Dont forget to cuddle this week!
and black clothes, no tats no muscles.....it always win the day for moi.........
Ti augurerei il meglio, ma hai già avuto me.(sorrisi)
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
Daphne Groeneveld
I pranzi apparecchiati a terra.
La pioggia di pollini.
Certe domeniche e anche certi lunedì.
G-d save.
This is what i mean....if you wear all black you must wear beige,brown
shoes, boots.....it is more CHIC
Wednesday Morning Must-Have
Achieve gorgeous beach waves or tousled locks with Balmain Paris Hair Couture's Texturizing Salt Spray. It's formulated to be humidity resistant with flexible hold, reducing the need for touch-ups throughout the day. Just spritz, style and go.
Often I’m used to seeing Ulyana looking as though she doesn’t exactly come from this time period, like in the image above.
This is how you eat fruit-in a crystal cup

Izabel Goulart
- Weight Estimation: 120lbs (54.5 kg)
- Height Estimation: 5’10″ (178 cm)
Izabel Goulart Body Measurements?
- Body Dimensions: 34-24-35
Izabel Goulart Brassiere Size?
- Size: 34B
Alber Elbaz
500ml. di Nuvola a base di latte di mandorla, nocciola, uva passa e cannella. (Sei succhi spremuti a freddo per un giorno intero. Niente caffeina e niente cibo solido. Tanta acqua e buona volontà per depurare il corpo. Per rendere la pelle più luminosa. Per ricaricarsi di energia)

T is for Trendable. A trendable photo on Instagram is one that is themed around your outfit.
U is for UV rays. Essential for the perfect southern California tan.
V is for VH1 Drama. This is what happens when your friends get out-of-control mad at you, i.e. “It got very VH1.”
X is where you have to sign for your $400,000 Barneys purchase.
Y is for Yachting. Yachting is cute.
Z is for Zip code. 90210 is the only acceptable one to have.
"Make friends with people who aren’t your age. Hang out with people whose first language isn’t the same as yours. Get to know someone who doesn’t come from your social class. This is how you see the world. This is how you grow."
peor que perder la belleza es perder la fisionomía

and in this image you can see how pronounced are the gummy bear implants....

A model friend shared this with me...she said that when she weighed 108 pounds at 5'11"( 180.34.cm), clients told her to lose weight. So she did a show where she looked bigger and was called a pig an a cow by the fashion press...how much can she have weighed at that show?? 120 pounds..And that , according to the industry, "big, almost bloated. "Yes, it is how they see it"

du jour
happening or popular at a particular time
In May of 2012 Dilma Rouseff President of Brasil had a campaign appearance and decided to change it because it was the ending of the soap opera "Avenida Brasil" and by the way in Miami they are showing it in Spanish and it loses alot as does not
compare to watching it in Portugese............
thigh gap
mini thigh gap
no thigh gap

Georgia Salpa one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits

love of the Babushka.......Babushka Chic


They say beauty runs in the family – nothing could be truer for these two fabulous Parisians who sit front-row at fashion shows and are heiresses to one of the largest cosmetics companies in the world. The Clarins girls are fixtures on the fashion scene, attending exclusive parties, being snapped by street-style bloggers and playing ambassadresses to the family business, French luxury cosmetics company, Clarins.

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........
Extravagance.....elegance...and out of the normal style but that is Lady Lee
and Peepy

a little take on Japan-日本,

One thing I like about the Japanese is how creative they are with the English language
There's a grand tradition of twisting the grammar of English to make new words,
called 和製英語 wasei eigo or "made in Japan English," and some examples include
"all nighter" (a baseball game at night), "career up" (getting a promotion at work) or
"mayoler" (someone who loves mayonnaise). The Japanese also love to take English suffixes
like the tic ending in words like "dramatic" and mix them with Japanese in whimsical ways,
creating words like 乙女チックotome-tic, girl + -tic, meaning feminine or girly,
or 秋葉チック Akiba-tic, meaning "related to Akihabara subculture in some way."

This was one of the first procedures I did many moons ago and it is one of my favorite ones................
They say the camera adds ten pounds...and this is a procedure that helps...it is simple and quick and gives great results....it is done by models and others who are in front of a camera frequently....and also by normal people who want to improve their looks.
And it is like going to the dentist but with no pain at all, just the injections inside the mouth.

and by the way the theory that you cannot do the buccal fat pad removal, the most common practice of top models and models because you loose volume in the face is not correct....and should you lose volume than it can now be added with M.D.'s like Dr. Pat Wexler. The purpose of the buccal fat pad removal is to slim down the face....I did mine way way back before anyone knew about it....and the volume on my face is still nice....

Little Grey Dress
women like to change their minds.
This does not mean that you don’t love and adore the LBD it simply means that there can be alternatives. It does not make you disloyal or flighty; it makes us adaptable and forward thinking.
Women should make fashion work for them and that is a wonderful side benefit of experience.
Karl Lagerfeld for ERES PARIS

A dear beautiful Russian friend sent me this...her caption: you will lover her.....and I do ...when Russia was ...... СССР (SSSR), abbreviation of Сою́з Сове́тских Социалисти́ческих Респу́блик (Sojúz Sovétskix Socialistíčeskix Respúblik, “The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics”).

Ludmilla Ivanovna Tourischeva (Russian: Людми́ла Ива́новна Тури́щева alternate spellings:Ludmilla Turischeva; Ludmilla Tourischcheva; Ljudmila Ivanovna Turichtchieva;, born October 7, 1952 in Grozny) is a former Russian gymnast and a nine-time Olympic medalist for the Soviet Union.
coleção da KK para C&A
The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
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I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit
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