שבת שלום
Shabbat Shalom and a wonderful weekend to all.
Wishing a speedy and full recovery for Ayala bat Rut.
Challah for Shabbat

Copy your dreams and paste into your life!

J'aime ma nièce Tiffany Goldstein
This hallow of calmness around
My Sixth sense
j'adore la couleur noire dans les vêtements(the color Black in clothes)
Louis Vuitton Rules supreme..............
Mugdha with red Kabbalah string............
This girl is a looks wizard.........
l'amitié, which means "friendship" in English.
One more thing: If you're writing a letter in French, you can sign it amitiés, which roughly translates to "your friend" or "best wishes." But I prefer bisous!

️️ FRIENDS!!!!! , It Is Not Where You Go??? Or What You Do??? , BUT It Is Who Is Beside You That Counts. FOREVER!!!!!
Like the discovery of love, like the discovery of the sea, the discovery of Dostoevsky marks an important date in one’s life.
As-tu lu le livre de Caroline de Maigret? ''How to be a parisian''? Si oui l'as-tu aimé?

Oui je l’ai lu!
Lady Lee and Peepy.........
The fashion! The army of crocodile Birkins! The dizzying OTT! Look and her. Fabulous, at a water polo match in a white dress shirt and full on makeup, trendy bendy manicure and matching her Kelly to the son's MCM backpack to the swimming pool. And the hat. Not hiding her trademark 'do. Never. The hair always gets its picture taken.
Cara Delevingne is a model, actress, professional face-puller and Instagram phenomenon–but how did she become the fashion industry’s most wanted and become an icon for a new generation? Photographer and director Matthew Donaldson gives his opinion on the unique allure that has propelled her to supermodeldom.

But cool is also definitely NOT like fashion. Cool is more about what the norm is NOT. Cool is elusive, indefinable, covetable. It is original, desirable, and not accessible to everybody. If everyone has it, if the brand becomes saturated, it stops being cool.

Certaines filles se trouvent tellement sublimes qu’elles arrivent à convaincre tout le monde autour d’elles qu’elles le sont. JG appelle ça le complexe de Gisèle Bundchen (pas que Gisèle ait ce complexe, mais ces filles-là croient qu’elles sont Gisèle Bundchen) .
Je pense que la vie est vachement plus sympa quand on se trouve sublime. Vivons comme si nous étions sublimes.
Some girls think they are so sublime that they end up convincing everyone around them that they are. JG calls that the Gisele Bündchen Complex (Not that Gisele has that complex, but just that the girls think they are Gisele Bündchen).
I think life is so much nicer when you think you’re sublime.
Let’s live as if we were sublime creatures

Smile (if your face isn't botoxed), you're in sunny Beverly Hills
Dos de mis bachatas favoritas...........
I was asked again to post this word and meaning......Utamawarimashita- is a japanese word that means , no but the Japanese hating confrontation, will say this word and tell you, "we will do our best to accomodate your request or petition....but in reality is a polite way of saying , NO
Lasciate perdere i regali, smettetela di correre per le vie della città, isterici ed indomiti. Fate l’amore. Regalate tempo alle persone che amate. E speranza. In egual misura e senza bisogno di carta da strappare o di fiocchi di raso rosso. Fregatevene delle calorie delle tavole imbandite del chiasso assordante dei bicchieri sporchi dei piatti di porcellana che non sono mai abbastanza del cibo della pasta che è scotta. Addormentatevi sul divano, alle cinque di pomeriggio. Baciatevi, perché nonostante le apparenze i baci quelli veri restano.
All people want stability and beauty, amongst many other human (humane) necessities.
Signora Prada reigns....I love all the black she is using this season.....
So everyone knows that Gabrielle Chanel purported the whole "A woman shouldn't smell like flowers, she should smell like a woman" thing to sell/describe Chanel No 5. Okay.
I think that Chanel 31 is the No 5 for the 21st century. Truthfully the whole perfume is so well blended and so stylized that it's hard to exactly tell what I'm smelling, but to me it smells like class and a million bucks. And it just SMELLS SO BEAUTIFUL!!!

"Isn't elegance forgetting what one is wearing?"
Hear this or not, as you will. Learn it now, or later -the world has time. Routine, repetition, tedium, monotony, ephemary, inconsequence, abstraction, disorder, boredom, angst, ennui-these are the true hero's enemies, and make no mistake, they are fearsome indeed. For they are real.
thigh gap

no thigh gap





Love of the Babushka.......Babushka Chic


more tidbits


A selfie of your shoes
" did you see her shoefie on Instagram of her Chanel pumps?"

Grey over knee boots by Stuart Weitzman

POLINA KITSENKO -She's got style...
Vika Gazinskaya

When the day calls for basics, printed tee’s and jeans are the casual of the casual wear. I’ve been seeing a lot of printed tee’s and sweaters inside of H&M. Most of the tee’s and sweaters are incorporating ‘French words’ for those wanting a loud, parisian chic inspired wardrobe. So if you don’t have a basic top to pair with jeans, or you’re a fan of sweaters; H&M would be the place to go for a cheap trendy printed top. Besides Vika’s lip print Tee is no longer available, and you’d had to have been in Moscow to receive it. Anyways enjoy the look…I think it’s cute…esp Vika’s top(s) that she’s showing off.

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

Peepy With Mother'LEE & M'Tuk

Peepy Celebrating Christmas & New Year 2015 Party!!! PEEPY With All his Lovely Family & Friends. At 25G

a little take on Japan-日本

. Japan is the most polite country in the world, where society's "golden rule" is to never cause 迷惑 meiwaku (inconvenience, trouble) to others...

two of my favorite Japanese idioms
[あたまをもたげる, atama o motageru] rise into prominence
大同小異 | daidō shōi | big similarity, small difference | Similarities outweigh the differences. |
One common sign of aging is as plain as the nose on your face. Actually, it is the nose on your face. "The nose flattens and widens as we age."One of the quickest and easiest ways to look younger is to reshape it with a filler." A hyaluronic acid filler (Perlane, Juvéderm, Restylane) injected right into the dorsum (the bony line straight down the center) slims the nose and even corrects bumps and imperfections. Doctors can also add a tiny dose of Botox under the tip for a more youthful profile. "Your nose becomes more hooked as you age, which drags down the entire face," "Botox lifts it up and takes off years in about ten minutes."
Next to perkier breasts girls yearn for smooth, round, plump...earlobes. Yes, you heard that correctly. "Skin sags as we age, and the earlobes are no exception, "And because so many women wear heavy earrings, the lobes are often the first thing to droop." To plump them up, get a hyaluronic acid filler. "A tiny shot in each lobe gives your ears an immediate lift that can last from six months to a year,"

As we age, the face begins to lose collagen and elastin which contributes to sagging facial features. The loss of facial volume and elasticity also lead to the formation of wrinkles, lines and folds.
What is a Liquid Face Lift?
A Liquid Facelift is a technique for injecting advanced dermal fillers, such as Radiesse®, Juvederm®, Restylane® to lift and contour facial features. A non-surgical Liquid Face Lift in Miami Florida can be undertaken to accomplish any of the following:
- Gentle lift of individual or overall facial features
- Reduced wrinkles, creases, lines or folds
- Restoration of natural, curved facial contours
- A more rested, energetic look
- A friendlier smile
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
Sheikha Mozah in 2014
Lets look back at her best looks in 2014, when it comes to fashion and Sheikha Mozah, there is no doubt she is one of the best dresser in the world. She did not disappoint us in 2014, one amazing look after another, she delivered one of the best shows in haute couture. In this year she wore couture from Valentino, Chanel, Dior, Jean Paul Gaultier, Ulyana Sergeenko, Wadha Alhajri and even from her own brand QELA.
Two occasions such as Japanese visit and the Moroccan Royal wedding were the highlights of the year. Tell me what is your favorite look from this year.


Chhammak Chhallo/ Chammak Challo
The word Chhammakchhallo (Spelt chammak challo also) is used for a girl who is flashy in appearance. The word can be called part of slang, and can be derogatory as well, though it's not a swear word.
Exactly, chhammak here refers to the sound of jingling as someone walks, and chhallo was most probably used for chhallas (chhalla = a ring, not necessarily the one worn in a finger) and hence chhammakchhallo was used for someone who used to make a jingling sound with her jewels.
Exactly, chhammak here refers to the sound of jingling as someone walks, and chhallo was most probably used for chhallas (chhalla = a ring, not necessarily the one worn in a finger) and hence chhammakchhallo was used for someone who used to make a jingling sound with her jewels.
a look back at the 2014 Victoria's Secret Casting for non angels
A gente tenta se vestir colorida, aí vem a Gwyneth Paltrow e… Páh! E pra sambar na cara de quem simplesmente tenta, ela ainda consegue combinar um sapato que tem a tira laranja flúo com o vestidinho roxo da Victoria Beckham. Quer tentar também? Então preste atenção: reparou que ela não usou cor alguma no make? Toque importante para não exagerar na dose!

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

Copacabana Palace!!!!
Israel: 100 Years in a Flash
Happy Birthday “Hatikvah”! 22nd December was the 135th anniversary of the creation of the poem “Hatikvah” by Naphtali Herz Imber.
The poem, which was written in 1878 and later had music written around it, has been used as a unifying song in the movement to bring Jews home to the Land of Israel.
In 1948, it was used as the national anthem of Israel, being officially recognized as such in 2004!

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
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