Have a brilliant week
חג שמח!
Chag Shavuot Same’ach!
“Torah is a commentary on life, and life is a commentary on Torah. Together they constitute a conversation, each shedding light on the other. Torah is a book not only to be read but to be lived.
Parabéns! Feliz aniversário, amiga!
I am often asked why many times in this blog I write and express myself in different languages...for one is because I can(smiles) but here is one other reason. Some things could only be written or expressed in a foreign language; they are not lost in translation, but conceived by it. After all, a foreign language is like art—an alternative reality, a potential world. Once it is discovered, one can no longer go back to monolinguistic existence.
e' inutile che cerchi difetti in me!
Modestamente, li ho tutti...(sorrisi)
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
I am back in the Bay area to watch the Golden State Warriors hopefully capture
the NBA Championship on Monday........and my walk today was fantastic........The crookedest street(Lombard) and the steepest street(Filbert) are not far from North Beach. Started at Lombard/Columbus and went west to Lombard St. past the San Francisco Art Institute, Chestnut & Jones, a nice hidden secret.
In honor of the 90th birthday of Queen Elizabeth II, I present you this photo of Sheikha Mozah with the Queen and Prince Philip. Sheikha Mozah was looking gorgeous in Dior couture ensemble. Fabulous purple crocodile clutch, diamond brooch and ring completed the look.
Discovered in the Eighties by a San Francisco ophthalmologist looking for a cure for crossed eyes, botulinum toxin is a poison that many beautiful women inject into their faces to make them look more beautiful. Ain't life grand?
Breasts Implants
That's right. Whether Saline, Silicone orGummy Bears...they work for women
that want to have implants
Tiny slimy eggs scooped from the private parts of a fish. They're curiously good with sour cream.
Of all the places to affix a three-inch nail, the heel of the foot seems the least sensible. I mean - how is one meant to walk?AND YET. Louboutin. Jimmy Choo. Aquazzura. Valentino. Saint Laurent... We could go on.
They were invented by a Renaissance painter, and yet there they are, up in the sky, ferrying oligarchs around.
Ununoctium, Ununpentium, Ununseptium, Ununtrium
To be honest, the whole of the periodic table is a bit of a wondrous marvel - a perfect jigsaw puzzle in which the building blocks of the universe fit together in a precise order. Think of it and let your brain fry for a moment
Strolling through Nice (France) one day, I saw a shop window full of sharp, elegant men's clothing, advertised under an alluring banner that read, 'très chic' I entered, spent lavishly and emerged the epitome of one seductive adjective - suave.
A suave man would never, ever lay an angry hand on you. A suave man wouldn't set out to make your life a misery. A suave man may - will - have a wandering eye, but when he starts to romance you, he will, honestly and for at least an hour, believe you to be the only thing that matters in the world. A suave man may give you a rocky ride, but he won't give you a mean one.
Can you see the changes? Breasts and a nose job? the Breasts implants are highly noticeable
but you have to look with a trained eye to notice the changes on the nose.......
Lindo ritmo para Bailar..........
Deorro - Bailar feat. Elvis Crespo (Official Video)
gummy bear breast implants
"Un baiser, mais à tout prendre, qu'est-ce ?
Il vangelo secondo JG - I saldi
(Perché sono un po' come i consigli della nonna: vanno bene sempre e comunque)
The reality is having the money to go to the right plastic surgeon....and a plastic surgeon that has the eyes of an artist, an sculptor.....and yes, it is easy to look better with $$$$$$$$$$ will it give you a very personality?......will it make you nicer?....that is an answer that is mixed but than likely, non..........
Bollywood actresses , Indian Models and Indian Beauty Pageant Misses....most of them subscribe to plastic surgery........
Girls never stop playing dress up.
"Once you have tasted caviar, it baffles me how people settle for catfish"
I like a conversation with substance, A conversation that shows intellect, Powerful thought and knowledge. But if you cannot give me that, Or you do not at least show a bit of effort, There’s no need to waste mine or your time. Especially.
Your place in history depends on what you do for others, not what others do
for you I want a place in East Hampton, not history.(smiles)
Japanese proverb 石の上にも三年 ishi no ue ni mo san-nen, which translates as "
you have to sit on a rock for three years" and essentially means, be diligent and work at a thing for a long-enough period of time before deciding whether it's worth continuing with or not.
you have to sit on a rock for three years" and essentially means, be diligent and work at a thing for a long-enough period of time before deciding whether it's worth continuing with or not.

Been there done that........

thigh gap
mini thigh gap
no thigh gap
Zhenya Katava one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits
Love of the Babushka.......Babushka Chic


more tidbits
Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places people
more tidbits
Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places people
some of my favorite things, people....places
some of my favorite things, people....places
I think it’s a myth that black is a winter color, because I absolutely adore this classic colour all year around!
made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free
Miroslava Duma vs Natasha Goldenberg
I bet everyone knows Miroslava Duma, the fashionista from Rusia. She is the woman who shows adorable styles with her petite body. But, do you know Natasha Goldenberg? Natasha has similar petite body and wardrobe style like Mira. Well yes, they have different style. Mira with her chic style and Nat with her effortless-slash-boyish feel. But, on some point i bet you can sense their similarity too. Need a proof? Dare to compare? Check this out!
I think it’s a myth that black is a winter color, because I absolutely adore this classic colour all year around!

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

Miroslava Duma vs Natasha Goldenberg
I bet everyone knows Miroslava Duma, the fashionista from Rusia. She is the woman who shows adorable styles with her petite body. But, do you know Natasha Goldenberg? Natasha has similar petite body and wardrobe style like Mira. Well yes, they have different style. Mira with her chic style and Nat with her effortless-slash-boyish feel. But, on some point i bet you can sense their similarity too. Need a proof? Dare to compare? Check this out!

It girls......what style.....what grace..........
a little take on Japan-日本,
One of my favorite customs in Japanese restaurants is when the waitress presents you with a hot towel when you sit down to eat, which is for cleaning your hands...though invariably people clean their faces even though this makes you look like an ojisan, or a middle-aged man with bad manners. One of the subtlest areas of manners in Japan is the idea of 遠慮 enryo, which means to hesitate or to refrain from doing something. After a group of Japanese has finished eating a meal such as pizza, there'll always be one piece sitting uneaten, because it's polite to leave it rather than be the person who took the last piece.

It girls......what style.....what grace..........

a little take on Japan-日本,

One of my favorite customs in Japanese restaurants is when the waitress presents you with a hot towel when you sit down to eat, which is for cleaning your hands...though invariably people clean their faces even though this makes you look like an ojisan, or a middle-aged man with bad manners. One of the subtlest areas of manners in Japan is the idea of 遠慮 enryo, which means to hesitate or to refrain from doing something. After a group of Japanese has finished eating a meal such as pizza, there'll always be one piece sitting uneaten, because it's polite to leave it rather than be the person who took the last piece.

a few moons ago I had a discussion with a friend that was getting Breasts Implants...and I have had other conversation where I am asked which incision is the best.....I have always recommend the Tuba but there are four options to consider....here they are.....
1.Inframammary Incision: Infra mammary incisions are placed underneath the breast just slightly above where the breast meets the rib cage.
3) Transaxillary Incision (Armpit): These incisions are created in the armpits and are generally 1 to 2 inches long. A short path is then created to the breasts where the implants will be placed. While there is no scar on the breast, a scar will be visible in the armpit with the arm is raised. There is also a risk of injury to a sensory nerve that can cause numbness on the inner arm.
4) Periareolar Incisions: The Periareolar incision is created around the areola. This incision is commonly used if other cosmetic breast procedures such asbreast lift or areola reduction are being performed in conjunction with breast augmentation.
for moi the best is the Tuba procedure..........
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden
HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

I find the French way fascinating.
The way the French woman thinks about diet and exercise.
I think many French women think about their bodies and how to get them in the best shape quite differently than American women.
There is an emphasis on product, machine and manipulation to contour and sculpt the body. I have always believed that consistent exercise, the type that can only be done solo, was the simple answer.
The French woman applies all three regimes together if she wants to improve and maintain her body. Diet, exercise and body contouring sessions hold equal importance.
Because I told her that having her legs up in the air would activate her blood circulation (smiles)
It does....really
To me the smell of fresh-made Caffè macchiato is one of the greatest pleasures....
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial (MUFG)

I always make sure I live in a neighborhood with the champagne socialists. No one is better at keeping the riffraff out.

And by the way I always have mentioned that Demi Moore was known in Hollywood as gimme moore for always asking the Hollywood studios for more...and Michelle Obama is known as Marie Antoinette or as Muchelle as she wants more and more but at taxpayers expense not with her money....

that I am Jewish, I am identifying myself as part of a tradition, connected to our foremothers and fathers, and carrying on to the future a culture, religion, a way of life. I feel pride, and am overwhelmed with joy when I declare that I am part of this incredible people, our people Israel."
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the
world and life is.....
world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776, unless
otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with
or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776
or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776