Always the King............
"I Want You, I Need You, I Love You"
Hold me close, hold me tight
Make me thrill with delight
Let me know where I stand from the start
I want you, I need you, I love you
With all my heart
سلام و حب
שבוע טוב
Shavua Tov!May this week be a good week for everyone. Stay safe.
Privet Matryoshkas
"Nos yeux se sont promis ce qu'aucun mot n'aurait su dire.."
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
If I repeat certain passages it is not that I am running out of inspiration is that someone requested me to post ideas that I wrote about and they want to read them again.....
If you follow this blog you know that I love this....the style of living...the weather....and of course the signature song.....figure out this pic if you can....I took this pic myself with the iPhone 7 +....
California dreaming

As usual my daily breakfast....strawberries and a tall flat white........
Instead of Pumpkins I prefer Hermès gifts in orange boxes for Halloween
This is the one time orange is my color
this many looks on my Tidbits Instagram posting....thanks girls for your sense of humor
Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show 2016 Official Line Up + Information
thesuper angels:
Models confirmed to walk:
- Adriana Lima
- Alessandra Ambrósio
- Elsa Hosk
- Josephine Skriver
- Jasmine Tookes
- Lais Ribeiro
- Lily Aldridge
- Martha Hunt
- Romee Strijd
- Sara Sampaio
- Stella Maxwell
- Taylor Marie Hill
Date: The show will be recorded on November 30 and will air December 5 on CBS.
- Barbara Fialho
- Cindy Bruna
- Georgia Fowler (newcomer)
- Lais Oliveira (newcomer)
- Zuri Tibby (newcomer)
- Constance Jablonski
- Herieth Paul (newcomer)
- Rachel Hilbert
- Megan Williams (newcomer)
- Sui He
- Kate Grigorieva
- Valery Kaufman
- Bella Hadid (newcomer)
- Devon Windsor
- Ming Xi
- Bridget Malcolm
- Liu Wen
- Sanne Vloet
- Daniela Braga
- Leomie Anderson
- Keke Lindgard (newcomer)
- Luma Grothe (newcomer)
- Izabel Gourlart
- Dilone (newcomer)
- Jourdana Elizabeth (newcomer)
- Kelly Gale
- Maggie Laine (newcomer)
- Alanna Arrington (newcomer)
- Grace Elizabeth (newcomer)
- Joan Smalls
Location: Grand Palais, Paris.
Fantasy Bra: Jasmine Tooke with the “Bright Night Fantasy Bra”Segments: The Road Ahead, Secret Angel, Moutain Romance, PINK Nation, Dark Angel, Bright Night Angel.Performers: Unknown
Presenting the “Bright Night” fantasy bra made of emeralds and diamonds. This will be worn and showcased by Jasmine Tookes during the 2016 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show in Paris.
Elegant dresses, tiaras, castles, glitter ... Every girl at Some Point in Their Lives, Even if for just a moment, dreamed of being a princess.
Vestidos elegantes, tiaras, castillos, purpurina…Todas las chicas en algún momento de su vida, aunque sea por tan sólo un instante, han soñado con ser una princesa.
She waits seething.....blooming..........
yes you have to have deep pockets to afford Hermès
I got this sms in the middle of the night......and see if you like my answer
Rainy days and Mondays...........

gummy bear breast implants
I do not like drama and I do not give drama.....therefore
I don’t do drama queens
Simple rules I set to myself when it comes to people with negative energy;
- I never let them in to my friend circle
- I never waste any of my thoughts on them
- I never waste any time talking about or with them
- I don’t bother communicating with them at all (I would never waste a second replying to them)
Silence reigns that is the best policy
- Donner toute sa liberté a quelqu’un est le meilleur moyen qu’il reste tendrement allongé à ronronner à vos côtés.

A few moons ago i went to the biggest Wall Street Party of the year and everyone was miserable but not me(smiles)
are you able to distinguish a Gulfstream from a Boeing jet
A Sikorsky and a there a better way to get around traffic and short distances?
La plus belle relation (en tout genre) jamais eu ? Des relations d’amitié perpétuées au fil des ans par certaines de mes amies: elles font partie des rares personnes auxquelles je fais confiance. Il y en aurait bien une autre, mais je la garderai secrète ici.
Musique du moment ?
Saison préférée ? L’automne.
Fruit préféré ? Fraises
I was sent this pic and my comment "I loved the painting" and I hope she
had that in mind when she sent it(smiles)
She is saying or seem to be thinking rich bf payed for the diamond necklace, the gummy bear implants, the big diamond ring....the fur....must I go on(smiles)
- Tanto lo so che con nessuno
avrai più riso e pianto come con me
e lo so io ma anche te
quasi trent’anni per amarci proprio troppo
la vita senza avvisare poi ci piovve addosso
ridigli in faccia al tempo quando passa
per favore ricordiamoglielo al mondo
chi eravamo e che potremmo ritornare -
Tiziano Ferro grazie, per averci ricordato ancora una volta chi eravamo. E chi siamo.
Been there done that
thigh gap
mini thigh gap
no thigh gap
Bhaama Padmanathan one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits
Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic

Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places, people
some of my favorite things, places, people
Donald Trump is not aging well but always has gorgeous women around.....

If I had to define it in one word, it would be chic chic and chic. She's the queen of chic, especially necklaces and bags. Another word that comes to mind is luxury. All she carries is not exactly cheap. I mean it's a mixing of expensive clothes.

WHO: Virginie and Claire Courtin-Clarins, granddaughters of Jacques Courtin-Clarins, who founded the Clarins skin-care company.
WHAT: The charitable sisters were decked out in Louis Vuitton runway looks.
WHAT: The charitable sisters were decked out in Louis Vuitton runway looks.

a little take on Japan-日本,

Three concepts that are at the core of what it is to be Japanese: 責任 sekinin, which means to take responsibility for something; 勤勉 kinben, which means to have an industrious and hard-working spirit; and 謙虚 kenkyo, or humility,
In Japanese, otaku, which is a polite word for "you" or "your family," now refers to a social class of obsessive, self-absorbed youths and would-be youths who fixate on pop culture icons and live for whatever rush they get from that fixation. Idols, animation, comics (*manga*), adult video actresses: there is no limit to what can be otakified.!!!

The best nose jobs aren’t those that change a person’s whole look or even
change the structure of the nose itself. Instead, successful rhinoplasty
will use the same basic shape and contours of a nose to enhance it.
This will then improve the whole look of the face. Have you ever looked
at someone and thought “there is just something different about her and
she looks amazing” but you were unable to pinpoint what that “different”
thing was?This is a sign of a good nose job, and Salma Hayek is a great
example of it.
change the structure of the nose itself. Instead, successful rhinoplasty
will use the same basic shape and contours of a nose to enhance it.
This will then improve the whole look of the face. Have you ever looked
at someone and thought “there is just something different about her and
she looks amazing” but you were unable to pinpoint what that “different”
thing was?This is a sign of a good nose job, and Salma Hayek is a great
example of it.
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden
HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
If only for a moment ,life imitated art and it was
Black is Black..........

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
Black is Black..........

What do people mean when they say, “she has an eye”?
I take the expression to mean intrinsic style, a natural gift or a way of seeing things and putting them together. “Having an eye” and self-confidence would appear to go hand-in-hand. Some are lucky enough to have an eye and others need practise. I believe we can learn to have an eye; it can be hit and miss and “having an eye” takes effort.
Carine Roitfeld is bringing the edge to Uniqlo’s well-tailored classics. Take this look on one of our favorite British babes Georgia, as a perfect portrayal of the collaboration. Balancing androgyny with sophistication well… perfectly!
Pencil skirts should be an item in every woman's wardrobe
They are:
- Classy
- Never go out of style
- Sexy
- Smart
- Perfect if you go from the office to a night out
- …Simply amazing

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial (MUFG)

Louis Ernest Ladurée founded the house in Paris in 1862 and the company has ceaselessly enticed customers with its confections for more then 150 years.
Is It Passé To Drink Diet Coke?
In a world of green juices and sparkling water, is diet soda off trend?

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

Status of the Day
I love the diversity in Jerusalem, even when that involves Kosher McDonalds. — at Jerusalem Central Bus Station.
Israel Summer Time is about to end, with the clocks to turn back overnight between Saturday and Sunday. At 2am Sunday, the time will revert to 1am (changing from UTC+3 to UTC+2). Winter Time, as it is known in Hebrew, will then continue until March 24, 2017.
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the
world and life is.....
world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777, unless
otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with
or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777
or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777