Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
In the movie "Wall Street" there is a scene where Bud Fox(Charlie Sheen) screams "I just bagged the elephant" after Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas) decides to invest money with his brokerage firm......and I just felt the same way when yesterday-the one and only Lady Lee Pheungboonpra, became one of the followers of the Tidbits....yes, I just bagged
the elephant............
Lion Lady Lee Pheungboonpra of Thailand
the 'do'(as in hair-do) has an official name: The LION. It takes one and a half hours to do. She has had it done for 10 years straight and usually does it on the same day, but if she has a morning event, she will haveher hairdresser coiff her the night before and sleep on her face.
ps. did anyone notice the magnificent, ivy-like growth of diamond on her neck? And ears and hands? And SASH?
and here is one more pic of Lady Lee
Her name is "Lee Pheungboonpra". Her husband is one of the biggest steel manufacturers in Thailand... and for this reason... here's her Hermès bags collection ♥♥♥
in her case she surpasses Mouna Ayoub in her Louis Vuitton collection and in her Hermès collectionis beyond belief.
Las Colombianas de rompe y rasga
Gracias a la popularidad de Sofia Vergara, Shakira o la reciente Miss Universo Paulina Vega, Colombia se ha puesto de moda.
Colombia....Ta Cache...........
IF you do not know who Mouna Ayoub is....here it is , on her own words....so do not kill the messenger(smiles)....
"As a Saudi wife I had it all.. diamonds, furs and misery; She wanted freedom from her husband's vast wealth."
THE ex-wife of one of the world's richest men has revealed how her life of luxury was a "nightmare".(there is always two sides to each story///this is her side of it.)

Alla domanda cos'è di moda oggi rispondo "Personalità, non mode. Ridisegnare. Modellare. Adattare. Proprio come si fa quando si racconta una storia: con la devota cura che dovrebbe caratterizzare la scelta delle parole, dei gesti o dei silenzi"
When asked what is fashionable today say "Personality, not fads. Redesigning. Modeling. Adapt. Just like you do when you tell a story: the devoted care that should characterize the choice of words, gestures or silences"
Differences between you and me, just for fun!
So. Valentine’s Day. The perfect time to profess your undying love for a certain special someone... |
in Japan you get Giri choco (義理チョ literally, "obligation chocolate" in Japanese) is chocolate given by women to men on Valentine's day in Japan. It is a relatively cheap type of chocolate women give to male co-workers, casual acquaintances, and others to whom they have no strong attachment. Giri choco is lower-quality than honmei choco (more expensive chocolates women give to their romantic partners).[

Deep inhale… “Oh, its SO cool.”
Those were my thoughts when I looked through all fifty-five Ziggy Stardust-meets-Edie Sedgewick, with a side of S&M, looks at Dior Couture. Raf Simons knows how to mix color in this intriguing way that makes women actually want to wear a green coat.
And the boots!?! Ohhhh, the boots! …
But when you’re wearing Dior Couture, who cares?!
One of the true beauty of a real Pilipina

It's time to change those bad eating habits once and for all. This is how:
e l’acconciatura che non l’abbandona mai.



" Beauty is unbearable, drives us to despair, offering us for a minute the glimpse of an eternity that we should like to stretch out over the whole of time. "(unless you find the fountain of youth or make a pact like Dorian Gray)
by request with a little upgrade on what it does???
An all in one product
Ultimate beauty solution: Dr Frances Prenna Jones' formula has been created at act as a cleanser, toner and moisturiser
When life is busy, you need to be able to get up and go without being held up by a lengthy morning beauty regime. Cleanser, toner, serum, eye cream, neck cream, moisturiser... there must be a simpler solution. And the Formula 2006 does that....
HOW IT MULTI-TASKS: As well as replacing everything from moisturiser to night cream, this runny liquid also cleanses, tones and exfoliates skin, tackles pigmentation issues and guards against breakouts.
Your first love isn't the person who you first dated or who you first kissed or
who was in your first relationship with you or even who you first said I love you to.
Your first love is the person you'll always compare everyone to, the person you'll
never truly get over, the person you 'll always remember when you talk about love,
the person who made you see love in a different way.
who was in your first relationship with you or even who you first said I love you to.
Your first love is the person you'll always compare everyone to, the person you'll
never truly get over, the person you 'll always remember when you talk about love,
the person who made you see love in a different way.
If you are going to drink coca-cola then follow the norm....crystal bottle crystal glass
Walking in style smile emoticon
"Indifference is the greatest aphrodisiac – that’s what really sums up style for me."
C’e’ qualcosa di più bello che svegliarsi con questa vista?
Like the Jap girls Bündchen loves to give the peace sign. IF you look closely she too has a bit of cellulite and little rolls of fat(smiles)
❝ Poetry, dreams, desire, everything leads me to you. ❞

been there done that............

thigh gap
mini thigh gap

no thigh gap

Thaísa Daher de Menezes one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits



Love of the Babushka.......Babushka Chic

When in doubt black it out........


Levi cut-offs during the summer never get old. Add a dose of high fashion by pairing with a Chanel tweed jacket, Chanel purse and Prada heels as Mira did whilst attending the Chanel Haute Couture show in Paris, July 2013.

The lovely Claire Courtin-Clarins
The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

"Peacefully" Buddhist Monk At Forest Temple. "

a little take on Japan-日本,

What color is the sun? You might answer that it's yellow, or orange, or white. However, when asked this question most Japanese are likely to answer "red," perhaps because of the red circle on the Japanese flag, called 日の丸 hi-no-maru or circle-of-the-sun.
Red is the primary color you'll see when you visit a Shinto shrine, including the red Daruma dolls and torii arches, and lovers are said to be connected by an 運命の赤い糸 unmei no akai ito or Red String of Fate, an invisible red thread tied to their pinkies.


there is a new approach – a technique called lipomodeling, which restructures the face from within, tackling deeper tissues.
Lipomodelling involves the removal of fat from another part of the body, such as around the hips.
The fat is refined – separating it from liquid or oil from ruptured fat cells.
A cannula about 1mm in diameter then deposits tiny particles in tunnels within the tissue, creating layers of new tissue.
These have to take as a graft within the face – establishing circulation from around the tissue to become a viable part of the structure of the face.
They don’t dissipate or move so there is less need for repeat procedures. It looks and feels totally natural

As we age, the face begins to lose collagen and elastin which contributes to sagging facial features. The loss of facial volume and elasticity also lead to the formation of wrinkles, lines and folds.
What is a Liquid Face Lift?
A Liquid Facelift is a technique for injecting advanced dermal fillers, such as Radiesse®, Juvederm®, Restylane® to lift and contour facial features. A non-surgical Liquid Face Lift in Miami Florida can be undertaken to accomplish any of the following:
- Gentle lift of individual or overall facial features
- Reduced wrinkles, creases, lines or folds
- Restoration of natural, curved facial contours
- A more rested, energetic look
- A friendlier smile
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
Just saying



I laugh at those who think they can damage me. They do not know who I am, they do not know what I think, they cannot even touch the things which are really mine and with which I live.
— Epictetus
"Emmenez-moi" Charles AZNAVOUR
Emmenez-moi au bout de la terre
Emmenez-moi au pays des merveilles
Il me semble que la misère
Serait moins pénible au soleil
(if i translate it - it would lose its meaning)
Once again Hermès has teamed up with photographer Zoe Ghertner, stylist Camille B Waddington
one of the wonders of the world.............

Sports Illustrated 2015 Swimsuit Calendar Cover Revealed

Você gosta do cabelo bob (ou chanel, em português)?

vitamina C

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free


Academy Award-winning actress Natalie Portman and supermodel Bar Refaeli both call Israel home. Hands down the hottest fact about Israel.

Tel Aviv is a beautiful place — beaches, architecture, people and more. And the world is taking notice. The city’s Gan Hahashmal scored second place on Thrillist’s “Top ten sexiest neighborhoods on Earth,” list losing out to only Rio De Janeiro’s Ipanema neighborhood.