When the month of Adar enters, we increase in joy.
-Talmud, Taanit 26b

I will start with one of the nicest comments I have received about my blog/// this is fromCinztia in Milano.....
la prima volta che ho letto un tuo post e mi sono innamorata di come scrivi 
and I say: grazie mille bella..........
The best thing about French

Person: | "Ça va?" |
Other person: | "Ça va. Ça va?" |
Person: | "Ça va." |
Sheikha Mozah was rocking the one and only Chanel fur ice boots from the Fall Winter 2010 collection. She was wearing fabulous white Chanel couture suit and which shoes to wear with Chanel couture? Answer is another Chanel. She is rocking the head to toe Chanel look and we were all having the same response “are you wearing the Chanel boots?”. So chic or should I say ice chic.
PIA, you should always style yourself like this!!! This should be your signature style for sure. Forget the curls and the dark lipstick. If you want to stand out, make sure to be different from the rest.
Please fire your bad stylist, girl! Such a waste!
Eres tan bella porque te hacen llevar estos trapos? Tipico del Miss Universo: sin estilo y sin dinero. Twelve more months girl... hang there like the other ones before you.
Please fire your bad stylist, girl! Such a waste!
Eres tan bella porque te hacen llevar estos trapos? Tipico del Miss Universo: sin estilo y sin dinero. Twelve more months girl... hang there like the other ones before you.
Come on Mr Donald Trump spend some money on some nice clothes for this Miss Universe....
Gordon Gekko
Wake up pal, If you're not inside, you're *outside*! |
For every Prada fan out there, this has been a pretty good week, as the brand launched its entire archive online.
A Shabbat song sung in Hebrew is making waves online, and is set to an incredibly recognizable tune.
Performed by Refael Mirila and Asaf Flumendorf, the video uses the beautiful Hebrew lyrics of Lecha Dodi over the tune of John Legend's hit single, All of Me.
The result is a viral video seen by thousands in just a few days.
With Purim just around the corner…..you’re going to eat plenty of these.
a size 32 would seem to be the right size and not the big big implants...just wondering???

or this exaggeration(smiles)????????
gummy bear breast implants


Some Jewish girls wear a different kind of makeup…I support the IDF 100%
Che come piace pensare a me quello che manca ad alcune persone per essere felici è solo la leggerezza. Di animo, di parola e di azione.
(E’ venerdì, ma questo è solo un dettaglio)
In case you didn’t hear this today:
do you speak Prada>? I do(smiles)

I pride myself on being more perceptive than just about anyone. But I am not sure I can
decipher this pic...Mr Reynolds has his hand on his wife's backside and is staring at her breasts.What to think???? here are some thoughts: How lucky I am??? what a fantastic body???
what I am doing here at this place when I can be home with her???? or perhaps he is thinking
is she better looking than my ex-wife Scarlett Johansson??/

"I’m not fascinated by people who smile all the time. What I find interesting is the way people look when they are lost in thought, when their face becomes angry or serious, when they bite their lip, the way they glance, the way they look down when they walk, when they are alone and smoking a cigarette, when they smirk, the way they half smile, the way they try and hold back tears, the way when their face says they want to say something but can’t,the way they look at someone they want or love… I love the way people look when they do these things. It’s… beautiful."
um pão de queijo da Canastra para começar bem o dia

Never forget that LIFE IS NOW!
been there done that
thigh gap
no thigh gap


Andrea Petkovic one of the 4,0000 + followers of the Tidbits
Andrea Petkovic one of the 4,0000 + followers of the Tidbits

more tidbits
you asked this is your answer.........
you asked this is your answer.........
the model's name is Maks, and she's a Bangladesh-born merchandiser who's been with American Apparel since 2010.
Ameera Al-Taweel
Princess Ameera bint Aidan bin Nayef Al-Taweel often called Princess Ameera al-Taweel, in the English-language press, is a Saudi Arabian princess and philanthropist.
How do you wear patterns? I know there’s nothing new about clashing prints, but I love how Ju’s approach feels so effortless.

every woman should possess an LBD the more the merrier
Irina Shayk

just when you thought you'd seen the limits of fabulousness... she wears a coat that trumpets out covered with lichen-esque lace. Uncomfortable texture, marvellous effect. Topped with awkwardly-cut slightly fake looking blood-coloured fur (ALWAYS pronouced FARRR) with two DANGLING TAILS, poetic lace boots and then BAM a Louis Vuitton patent classic white Alma like "HEEEEY your avante-garde snobbos"!

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

Lady Lee loves to show off her swag and she has plenty to show off

a little take on Japan-日本,

Japan a "vertical" society in which young people learn to show respect to their elders(senpai) in ways we can't easily conceive of in English.


Millimeters separate the beautiful from the merely attractive

Instead, you see a lot of small procedures done over the long-term, such as nose shavings, hair-line revisions, chin/jaw-line liposuction, chin implants and often upper and lower eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) to open up the eyes.
Bollywood actresses , Indian Models and Indian Beauty Pageant Misses....most of them subscribe to plastic surgery........
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

Former President of France Nicolas Sarkozy was mesmerized by Sheikha Mozah’s beauty at the state dinner table at the Elysee Palace in Paris June 22, 2009.




A girl with a strong sensibility for love can fall prey to guys with charm, Jane Austen novels and, the idea of romance. Romance, although it is often attributed to the intimate love between two willing individuals (sometimes one unrequited, sadly); it is not restricted to this type of love. For instance, when you girls walk into your favorite clothing boutique, many new arrivals try to romance you. They often succeed. And isn’t it true that when you put on a beautiful new dress you feel that much more amazing about yourself and that much more ready for the other kind of romance?
Carine Roitfeld Disses American Style: Notable Quotable

"Americans created the T-shirt, the sweat pants, and they create the best sporting shoes. When I see a woman in the street, sometimes I think, Oh, it’s a bit too comfortable the way she is dressing, you know? And not in a nice way."
Très Mal: Like the long-staying house guest who can't take a hint, the Polar Vortex is still here.
Très Bien: You can look like you've been frolicking in the sun, even if the closest you've come to a beach is reruns of The O.C.
How? With Golden Glow Booster, a new self-tanning game changer fresh from our Paris innovation labs. Golden Glow is the first-ever bespoke bronzer. Mix a few drops into your moisturizer, then apply to your face and neck as usual.
If you want to look like you've been in St. Tropez for a week, go with 3-4 drops. If you want to seem like you've merely done a day trip to Miami, 1-2 should be fine
and my kind of girl......she drinks coca cola in crystal bottle.........
Cintura fina + quadril largos

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated.
I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit