
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5773- JG 130

שבוע טוב

Shavua tov. Wishing everyone a great week.

Privet lovely Matryoshkas

Is a fabulous day to have a fabulous day.........


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Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí  - אני יהודי 

Things I wanted you to know - 

JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should

Thanks to all the readers and followers of the Tidbits for this record
setting of page views ........
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775 -JG 129 set a record
on July 17-2015 of 4,675 views....thanks....

It’s so wonderful when people allow my words, certain phrases, certain ideas to be a part of their life. 

glamorous. fabulous. charming. fun. flirty. elegant. exciting. delicate. whimsical. wonderful. dramatic. cute. dreamy. alluring. magnificent. daring. enticing. enchanting. sassy. sexy. sweet. artistic. creative. cool. clever. chic. edgy. interesting. inspirational. exquisite. stunning. daring. luxurious. delightful. whimsical. intriguing. curious. gorgeous. glorious. heartfelt. simply beautiful. this blog is dedicated to all things divine and that inspire us to enjoy a more exquisite life.

Être élégant, c’est tout.

Gisele Caroline Bündchen


Gisele!! Parabéns!!! muitas muitas muitas felicidades, muita paz, saude, amor, alegria e tranquilidade!!
você mereçe tudo o que conquistou! bjos 

Deusa -Goddess.............

Just when you thought it was safe to glance with little interest at women's bodies again, along comes another body part to rather vigorously shake society's convention on what constitutes sexy. Ladies and gentleman, I present to you, the side bum.
You heard correctly. Side bum (also known by its more common name, the hip) is now in fashion.

Happy Birthday, Disneyland! Celebrate 60 Years of Magic 

Nicky Jam ft De la Ghetto Arcangel J Balvin Zion - Travesuras remix - Premios Juventud 2015


As promised more of the lexicon of the Rich Kids of Beverly Hills

I is for Instagram. This is where it all started. 

J is for Jean shorts. They can’t be too short, even if it is Mexico.

K is Kardashian. Kim's reality show shares the same network, but she wasn’t born in Beverly Hills. Strike one.

L is also for Likes. The more, the better.

R is also for Rodeo Drive. The only place to shop is a challenging one because of hills. If you shop here, you run the risk of sweating between your breasts.

S is also for South of La Brea or Santa Monica. These are places or areas in Los Angeles that are close to Beverly Hills where lots of rich people live. Though they are fine for regular rich people, these places are not even considered when you go mansion hunting.

Italians, with their innate passion to communicate, have never let words get in the way. In Italy the shrug of a shoulder, the flip of a wrist or the lift of an eyebrow says more than a sacco di parole (sack of words). 
Gestures are to Italian conversation what punctuation is to writing. Hands become exclamation points, periods, commas, question marks.

Line in  the air: Press the thumb and index finger of one hand together and draw a straight horizontal line drawn in the air.’ Translation: “Perfetto!” (“Perfect!“) and I am very good at doing all the hand gestures....the Furbo one is my favorite(smiles)....and not to forget....look  at my hand and arm-I have found Ponce de Leon's fountain of youth(smiles)........

Happy Birthday Howard Schultz..........and you know my routine, if you hate JEWS
you should not patronise Starbucks(smiles)

The man who would visit Italy, then build the world’s biggest coffee chain, is born. A broken jaw stymied his football ambitions, then, on a visit to Milan, Howard Schultz saw neighborhood espresso bars. Now Starbucks is a $60-billion company with 21,000 outlets.

gummy bear breast implants


"If you’re overdressed people will just assume you’re coming from somewhere better or going somewhere better."

WOW!!! Yuna-Kim a woman with gloves really "sends me"

If you saw Lindsey Wixson on the street without any make-up on, most people would think her  tad strange-looking. However, I am enthralled with her “kooky” exterior and her unique mouth is certainly a talking point!

Name:  Lindsey Wixson
Date of birth:  April 11, 1994
With love from:  Wichita, Kansas US
Hair:  Blonde / Eye:  Blue
Measurements:  32-23-34.5
Height:  5'10" / Dress size: 2

Don't Bargain Shop

go to the best as your face and body are  the best you have..........

She's pure bedouin (otaybeyyah)...but a Royal.... a desert blue blood?by marriage of course!!!
MASHALLAH Ameerah Al Taweel you are very beautiful

Princess Ameera bint Aidan bin Nayef Al-Taweel often called Princess Ameera al-Taweel, in the English-language press, is a Saudi Arabian princess and philanthropist

say yes to prada


the price of beauty..............

Pensiere sparsi del lunedi mattina

Il caffè americano che aspetto che si raffreddi. 
La pelle del viso - colorita. Che l'abbronzatura ha il dono di far passare qualunque brutto pensiero. Anche di lunedì mattina. 
I capelli bagnati che non ho alcuna voglia di usare la spazzola. 
Il profumo dei limoni di Capri che lì hanno tutto un altro colore.

“Vanity is the healthiest thing in life.” — Karl Lagerfeld

Whether you like him or not, Karl is hands down a controversial fellow. Always armed with dark shades, high collars, and verbal venom, the designer extraordinaire is a favorite of mine. What can I say? We share a love for black.
And as for his quote? It’s kinda true…one’s own vanity will keep them from over-indulging on food and/or alcohol and stay “looking good.”

“I always love seeing the model lineups backstage. 
This one is from Alexander Wang fall 2015. 
It looks like a beautiful mosaic—or maybe like 
a glamorous collage of mug shots, as if a bunch of fashionable rebels were thrown in jail together.”

 So pretty she looks like a living doll.... Could not resist taking a picture:)

been there done that

thigh gap

mini thigh gap

no thigh gap



 Yana Glushchenko one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




love of the Babushka.....Babushka Chic



more tidbits



Will I ever get enough of my love for Alaïa dresses? Probably not. It’s just that there is something about these cute dresses that are so flattering to the female body and hour glass cute. Plus the texture and material is nice too. you get what you pay for, and for 2-3k a dress you sure want something out of strong and proper quality, which you’ll get from Alaïa dresses.


The high waisted 50’s skirt together with it’s minature crop top is a big trend on many Chic Girls fashion agenda right now.


This maxi dress is so gorgeous, I love the back detail with the ruffles. I think this dress is perfect if you want to achieve a sexy look without feeling under dressed, as it covers just enough skin!


50’s skirts keep on dominating I must admit. What’s so lovely with this outfit is how the skirt stands alone as a piece of art, like a center piece, matched with black details to enhance it’s bright colours.


Sometimes everything a girl needs is a simple dress from Chanel and a pair of black heels, and she is good to go! This is the advantage of certain designer brands which screams luxury – you don’t need much else to look like the most chic woman in town. This dress is so perfect because it can be worn anywhere! To work, at night, for dinner or just to be out and about. Luckily it’s conservative without giving that grandma feeling, yet give a perfect amount of sex appeal to look like an elegant and stylish woman.

Piece of art heart emoticon

I have always liked this song by Enrique Iglesias but I like the mini-plot and the acting......

Miroslava Duma


Elegance is a synonym for beautiful that has come to acquire the additional connotations of unusual effectiveness and simplicity. It is frequently used as a standard of tastefulness particularly in the areas of visual design, decoration, the sciences, and the esthetics of mathematics. ...

Claire Courtin-Clarins wears a Valentino dress, Dr. Martins boots, and an Azzedine Alaïa clutch.

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........


Home Alone Peepy Signature!!! By Peepy & Rhino At PRADHANA VANALAI Land "ปรารถนา...วนาลัย" จ.นครนายก 

"LongChamp" Has Introduced New Line Of Le Pliage Heritage Handbags In It’s Spring Summer Collection 2015 For LongChamp's Fan. This Collection Of Handbags By LongChamp , Pays Homage To The Tradition Of The Brand With An Eye To Modernity.

"There Is Nothing Like The LOVE Between Lady'LEE & PEEPY

a little take on Japan-日本,

One of the benefits of being an English speaker learning Japanese is the high number of foreign loan words in use here, which let us get away with using words like interactive,compliance and universal design as-is without bothering to learn the Japanese terms. Sometimes the meanings are slightly different: a good example is tension, which means excitement and fun when used in Japanese, rather than stress or strain. Of course, the Japanese take foreign loan words from languages other than English, so it can be a challenge when you encounter words like アルバイト arubaito (part time job, from the German arbeit), アンケート ankeeto (questionnaire, from the French enquette), or モードmodo (meaning fashion, from French). In an episode of Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun (a great series if you haven't seen it), the handsome-but-shy Mikoto is asked by the school art club to be their デッサン dessan model, which is French for sketch or drawing. So when you study Japanese, you get to learn other languages as well!



Forget ‘The Rachel.’ New York and Miami women are now shelling out big bucks for celebrity brow implants like ‘The Megan’.

In Miami, Dr Jeffrey Epstein is the master of this procedure.......

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!! 

Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

   HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned 

Sheikha Mozah received George Bush Award for Excellence in Public Service at University of New England in Sep 2013. She wore beautiful electric blue Valentino couture dress from Fall 2012 collection.





🏃Un paso me voy para siempre 
Un paso fuerte 
Un paso hacia adelante 
Dos pasos, me voy sin mirarte 
Tan lejos pisé 
Dos pasos ya te olvidé 
Tres pasos ya soy hacia al este, 
El sur, el oeste 
Tres pasos creo mucho, me parece * Refrain *: ¿ Y cuándo volverás? 
Je ne reviendrai pas ¿ Cuándo volverás? 
Je suis si loin déjà ¿ Y cuándo volverás ? 
Un dia o jamás ¿ Y cuándo volverás ? 
J'ai fait le premier pas ¿ Cuando volverás ? 
Surtout ne m'attends pas ¿ Cuándo volverás ? 
Un día o jamás 
Quatro pasos quiero acordarme 
Quatro pasos ya sé 
Tu me quisiste, yo te quise 
Cinco pasos ya sin perderme 
Tanto me alejé 
Cinco pasos y te perdoné 
Seis pasos ya, son casi siete 
Contar más no sé 
Mil pasos y más, me quedo de pie ... * Refrain *: ¿ Y cuándo volverás? 
Je ne reviendrai pas ¿ Cuándo volverás? 
Je suis si loin déjà ¿ Y cuándo volverás ? 
Un dia o jamás ¿ Y cuándo volverás ? 
Surtout ne m'attends pas ¿ Cuando volverás ? 
j'ai fait le 1er pas ¿ Cuando volverás ? 
Un día o jamás 
Un paso, dos pasos, tres pasos, cuatro pasos, cinco pasos... Mil pasos ...

Vanessa da Mata-what a singer!!!!!

Would you take it???

If I told you that you could pop a pill tomorrow and lose 20 pounds, would you do it? Or the better question is perhaps would you pay $4,000 for the privilege? 
First of all, this whole scenario is real, not hypothetical. Doctors in Mexico have come up with a new method of weight loss that promises real results just by swallowing a pill
But I still believe in the old fashion way, healthy eating and exercise.//yes, the fit or
fat option. 

« Vous savez ce qu’il y a entre moi et mes Calvins ? Rien. »

Impossible de ne pas adorer Brooke Shields dans cette pub des années 80! 

“You wanna know what comes between me and my Calvins? Nothing.”

It’s impossible not to love Brooke Shields in these Calvin Klein Jeans ads from 1980! 

Okay, yum! A blueberry-pecan galette graces the July cover of bon appétit—the perfect summer dessert.

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

Working out on the South Beach Board Walk in Miami Beach


“Words that aren’t spoken but are always heard”

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated

I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit 
to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775

Miscellaneous Tidbits 5785 OVER ONE BILLION PAGE VIEWS

  When I started writing the Tidbits …my blog , I knew I would attract a wide world audience but this is beyond expectations. I not only hav...