
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775 - JG 33

Shabbat Shalom! שבת שלום

Ciò che sento 
non è traducibile. 
Io mi esprimo meglio 
con il silenzio.


Flag for Israel
Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí  - אני יהודי 

Things I wanted you to know - 

: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should

  1. Chanukkah 2014 begins in the evening of
    Tuesday, December 16
    and ends in the evening of
    Wednesday, December 24

“tener bula para algo”. En este caso la misma se emplea para determinar que alguien cuenta con una serie de ventajas, facilidades y beneficios a la hora de conseguir algo difícil frente a otras personas que no cuentan con ninguna de esas mencionadas cuestiones a su favor para alcanzar el mismo objetivo.

two of my favorite KK's..................

and Kurkova wins the day...........

I like women that were tights.....and if made of Shatoosh even more so.......and yes: 
There are two types of women: those who don't wear tights, and those who obsess over tights. For anyone who can't bear to part with their dresses and skirts during the winter, black stockings are as essential as water

I like these lines from the song "My Foolish Heart"

There's a line between love and fascination,
That's hard to see on an evening such as this,
For they give the very same sensation.
When you are lost in the passion of a kiss.

one of the most beautiful love songs ever..............

Natalie Massenet

This pic of Natalie Massenet arriving at the British Fashion Awards makes me smile. Happiness + a beautiful white dress = true beauty.

pure genius Signora Prada............

Charm is more valuable than beauty. You can resist beauty, but you can’t resist charm…”

LOOK - PARTY!!!Dezembro chegou, época de… FESTAS

 Poetry in Motion- Mao Asada (浅田 真央 Asada Mao

An afternoon with Angels in London, Victoria's Secret Angels that is...

Victoria's Secret Show 2014
Oh, Victoria's Secret, you do know how to get most anyone excited about lingerie. Well, actually, you know how to get the whole world excited about lingerie, from the family men to the mistress of the household. The Annual Victoria's Secret Show seems to be watched by everyone and their uncle these days, whether they are in the market for a great push-up bra or not. Well, this year the perfect panty circus has arrived in London and it's business as usual - total organized chaos. When I talk about "chaos," I'm not referring to the well oiled machine that is Victoria's Secret. The VS show runs so smoothly now that you'll be hard pressed to find a hair out of place or a journalist out of range.

Backstage at the Victoria's Secret show can make or break you, I'll just say that now. You have to know what you're getting into. There are Angels everywhere. I'm not joking. You turn a corner and you're bumping into Karlie Kloss, look to see who's elbowed you by accident and you're face to face with Alessandra Ambrosio. And yes, they're are all as polite as pie. They flash giant smiles, shake your hands and answer all your questions. What did you have for breakfast this morning, Angels? Eggs. How is it having the show on foreign soil this year? Absolutely fantasticA great adventure. What's your favourite thing about the show every year? The girls I get to see again and again. We're like sisters. You want to hate these women with their cellulite free bodies, their perfect tanned limbs and hair that is so enviable you just can't stop staring, but you can't hate them because their personalities match the package. These ladies are well trained in both the art of grooming and working a crowd. 

Victoria's Secret Show 2014
Victoria's Secret Show 2014
Victoria's Secret Show 2014
Victoria's Secret Show 2014

Now, what you might not know just from watching the show. The girls at the show do eat and drink. There's a buffet of food that stretches the length of the room, but admittedly it's mostly staff and assistants that are picking at the offering. You should also know that these girls do have to work to look beautiful. They talk at length about working out extensively, paying close attention to their skin and watching their diet. Actually, I did overhear one angel telling press that she had to put on weight to walk in the show. Queue the dagger eyes from surrounding women. It seems each Angel has her own trick at the end of the day and I'm writing notes furiously when I hear any of them. I'll try and get back to you on what works! 

Victoria's Secret Show 2014
Victoria's Secret Show 2014
Victoria's Secret Show 2014

Victoria's Secret Show 2014
Victoria's Secret Show 2014
Victoria's Secret Show 2014
Victoria's Secret Show 2014
Victoria's Secret Show 2014
Victoria's Secret Show 2014
Victoria's Secret Show 2014

 "Diamonds Need Not Explain How Radiant They Are , They Just Keep Shining. Whoever Shall Admire Their Brilliance , Will Find Their Way To Them" ..... .... and RG has the best

collection of them

Christian Louboutin And All I See Is Red

Christian Louboutin-Nails-Vicki Archer-Nordstrom-Shopping Stories

Hey Women

Christian Louboutin, and all I see is red.

I couldn’t resist saying that.

Have you seen the amazing new nail varnishes from Christian Louboutin?

The bottles are totally spectacular and the colours stunning.
There is just something about that Louboutin red that is totally right.

The red sole has alot of women in  a tiz about the underside of the shoes.
Who would have thought such a simple but clever idea could define footwear so brilliantly?

Getting Ready with Karolina Kurkova

gummy bear breast implants

Izzy Jarrett by Rudolf Zverina for Russh


Well-heeled Miamians and celebrities alike have Dr. Fredric Brandt to thank for their youthful glow.
and by the way, well-heeled is a snob way to say , "the rich" 

Don Draper

Think classy. Act classy. Always look good, never disheveled. Wear your suits with confidence 

I am not part of the ‘throw-away’ FASHION generation. I have a RESPECT for quality. I like things that get better as they AGE -(Brioni dress coats, Missoni, Gucci horse bit loafers, Prada techno collection, anything Louis Vuitton)

Chanel has spent her life advocating for black, a color that was for her the absolute beauty and perfect harmony. And as Chanel is still the best example that fashion can give.

I know I always want to be different....always want to wear black.....I’ve got black T-Shirts and more black T-Shirts, but Black on Black T-shirts, well if you know me or read this blog you know what my favorite color is. This is one of those things where it looks like something ordinary until you step into just the right light, and then people stop look, and ask. Congratulations you just got caught looking cool without trying.....and I do(smiles)


however do remember that brown or beige shoes are the norm....they bring out the elegance...lest you look like a waitress, funeral parlor director or a parking lot attentdant......

Dans le Moment.

I mentioned this before about the many Russians moving to Sunny Isles...to the point it is called
little Moscow....and this is one of the friends I mention about before that walks with me
occasionally....she is at one of my favorite places.....Bal Harbour shops...and I took this pic
with my iPhone 6+.............

RG got this bag today and all I can say..... OMG!!! Falling In Love With CHANEL Red Alligator Classic Flap Bag!!! So Elegant & Beautiful % LVE 

Elegance is simplicity. Elegance doesn’t know fashion. Elegance doesn’t submit to trend’s requirements. Elegance is the little black dress worn by Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Or a women’s smoking perfectly fitted. We don’t necessarily remember the clothes you were wearing but we’ll remember the impression you gave, harmony, class, the power to outlive time without your outfit gathering dust. 


I have a friend, a leggy brunette, who has an amazing knowledge of everything related closely or remotely to lingerie starting with brands, shapes and textures – she explains it by a quite simple theory : lingerie, she says, it’s the first thing you put on in the morning and the last thing you take off, but it is above all a pleasure you indulge to yourself! And this woman indulges herself just like a fat child in a big candy store or Carrie Bradshaw at Manolo Blahnik, ie continuously and tirelessly.


Been there done that........

thigh gap

no thigh gap



Imaan Hammam one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




Love of the Babushka.......Babushka Chic



more tidbits

RATHI MENON (Miss Universe Singapore) a follower of the Tidbits....i like her style
and her looks.....and her walk is wow.......


Russian women are gorgeous.  This should not come as a surprise, we all know that already.  there are tall, blond, beautiful women, most Russian women are also very fashion conscious.  Russian women are most of the time in full makeup mode, 8 inches stilettos, and dressed to the nines during the broad daylight.  


Claire Courtin Clarins Wears Insane Shoes


Okay. Keep it simple, cool skirt, deliciously red inappropriately large bag (never in a bad way), CHECK OUT THE FLUFFY MINK CUFFS AROUND MY ANKLES, sparkly sparkly thin straps. And with all the insouciance in the world. Got to love her.

Claire Courtin and Co.


Claire and sister Virginie with cousins Jenna and Prisca posing for something. Beautiful family mashallah!

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

She Arrived!!! LADY LEE


a little take on Japan-日本,

All Japanese are able to do a kind of low squat called yankii-zuwari or “sitting like a Yankee,” which involves squatting with the feet kept perfectly flat, something Westerners usually can’t do without falling over. Japanese females can do some amazing things with eye make-up, and also possess the odd ability to sleep on trains yet somehow manage to wake up in time to get off at the right stop

.” Japanese women nearly all have feet that are exactly 23.5 cm in size, so if you ever need to buy shoes for a Japanese woman, go with that size and you’ll probably be safe. 



Is Plastic Surgery Cheating?

Plastic Surgery Checklist    
FaceNose ReshapingEyelid SurgerySkinBotoxDermal FillersChemical PeelMicrodermabrasionBodyBreast AugmentationLiposuction

Before                                            After

no it is not...it is trying to look your best and using science for that purpose
and for self............

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world 

"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

  HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned 



Spotted: Mugdha Godse at Villa69, Mumbai 
"Party yuhi chalegi" - Absolute India

Photo: Spotted: Mugdha Godse at Villa69, Mumbai 

"Party yuhi chalegi" - Absolute India

صورة: ‏كل عام وأنتم بخير بمناسبة العيد الوطني لدولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة‏
صورة: ‏جدول حفلات ملكة المسرح لشهر ديسمبر
بعد سلسلة الأفراح التي أحيتها ملكة المسرح في الوطن العربي وفي أوروبا، ستغادر ميريام فارس الى الإمارات العربية المتحدة وتحديداً أبوظبي مع فريق عملها وفرقتها الموسيقية لإحياء حفلاً ضخماَ لأحد أكبر الشركات العالمية في الإمارات.
لتعود من بعدها وتكون نجمة الحلقة ما قبل الأخيرة لبرنامج ستار أكاديمي في موسمه العاشر حيث ستفجر ميريام وكعادتها مفاجآت عدة خلال هذه الحلقة وستبقى ميريام لأيام قليلة في لبنان لتحتفل مع عائلتها بعيد الميلاد المجيد. لتعاود السفر الى أبوظبي لإحياء حفل جماهيري بمناسبة سباق اليخوت العالمي لعام 2014.
لتستقبل ميريام السنة الجديدة مع محبيها وتحيي ليلة رأس السنة في فندق لاسيجال الدوحة.‏




London is in holiday fever and the city looks particularly festive and beautiful

london, the holidays, vicki archer

On Monday, news broke that LVMH's private equity fund L Capital Asia had taken a majority stake in the Australian swimwear brand Seafolly for an undisclosed sum. On track to generate $120 million in sales this year, and claiming 35 percent of the swimwear market in its home country, it's easy to understand why an investor would want to get involved. That Seafolly's campaign models share a wide overlap with the Victoria's Secret squad — Martha Hunt, Behati Prinsloo, Miranda Kerr, Jessica Hart, et al. — can't hurt, either.

Suzanne Koller is the editor in chief of Self Service and the fashion director at Vogue Paris, two of my very favorite magazines. I’m inspired by the Austrian stylist’s personal style—denim, capes, platforms, and oversized sunglasses

I have made a quick top ten list of those holiday movies I love re-watching.
I am sure you have some tried and true films that we should add to the list,

The Top Ten

Love Actually
the airport scene gets me every time… which short story is your favourite?

The Holiday
apart from the serious decor smorgasbord, who can resist those four?

The Family Stone
diane keaton… she’s fabulous, always

Planes, Trains and Automobiles
john candy and steve martin… together… have you ever laughed so hard?

White Christmas
a traditional christmas eve ‘watch’ when i was growing up

While You Were Sleeping
you can’t help but love sandra bullock and her ditsy character

Bridget Jones’ Diary
over and over… not just for mr darcy.. ;)

Miracle on 34th Street
the sweet side of christmas 

8 Women
fabulous french fun with an all female cast of beauties

About A Boy
love a grumpy hugh grant

Can’t help myself, a true romantic 

Two classic pieces that composes the foundation in several outfits

The below image popped up on the fashion spot earlier today. Not 100% sure it's from this campaign but might as well be. It gives us a before and after look into how much work M&M put into fixing her up.

Isabel Marant dress

Isabel Marant

 I love the frayed edges and boxy shape

 Não ficou com água na boca?

Chuney de Abacaxi

American Apparel made in downtown Los Angeles....Sweatshop free........


look beta pinheiro fashionite 8Foto_016
look beta pinheiro fashionite 5
look beta pinheiro fashionite 2
look beta pinheiro fashionite 7

This Star of David dress will “star” in the Miss World pageant. Israeli beauty queen Mor Maman will represent Israel in the international beauty pageant on December 14 in London wearing this patriotic ensemble to show off Israeli pride. Lesson of the day: wear your pride on your sleeve, sometimes literally.

donation checks from African countries are sometimes left in the Wall, although they mostly tend to  bounce when cashed. That’s what you get for never responding to those e-mail pleas to wire money to your Nigerian barrister.(smiles)

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated

I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit 
to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775

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  When I started writing the Tidbits …my blog , I knew I would attract a wide world audience but this is beyond expectations. I not only hav...