Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí - אני יהודי
my mother is Jewish, therefore I am Jewish.”
On écrit toujours pour conjurer une absence.
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
Tuesday I took the Jewish Princess to the Malibu Racket Club for a training session ........then in late afternoon I met with some rich Saudi Royals and I Jewed them down(smiles) for more shares of the upcoming and many times mentioned here, Saudi Aramco ipo
This is still one of my favorite pics of her
The Jewish dearest dearest niece Tiffany Goldstein..........At Yafa......
besides praying before you go to bed you should read a book..........
If you read this blog...or if you know know I love big hair....and women that wear gloves too....specially white gloves.......
Lady Lee with Peepy....the home alone signature pose and Birkins for an eternity
Per me è stato il festival delle belle donne.
Portatrici di quella bellezza che non ha paura di uscire fuori dagli schemi. Di osare. Di infischiarsene anche delle buone maniere, se necessario. Di tutta la bellezza non-convenzionale. Non già vista. Non già toccata (o ritoccata). Che sa farsi ammirare per ciò che è: indipendenza, coraggio e un pizzico di sogno.
Portatrici di quella bellezza che non ha paura di uscire fuori dagli schemi. Di osare. Di infischiarsene anche delle buone maniere, se necessario. Di tutta la bellezza non-convenzionale. Non già vista. Non già toccata (o ritoccata). Che sa farsi ammirare per ciò che è: indipendenza, coraggio e un pizzico di sogno.
Au revoir Cannes.
Regia... Subarashii... Powerful... cañón...Bella!
The Hadid sisters are beautiful and I do not understand those who say they are not......
Wall Street movie quote
Darien Taylor: "When you've had money and lost it, it can be much worse than never having had it at all! "
gummy bear breast implants
GORDON GEKKO: Is his Birthday, so here are some tidbits about him and the movie "Wall Street"
"Come on pal, tell me something I don't know, it's my birthday. Surprise me."
"Lunch? Aw, You gotta be kidding. Lunch is for wimps."
Gordon Gekko
"Wake up pal, if you're not inside, you're outside"
I'm talking about liquid. Rich enough to have your own jet. Rich enough not to waste time. Fifty, a hundred million dollars, buddy. A player. Or nothing.
Do you chant the V’ahavta at bedtime???. It’s the first paragraph of the Shema, the one that is inside of every mezuzah scroll.
Donald Trump - Vantard???
Attention, francophiles - today's French word is...
Vantard, noun, a braggart....however if it is true it is not
Things to make you a braggart (or "vantard," in French)...
As in...
"Not to be a vantard, but truly,..this blog is great(smiles)
Watch your back...keep your friends close and your enemies closer......

Onde o horizonte é mais bonito
Em BH estão as mais belas mulheres do Brasil. Eis a rota para encontrá-las
Jura a mitologia, por todos os deuses, muito antes de a Grécia virar suco, que as moças mais lindas e gostosas do Planeta Brasil são as de Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais) Qualquer mortal que aprecie o belo sabe disso. Basta gostar da fruta e, se necessário for, usar óculos.
a short English translation:
They say the most beautiful Brasilian women come from Minas Gerais, the state BH is located in...
So what do you get when you mix beauty, youth, and Brasil? Just another day in Belo Horizonte; no big deal. Well, OK, i can attest to that fact....they are....
a short English translation:
They say the most beautiful Brasilian women come from Minas Gerais, the state BH is located in...
So what do you get when you mix beauty, youth, and Brasil? Just another day in Belo Horizonte; no big deal. Well, OK, i can attest to that fact....they are....
What is in my brain........
I know you did not think this....but it makes sense........

Bernard Arnault (furbisimo)
There is a prophecy - when all the world will speak Hebrew....I rest my case

תודה לאהוד בנאי על השיר בנפלא הזה.
לגאוות הלב ולישראל
And thanks to Tal.....
If you follow this blog....or if you know me than you are aware that I like all music from different eras and she is one of my favorite ones.......
Lesley Sue Goldstein (May 2, 1946 – February 16, 2015), better known as Lesley Gore, was an American singer, songwriter, actress, and activist. At the age of 16, in 1963, she recorded the pop hit "It's My Party", and followed it up with other hits including "Judy's Turn to Cry", "You Don't Own Me", and "California Nights".
Been there done that...

Marianna Romanelli one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits


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Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places people
more tidbits
Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places people
Anastasia Romantsova’s the Russian designer who created A La Russe, a
contemporary brand that pumps out stunning, hand-crafted garments from
season to season. Once you see into the world of A La Russe, as well as the
face behind the brand- it’s hard to keep yourself from falling head over heels-i
n love from the A La Russe touch

Russian style and Russian culture is about. I wanted to dress ladies in
feminine gowns to show that sexuality can be “reserved” and aristocratic;
to dwell upon timeless style, but not momentary fashion, to create dresses
which “care” about a woman, which mould ideal proportions and at the same
time are comfortable and practical.

and if Elvis was alive he would love your big hair(smiles)
a little take on Japan-日本,

If you ever visit Japan, you'll naturally want to be aware of what constitutes bad manners so you can avoid making a negative impression on the people you encounter there. A lot of customs are related to food or drink, for example it's polite to use the back of your chopsticks (the part you haven't been eating from) if you need to give a piece of food to someone else, and it's impolite to pour your own drink when drinking with others -- let someone else pour for you, and vice-versa. Some social taboos are related to Buddhism, and the reason why you should never stand chopsticks up in a bowl of rice is that this is reserved for funerals, done when offering a last bowl of rice to the deceased. (Surprisingly, some things we consider bad manners in the West, like slurping soup or noodles or reaching across someone's plate to get something, are fine there.) One of my favorite customs in Japanese restaurants is when the waitress presents you with a hot towel when you sit down to eat, which is for cleaning your hands...though invariably people clean their faces even though this makes you look like an ojisan, or a middle-aged man with bad manners. One of the subtlest areas of manners in Japan is the idea of 遠慮 enryo, which means to hesitate or to refrain from doing something. After a group of Japanese has finished eating a meal such as pizza, there'll always be one piece sitting uneaten, because it's polite to leave it rather than be the person who took the last piece.
Some celebrities appear younger everyday; others get more beautiful… and then
there's some who just look completely different.
there's some who just look completely different.
Actress Megan Fox is only 29, but it already seems like she's had two completely different faces.
One screams pretty teen, the other, vampish movie star.
Eccentric heiress Daphne Guinness has one of the most impressive profiles I've seen
on a 50-year-old…
Victoria Beckham of yesteryear, AKA Posh Spice, whose gummy smile didn't
render her so self-conscious
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden
HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
more Mozah
in my favorite color the Sheikha at 10 Downing Street
"Think pink, but never wear it.” -Karl Lagerfeld
Ironically,Sheikha Mozah in Pink Chanel Couture.

Chapeau bas !"
Cette expression du XVIIe siècle est une référence au geste que l'on faisait autrefois avec son chapeau. En effet, au lieu de s'incliner devant une personne en signe d'admiration ou de politesse, on abaissait son chapeau. "Chapeau bas" signifie donc que l'on admire ou bien que l'on souhaite féliciter quelqu'un.
This expression of the seventeenth century is a reference to the gesture that used to be made with his hat. Indeed, instead of bowing to a person as a sign of admiration or politeness, they lowered his hat. "Hats off" means that you admire or that you want tocongratulate someone.
Cette expression du XVIIe siècle est une référence au geste que l'on faisait autrefois avec son chapeau. En effet, au lieu de s'incliner devant une personne en signe d'admiration ou de politesse, on abaissait son chapeau. "Chapeau bas" signifie donc que l'on admire ou bien que l'on souhaite féliciter quelqu'un.
This expression of the seventeenth century is a reference to the gesture that used to be made with his hat. Indeed, instead of bowing to a person as a sign of admiration or politeness, they lowered his hat. "Hats off" means that you admire or that you want tocongratulate someone.
Very few can look good on a bun hairstyle...she can.....she does.....
Red is Red and Mugdha is Mugdha
Lanvin velvet dress, $5,855
I love women in power.....and if they have style too, even more so...........Christine Lagarde does

I like her gold 35cm Birkin
Lanvin velvet dress, $5,855
I love women in power.....and if they have style too, even more so...........Christine Lagarde does
I like her gold 35cm Birkin

Hermès.........and I have them in beige too......they go fantastic with black pants and black t-shirt.

Good night, Tel Aviv! I miss you
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the
world and life is.....
world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776, unless
otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or
without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776