
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775 - JG 31

Shavua Tov … שבוע טוב
I hope everyone had an inspiring Shabbat, and wish you all successful week ahead.

Chanukah is rapidly coming
Are you getting ready?

Never sacrifice your class to get even with someone who has none.


Flag for Israel
Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí  - אני יהודי 

Things I wanted you to know - 

: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should

Every so often I take time to thank the followers of the Tidbits. And yes, there are many that read the tidbits but do not follow but I have no issue with that. Having said all that, thanks so much for continuing to read and follow. I am grateful to those who are in countries where there is conflict and yet  you still take the time to read my tidbits. Best of the Best for everyone.

breakfast of champions....so many healthy options it gives you....

Goldman Sachs....Burj Al Arab.....North Beverly Park...Palm Island....Star Island... Hermès...Makati....Doha...Her Highness Sheikha Moza Bint Nasser Al Missned....Las Mañanitas-Cuernavaca.....Beverly Hills Hotel....George V-Four Seasons Paris...Kingdom Centre-Riyadh....Bal Harbour Shops.......Park Hyatt- the Rocks 
 ....News Cafe-South Beach....Spoiled by Beverly Hills....Tiramisu....Milano....Via Gesu...Via Montenapoleone...Romanza....Al Di La....magic o magic...Al Bano....Romina Power...Jews...Judios...Humphrey Bogart.....Empanadas Argentinas....Bife Argentino...Panqueques de dulce de leche...cafe cubano...cortado...macchiatos...risotto congamberi...aguacates....Strawberries....Melancia...boquerones....shoarma...tacos de chon y chan...paella valenciana....Punta del Este....Ronald Reagan...Caruso...Evian in crystal bottle..Perrier in crystal bottle....coca colas de Mexico en botellas de cristal....KKR...Henry Kravis....Bon Chic Bon Genre....Truffles....Agent Provocateur....8th arrondissement of Paris...Giri-Choco....Honmei-Choco....Starbucks..... Intimissimi.....La Dorada....Conbarro....le tour d'argent..
Upcoming Square  IPO....Shanghai Tang...David Tang...Macondo, donde todo es posible....Bye Bye Birdie(Ann Margaret)....the king-Elvis Presley...LV....Prada Milano.....Burj Khalifa...SB now and always.....Poetry in Motion..."Ue o Muite Arukō" (上を向いて歩こう, "

The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show

Happy Birthday to the Maestro!Manolo Blahnik

Manolo Blahnik

JG and my two sisters
I totally subscribe to the old adage that blood is thicker than water....
It's always a blessing to be two children in a family, but when you're three, it is a real treasure in life.We have the same genes, we share the same past, we have similar DNA. And it is a force to think that we will always be together to cope in the future ...

C’est toujours une bénédiction d’être deux enfants dans une famille, mais quand vous êtes trois, c’est un véritable trésor dans la vie.
Nous avons les mêmes gènes, nous partageons le même passé, nous possédons un ADN similaire. Et c’est une force de penser que nous serons toujours ensemble a faire face à l’avenir…

 she is a sweetheart
She wakes up at 4:30 am each day to do fashion work
or to shoot for one of the companies that she endorses,
Despite being busy she still finds the time to email or send sms..

Currently on luxury e-tailer Net-a-Porter, there are more than 100 pairs of shoes priced over $1,000. (Two pairs of sparkly Christian Louboutins exceed $6,000.) Andthe price of Chanels famous 2.55 bag now rivals that of an Hermès Kelly. That is, an Hermès Kelly a decade ago. In the US market, the famous bag, which in the year 2000 started at $4,800, now starts at $7,600.

Chanel 2.55 bag

and this one in London is one of my favorites..........

Mugdha Godse is not your conventional actress, and as she puts it, she is fine with it. The model-turned-actress, who made her debut with Fashion, is happy with the kind of roles coming her way.
"When you start out with a movie like Fashion, the expectations are obviously sky-high. But I am glad that cinema is undergoing a gradual change. There are a lot of women-oriented films being made, and there is no dearth of roles for anyone," she says.

Fashion - Mugdha Godse's Bikini Ramp Walk HD

I know I am bias towards Mugdha.....but she is an it girl....yes, she is(smiles)

Fashion is a journey of the rise and fall of India's number one 'Supermodel'. Set against the glittering backdrop of the glamorous but ruthless world of haute couture fashion, this tells the story of one small town girl with a dream and the determination to make it a reality. The film is directed by Madhur Bhandarkar produced by Ronnie Screwvala and stars Priyanka Chopra, Mugdha Godse, Kangna Ranaut, Arbaaz Khan and Harsh Chhaya. 

another look of the Jewish Princess bday present from the Amir...it is very nice.......

And while on the subject of the Jewish Princess....my 15-year-old niece Tiffany Goldstein I took this pic at home in Palm Island before leaving for London............

ITALIA ITALIA - Iddio la creò.

Anna Dello Russo - Giovanna Battaglia

C'était Très Beau

And Daphne like JG totally subscribes to the fit or fat routine of long walks...after being dropped by most fashion house for her weight gain she went to the fit and fat
and here is the result...and she did tell me, dank je wel.

I told you....If you don't know than you don't know.........

Spot gold dropped as far as $1,142.91 an ounce, its lowest since early November when it marked a 4-1/2 year low of $1,131.85. It was down 1.6 percent at $1,148.01 by 0107 GMT.

Sem Comentarios

gummy bear breast implants


RG -  holding winning hand at 51,000 feet (15,545m) 

Life is Beautiful

No selfies. Aspire to experience photo-worthy moments in the company of a beautiful 

Buy a tuxedo before you are 30. Stay that size.


 Feigning unpretentiousness is worse than being pretentious

Measure yourself only against your previous self.

The cliché is that having money is about not wasting time. But in reality money is about facilitating spontaneity.

Displaying slim.jpg

Always carry a roll of cash. Keep it in your front pocket

Never stay out after midnight three nights in a row. Unless something really good comes up on the third night.

If you did tattoos.....
  • You will regret your tattoos. 
    • Never date an ex of your friend.
    • When people don’t invite you to a party, you really shouldn’t go.
 And sometimes even when you are invited, you shouldn’t go.

    • Theres's always another level. Just be content knowing that you are still better off than must who have ever lived.
    • Don’t ever say, “it is what it is.”
    • Ask for a salad instead of fries.

Miuccia Prada is not only one of the ten most richest women in the world according to Forbes but also one of the most respected creative talents in the history of fashion. Miuccia Prada makes clothes that are beautiful but also clothes that are interesting and that make you feel in place, no matter the setting.

浅田真央 : 前人未到の「3回転×8回」エイト・トリプル挑戦

she has lost the baby face look and gained curves........


All people want stability and beauty, amongst many other human (humane) necessities.

I had a friend tell me this:

KC will remember my always telling her "When you think you have money there are others than can buy you ten times over.....turn you around and buy you ten times more".....such is the case here....the Sheikha is right(smiles)

    Bon Mots
    Today's phrase, coup de coeur, means "love at first sight," Perhaps It's the flutter in your hearts everytime you see a fantastic pair of new shoes, or hear an incredible new song.  (Obviously, you also get instantly infatuated with perfect beauty products.)or with a special person......One more thing:  coeur in French means "heart" -- and ouiit's really fun to use as a code word for a crush...

    Been there done that....

    thigh gap

    no thigh gap



     Dalianah Arekion one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




    Love of the Babushka.......Babushka Chic


    more tidbits

    Kendall Jenner Burn Book - Dazed & Confused Magazine


    ''What do I wear in bed Why, Chanel No. 5, of course.''
    Years and years have passed since Marilyn Monroe mentioned Chanel in the most provocative yet classy way that made both Marilyn Monroe and Chanel No. 5 even more legendary. But all up until the last year we couldn't hear it, and then luckily for us Chanel have finally been able to use Marilyn in a legitimate Chanel ad where we were able to hear it for the first time ever! Even tho Marilyn Monroe was never face of the brand, her passion towards Chanel No. 5 was obvious, and her face and images are always associated with legendary Chanel No. 5 drops. You simply got to love her even more when you hear her voice, she for real is an epic icon an everlasting legend and an inspiration for many provocative ladies around the globe. So, my question for you is... Have you tried wearing Chanel No.5 ONLY when you go to bed? : )))


    a latter-day, living matryoshka. Miroslava Duma may stand just a fraction over five feet in her size XS Wolford stocking soles, yet her towering online presence has made her virtually larger than life. The sheer ferocity of interest in her—take a peek at the Instagram comments on whatever new look of hers she has uploaded if you don’t believe me—can make it seem as if more and more Mira's of ever-increasing magnitude are revealing themselves before your very eyes.

    The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

    a little take on Japan-日本,

    Some unique ways of memorizing Japanese.


    Mr Fix it - Dr Lucian Ion – one of the best reconstructive surgeon I know... when the others mess up he’s the one to fix it. Also amazing with Botox and fillers and available for appointments on Saturdays. Trained throughout Europe and the UK he has specialised in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery. He continues to lecture and train in all aspects of surgery and therefore uses the latest techniques and tools in his work.  His private practice is based in Harley Street and the Wellington Hospital, and sees NHS patients in the Chelsea Westminster Hospital. 

    Real beauty depends far more on a graceful balance of all your features than on the shape of any one feature alone. For example, a perfect nose can appear too large if the chin is excessively small. At the same time, an overly large chin can spoil the harmony of otherwise attractive features.
    Chin remodeling(Genioplasty), whether it takes the form of reduction or augmentation, can help bring all your features into better balance.

    some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world 

    "Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

      HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned 

    my only thought is that Willi Geller would do wonders for her teeth....





    Schermata 2014-11-27 alle 01.09.50

     Una caddy bag da trascinare tra i ponti, tra i violini che intonano romantiche serenate prive di un’amante, tra i passanti distratti di vita, tra i lucchetti a suggellare effimeri amori  in una di quelle giornate di sole e, poi, di pioggia. Improvvisa e forse sperata.

    Christian Louboutin by MATHIEU CESAR

     The Céline SS15 clip is perfection–so simple and chic.

    This is one of the best desserts I have had....strawberries with custard..

    hoi polloi

    : the general populace : masses


    Ever wonder what happens to the hundreds of thousands of fashion pictures that don’t make it to print? Some of them are deleted, some of them are probably on a giant hard drive somewhere

    Masters of Deceit

    disinformationdezinformatsiya, in Russian—
    if a good piece of disinformation is repeated over and over, after a while it will take on a life of its own and will—all by itself—generate a horde of unwitting but passionate advocates.”
    And I have had losers tried this tactic against me, and it did not work....sorry but it did not
    and it will not(smiles).......
    For us JEWS we are constantly barraged with this tactic and we are getting better at going up
    against it..........my tactic is silence and female JEWISH LAWYERS.......

    LOOK PRAIA.........

    67 yrs ago: UN approved Res 181 paving the way to the creation of the state of Israel
    67 years later, we’re here, we’re strong, and we’re ready for anything.Today we thank G-d for bringing us back and celebrate our truly incredible country and all that it means to us. Israel is the Jewish homeland, given to Am Yisrael by Hashem thousands of years ago.

    The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
    I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....

    All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated

    I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit 
    to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775

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      When I started writing the Tidbits …my blog , I knew I would attract a wide world audience but this is beyond expectations. I not only hav...