
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775 - JG 124

Shavua Tov … שבוע טוב

Shavua Tov! Wishing you all an amazing week ahead. The entrance to Palm Island.

 Privet Matryoshkas!


Flag for Israel
Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí  - אני יהודי 

Things I wanted you to know - 

JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should





Differences between you and me, just for fun!

Recently I made a quick visit here to a friend that was ailing......Just north of Cross Creek State Park in California lies the Malibu Colony. It’s a string of homes right on the Pacific Ocean. They are squeezed in cheek-to-jowl so close you can paint your neighbor’s kitchen from your own! They are as valuable as gold. The list of owners is star studded. On the afternoon I visited two of the first four homes had been gutted to the studs. Rebuilding a home is the norm not the exception here.

J'aime le vieux

Romy Schneider
Les films de Truffaut, Sautet et Enrico
Les paroles de Brel et de Brassens
La chanson d'Hélène
Yves Saint Laurent
Loulou de la Falaise
Les casques Marshall
Les appareils Polaroid
Les maillots de bain rétro
Les jean pattes d'éph
Les bijoux qui ont une âme
Les sacs en cuir bien doux et bien patinés
Les photos en noir et blanc
Les paniers
Les meubles qui ont vécu
Les malouines d'Aigle
Les vieux foulards en soie
Et j'en passe.

Bref, est-ce du No futur ? Un certaine lassitude devant le manque de création artistique actuelle?


Dior. Paris.

.:Sophisticated Luxury Blog:. (youngsophisticatedluxury.tumblr.com

Celine Paris T Shirt $405 USD -always in style..

Like the Jap girls Bündchen loves to give the peace sign. IF you look closely she too has a bit of cellulite and little rolls of fat(smiles)

❝ Poetry, dreams, desire, everything leads me to you. ❞

KARLA COLLETTO one piece bathing suits are nice......

الكلمات حلوه وصوته بس في طبقات تكون عاليه والاغيه مؤثره


take that Barack Hussein Obama.........

my faith in the Amir is now justified(I rest my case)

Prince Alwaleed bin Talal of Saudi Arabia: my visit to Israel shall mark the new age of peace and fraternity......... has urged all Arab nations to give up their acrimonious stance toward the Jewish nation and instead continue to strive for a more peaceful , prosperous and homogenous Middle-East.

“All my Muslim brothers and sisters must understand that it became a moral imperative for all inhabitants of war-torn Middle-East, namely Arabs, to desist their absurd hostility toward Jewish people. My sovereign, King Salman has instructed me to open a direct dialogue with Israel’s intellectual building amicable ties with our Israeli neighbors,

Lo shopping è l’elisir di lunga vita: chi fa acquisti ogni giorno vive di più...è il mio sport preferito

It depends of how you want to be as a woman....but I think sometimes natural is better than exagerated implants

Innamorarsi di una canzone e ascoltarla fino a dimenticarne le parole. Fino a non poterne più. Fino a sentirla parte di quel momento.Non avere paura, di ciò che vuoi.Amami, lontano dai livori. Dalle convenzioni sociali e morali. Dai facili perbenismi. Come bucato steso al sole ad asciugare.

Life Is PlasticIn A Barbie World

Overt Barbie-ism: Lips, nose and bust combo package.

Botox Freeze: A perpetually surprised expression and slight smile accompanied by a shiny, crease-free forehead.

I do like it.....to me is amusing and nice..............

 The practice of referring to oneself in the third person in Japanese does carry with it a nuance of juvenility and immaturity, as young Japanese girls almost exclusively refer to themselves this way. However, some women continue to refer to themselves in the third person well into their 20s or 30s, either out of habit or to emphasize an aura of 可愛さ (かわいさ, cuteness) about them.

I feel free and strong. If I were not a reader of books I could not feel that way.

Dicono che le cose belle non scappano.

been there done that

thigh gap

mini thigh gap

no thigh gap

Piernas Kilometricas

Palmeras Kilometricas

Madison Keys one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




love of the Babushka.....Babushka Chic



more tidbits

There are many types of beach cover ups – it can be the classic tunic, the kaftan, a kimono or some form of skirt. See acquiantances and how they have chosen to cover up themselves. If you notice, often it’s part of their entire beach outfit, matching their swimwear!

” Simplicity is key when it comes to packing luggage like a pro, but what can sabotage your packing is that little problem of choosing which pieces from your wardrobe are worthy enough to make the cut.  It’s not like you can bring your entire closet, but there are a few hacks to make you look like you did, so you can remain your sartorial best in Paris, to even the Maldives (psst the Maldives is a favourite amongst the Russian jet-set).

+From what I’ve seen Mira also knows how to wear bottoms more than once, each in a different way so the look can appear completely different.( well..minus the poncho looks..but you know what I mean! Investing in a good pair of bottoms is great for versatility) During paris Fashion Week 2014, I noticed Miroslava Duma wearing her bottom pieces more than once, which is the best, and simple strategy many of us usually use to keep our travel bags lighter. Here are two examples I came up with in photos:
Mira wearing  pants with two different styled tops (as well as the yellow cable knit sweater, which was featured in a Casual Sunday post)
Left: Mira in a J.W Anderson poncho wearing the same jeans as the photo in the right of Mira wearing a poncho from Tod’s Fall 2014 line.

Their Look: Lots of skinny pants, fun silhouettes, prints, and COLOUR!

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

Honor is a must in this tradition..............

Gala Dinner" Peepy Wore "ANCHAVIKA"  Outfit With Mother'LEE Wore Etro Silk & M'Au Monlahcha Wore Indian Silk By "NAGARA" 

a little take on Japan-日本,

If you go to Japan you'll see some strange things.
 a person wearing what appeared to me to be a surgical mask, as if they’d just ducked out of the operating room to get some air. These masks are worn by anyone experiencing cold or hayfever symptoms (or Mers, for our South Korean readers), done to avoid infecting others with your germs and to also to give them a visible warning that you’re sick and they might want to keep their distance. In a country where one of the most important virtues is 頑張る gambaru  that is, do your best, give your all, work hard, always show your effort — the image of an employee working hard at his or her desk with a gauze mask on, perhaps enduring a fever or other unpleasant symptoms, is in some ways a classic cultural image in Japan. The surgical masks also send another cultural message: anyone who wants to hide their identity wear these masks to help maintain their anonymity.


nip and tuck please

Dr. Richard Fleming and Dr. Toby Mayer 

M.D., F.A.C.S. (each)

Dr. Fleming and Dr. Mayer work in a private practice together at the Beverly Hills Institute and have spent more than 25 years practicing plastic surgery. The two doctors are renowned in celebrity circles for their work, which is both rejuvenating and subtle. They take pride in delivering results that are nearly undetectable and for that reason are known in celebrity circles as the best in the business.....and they  have perfected the hair flap which was invented by Dr Jose Juri of Argentina....

Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeons Dr. Richard Fleming and Dr. Toby Mayer have released their findings of the 14th annual “Famed Hottest Looks” which found that most women would like the long slender look of 

Gisele Caroline Bündchen

patients want to look rested and energetic and, most of all, youthful like the celebrities they see on television, the big screen, on the internet, and glossy magazines,” explained Dr. Richard W. Fleming, co-director of The Beverly Hills Institute of Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery with his partner, Dr. Toby G. Mayer.

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!! 

Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

   HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned 

The Queen is stunning  in Dior

She was  wearing blue Ulyana Sergeenko couture blouse ensemble from the Spring 2013 couture collection. Simple and elegant as always, blue diamond ring and earrings completed the look.




Manners must be included.

Manners, having good manners and knowing the way to behave in all circumstances does count 
as a beauty secret to my way of thinking.

Impeccable manners can open doors; change lives and alters the course of destiny.
A dramatic statement, but one I believe. I would even say at times impeccable manners could 
change the world.

Univision Communications Files for IPO

Univision Communications, the largest Spanish-language media company in the U.S., 
has filed for an initial public offering. Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs & Co. and 
Deutsche Bank Securities Inc. are lead book-running managers for Univision’
 proposed offering.

"Be my baby" by The Ronettes from Dirty Dancing


And I have mentioned this many times....all women whether rich, poor, beautiful or
so so have cellulite or some flaws.....so ladies do not get discouraged out there....

In the last few days you visited the tidbits from...

Italy, UK, USA, Serbia, Argentina, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, Austria, Canada, India, 
Australia, Japan, Brazil, Turkey, Philippines, Greece, France, Denmark, Russia, 
Sweden, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Malta, Jordan, Poland, Georgia, Estonia, Belgium, China, Hungary, Perù, Macedonia, Israel, Indonesia, Taiwan, Mauritius, Croatia,Venezuela, Mexico, Malta, Ireland, UAE, Belarus, Chile, Ukraine, Gibraltar, Libia, South Africa, Algeria, South Korea, Singapore, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Isle of Man,Vietnam, Romania, Lebanon, Lithuania, Latvia, Thailand, Iran, Trinidad and Tobago, Slovakia, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Tunisia, New Zealand, Kuwait, Angola, Dominica, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Iceland, Norway, Monaco, Egypt, Bangladesh,UAE....Brasil.....Cape Town.....
Hong Kong, Paraguay, Qatar, Norway, Moldova, Colombia,
Luxembourg, Morocco, Guatemala, Bharain, Nepal, Bulgaria,
Costa Rica, Ecuador, Portugal, Bahamas, Libya, Syria, Adzerbajan, Maldives, 

Mongolia...and now.. French Polynesia,La Isla del Encanto.....
Malawi, New Caledonia....and there are many more....I noticed today from "
Tierra del Fuego" Neuquén and Punta Arenas...and Ramallah, yes Ramallah......

Thank you, I am flattered !
Come back soon !!

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated

I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit 
to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775

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