It is so much joy to celebrate Hanukkah but it is sad when it ends like it did today.....
all eight candles, marking the last day of the Festival of Lights!
Shelo yihbe neiro l’olam v’ed ~ the light will burn forever
A snippet of Shlomo Carlebach zt”l ~ “It could be today.”
…. Chanukah is one holiday where the whole ceremony is only at night. Chanukah gives us the strength to bear the sometimes long, sometimes
blackest of nights.But G-d swore to us that in the morning the Light will be burning.
Privet Matryoshkas
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should

It’s time.
That time of the year when all is quiet, when our minds and hearts focus on friends and families.
Our computers, phones and tablets take second place to laughter, to a good chat and a great book.
This time, when the world turns quiet is my best-loved time of the year. A time to renew our
sorry, wrong address............
lots of air kisses and holiday greetings..............
Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were Ph.D. students at Stanford University. Together they own about 14 percent of its shares but control 56 of the stockholder voting power through supervoting stock. They incorporated Google as a privately held company on September 4, 1998. An initial public offering followed on August 19, 2004. Its mission statement from the outset was "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful
The Googleplex, Google's original and largest corporate campus
The Spanish Influence in Sicily
The Spanish influence on the Sicilian traditions and colors is the inspiration for the images of the Spring Summer 2015 advertising campaign featuring the collections designed by Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana. Traditional Italian and Spanish elements combine together to give the images a touch of Mediterranean sensuality

️ Now Peepy Falling In Love With "SOFT RICKY BAG" By RALPH LAUREN!!!!! ️ The Ricky Bag , Named After Ralph Lauren's Wife & Muse , Ralph Lauren Ricky Bag: Designed In 2005 In Honor Of His Wife , It Is A Superb Designer Bag , One Of Those Rare Pieces That Rises Above The Trends And Becomes A Timeless Classic – Like The Hermès Birkin , For Example. With Its Fantastic Colours And Ornate Design, It Is Instantly Recognizable. It Has Now Been Presented As "The Soft Ricky Bag" , A Model That Has A More Relaxed Appearance As A Result Of The High Quality Of The Materials.

Rathi coloring time!

Si No hay Riesgo, No hay Recompensa! Hay que perseguir los sueños y enfrentar los temores. Eso me enseñaron a mi y eso es lo que estoy haciendo, quiero hacer y seguiré haciendo.

gummy bear breast implants

"I know not what tomorrow will bring" but this is a good start...
Language changes… the way you speak and write.
It’s impossible not to be affected by the cadence of the French language, to become more descriptive… to embellish.
It’s inevitable that questions are ended with an answer. The French often do that… answer their own question with the negative, “non”, which really means yes.
Record setting...
pero como dicen en Spain....todo es un espejismo....cuidado..non esiste....
Trader Peter Tuchman wears a ''Dow 18,000'' cap as he works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange in New York, December 23, 2014.
I am being ironic so so,hopefully you will figure this out(smiles)
That one on the right looks positively horrified:
Does that waiter not understand that we are models and have no need for food at all, let alone dessert. We have just been consuming air for the last three courses, for crying out loud, moving the food around while the other guests at the table stuff their faces like pigs at a trough just because they think that humans actually need to consume food to live. Models are higher beings. All we need is a juice cleanse in the morning and a handful of chia seeds at night and even that is too much sometimes but, of course, I believe in the 80/20 rule, you know.

I don’t care what anyone says, brilliance is sexy. Intelligence is sexy. Maturity is sexy. Having a mentality stimulating conversation is sexy. Have a great body is good, being fit is good, health is important. Charm is nice. But intelligence, my G-d, intelligence is absolutely sexy.
“ Pleasure to me is wonder—the unexplored, the unexpected, the thing that is hidden and the changeless thing that lurks behind superficial mutability.
Shakira sang about them..... "Ojos Así"

" And I'm not talking about a $400,000 a year working Wall Street stiff flying first class and being comfortable" I am talking about liquid. Rich enough to have your own jet. Rich enough not to waste time. Fifty, a hundred million dollars, buddy. A player. Or nothing"
non guardare, not look, observe
when a girl uses LOL in a text. It usually means she's easily impressed....And most likely still not know what is the know.

Every good woman deserves great underwear

no thigh gap

Claudia Tavel one of the 4,000 + followers of the tidbits


Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic

more tidbits
I love fur and ladies in fur.............and sable is my favorite.....

and her vision is not too shabby either.................
'A string of naked lightbulbs' - Trailer (2014) from Annabel's
The Annabel’s documentary 'a naked string of lightbulbs' is an RSA Films and United Entertainment production, Executive Produced by Sir Ridley Scott. With exclusive access to the Annabel’s archives for the first time, the documentary marks the 50th year of the world’s most famous private nightclub, celebrating the legacy of Mark Birley and the continued eclectic history of Annabel’s. Founder Members, Annabel’s staff and existing Members including Nina Campbell, Sir David Tang, Anna Wintour and Kate Moss all contribute to the documentary with personal memories and experiences at the Club.

Elena Perminova slim-fit pants, Balenciaga’s cutaway flat boots, and a chunky Tommy Hilfiger braided knit make for the kind of outfit that would work anywhere, anytime, fashion week or no
The thing elevating the outfit to high fashion, sit-up-and-take-notice status? The Louis Vuitton masked cap.

It’s hard to fault Permoniva’s outfits – selected perfectly to compliment her figure and blonde bob –

She of the Clarins family – yes, that Clarins.
The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

55555 Peepy With Mother'LEE [ Home Alone Peepy Signature!!! By Mother'LEE

a little take on Japan-日本

the word kasa (casa),
which means "house" in Spanish and "umbrella" in Japanese. Here are some other Japanese words you didn't know you already knew:
which means "house" in Spanish and "umbrella" in Japanese. Here are some other Japanese words you didn't know you already knew:
- Cheek show! --> Damn! (畜生 chikusho)
- Bose --> A Buddhist priest, or any bald person (坊主 bozu)
- Chile --> Geography (地理 chiri)
- Psycho! --> That's the best! (最高 saiko, pronounced "sai-koh")
- Bimbo --> Poor, no money (貧乏 binbo)
- Hen --> strange (変 hen, and yes, it's the the hen in hentai)
- Show you --> soy sauce (醤油 shoyu, incidentally one of the most difficult to write kanji characters)
- Ohio --> Good morning (おはよう ohayo)
- "E" --> good, ok, sometimes "no thanks" (いい, ii)
- Ski --> [I] like [that] (好き suki)
- Haha --> one's own mother (note, will always incite giggling in Japanese 101 class)


And in the old days when you did a facelift you were taped up for at least ten it is not so and the real great plastic surgeons do the procedure with local anesthesia......
I have written before about how the scalpel may look scary but it gives great results...but again plastic surgery is not for everyone. And yes, I think going under the scalpel is great....I recently saw for the upteenth time this movie of Humphrey Bogart (Dark Passage) where he undergoes a facelift and he is very pleased with the results.
many many moons ago that is how it used to waited to remove the bandages to see how nice or how bad they did your facelift....nowadays you can tell the results almost immediately....
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
Sheikha Mozah showed us caps and turbans can be modern and perfect for making fashion statements.
Sheikha Mozah doing the Single Ladies dance

Myriam Fares Sexy A.. ميريام فارس



She looked great in the show but I like this will too....
something that seduces or has the quality to seduce
- Synonyms:
- tentazione
- Types:
- amo, esca
anything that serves as an enticement - attrattiva
Smiling and laughing more will automatically make you happier in life

I love this......chic....beau


I love her dress....and no she did not invite me to her wedding....remember every wedding I have attended has ended in divorce....and the most elaborate weddings the ones where tons of money was spent ended in quicker no do not invite JG if you want to stay married(smiles)
The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated.
I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit
to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775