
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775 - JG 61

Shavua Tov … שבוע טוב

Shavua Tov! Wishing you all an amazing week ahead. The entrance to Palm Island.

Whatever you believe, and wherever you are in the world, I hope you have a meaningful day. 

 “Quiero transmitir belleza, arte y suavidad”

"Qu’est-ce que le bonheur ? 


Flag for Israel
Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí  - אני יהודי 

Things I wanted you to know - 

JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should

Ne regardez pas en arrière et ne pleurez pas sur le passé, car il est passé et ne vous en faîtes pas pour le futur, car il n'est pas encore arrivé. Vivez dans le présent, et faites-en quelque chose de magnifique qui vaille la peine qu'on s'en rappelle. • 

Louis Vuitton Reigns..........



Innamorarsi di una canzone e ascoltarla fino a dimenticarne le parole. Fino a non poterne più. Fino a sentirla parte di quel momento.
Non avere paura, di ciò che vuoi.
Amami, lontano dai livori. Dalle convenzioni sociali e morali. Dai facili perbenismi.
Come bucato steso al sole ad asciugare.

L’alba che è meravigliosa se solo non la facessero ad un orario improbabile.

Willi Geller, the father of modern dental ceramics.

Willi Geller: The Tooth Fairy

Willi Geller sits at the pinnacle of a barely known and surprisingly artistic profession: dental ceramist.

Trays of dental molds.

English: hahaha
Spanish: jajajaja
Russian: xaxaxa

Mes peintres et dessinateurs préférés: Klimt, Egon Shiele, Vincent Van Gogh,Vermeer (<3 <3), Degas, Monet et Matisse. 

Illustrateurs: Yelena Bryksenkova et Joan Sfar (qui est également un excellent scénariste). 

Couturiers: Valentino (j’ai par ailleurs un énorme coup de cœur envers sa plus récente collection), Yves St-Laurent, Chloé, Dolce&Gabbana (leurs défilés sont toujours hyper bien réussis à mon avis), Oscar de la Renta, Marchesa, Ellie Saab, Zuhair Murad et Armani Privé...Prada,Louis Vuitton, Chanel et Hermès sont également des incontournables. 

desde la Argentina , una amiga especial me manda este comentario...y estoy

totalmente de acuerdo.....  esta definicion q lei sobre las siliconas me hizo reir!

Las siliconas son como las flores de plástico. De lejos son lindas, de cerca te das cuenta que son falsas y cuando las tocás parecen una pelota de goma...."
Y es verdad......por eso deben colocarse GUMMY BEAR IMPLANTS(SONRISAS)

from Argentina, a special friend sent me this comment ... and I
totally agree with her ..... this definition about silicone breast implants made me laugh!
"Silicone breast implants are like plastic flowers. By far they are cute, closely you realize that they are false and when you play with them or touch them they seem like a rubber ball ...."
And it's true ...... so if you are doing breast implants that is why you should put GUMMY BEAR IMPLANTS (SMILES)

Switzerland......sure they will....

gummy bear breast implants


Classic and chic

Chic -meaning "stylish" or "smart", is an element of fashion.

There is no denying that the French own Chic, while the Americans pick up the prize fo best in "sportswear" and the British, well, iconoclasm, of course. The Italians? There can be no doubt: glamour. No one does glamour quite like an ITalian. It's inherent, something that's impossible to do half-heartedly - and Italians don't do half-hearted anything.

Just a few of the things that inspire-fashion art pieces: From Chanel to Dior, The Eiffel Tower, Macaroons, French Architecture, High Ceilings, High Tea, The Little Black Dress, Clemence Poesy, Art Deco, Fashion Illustration, Old Movies, Old Movie Posters, Pastels, The Avenue des Champs-Élysées, Quaint Balconies, Fresh Flowers, Audrey Tautou, Haute Couture, The thought of being in Paris again soon…

una de mis Bachatas favoritas.............


The real Gordon Gekko....yes it is!!!! Ivan Boesky

 que pensais de las mujeres guapas que salen con hombres feos? o que se casan con hombres feos?

Not all investment banks are created equal. . To work at Goldman Sachs you need to have graduated with a 4.0 from an Ivy League school (preferably-Harvard). You need the resume of Zeus. And that only gets you in the door. Then you are subjected to multiple round of painstaking interviews. In fact, you're grilled by the entire bank, from the twenty-year-old assistant research analysts on up to the managing partners. You have a better shot  at winning a Grand Slam tennis tournament than getting hired by Goldman Sachs.Of course, once you get the job, your genetic superiority goes unquestioned. You no longer have trouble getting dinner reservations...the whole financial world and the world for that matter are at your feet.!!!!!///how do you know this Mr Goldstein....I know...and if you don't know than you don't know....I rest my case!!!!

Age?Never ask the age to a woman! And I will say that many women as they get into their late thirties and early forties think that having bigger breasts makes the day....and I think the opposite....but as always, I respect everyone's choices as long as it does not affect me.

Ci sono cose che noi adoriamo. Perché sono alla moda. Perché riportano alla mente donne dall'allure incontrastato come Francoise Hardy. Perché sono l'essenza stessa del vorrei-ma-non-posso.

Some norms:
 Don’t smoke.  Smoking is no longer considered glamorous–that is soooo 
démodé !!!and so unhealthy, it will kill you!!!!and stay away from second hand smoke for it is worse than smoking itself!!!

Speaking of coffee, you must drink  Macchiatos.  Glamorous people do not drink coffee with milk and sugar!!!Really(smiles)...and now you must drink flat white

  Drink a ton of Evian water in a crystal bottle and crystal glass

  Sugar is evil.

Try to look Long, Lean, & Luxe

kosher to drink Evian water in Crystal bottles and crystal glasses....

not kosher drink water in plastic bottles

Los Angeles is the land of delusions. You can live your life thinking you’re the best invention since sliced bread and no one will question your self-importance.
People in Los Angeles are always between projects. Ask them what they do for a living and you will NEVER get a straight answer. They work in the entertainment industry? They’re a pet psychic? They’re someone’s life coach? Oh, but they’re this close to getting a deal with so-so, which will catapult them to overnight fame.

Been there done that......

thigh gap

no thigh gap



Umida Mamazakirova one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




love of the Babushka.....Babushka Chic


Brazil women&#39;s volleyball team


more tidbits

Toda mulher adora um look todo preto, né? Eu amo!
Geralmente o “pretinho básico” é simples, chique, clássico e elegante, mas ele pode ser também ousado, sexy e até bem dramático!

and the look would have been much better with brown or beige shoes....né?


louis vuitton Gstaad

Gstaad, Switzerland.

Elena Perminova’s Chanel Story For InStyle Russia

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Elena is showing off her Chanel couture story photo’s from Russia’s InStyle Magazine! The Czarina is wearing Chanel (of course!)- but the hat looks like it’s from Chanel’s fall 2013 collection- the very collection that was showcased on a runway described as being old world meets new-
“The decor for Chanel earlier was faded old world meets city of the future,”. -Vogue, Paris
I guess that explains the story behind the funny hat (touches of something old and futuristic). & No it’s not a kokoshnik.

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"bon chicbon genre,"

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

"The Soft Ricky Bag" [Ralph Lauren] Size 33' Runway Collection!!! 

Victoria Beckham
 (Butterfly Silvercoated Mirrored) 
VS Prada  (Precious Ornate collection)" 

a little take on Japan-日本,

When I started going to Japan some ot the details that I noticed..........

I remember being amazed at the kawara tiles on the roofs of normal houses, which seemed to my untrained eye like something that belonged on thousand-year old temples in Kyoto. Another thing I noticed pretty quickly was the incredibly high level of service you nearly always get in Japanese shops and restaurants, and if you spend any time here you'll be spoiled for the rest of your life by this. Part of this service usually involves wrapping your purchase – such as the amazing cakes sold in shops inside Tokyo Station – multiple times, placing it in a bag, then in a box, then in another bag for good measure.


I do not want to rain on anyone's parade but after you are thirty years of age you should no longer buy the expensive beauty creams that are over the counter ie in fancy stores: Bergdorf, Saks, Barneys just to name a few.....you need to get them from Doctors(plastic surgeons) or Dermatologists who specialise in beauty and are licensed to give you stronger creams and potions.
However this products are very good for over the counter.......

[foto de la noticia]

El cirujano de las 'celebrities'. Enrique Monedero -"Cobro las primeras consultas porque así me quito de encima a personas muy frívolas"...The Plastic surgeon of the celebrities in Spain....Dr Enrique Monedero .."charges for consultation, so this way,  he can get rid of the frivolous"

Improvements in Facelift Surgery

Shorter Incisions & Fewer Tell-Tale Signs of Having “Work Done”
Equal or Better Results with Less Time Spent in Surgery
Reduced Downtime & Quicker Recovery Times

Common problems modern-day facelifts may correct include:
  • Wrinkles
  • Skin Folds
  • Turkey Neck
  • Excess Facial Fat
  • Sagging Skin & Jowls
  • Weakened Facial Muscles

and hair transplants are getting better and better here are some examples of them

but you cannot beat the Mayer-Fleming hair flap....it gives you much more volume and it gives immediate results.......

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!! 

Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

   HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned 

Sheikha Mozah was carrying Black Satin Roger Vivier Short Night Tube clutch with her Stéphane Rolland couture dress in Paris. This clutch is very popular on the red carpet, you can always see it on Oscars and Golden Globes red carpet. Tina Fey and Fan Bingbing both carried this clutch to the 84th Academy Awards. It costs around $1600 and comes in several colors. Apparently Sheikha Mozah loves Roger Vivier bags.

Sheikha Mozah was looking fabulous in black Jean Louis Scherrer couture gown from the Spring Summer 2003 couture collection. You may not be able to see the backside of the runway dress, I am sure this was the sample for the dress on Sheikha Mozah. Stéphane Rolland was the designer, it was altered with several modification such as adding the jacket and having much structural fabric than the soft white fabric. Another dress from Jean Louis Scherrer, I will be posting one more later this week if I found the picture.




Questa canzone e' cosi' profonda per tutte le parole!

Colombian Paulina Vega may soon have a new role: peace negotiator.
The newly-crowned Miss Universe got an invitation Saturday from Colombia's leftist FARC rebels to attend their peace talks with the government.
Rebels took her up on an offer she's made in the past that she's willing to attend the negotiations in Cuba.

"We have read with interest about your desire to contribute your services to achieve peace and reconciliation between Colombians," FARC said in a statement on its website.

"We salute your willingness to travel to Havana at the same time that we invite you to make the trip to exhibit the development of the process of talks."

Vega, 22, a business administration major at a Bogota university, was crowned Miss Universe in Miami last month. Though the native of Barranquilla has not responded to the offer, the rebels emphasized that her input is important.

Karl Lagerfeld for ERES PARIS

only in Hollywood

Rebecca Dayan

“I’m French, but my accent’s kind of gone. For a long time, I worked on eliminating it, and it’s the weirdest thing. In the beginning, when I started acting, my agent was always like, ‘You’ve got to make sure you have the most neutral accent possible,’ and I said, ‘Ok, ok, ok,’ and I worked really hard, and now they’re saying, ‘Can you play up your French accent?’ because people want something exotic, and I’m like, ‘You guys must be kidding me!’ I don’t even know how to do it anymore.

 why bother...why complicate it , when you can easily go from point A to point B (smiles)

Le shampooing sec, nouveau geste glamour

Lorsque Klorane a sorti son premier shampooing sec en 1971, il était loin d’être synonyme de glamour mais déjà, les aventurières étaient ravies de pouvoir compter sur ce produit révolutionnaire lors de leurs longues explorations dans des contrées sans eau courante. Depuis que les coiffeurs professionnels ont révélé l’utiliser lors de grands défilés, le shampooing sec connaît cependant un nouvel essor et prolifère dans le commerce. Pleins feux sur ce produit miracle !

Shampoing sec 2


Blond Brasilian model Alessandra Ambrosio photographed by Gui Paganini to introduced new variety of shoes and accessories by fashion brand Schutz from their newly launched Holiday collection.

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free


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The native name of Israel is Yisra'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is........

  All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775

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