With a prayer for peaceful days ahead, Shavua Tov, friends! Hope you’re all having a great weekend and that you have a fun, productive week ahead! שבוע טוב!
Preparing for Halloween.............

at peace with myself....never complain....never explain
Some days you wish would never end...and today was one of those.
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
Ce que je trouve hyper sexy, c’est un visage lumineux et une façon de danser ensorcelante.
Nero? Qualcuno ha detto nero
Eyes Wide Shut
Quand on aime attirer l’attention sur son regard, les défilés P/E sont une vraie source d’inspiration…
Chez Chanel par exemple, les yeux étaient comme noyés dans un halo bleu presque turquoise (avec les chaussures argentées et les gants lamés, ça donnait un petit côté futuriste au défilé). Il y a aussi eu l’interprétation volontairement assez appuyée du smokey eye chez Sonia Rykiel pour un regarde ultra-velouté.
I love words that end in Italian vowels......vocali italiane
and this Vocales de Amor
The Last Queen of Paris
In cities like Beverly Hills and L.A. where the business of beauty reigns supreme, every building is filled to the hilt with plastic surgeons, cosmetic surgeons, dermatologists, and beauty care experts. And every single one wants to be recognized as…The Best. But few are
Natasha Poly as the world’s most glamorous babushka (granny)!
There are gorgeous girls in Brasil because they are products of the mix of races. It's not for example, like the Japanese who all look the same but are かわいい (Kawaii) in their own way.

Aristotle Onassis
"The secret of business is to know something that nobody else does "as in Gordon Gekko on Wall Street "Tell me something I do not know"

And the Botticelli of breasts is Dr Leonard Hochstein!!!!
I think is always nice when a smart and beautiful girl tells you " Aren't you going to Kiss Me?"
And yes, the special ones, do ask(smiles)....the moral of this short story, is never ask rather be asked(smiles)
Give me books, French water(Evian in a cristal bottle and a crystal glass), an espresso, fruit, fine weather and a little music played outdoors by somebody I do not know....and it is paradise for moi.
It is no secret that I love the Cape Grace Hotel -Cape Town(South Africa)
mini thigh gap
and this Vocales de Amor
The Last Queen of Paris
In cities like Beverly Hills and L.A. where the business of beauty reigns supreme, every building is filled to the hilt with plastic surgeons, cosmetic surgeons, dermatologists, and beauty care experts. And every single one wants to be recognized as…The Best. But few are
Natasha Poly as the world’s most glamorous babushka (granny)!
There are gorgeous girls in Brasil because they are products of the mix of races. It's not for example, like the Japanese who all look the same but are かわいい (Kawaii) in their own way.

Coen Brothers' 'Hail, Caesar!'
Dr Sherell J Aston has grown rich from face-lifts. Fabulously rich. He charges in the region of $25,000 for each lift; a further $10,000 to lift the eyes, and $10,000 more to lift the brow.You thought a face-lift included the eyes and brow? In cosmetic-surgery terms, a lift focuses on the lower part of the face; in Aston's terms, it includes everything from the collarbone to the corner of the eyes; and everything above that point is à la carte.
Aristotle Onassis
"The secret of business is to know something that nobody else does "as in Gordon Gekko on Wall Street "Tell me something I do not know"

Two of my favorite icons.....Miroslava Duma and Jack Ma(Ma Yun (Chinese: 马云)
Duma is little fashion dynamite and Jack Ma made us lots of $$$$ in the Alibaba
initial public offering........

Bienvenue to the closet Louboutins
Morocha trigueña de ojos color miel
“To men a man is but a mind. Who cares what face he carries or what he wears? But a woman’s body is the woman”
He is known as the "Boob God"
plastic surgeon who is topping the charts as among the wealthiest doctors. Dr. Leonard Hochstein has a net worth of over $20 million that he gained from being one of the best plastic surgeons in Miami. He specializes in breast enhancements and his wife has recently been named as the new addition to The Real Housewives of Miami.

Can anyone guess what the most common complaint after breast augmentation surgery is?
Believe it or not, most women wish they had selected a larger size! Choosing a size for your new breast implants is a tough decision, and since everyone is scared of looking fake, most ladies tend to err on the side of caution and go with the smaller sizes that leave them wishing they a little extra volume, and a little extra sex appeal, after the surgery.And the Botticelli of breasts is Dr Leonard Hochstein!!!!
We can thank one woman for the fashion world’s return to the bodacious body in the post-grunge era: Ms Gisele Bündchen. Have you ever tried to have a conversation with the Brasilian bombshell? Let me tell you what it’s like: she talks a million miles a minute and you just sit there and listen and act like you understand, even if you don’t. Because she’s just that gorgeous. Her body moves and her lips open and close and her perfect hair gets flipped back and forth. But who cares? You’re talking to a goddess. She’s paved a curvy path for the rest of the world’s saucy vixens.
JG and la Bündchen many moons ago in Sapucai-notice the flip phone(smiles)..
It would be great if both Haifa Wehbe and Myriam Fares would perform at
I think is always nice when a smart and beautiful girl tells you " Aren't you going to Kiss Me?"
And yes, the special ones, do ask(smiles)....the moral of this short story, is never ask rather be asked(smiles)
Give me books, French water(Evian in a cristal bottle and a crystal glass), an espresso, fruit, fine weather and a little music played outdoors by somebody I do not know....and it is paradise for moi.
Venezia (Venice) has no cars. It makes the city human.
It is no secret that I love the Cape Grace Hotel -Cape Town(South Africa)
But is it perfect if it's been surgically enhanced? Should beauty pageant contestants who've had plastic surgery be allowed to compete? my answer is YES.....Is like taking rough gem(diamond) that wasn't worked," "and created her. you make these small changes … She was a diamond that hasn't been worked and was brought her to life. And it works....Miss Venezuela contestants win more than not.

been there done that
mini thigh gap
Love of the Babushka.......Babushka Chic


more tidbits
some of my favorite things, people....places
Handmade, very delicate lace. So beautiful for any piece of clothing, but more popular with lingerie of course.
I guess there is lace, and then there is very expensive and carefully crafted lace which makes women feel like a walking piece of luxury when wearing it. Ahhhh…. LOVE IT!
Handmade, very delicate lace. So beautiful for any piece of clothing, but more popular with lingerie of course.
I guess there is lace, and then there is very expensive and carefully crafted lace which makes women feel like a walking piece of luxury when wearing it. Ahhhh…. LOVE IT!

A Russian model who's full name is actually Natalia Polevshchikova, which makes you understand why she's shortened it to Natasha Poly.
Poly makes $70k a day when shooting advertisements, which isn’t too bad since the requirements are mostly standing around looking fab.

Très Chic
The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

a little take on Japan-日本,


Dr Georges Roman
The words “magician” and “artist” started to circulate among his clients, now coming from all corners of the world. His long list of regular clients includes celebrities, Royalty, captains of industry and even politicians. Some of his clients actually fly him to where they are to be treated by him in complete privacy.

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden
HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

Charlotte Rampling and Penelope Cruz, two stunning women who wear my favourite lip look well.
Light eyes and dark lips; dark eyes and nude lips.
in Brasil (namorado/a means boyfriend/girlfriend in Portuguese).

What defines you? Maybe it’s the shade of your skin, the place you grew up, the accent in your words, the make up of your family, the gender you were born with, the intimate relationships you chose to have or your generation?
A girl I know in London swears by this....maybe so...but I still believe in Fit or Fat
Even with exercise and intensive dieting, it is not always possible to achieve the beautiful figure of your dreams. What if there were a treatment which allows you to choose whereabouts you burn fat from when you exercise? HYPOXI Therapy can help tackle your body issues by utilising a unique combination of vacuum therapy and gentle exercise to target fatty deposits from the hips, thighs, stomach and buttocks through a holistic and natural approach.
Look - Cropped Elegante
This patriotic graffiti is found all over the city, on prestigious avenues and poor neighborhoods. It says "Am Yisrael chai" - "The people of Israel live". This is a traditional phrase that has been sung, danced to, and has uplifted generations of Jewish people.
This week, we pray for peace and quiet. In Israel and around the world.
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the
world and life is.....
world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless
otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or
without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776