It is almost that time....Halloween is coming and nowhere do they celebrate it so chic
and fancy as in Miami Beach..........
When there is doubt of your existence you might consider this.
Yes, I want Moshiach now. Everything -all of this- is just temporary… Boruch Hashem!
May we all be zocheh to have the geula sheleima speedily in our days!
And now… sing:
We want moshiach now.
We want moshiach now.
We don’t want to wait!
Watashi wa anata o aishite
"i love you" in Japanese
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
Four years ago today, Sergeant 1st Class Gilad Shalit was released in a prisoner swap after being held captive by Hamas for five years.
And this song written for him and sung by my favorite Israeli singer Eyal Golan
brings tears to my eyes when I hear it.........
After a two hour walk from Palm Island to Coconout Grove.....this is
the best way to start the day.........
Thank you Gucci....a new sponsor of the Tidbits to add to the fancy list of Sponsors...
Why do dj's speak over a beautiful song or worse cut the song before
it is is not nice.........not kosher
Gordon Gekko: " I'm talking about liquid. Rich enough to have your own jet. Rich enough not to waste time. Fifty, a hundred million dollars, buddy. A player. Or nothing.
Sheikha Mozah does not only have class, she also travels in class.
She travels in her private Airbus A330-202 aircraft with her own initials HHM (Her Highness Mozah) on it. This plane is all white with grey ring which represents her marriage to her husband Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani. You can see in the top picture, she arrived in South Korea with this plane. It costs around $200million and it has everything you can have in a plane like this. No wonder she always arrives in style and looking perfect
D'altronde il sole ne abbiamo preso abbastanza/noi non lo diciamo ma stiamo cercando un altro cielo in una stanza/e speriamo che piova/non voglio dire per tutto il tempo ma stanotte sola -
no one writes words and music like this anymore...brilliant
It feels so right now, hold me tight
Tell me I'm the only one
And then I might
Never be the lonely one
So hold me tight, tonight, tonight
This song is brilliant in every way and the harmony is wow....
yesterday I went to the Barnes&Noble in Coral Gables with an ITalian friend and she
like me loves to buy all fashion and current event magazines...... needless to say we had to put another table.....
Et vous, le rouge, vous en portez ? Quelles sont vos vêtements rouges préférés ?
Daphne Groeneveld for Alexander Wang
Poi siamo stati insieme
Proprio come nelle favole
E nelle storie vere
I really like how they did two of my new iPhone 6S
She is subscribing to the all black look......she needed brown or beige shoes....just saying...
Regardless if you were a fan during her Posh Spice days, you’ll have to admit her fashion sense has certainly evolved over the years and now… it’s flawless. These days her style is simple and elegant. Less bling and more refined. Perhaps she really is Posh Spice after all!

Say you’re walking down the sidewalk on a beautiful day. Someone who has internalized an outsider’s perspective of herself will often spend more time adjusting her clothing or hair, wondering what other people are thinking of her, judging the shape of her shadow or reflection in a window, etc. She will picture herself walking – she literally turns herself into an object of vision – instead of enjoying the sunny weather….
… Women are constantly being looked at. Even when they're not, they're so hyper aware of the possibility of being looked at that it can rule even their most private lives. Including in front of mirrors, alone.
" There is no end. There is no beginning. There is only the infinite passion of life. "
Ona Carbonell y Gemma Mengual dos de mis deportistas favoritas y dos de las
mas fieles seguidoras de los Tidbits
I am a germaphobe.......I hate to shake hands with people......

Wash your hands with soap and water. Wash long enough to sing the "Happy Birthday" song twice....and use alcohol if possible too!!!!
gummy bear breast implants



I like ponytails on women...and this ones are slick and chic.....
What is it about Indian it in the water they drink(smiles)

In the modelling world...the European modelling world this pic of Mugdha would be considered too India she is called gorgeous leggy Mugdha.....quite a contrast....
Face Proportions....exact proportions
There was a time when we sent the undesirables to islands. Now you have to buy an island just to get away from them.

Bueno, Bonito y Barato no existe. Si quieres lo mejor , tienes que pagar!!!!
I adore stacks of stuff.
- I adore these gorgeous boxes.- I adore this image , because it's just about the cleverest
stack job I've ever seen.
And of course, I adore Hermès

I Didn't Want To Kiss U GoodBye!!! , BUT I Want To Kiss U GoodNight!!! "Sweet Dreams" XXXX
mori-chan kawaii look
Japanese tradition is being cute (kawaii) , humble, earnest and mild-mannered.
I am not a fan of the typical 'cute' Japanese look. The Japanese notion of kawaii and sekushii (sexy) is 'long mistaken' 'Real beauty for women comes from the inside. It's a mental thing. It's about sensuality and intelligence.' I know the concept of trying to stand out in Japan is to be punished or criticized.....but there are other ways to think.......
and for Japan, I am not asking for The Devil Wears Prada attitude that grooms women to be independent, confident, goal-oriented and glamorous(the western way), instead of conforming to Japanese traditions of being cute, humble, earnest and mild-mannered.....just somewhere in between.....I might have said too much already.....(smiles)
Kawaii (かわいい [kaw͍ai.i], Means, "lovable", "cute", or "adorable") is the quality of cuteness in the context of Japanese culture. It has become a prominent aspect of Japanese popular culture, entertainment, clothing, food, toys, personal appearance, behavior, and mannerisms.The noun is Kawaisa (可愛さ) (literally, "lovability", "cuteness" or "adorableness").
mori-chan -sekushii look.....
an 'it' girl, or party girl. usually mega rich, some are a bit slutty, and trend setter.

been there done that

thigh gap
mini thigh gap
no thigh gap
stefania ivanescu one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits


Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic

Take A Look at The Chanel N°5 Takeaway Bottle
Let me introduce to you; the girls who carry a natural appearance.
I’ve mentioned it in the past, and I’ll mention it again.
The girls who do less is more, are the ones who end up looking more sophisticated and chic than the VaVaVoom glamour babes who come across as slightly “too much”.
– Less make up (or at least wear as natural looking make up as possible)
– Natural looking results from injections and plastic surgery
– Long, healthy & shiny hair
– Perfect skin
– Groomed till perfection (nails, make up, hair, skin, eyebrows, lashes etc)
– Classical appearance (no funky stuff, no crazy colours, not being over the top)

Miroslava Duma's Sable Fur
C’est difficile d’ouvrir une conversation sur la fourrure, parce qu’elle déchaîne les passions. Compréhensible.
It’s difficult to have a conversation about fur, because it’s such a passionate debate. It’s understandable.
the fur that she is wearing in the above shots are not an ordinary fur. It is sable, considered to be the most precious fur in the world. And not just sable, it is Russian sable, that is, the finest sable.
Russian sable was so precious that during the days of the Tsars, only the royal family could wear it. All others were forbidden from sable. And out of Russia, sable was the fur of choice for kings, queens, emperors and the sultans. For example, history books record that in the 17th century, the Ottoman sultan Ibrahim, known as the "Crazy", paid extraordinary amounts of money to the Tsar of Moscow to purchase sable.

J’adore son look tout noir avec juste une petite touche de fluo.
The Courtin-Clarins are resplendent in this image
The Courtin-Clarins are resplendent in this image


Extravagance should be Lady Lee's middle name.............

a little take on Japan-日本,
a little take on Japan-日本,

In Japanese, there’s a magic phrase that softens requests, expresses gratitude, opens doors and makes everybody feel good. The phrase is よろしくお願いします(yoroshiku onegaishimasu) and, you guessed it—there’s no exact English translation.
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu defined (kind of)
The simplest, quickest and easiest way to understand yoroshiku onegaishimasu is that it means both please and thank you. It’s used to make a request and also to thank the person, either before or after they do it for you.

"Skillful surgery doesn't stand out," "It blends in."

Fat Grafting to correct hollows of Upper or Lower Eyelids
Structural fat grafting can be performed on upper eyelid hollows, to smooth hollows under the eyes, to fill sunken cheeks, for filling sunken hollows under eyes eyes and is often used for blepharoplasty correction when too much skin and or fat has been removed in an eyelid surgical procedure.
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden
HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden


In studio all day with your favorite VS Model Adriana Lima!! Even more beautiful inside then she is out !!!
Cintura fina quadril largo
Le Corset!!!!

Whether they have designed clothes, written poetry, composed operas, built public squares, painted for popes, hewn marble, or sailed the fathomless seas, many Italians of genius have placed a premium on achieving an appearance of effortless mastery, or sprezzatura, that is attained only by costly, concentrated effort and unremitting labor. 'In the end,' says Giorgio Armani, 'the most difficult thing to do is the simplest thing.'"
Sprezzatura [nonchalance], so as to conceal all art and make whatever is done or saidappear to be without effort and almost without any thought about it."
The three wise monkeys (Japanese: 三猿, san'en or sanzaru, or 三匹の猿, sanbiki no saru, literally "three monkeys"), sometimes called the three mystic apes, are a pictorial maxim. Together they embody the proverbial principle to "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil". The three monkeys are Mizaru, covering his eyes, who sees no evil; Kikazaru, covering his ears, who hears no evil; and Iwazaru, covering his mouth, who speaks no evil.

Cultures that endorse modesty and cultures that endorse hypersexualization are the *same* thing. Both define female sexuality by how it relates to the male gaze. In both cases the female body exists as an ornament either to be kept carefully hidden or put on display. Neither is an empowering feminist achievement.
I love Egg Shop in New York.
made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free
Look – Recortes e Transparência
Palm Island neighbor and supporter of Israel
The #BDS Bullying, Demonising and Scare tactics campaigners won’t keep Enrique Iglesias from returning to Israel for a concert in Tel Aviv in December 2015.
Enrique last performed in Israel in June 2011
Enrique last performed in Israel in June 2011
I rest my case
מיר לעבן אייביק,
עס ברענט אַ וועלט;
מיר לעבן אייביק,
אָן אַ גראָשן געלט.
און אויף צעפּיקעניש
די אַלע שׂונאים,
וואָס ווילן אונדז פֿאַרשוואַרצן
אונדזער פנים.
מיר לעבן אייביק
אין יעדער שעה!
מיר לעבן אייביק,
מיר זייַנען דאָ!
מיר לעבן אייביק,
עס ברענט אַ וועלט;
מיר וועלן לעבן און דערלעבן,
שלעכטע צייטן איבערלעבן!
מיר לעבן אייביק,
מיר זייַנען דאָ!
מיר לעבן אייביק,
אָן אַ גראָשן געלט.
און אויף צעפּיקעניש
די אַלע שׂונאים,
וואָס ווילן אונדז פֿאַרשוואַרצן
אונדזער פנים.
מיר לעבן אייביק
אין יעדער שעה!
מיר לעבן אייביק,
מיר זייַנען דאָ!
מיר לעבן אייביק,
עס ברענט אַ וועלט;
מיר וועלן לעבן און דערלעבן,
שלעכטע צייטן איבערלעבן!
מיר לעבן אייביק,
מיר זייַנען דאָ!
We will endure
The world may smolder,
But we will endure
Despite our foes
Who crave our destruction.
We will endure!
We will endure
We are an eternal people.
No matter how wretched
The season, the hour,
We will endure.
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the
world and life is.....
world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless
otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or
without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776