntan was previously associated with the working class, until Coco accidentally sunburned and returned tanned from the Mediterranean one summer). We owe so much to Mademoiselle Chanel
As a long-standing Chanel girl, chic comes easily to Vanessa Paradis. She somehow manages to make the ordinary look extraordinary. When it comes to fashion, Paradis says she doesn't overthink things and simply puts together a look she's comfortable with. She's never overstyled, always preferring the natural, fuss-free look. And that's the undeniable charm of Paradis.
Her style is inimitable. At 58, Carine Roitfeld is the doyenne of French fashion. We'd go so far as to say the former editor-in-chief of French Vogue is a cult figure in the world of fashion. From her trademark smoky eye to her outlandishly sexy fashion choices, this lady is unashamedly stylish. Her advice? 'Do what you are not supposed to do.'
Brigitte Bardot
The 60s bombshell is probably best known for being a sex symbol, but let's not forget Bardot's head-turning style. Above all things, Bardot loved to bare her shoulders and often put comfort first in the form of a chic ballet pump. If we're honest, with that pout and that touseled mane, the actress could have worn anything.
The Courtin-Clarins girls are the granddaughters of Jacques Courtin-Clarins, founder of French cosmetics firm Clarins. Each and everyone of them is impossibly chic - without exception. Virginie is the eldest and the most stereotypically elegant, Claire works a bohemian vibe, Prisca is the only brunette of the foursome and works a vintage look while Jenna has got that rock chick thing going on. So cool.
the intimates of CK are back in style.....

J'aime Azzedine Alaïa
gummy bear breast implants
I will not drink from plastic bottles or cups....and the kisses are always strawberry tasting....very strawberry,,,,,,,,,,,,
Give me books, French water(Evian in a cristal bottle and a crystal glass), an espresso, fruit, fine weather and a little music played outdoors by somebody I do not know....and it is paradise for moi.
This is great, except is not Kosher because is a can soda and it should be Crystal bottle
I am just saying.....when you are invited to fly on a Gulfstream.....a G650.....you do not bring your own water.....worst bringing water in a plastic bottle(smiles)
If you read this blog you know that I love Brioni jackets and more so if specially made for you...
and I love Brioni suits too
They look great if you have a slim frame like moi....but even in a hefty person like Donald Trump they manage
to project
to project
Sorry but this is reality .........like it or not

NOSE JOBS -In Miami Beach and in Beverly Hills they were the bandages around the nose with pride
I believe Rhinoplasty is one of the most common (probably the other one is breast augmentation). I know a lot of people who have had nose jobs done, and according to them it’s not really a big deal – but it can make a huge (often positive) difference to your entire appearance.
Recovery time is set to 2 weeks which is quite manageable, and you don’t really need to stay camping (and hiding) at home for too long after the surgery. (I actually saw a woman today on the street with the entire nose in stained bandage and big bruises around her eyes. I felt “Wow lady, respect to you who have the guts to walk around like that in public”).
And what is in style lately are chin implants....really!!!!
"Quelle est votre ambition dans la vie?
Devenir immortel et mourir."????
Devenir immortel et mourir."????

is a colloquial term for Filipina

I’m wearing so much Balmain, I’m a walking invitation
In Continued Hope.

thigh gap
mini thigh gap
no thigh gap

Cristina Buccino one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits
Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic

Virginie Courtin-Clarins and Claire Courtin-Clarins...Claire would
look good on anything she wears......
The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........
Lady Lee buying up the store as only she can......."SONIA RYKIEL" AT SONIA RYKIEL BOUTIQUE


a little take on Japan-日本,

In Japanese, there’s a magic phrase that softens requests, expresses gratitude, opens doors and makes everybody feel good. The phrase is よろしくお願いします(yoroshiku onegaishimasu) and, you guessed it—there’s no exact English translation.
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu defined (kind of)
The simplest, quickest and easiest way to understand yoroshiku onegaishimasu is that it means both please and thank you. It’s used to make a request and also to thank the person, either before or after they do it for you
But is it perfect if it's been surgically enhanced? Should beauty pageant contestants who've had plastic surgery be allowed to compete? my answer is YES.....Is like taking rough gem(diamond) that wasn't worked," "and created her. you make these small changes … She was a diamond that hasn't been worked and was brought her to life. And it works....Miss Venezuela contestants win more than not.
This is what most top models go through to remain relevant {sic}
Most plastic surgeons will agree that the general objective of plastic surgery is to improve the aesthetic aspect of a patient. Removing the hump from a nose can make one patient feel less self conscious in photographs, while a slimming another woman’s thighs can make her feel more desirable to her husband. But for some people, plastic surgery becomes more of a business-oriented decision than a personal preference: high-fashion runway models certainly fall into this category. The right tweak could prevent photographic limitations and land a model a contract with a top designer. But then there’s the other side of plastic surgery and high fashion modeling: unique traits are often seen as desirable, and can easily become trademarks (Cindy Crawford’s mole, anyone?).

Italian -ZITTO
rimanere zitto-Mafia code!!!!
remain silent
zitto {adj. m} (also: zitta)
mum {adj.}
zitto {interj.}
hold your peace {interj.}
zitto {interj.}
shut up (scortese) {interj.}
Stia zitto, per favore!
Just shut up, will you?
zitto {adj. m} (also: quieto, buono, quieta, buona)
silent {adj.}
Beluga caviar is caviar consisting of the roe (or eggs) of the beluga sturgeon Huso huso. It is found primarily in the Caspian Sea, the world’s largest salt-water lake, which is bordered by Iran and the CIS countries of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Turkmenistan. It can also be found in the Black Sea basin and occasionally in the Adriatic Sea. Beluga caviar is the most expensive type of caviar, with present market prices ranging from $7,000 to $10,000 per 1 kg (2.2 lb) or $200-$300 per ounce
I love this product
Mágico -Magic
De tempos em tempos um produto “milagroso” aparece como “o queridinho” das celebridades. E dessa vez é hora de um sabonete brilhar! O Dr. Bronner´s Magic Soapconta com fãs como Gwyneth Paltrow, Lady Gaga, Drew Berrymore, Sandra Bullock e Eminem.From time to time a product "miraculous" appears as "the darling" of celebrities. And this time it's time to shine a soap! Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap has fans like Gwyneth Paltrow, Lady Gaga, Drew Berrymore, Sandra Bullock and Eminem.

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free
Bursa: You can invest in this word
Little do the world's hyperactive stock traders know the word for their exchange originated with a 13th-century Dutch family.
In Israel, when you hear the word "bursa" it most likely refers to a stock exchange, the complete term being, "bursa le niyarot erekh" (market for "valuable papers" - i.e., securities).
In Tel Aviv, "the bursa" could also refer to the neighborhood where the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange is actually located.
Kippah Store - Ben Yehuda Street, Jerusalem.
HOPE - Fountainheads - Yom Haatzmaut
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the
world and life is.....
world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776, unless
otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or
without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776