
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777 - JG 5

G'mar Hatima Tova גמר התימה טובה
To all of those I have wronged or hurt I ask forgiveness. I forgive anyone who has wronged  me.
To all those who are fasting I wish you an easy one. 
May You Be Sealed for a Good and Healthy Year

Is this fantastic or what? in the cool of the evening, a view of the hills of Beverly....a Turner classic film, a fireplace and and........you fill in the blanks........

Well said GG......I rest my case...........

אייל גולן וניקוס ורטיס "כשאת איתו" מתוך ההופעה החיה פעם בחיים

♡ Caras vemos, corazones no sabemos♡ 

Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí - אני יהודי
my mother is Jewish, therefore I am Jewish.”

Things I wanted you to know - 
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should


Beverly Hills
As readers of Mike Davis’s controversial “City of Quartz” know, the fabulously wealthy incorporated city located just west of West Hollywood has long been the center of Jewish wealth and power in greater Los Angeles. (Gentile “old money” has tended to congregate in the restricted environs of Pasadena and San Marino.) The area surrounding the “Golden Triangle” has become even more Jewish in more recent decades

so i know it is getting cold in many places around the world so come here.......I love this song

Give it to the Trump women.....they are  elegant, chic and classy.........
I am not saying Trump will win but the world and the liberal media and the liberal kooks are all against him.... it is time to understand all the damage that has been done by politicians.....

Calvin Klein lingerie is making a big comeback and dominating 

Yes you already know, Red Lips send me..........

Brasil Crowns The First Black Miss Brazil In 30 Years

👑 Nossa Miss Brasil BE Emotion 2016, Raissa Santana, em seu primeiro dia de reinado.

Keeping up with the Kardashians

After being robbed at gunpoint in her Paris Hotel room, Kim Kardashian decided to hire a new bodyguard.Her choice? Aaron Cohen, a former fighter in the IDF’s Duvdevan unit....and this unit is the best....if you don't know than you don't know........

Crimes of Fashion...........

Desde la Argentina mi bella amiga Patricia me recuerda lo siguiente....me encanta el
dulce de leche..........
Desde 1995, cada 11 de octubre se celebra el "Día Mundial del Dulce de Leche", una iniciativa que propone rendir tributo al manjar nacional que fue reconocido como "Patrimonio Cultural Alimentario y Gastronómico de la Argentina". Existe en muchos países con variedad de nombres.

Abdul Majeed Abdullah - YA Tayeb Alqalb - Dubai | ج 23 عبد المجيد عبد الله - يا طيب القلب - دبي

Gummy Bear Implants


information is power on wall street

Ya3ni kill me.

What  is this supposed to mean? Mo min 9ijha she has that body. 

you're so pretty mashallah💗💗💗

QUOTE: "Всяк глядит, да не всяк видит-Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it".

in many ways the entire (Victoria's Secret) brand exists to create an illusion of the 
perfect woman.


LV....if you want it I've got it.......
all of them, of course............

Measured from the lip up, the optimum angle of rotation at the nasal tip 
should be 106 degrees to enhance a woman’s looks

Soigné: This means to be well groomed/polished.

plastic cups......no thanks......

"A line of the poem reads, “the old enchantment holds”–and that is true. Through the intonations of its choral music, the poem is an enchantment: there is magic in it."

I often think of the phrase ‘false humility’ whenever I see people carry Damier canvas because in their minds, they WANT something that screams “LOUIS VUITTON” but without the monograms so it’s kind of like counterproductive. Talk about a whole new level of cray. If you’re gonna go for Vuitton, go for the kill. More is more, pile on the logos, pile on the monograms. It doesn’t hurt to be obnoxious from time to time. 


y cuando alguien te canta esta estrofa...wow..........
Y sin embargo sigues
Unido a mi existencia
Y si vivo cien años
Cien años pienso en ti

Been there done that

thigh gap

mini thigh gap

no thigh gap




Keysi Mairin Sayago Arrechedera one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




love of the Babushka.....Babushka Chic



Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places, people

a look back at Signora Prada and her fabulous designs...............
The name is an oxymoron but, unlike the most part of the oxymora that are impossible and infeasible by nature, in this case the two antithetical concepts of baroque and minimal were mixed up together in the marvellous Minimal Baroque sunglasses of Prada. They are so cool thanks to the round and big lens and thanks to the rococo curl that creates a harmonious discontinuity in the curved arm. Innovative in their originality, eccentric in their design, antithetical in their name, they are also chic.

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free


“They’re not swayed by fashion. They stay true to what they believe in.”

blonde models, claire courtin-clarins, doc martins, Fashion, fashion is my remedy, fashion remedy, french style, fur coat, heiress style, high heels, ..

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........



a little take on Japan-日本,

Three concepts that are at the core of what it is to be Japanese: 責任 sekinin, which means to take responsibility for something; 勤勉 kinben, which means to have an industrious and hard-working spirit; and 謙虚 kenkyo, or humility


The difference between skin age and actual age.

If you've ever wondered what the age of your skin is, there's a new - and free - online tool that has been devised by Australian dermatologists that will tell you in 15 minutes. 
What this means is that despite your chronological age, the 'age' of your skin can differ depending on genetics and your lifestyle. 
It works by zeroing in on your skin's elements that show signs of ageing: the surface (so think pores, pigmentation, sunspots and acne), volume (sagging and lips) and wrinkles (self-explanatory, for the most part). For the back-end of the program, it relies on decades of research into the ageing process of the skin.
The tool will go beyond just identifying your skin’s age. It analyses which problems or concerns, if treated, will make the biggest effect to the skin's appearance and health, and puts you in touch with a reputable medical skin clinic in the local area who can recommend tailored treatments based on the results.

Here's how to tell how old your skin really is

some of the best, some of the chick and some of the beautiful in the world !!!!
"Les Plus Pains" - "the golden most

   HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned 

Her Highness at the opening of the Middle East Centre at St Antony’s College, University of Oxford. She looks absolutely stunning in Jean Paul Gaultier couture ensemble. What a stunning face and these eyelashes are to die for




Different Types of Underwear Every Girl Need to Own ...

Harry Winston, Inc. is an American luxury jeweler and producer of Swiss timepieces. Harry Winston is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Swatch Group, which acquired it from the Toronto based Harry Winston Diamond Corporation in January 2013 

Marc Newson on the Horizon Luggage for Louis Vuitton


Regina Spektor is out with another album, her first in four years, and the indie queen is in fine form with an album up to her usual standards: deeply thoughtful and emotional, a bit experimental, but all the while still playful, quirky, and melodic.
It’s no secret that Spektor’s complex Jewish identity (her family left the Soviet Union when she was a child) informs her work; this is often overt, from songs exploring Biblical themes (like the beautiful “Samson“), to moments like her cover of “Eli, Eli.” This new album is less explicit in its influences, but they’re no less present.
For starters, it’s entitled Remember Us To Life.

If that title sounds familiar to Jewish listeners, it’s because it’s a refrain during the High Holy Days (“Zochreinu L’Chaim” in Hebrew), when we await G-d’s annual judgment of each individual, and express both hope and fear for the coming year. Similarly, Spektor’s new album, released immediately before the High Holy Days began this year, struggles with ideas of justice, mortality, and the harsh passage of time.

Really.........it is life............
Harold Hamm, possessing an estimated $10 billion oil fortune, wrote a check of almost $1 billion to Sue Ann Arnall, his prenup-free wife of 26 years. At first she rejected it.

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial (MUFG)

اي شي

The Special Occasion

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

on the met steps

ARE YOU AM I Laika top, Redone jeans, Aquazzura Maryjane pumps, Prada Cahier bag

The song derives very directly from a Hebrew prayer that is sung on the Day of Atonement, or the evening of the Day of the Atonement: According to the tradition, the Book of Life is opened and in it is inscribed all those who will live and all those who will die for the following year. ”

G’mar Chatima Tova - Yom Kippur Doodle by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777, unless otherwise statedI am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777

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