
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775 - JG 58

שבוע טוב
Shavua Tov! Wishing everyone a great week.

Do You Believe in Magic?

שמע ישראל


Flag for Israel
Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí  - אני יהודי 

Things I wanted you to know - 

JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should

I want to thank all the readers from around the world, the followers and the fantastic sponsors for all your support and attention to my blog......sure there are haters out there specially those JEW haters.....but if this was not a serious and entertaining
blog we would not have so many that keep returning and not such luxury
sponsors......so again if your messages are anti-semite or plain hateful after the first such message none of your messages are read and are blocked by a special app so do not waste your time...your insults will not be answered, I rest my case and your hate does nothing to me other than for me to  give you stone cold silence and block you.......Peace and Love......Shalom.....

Tu BiShvat / טו בשבט

Tu BiShvat or Tu B'Shevat or Tu B'Shvat (Hebrew: ט״ו בשבט‎) is a minor Jewish holiday, occurring on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat. It is also called "The New Year of the Trees" or (Hebrew: ראש השנה לאילנות, Rosh HaShanah La'Ilanot‎). Tu BiShvat is one of four "New Years" mentioned in the Mishnah.

It's F-F-F-F-F-February

“One-percenters,” collectors, dealers, artists, rappers, socialites, hangers-on, would-bes, princesses, archduchesses, moguls, editors, reporters, photographers, bloggers, fashionistas, athletes, rock stars, drag queens, museum directors, museum board members, designers, architects, former Warhol superstars, people holding O.B.E.’s, and celebrity look-a likes....the world is a circus

  • Colombia ha festejado por todo lo alto su triunfo, el primero en 57 años

Paulina Vega Dieppa, en los desfiles previos a ser coronada como la nueva Miss Universo. Colombia ganaba después de 57 años.

 this video made me laugh! Still trying to figure out exactly what she was trying to have said with this clip? :)

requested from Milano......

I am going to beat this information to eternity but it is worth it....this is a lethal combination, even if you are classy, gorgeous beautiful woman with  good manners this will help tremendously.....and even if you are not so gorgeous, are ill mannered and hateful, this will help you for a bit....that is until your real personality comes out(smiles).....I believe that for women this combination is lethal....you will smell like a million dollars....for sure.....

combine this two =

What every Classy woman should have in her travel case:

A leopard Pashmina

Ballerina type of walking shoes

Christian Louboutin Gold high heels

Molton Brown SPF15

Dr Frances Prenna Jones Formula 2006

Prada Jersey Dress

Nenuco Colonia

Hard case Louis Vuitton case

Bond No. 9 Perfume

A Missoni bikini

a pen and a diary

À quoi vous pensez quand vous regardez la photo ci-dessus ?
Ok, la vue est hallucinante*, le maillot est hyper cute**, mais, mais, maaaaais…
Ok, vous voulez savoir ce à quoi je pense ?
Ce ventre !!!


A painting by Pablo Picasso
Gold ceilings
A painting by Andy Warhol
Two Bugatti automobiles
A house like the Louvre or Tate Modern
Hublot watch
A bottle of Pétrus from the Bordeaux region of France
Black Card
Black Maybach
A glass roof on your car like the Pope
Another new Bugatti
Rolls-Royce Ghost
Gold chalice
Gucci bamboo horse bit loafers

Deja vu... that feeling that you have been there before…

— (adjective) In the list of one of the most 100 beautiful words in the English language, ineffable’s beauty lies in its flowing sound and meaning. Ineffable describes the sentiment of being unable to express something in words because it is too extreme to communicate; words cannot possibly do justice at this particular moment

a literal murderer's row..................

Candice Swanepoel (Foto: Editora Globo)
Candice Swanepoel (Foto: Editora Globo)

“Let me take a selfie” says the song, and plastic surgeons are crediting an uptick in business to social media’s selfie obsession

The selfie revolution is upon us and everywhere you look someone is holding up their smartphone and snapping a picture of their face, which will then promptly be posted to a social media outlet—or three.

Silicone Gummy Bear breast implants.......

Natrelle 410 implants are manufactured by Allergan, Inc.





anything that comes in orange boxes will do just fine....

and this art form should never die......

and this is ART too...

Un 'selfie' perfecto, ¿pasando por el quirófano?

La piel fina y sin poros, ojos ahumados, un filtro que blanquea la sonrisa y ¡flash! El 'boom' de las autofotos dispara el interés por la estética. Pero, ojo, vivir pegado a la pantalla envejece y distorsiona la imagen hasta casi la obsesión.

“Ma quando scrivi – uno status, un post, la didascalia di una foto di Instagram – da dove la trai l’ispirazione?” 

avoir de l'allure to have style, to have a certain elegance

It's all about the attitude. "All the time, you see people wearing the most expensive labels in the world, and everything is on top of each other, but at the end of the day, what is the difference between the woman who looks good and the woman who doesn't? It's not how much she's buying, it's not how expensive it is, but how confident she feels when wearing that piece. That is what makes the difference and that is what you can see in her eyes.

a vision in black..........

Well she’s all you’d ever want
She’s the kind you'd like to flaunt 
and take to dinner
Well she always knows her place
She’s got style, she’s got grace, she’s a winner.

LVMH Moët Hennessy • Louis Vuitton S.A., better known as LVMH, is a French multinational luxury goods conglomerate, headquartered in Paris.


if you look at this images below....it is the fit look not the muscle look.....French and Italians design clothes for slim guys......so I rest my case............

Hermès men’s winter 2015 collection

Hermès men’s winter 2015 show

Been there done that

thigh gap

no thigh gap



Mireia Belmonte one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic


style blogger instagram



I love Anna Andres, both before and after. I think she is beautiful although her looks has changed quite drastically.




 Elena Perminova’s post pregnancy body, and workout. Another street style star recently had her baby, and that was Miroslava Duma! (she already has a son named George, and recently welcomed her daughter Anna) Anyways, Elena had her daughter 3 months ago! She had her abs back within 60 days after her daughter was born via cesarian. Resuming her workouts only a mere two weeks after, and reportedly would not even take a day off from the gym.

‘How much time did she spend with her baby?’ to ‘why do women use pregnancy as an excuse to get fat?’ and the cynical: ‘liposuction, money, sickening.’ remarks -Marieclaire

Claire Courtin-Clarins LV

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

 Donate ..... Cap , Doll , Blanket & Money @ Buddhist Ordination Ceremony. 👬👭👬👭👬 Home Alone Peepy Signature Style By "Country Children" 

The fashion! The army of crocodile Birkins! The dizzying OTT! Look and her. Fabulous, at a water polo match in a white dress shirt and full on makeup, trendy bendy manicure and matching her Kelly to the son's MCM backpack to the swimming pool. And the hat. Not hiding her trademark 'do. Never. The hair always gets its picture taken.

a little take on Japan-日本,

Japan is a country with a highly developed system of superstitions that govern what is considered lucky or unlucky. There's a strange system of six named days that cycle over and over. When Japanese get married or take possession of a new car they always try to do it on 大安 (taian or Great Peace), the "lucky" day in this cycle, and avoid making any life-altering changes on 仏滅 (butsumetsu or Buddha's Death Day), the "unlucky" day. 



It's a new filler needle with which to make the face look younger, with very natural results. The very latest kind of filler is painless. Thanks to a flexible, round-tipped needle which enables Soft Restoration, a painless, minimum-invasive rejuvenating technique to smooth out lines and, above all, remodel the face.

Don't Bargain Shop

go to the best as your face and body are  the best you have..........

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!! 

Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

   HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned 

Sheikha Mozah was carrying Dior “Granville” Tote Bag.
Named after the fashion designer’s home town, the “Dior Granville” collection draws its inspiration from the origins of Dior. Celebrities love this bag, Sarah Jessica Parker, Blake Lively, Cheryl Cole, Demi Moore and Lindsay Lohan all got this bag. It retails about $3,200.00 (USD).

Mugdha Godse at film Will You Marry Me music launch at Hotel JW Marriott in Mumbai  2
Mugdha Godse at film Will You Marry Me music launch at Hotel JW Marriott in Mumbai  3
Mugdha Godse posing with audio cds of film Will You Marry Me at its music launch at Hotel JW Marriott in Mumbai  1


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America's Bitter Pill: Money, Politics, Back-Room Deals, and the Fight to Fix Our Broken Healthcare System

Deep Down Dark: The Untold Stories of 33 Men Buried in a Chilean Mine, and the Miracle That Set Them Free


Weekend Vignette

“Deep in every heart slumbers a dream, and the couturier knows it: every woman is a princess.” Christian Dior

Leopard Fever… It’s Catching

Everywhere I look I see leopard spots… leopard fever has struck… and it’s catching.
On the street, in the shops and featured in the fashion magazines.
Leopard has always been “the new black” … a favourite of the French woman and loved by fashionistas the world over.
This year it would seem that the lovely leopard is bigger and brighter than ever.
Leopard, Emmanuelle Alt, Vicki Archer, French Essence
PicMonkey Collage 2

Leopard print never dates and it is ageless.
Leopard looks just as fabulous on someone at 20 as it does at 50, 60 and 70.
Think Anne Bancroft in The Graduate.

Leopard print is like a dash of red lipstick… it brightens and livens.
A fashion win/win.

Whether a slither on the foot or the whole way with a dress or jacket, leopard can turn the plain into the striking.
Leopard is an extra but also an essential in the wardrobe.

My only rule… one piece at a time. Why? Because exotics can bite… 

Everyone is calling her the next Kate Upton. How do you feel about that?

It’s old photo of Carine Roitfeld in Givenchy necklace, but I still can’t get enough of it. Totally in love with her look

One of my favorite collections by Alexander Wang for Balenciaga so far!

Silky and leather makes a great duo.

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free


More of my tribute to IDF girls!!!!

por el bienestar de todos en el mundo pero especialmente por noslos Judíos

The native name of Israel is Yisra'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is........

  All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775

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  When I started writing the Tidbits …my blog , I knew I would attract a wide world audience but this is beyond expectations. I not only hav...