Crepúsculo en Beverly Hills....
There are few things in life as when twilight time is setting on Rodeo Drive....the cool of the evening, the light reflections....the smell.....the luxury around you.....
Probably the most famous song from this classic. Inspired by the balcony scene in Romeo and Juliet.
Watch for signs of Sukkot everywhere this week. You will see sukkahs on balconies, in yards, and in public spaces.....and the Goldsteins sukkah is not too shabby......
Every day of Sukkot (except Shabbat) we take the arba minim, a.k.a. “Four Kinds.” Sukkot is a seven-day holiday starting on 15 Tishrei and concluding on 21 Tishrei.
What are the four kinds? A palm branch (lulav), two willows (aravot), a minimum of three myrtles (hadassim) and one citron (etrog).
Siento tu perfume siempre sobre mí, siento que respiras aunque tu no estés.
σε θελω.....................
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
To Life - L'Chaim -
It is less than a month before my Bday (11-11) and yesterday I took my annual physical....and this are the results:

Yesterday my private Doctor gave me a complete physical and as
she examined my heart!!!
"I took a deep breath
and listened to the old bray of my heart.
"I am.
I am.
I am."
a JEW, of course
and the pretty Dr pronounced me 100 percent healthy and ©fabulous, any better would be a sin!!!!!
I give no drama....and I want no drama........
the older I get, the more attractive stability becomes……………… i just want some peace of mind and a non-stressful environment
JG in my Gucci Loafers, Cartier love bracelet, Rolex watch, Celine knot bracelet
and if you notice all black clothes with blue Gucci loafers....and yes, Gucci makes
the best shoes.......
If you are wondering, . I have made no secret that I am completely favorable to the hyper-glamouristas Sheikha Moza of Qatar and Lady Lee Pheungboonpra of Thailand.They epitomize that over the top, awesomely bejeweled, hyper-groomed, vividly colored super-luxe aesthetic that only a woman with experience, age and supreme confidence can carry off. Their style is bold, fabulous and life-loving! Makes you feel alive! Also unmissable liking of Claire Courtin-Clarins (CCC on my blog). She is so blonde and pale that I feel as if she has been bleached and it’s amazing! Her style is uniquely her own. I hate gimmicky styles, where people feel they need to define themselves by one component of their appearance (I ONLY carry a Chanel 2.55, even to the gym! I HAVE to wear Mac Rubywoo, it’s my thing you don’t understand! Louboutins are my life!). BO-RING....she manages to combine her style in her own way...and CCC always looks chic and amazing.

She swears at the altar of Chanel.......
Lazy day.......she asked..... please advice me a good movie to watch.🤗.
Todos sabemos que en Córdoba la belleza de las mujeres es superior a la media, pero en el caso de mi amiga, supera la superioridad de esa media. María Ortiz es una modelo cordobesa de 21 años que responde al prototipo de esos lares: cabello moreno y largo, piel olivácea y ojos oscuros. Pero además tiene la suerte de tener dos atributos que ya no son tan comunes: 1’76 de estatura y un cuerpo curvilíneo fuera de lo común. Ya sabéis, formas rotundas, pero cintura ultra estrecha. Lo que no se consigue ni saliendo a rastras del gimnasio todos los días. Las caras de la gente que la ve (por la calle, en las discotecas) son una de las cosas que más gracia me hacen y que más me han llamado la atención desde que la conozco. Son para grabarlas.
We all know that the beauty of women in Córdoba is higher than the average, but in the case of my friend, she exceeds the superiority of that average. Maria Ortiz is a 21 Cordoban model that responds to the prototype of those dollars: dark, long hair, olive skin and dark eyes. But also she is fortunate to have two attributes that are not so common: 1'76 tall and curvaceous body out of the ordinary. You know, rotund forms, but ultra narrow waist. What is not achieved or dragged out of the gym every day. The faces of the people who see her (down the street, in nightclubs) are one of the things that more than amuse me and have attracted my attention since I've known her. They are to record them.
Shopping at Hermès is such a great experience........
YESSSSSS !!! 💣💣💣💣💣

gummy bear breast implants
Science et connaissance, art et anticipation - les deux couples qui se cachent bien des choses, mais quand ils se comprennent rien au monde ne les surpasse.
If it needs lifting, tucking, smoothing, sucking out or puffing up, Toby Mayer's number is the one that all Tinseltown calls
The world is full of beautiful women so beauty is no longer a valuable commodity but
friendship is a more precious gold or platinum..........
love words in spanish are the loveliest: hermosa, querida, linda, bonita, preciosa, bella, mi amor, mi cariño, mi corazón, princesa, reina
Barneys New York - 9750 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills
If you don't know than you don't know
The six story property houses the California outpost of the iconic New York department store. Property is Located in the Golden Triangle of Beverly Hills
"When you first rise in the morning tell yourself: I will encounter busybodies, ingrates, egomaniacs, liars, the jealous, and cranks.
Todo carnaval toca essa musica nao existe carnaval sem as musicas do chiclete ouvi essa musica deles no carnaval
Been there done that
thigh gap
mini thigh gap
no thigh gap
Neha Dhupia one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits
Love of the Babushka.......Babushka Chic

Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places, people
some of my favorite things, places, people

Skater dress á la Alaïa or Maje are always very in......

POLINA KITSENKO -She's got style...she's got grace...she's a winner


Just when you thought you'd seen the limits of fabulousness... she wears a coat that trumpets out covered with lichen-esque lace. Uncomfortable texture, marvellous effect. Topped with awkwardly-cut slightly fake looking blood-coloured fur (ALWAYS pronouced FARRR) with two DANGLING TAILS, poetic lace booties and then BAM a Louis Vuitton patent classic white Alma like "HEEEEY F*** your avante-garde snobbos"!
The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

a little take on Japan-日本,

Once a Japanese girl saID to me.....JG. you are 'good head.'" I was thoroughly confused by her statement, but after a while I realized she was praising my intelligence, since the way to express "smart" in Japanese is 頭がいい atama ga ii, literally meaning "your head is good." Naturally there are other phrases centered around the word head, such as 頭が悪い atama ga warui, or "bad head," meaning stupid; 頭が固い atama ga katai, using "your head is hard" to express stubbornness; 頭が柔らかい atama ga yawarakai ("your head is soft") to represent someone who is flexible and open-minded; and 頭が古い atama ga furui, lit. "your head is old," i.e. someone whose thinking is old-fashioned.

there is a new approach – a technique called lipomodelling, which restructures the face from within, tackling deeper tissues.
Lipo modelling involves the removal of fat from another part of the body, such as around the hips.
The fat is refined – separating it from liquid or oil from ruptured fat cells.
A cannula about 1mm in diameter then deposits tiny particles in tunnels within the tissue, creating layers of new tissue.
These have to take as a graft within the face – establishing circulation from around the tissue to become a viable part of the structure of the face.
They don’t dissipate or move so there is less need for repeat procedures. It looks and feels totally natural
I love these tools....they transform you and make you look better(smiles)

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden”

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned


New Chanel N°5
A new legendary fragrance is born: Chanel N°5 L’Eau. Directed by Johan Renck, the perfume campaign stars a young woman embodied by Lily-Rose Depp in a film manifesto that strongly expresses the CHANEL spirit. Discover more on our social wall!
Every generation has their respective “fitness guru.” There was the Jane Fonda VHS days, the Billy Blanks Tae-Bo movement, Richard Simmonsand all his sequin Spandex glory… you get the picture. And while their respective workout regimes certainly got stay-at-home moms in front of the T.V.’s kicking, punching and sweating, there’s certainly no one (or nothing) quite like Tracy Anderson and the “Tracy Anderson Method.”We’re talking a regime heavily backed by Gwyneth Paltrow, Victoria Beckham,oh and Madonna. So, yeah.
the basic premise remains the same: a high-intensity workout geared to re-sculpt your body and, well, re-shape your life.or so it is said....
The Cartier LOVE bracelet has as storied a design as it does a history. In its journey to transcend multiple generations as the trendiest piece of hardware, the bracelet has locked itself into mainstream culture while staying true to its exclusive namesake. The bracelet, which now retails from $1,210 to $56,500, has come a long way from its early days. Here are some facts we’ll bet you never knew about today’s most coveted – and giftable – bangle.
1. The bracelet’s design was inspired by a chastity belt. Aldo Cipullo designed the piece of jewelry in 1969 to symbolize everlasting love, and did this by introducing a two-piece cuff that can only be clasped and unlocked using a Cartier screwdriver. The screwdriver comes with the purchase of each LOVE bracelet and has even garnered its own trendy use as a charm for a necklace.
2. And Manhattan hospitals are rumored to carry that screwdriver. The bracelet has become so popular that hospitals in the New York City area allegedly keep the Cartier appliance handy, specifically for taking off the bracelet in emergencies.
3. The TSA is well aware of the trend. A former TSA agent for LAX told WhoWhatWear that Cartier LOVE Bracelets were “the biggest problem” in terms of metal accessories that people wear to fly. Her advice: “It might be wise to put your jewelry on after screening to avoid a pat-down.” Are Cartier screwdrivers TSA approved?
4. Iconic couples were the first to rock the iconic wristlets. When the bracelet first became available, Cartier presented them to famous couples including Sophia Loren and Carlo Ponti, Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, and The Duke and Duchess of Windsor
5. Cartier used to have a policy against buying yourself a bracelet. If you were single, tough luck! The rule was you could only purchase a bracelet if it was for a loved one.
6. Every contemporary bangle comes with an engraved serial number.Due to plenty of counterfeit versions of the popular bracelet, newer models come with unique serial numbers engraved on each piece of jewelry.
7. The LOVE collection extends beyond bracelets. Today the line now features 33 variations of the yellow gold, white gold, rose gold and platinum bracelet, as well as earrings, necklaces and rings.
The Sweater Dress
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial (MUFG)

A kissin' man, Say, say I am

Maison denotes a store that sells all the Hermès métiersranging from fashion
to home furnishings to beauty (there are such five stores in the world)
New York, Shanghai, Paris, Tokyo and Seoul.

for Sukkot
a lovely autumnal side dish with a light Mediterranean spin, perfect alongside a lighter meat, chicken or fish dish.
The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777, unless otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777