שבוע טוב
We hope everyone had an inspiring Shabbat, and wish you all successful week ahead.
This land is mine, G-d gave this land to me
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
A couple of weeks ago at one of my favorite streets in the world....the Jewish Princess looking
casual chic among the tall tall palm trees of BH....soon she will turn 16 and time is flying....
When it comes to fashion, the Victoria’s Secret show it’s one of the biggest hits of the year. Supermodels like Adriana Lima, Alessandra Ambrosio or Candice Swanepoel will hit the runway, but more important is during whose song! You can find out who will perform below
I found the secret to life
I took some time for living
It proves my point that if you post only pics you will have more followers but I prefer
the Tidbits more depth....you decide...........
YAY,my Instagram page has reached 50k followers!
I can’t believe it. Thank you all for supporting my blog. I appreciate all of your comments, likes and regrams.
I love them......"chignons"
“chignon” - it would be difficult to find a chignon much better than this one...oh la la.....

"I look at a hundred deals a day.
I choose one."

I am not a fan of night clubs, discoteques I find them all the same....not much substance
going there but at times it can be fun....but this place is a must at least one time while it
is still chic...at one time or another they all become passé
el Theatro, la discoteca más de moda de la noche marroquí desde 2003, situada en el elitista barrio de Hivernage, al lado del Casino. Este extravagante club, con una arquitectura inusual y una forma 'exclusiva' de entretenimiento se caracteriza por sorprender a sus clientes y hacer bailar a "fabulosas mujeres con clase", tal y como promocionan en su página web. En cuanto pides un espumoso, todos los focos de la discoteca te alumbran para que el club entero sepa que eres el señalado, el elegido, el afortunado. Un ambiente exclusivo, ostentoso y de lujo que seguro no decepciona.
and needless to say Hivernage is my type,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
La vie en rose dell’iPhone
Il melafonino si concede un tocco glam con un nuovo colore, che rompe con la tradizione. Ma sotto il nuovo vestito c'è molta sostanza: mai sentito parlare di 3D Touch? Ecco com'è davvero il nuovo iPhone 6S, appena arrivato in Italia
This is one of those songs that stands the test of time......
Her little "Thank you at the end." was so CHIC
gummy bear breast implants


Genes.....Money and great cosmetic surgery can maintain and look fantastic at a later
This picture perfectly captures her amazing cheekbones and jawline.
there is nothing like many daily showers ....and with all this jet streams is more
this beautiful present...gift... came from the Kingdom...from KSA if you wish
. شكرا لك
I have written here how beautiful the Hadid sisters are , but here without the aid of
enhancing they look normal....no thigh gap for Gigi and Bella looks normal.........that is how most women in the modeling business should look like not reed thin.....
Someone that reads my blog asked me to explain the Three Nots, so here it is : Not Here, Not Nice and Not Smart'

just wandering if Russian girls should be judged this way???: the ever-mocked Russian sense of style, consisting of EVERYTHING done to the MAX (stilettos+cleavage+mini skirt+loads of jewelry+loads of makeup+loads of hairspray=everything in its place, intensity, LABELS).
Q: hey, if you want to walk for VS you have to be eighteen years? who was the youngest person to walk in the vsfs? thanks:)
That’s true, although back in the days Karolina Kurkova walked her first show at sixteen years old, making her the youngest.
As a JEW this song should be always in your mind......and you learn to play
early in life.........

been there done that
thigh gap

mini thigh gap

no thigh gap

Nadine Leopold one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits

Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic
Se llama Diana Dolmatova, y solo sabemos que es ucraniana y que reúne las características adecuadas para salir en esta sección: es guapa, tiene más de 300.000 seguidores en Instagram, parece que no estudia ni trabaja, y se lo pasa muy bien viajando, haciendo fotos a sus bolsos nuevos y publicando selfies de su carita perfecta.
Her name is Diana Dolmatova and she is from Ukraine and she meets the characteristics needed to come out
in this section of IT Girls......she is good looking, has more than 300,000 followers on instagram, she does not work or stucy y she spends her time traveling, taking pics of her new designer purses and publishing selfies of
a perfect face.
A mí me gusta porque es una chica muy fina y delicada. Parece una muñeca. Le gustan los accesorios lujosos, pero no los combina como la mayoría de sus “compis” it-girls. Viste bien y es elegante, pero no es ostentosa, ni arriesga mucho con los colores.También me parece una de las “pulidas” a nivel estético. Su cabello es perfecto, no tiene una sola punta abierta, y lo lleva siempre muy cuidado, al igual que la piel, las uñas… Pero no es de las que se levantan con una melena perfecta. Diana va a la peluquería varias veces por semana, y se nota.
I like her because she is a very fine and delicate girl. She looks like a doll. She likes luxury accessories, but not combined as most of its "friends" it-girls. She Dresses well and is elegant, but not ostentatious, not risking much with colors. I think she is one of the "polished" it girls in the aesthetic level. Her hair is perfect, has one open end, and always wears it very carefully,just like her skin and nails ... She is not one to get up with perfect hair. Diana goes to the hairdresser several times a week, and it shows.
Es una chica de origen humilde que se trasladó a Kiev con su amiga Viktoria Krasnova en busca de un patrocinador. Un patrocinador es algo que buscan muchas chicas jóvenes y guapas en Rusia y Ucrania: un oligarca u hombre de negocios dispuesto a financiar su estilo de vida (apartamento, compras, operaciones de cirugía…).Cuando apareció en las redes sociales mostrando una belleza perfecta, no tardaron en salir a la luz fotografías de sus pinitos como “modelo”.
She is a girl of humble origins who moved to Kiev with her friend Viktoria Krasnova looking for a sponsor. A sponsor is seeking something many young and beautiful girls in Russia and Ukraine: an oligarch or businessman willing to finance their lifestyle (apartment, shopping, surgical operations ...) .When she appeared on social networks showing a perfect beauty , pics of soon came to light of her first steps as a "modelAnd is obvious her sponsor payed for her plastic surgery as she has changed her look completely.
She loves Chanel handbags and commitment to small and simple jewelry.What do you think?

Elena Perminova is known for wearing high and low fashion, her love for h&M, and for taking part in photoshoots with H&M’s collaborations- Like Isabel Marant for H&M, and Alexander Wangs collab featuring neoprene err-thing.

The French Kiss was invented in Paris, so surely the natives are experts on lips, oui?
CCC with her favorite lipstick...........

"Good nite out with with gang of four..........


a little take on Japan-日本,
a little take on Japan-日本,

One of the most well-known features of the Japanese people is their custom of bowing to express politeness, apology or humility, though as with most aspects of the country, there's more to the custom than is immediately visible to cultural outsiders like us. There are different terms for a bow depending on whether it's a slight acknowledgement, such as to a coworker in the morning, a medium bow as from a student to a teacher, or a deeper, more formal bow that would be used in business relationships, or meeting the parents of the person you've become engaged to. Japan's bowing culture crops up in unexpected areas, including while driving (when someone gives you the right-of-way), and while talking on the phone.
朝礼 chorei (lit. "morning bow") which is a brief formal meeting where the employees stand in a circle and basically promises to gambaru, or do their best and work hard, followed by a deep bow

To refine yourself you must have money or a sponsor that will pay for your plastic surgery....off hand she has had her teeth fixed, buccal fat pad removal, nose job and an s-lift.......
They all went to the same plastic surgeon and dermatologist

Forever Young

20 years old - Botox
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden
HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

Sheikha Spectacular Mozah


The Ballerina Skirt

Remember we talked tulle and ballerina style skirts earlier in the year.
There is a fabulous brand, Needle and Thread that makes a beautiful tulle and lace skirt.
They are back in stock in varying lengths and colours.
Ballerinas aren’t the only ones enamoured with tulle.

The Ballerina Skirt
One of my favorite models, Andreea Diaconu, looks amazing in this story from the November issue of Vogue China.
No Gracias
Silvia Gómez-Cuétara
Gómez-Cuétara está separada de Ramón Hermosilla, es viuda de Luis García-Cereceda y sale con el millonario J.A. Pérez Simón
I have mentioned in this blog that I totally believe in the concept of fit or fat...a regimen that I follow with diligence...two hour daily walks....I find that it totally tones my body, it maintains slim like, no muscles....the clothes by Italian and French designers are for this type of body.....I have friends and acquaintances that believe in other methods.....here are some of them in action............

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

paixão por vestidos de tricot
Only in Israel. A man wearing a Palestinian kuffiyeh (Arab headdress) goes to pray at the Jewish holy site: the Western wall. The reaction of the Jews praying around him?Nothing.
Indomitable Israeli spirit.
FLASHMOB Hatikva - Jerusalem Tramway
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the
world and life is.....
world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless
otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or
without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776