
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776 - JG 125

שבוע טוב

Shavua tov  friends, wishing you all a great week!

Every so often I take time to thank the followers of the Tidbits. And yes, there are many that read the tidbits but do not follow but I have no issue with that. Having said all that, thanks so much for continuing to read and follow. I am grateful to those who are in countries where there is conflict and yet  you still take the time to read my tidbits. Best of the Best for everyone.

And gente....people, if this is not one of the best ever than nothing is.....WOW WOW

I do not easily get impressed but this , this is impressive.....he was probably a JEW in another life(smiles)

Privet Matryoshka’s!! It’s Monday.


اذا اردت ان تكون فاشلا (حاول ان ترضي جميع الناس)

Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí - אני יהודי
my mother is Jewish, therefore I am Jewish.”

Things I wanted you to know - 
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should


Today on my quick visit to Tokyo I started my day with a great walk from The Peninsula Hotel Tokyo, Chiyoda to the Dai-Ichi Hotel in Shinbashi It was exhilirating....and tomorrow before
flying back to BH I will walk up the steps of Tokyo Tower........

 "Real is rare "
Do you believe plastic surgery should  disqualify  a Miss Universe  or the winner should be, she Who has the best natural beauty and intelligence? And what does it say to the future young aspiring beauty queens about perception, body Image and Being Confidently beautiful?



If you are going to drink coca-cola then follow the norm....
crystal bottle crystal glass


Ladies, the Brexit vote outcome,  the plunging pound should put you in a shopping mood. This Proenza Schouler slide, $530. in the U.S., is now $377.

 Maria Grazia Chiuri, the Valentino co-creative director, is heading to Dior. She will be the house’s first female leader. Stunning news in my book; very exciting, too.

I have always admired the Catholic faith of the Pilipinos.......

Number 88 Avenue Foch
If you don't know than you don't know

believe it or not .......one of my favorite places in KSA.....Kingdom Centre or the Amir's palace but really I love this.............

al-Khobar or al-Khubar; الخبر)  Palm Trees

MORE people than ever are turning to the knife or the needle in the hope of physical perfection.

Plastic makes perfect

A HUGE congratulations to my favorite violinist, Itzhak Pearlman, on being the Israel’s Genesis Prize recipient for 2016.

"I’d rather read the iTunes User Agreement."
   than Fifty Shades of Grey 

($1 = 3.7514 Saudi riyal)

Another classic lesson from the Sheikha.......


[Live] 요조(Yozoh) - Love

Gummy Bear Implants


Saadiyat is Arabic for "happiness,"...so be Happy!!!!

There are quite a few differences between people in the U.S. and Japan, and one of them is, ah, body size. Japanese can seem impossibly thin to Americans, with an average height and weight of 171 cm/68 kg (5'7"/149 lbs) for men and 159 cm/51 kg (5'2"/114 lbs) for women, at the age of 30.  

If you've ever spoken with a Japanese person at length, you may have noticed them making strange "agreeing noises" while you were talking.
 It's an interesting aspect of the Japanese language called aizuchi, basically verbal sounds that a person will make to show they're listening attentively and affirming their agreement with what the other person is saying. In Japanese, I could be explaining something that happened to me, and the person I'm speaking to would say things like eeh (yes), mah (well), so (that's true), and ne (a general word of agreement). It sounds quite strange to native English speakers, but in Japanese these words are necessary for communication to flow smoothly, and if you don't make them properly the other person is likely to stop and ask you what's wrong.

Yes, Goldman Sachs is the best place to trade

GOL03 goldman sachs lloyd blankfien

CEO Lloyd Blankfein on the Goldman Sachs fourth-floor trading floor

The real Gordon Gekko....it is!!!! Ivan Boesky

Ivan Boesky is the money-loving inside trader whose behavior in the 1980s inspired the famous fictional Wall Street character Gordon Gekko

In the movie "Wall Street" there is a scene where Bud Fox(Charlie Sheen) screams "I just bagged the elephant" after Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas) decides to invest money with his brokerage firm......and I just felt the same way when the one and only Lady Lee Pheungboonpra, became one of the followers of the Tidbits....yes, I just bagged the elephant............

in honor of my late Paris born father....he so admired Napoleon
Vive l'empereur, vive le Napoleon de française

 Class is not just something one is born with. It comes with the way you move, the way you dress and the way you speak. It flows with your actions, reactions and decisions

If not for Monsieur Louis Vuitton...there would not be a Marc Jacobs....or a Bernard Arnault.

I got this sms in the middle of the night......and see if you like my answer

- Donner toute sa liberté a quelqu’un est le meilleur moyen qu’il reste tendrement allongé à ronronner à vos côtés.

Beauty is very important for
us, otherwise we would not
try to find it with all strength,
to reflect it, to observe it. Beauty
can exist in everything. In objects,
in nature, in a gesture or a mentality.

Arcangel, la Maravilla....uno de mis favoritos....which version of Flow Violento do you like?

Been there done that........

thigh gap

mini thigh gap

no thigh gap




Natasha Barnard one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




love of the Babushka.....Babushka Chic



Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places people

some of my favorite things, people....places

a little take on Beauty.......

why not enhance your features......here are some of what I mean

Freida Pinto: the Eyes/Eyebrows

Gisele Bundchen: the Legs

Giovanna Battaglia: the waist

Cameron Diaz: the arms

Blake Lively: the chest

Olivia Palermo: the hair

Sarah Jessica Parker: the Midriff

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free


       The Russian Fashion Pack


Miroslava Duma, Ulyana Sergeenko, Dasha Zhukova, Elena Perminova
The czarinas have a lot of new acquired wealth (billionaire husbands/boyfriends) and can’t get enough of fashion! And even thoughDasha Zhukova is not technically part of the pack, she is often seen in fashion events mingling with the pack leader Miroslava.

Virginie, in Mugler and Claire Courtin Clarins in Mugler Fashion Starters

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........


Peepy With Mother'LEE & P'Ann Intira Shopping At SIWILAI At Central Embassy.

a little take on Japan-日本,

  "A child who can do 挨拶 aisatsu properly will not stray as he goes through life." On its surface aisatsu just means "greeting," such as saying good morning to people you meet every day, though as with many aspects of Japan, things get a little more complex. Because the junior member of a relationship (the 後輩kohai, if in a school or company setting) is supposed to greet the higher-ranking member (先輩 senpai, or bosses/managers) first, this greeting effectively reinforces the relationship and allows the junior group member to show respect to the senior member. Another application of aisatsu is something like "official greetings after a happy event," and every New Years Day the Japanese get into the car and visit with various family members.


The best nose jobs aren’t those that change a person’s whole look or even change the structure of the nose itself. Instead, successful rhinoplasty will use the same basic shape and contours of a nose to enhance it. This will then improve the whole look of the face. Have you ever looked at someone and thought “there is just something different about her and she looks amazing” but you were unable to pinpoint what that “different” thing was? This is a sign of a good nose job, and Salma Hayek is a great example of it.

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!! "Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned

SPECTACULAR! Sheikha Mozah was wearing the one and only cartier diamond snake necklace. She was wearing grey J. Mendel couture gown.

Beautiful Sheikha Mozah at the annual photo shoot with the children at Qatar Foundation. Caring, humble and passionate about education




Trump and Brexit—Anger, Fear, Charisma

Donald Trump is a fake-tanned, image-obsessed New Yorker who doesn’t drink or smoke and has never had a cup of coffee. Nigel Farage is a pasty skinned, British-toothed cigarette smoker who grew up in the rolling countryside of southern England and has built a political career around drinking beer.In terms of background, however, the two have plenty in common. Blue collar they are not. Trump inherited his father’s wildly successful housing business. Farage attended a fee-paying school – only 7% of Britons do so – before earning millions as a stockbroker.

Look who's coming to dinner: Trump dines with Rupert Murdoch and wife Jerry Hall at posh Scottish golf course – but the meal's on the house because The Donald owns the place!

Victoria Secret model and gorgeous Doutzen for Balmain show, she has one of the most beautiful faces in the industry and she is one of the sweetest girls.

Los seis peinados de la Reina Letizia
 El riesgo no es la característica principal de la Reina Letizia en cuanto a peinados se refiere. Sin embargo, cuando se pone el 'zoom' en sus estilismos surgen varias ideas 'beauty' interesantes. Y es que la media melena es un corte más versátil de lo que parece. Y como prueba, los peinados de la esposa de Felipe VI.

1. La melena lisa

2. Los rizos

3. Natural

4. El moño

5. Las trenzas

6. La coleta


I am a long time admirer of this fabulous looking woman. She is talented, super successful and I believe a woman who has aged incredibly well. Streisand has managed to retain her own signature style forever

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial (MUFG)

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

10 years ago today, Gilad Shalit was captured by Hamas and later released in
an exchange of prisoners........

and this song was written in his honor while in capture.....it is one of the most beautiful songs and by my favorite Israeli singer-Eyal Golan

Mizmar Legilad

I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the 
world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776, unless 
otherwise statedI am happy for excerpts and links to be used with 
or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776

Miscellaneous Tidbits 5785 OVER ONE BILLION PAGE VIEWS

  When I started writing the Tidbits …my blog , I knew I would attract a wide world audience but this is beyond expectations. I not only hav...