שבוע טוב
Shavua Tov! May the coming week bring you peace & good health.
The Future of the Jewish People is in Israel - עם ישראל חי
Eat Kosher!!!!!!You will live longer!!!

Mi merito la quiete, la passione, il respiro lento, il fiato che si perde, i nodi che si sciolgono . Il luccichio dei glitter. Mi merito tutto questa settimana.
E voi con

a bit of irony(smiles)
What I am about to communicate to you is the most astonishing thing(my blog), the most surprising, the most marvellous, the most miraculous, most triumphant, most baffling,most unheard of, most singular, most extraordinary, most unbelievable, most unforeseen, biggest, tiniest, rarest,commonest, the most talked about, and the most secret up to this day.
And more so, I am going to tell you something you do not know!!!!!
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
Dont forget to cuddle this week!
and black clothes, no tats no muscles.....it always win the day for moi.........
VIBRANT. Always step out of your home thinking that there will be paparazzis outside waiting for you 😘
‘What would it be like to be a Russian it Girl?’ fun of course!!!

going on a shopping safari(smiles)
uno de mis artistas favoritos...y una de las mejores canciones.............
y a KC le gustó esta linea :
"Te abrazare y sentiras mi calor
Haremos sexo con ropa
Esto sera entre tu y yo "
en este pic se ven gordas las dos...........
"see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil"

Prada has come to Harrods and they're calling the takeover "Pradasphere."and Sheikha Mozah owns Harrods.......

Louis Vuitton - Omotesando Hills
The other day at a private party, my nose perked up when I caught RG spraying on a new perfume…“ RG, what is that amazing smell?!!” I said immediately. “This? You don’t know this?!” she responded And she went on to tell me that this amazing smell was Clarins Eau Dynamisante, a super well-known fragrance in France…I highly recommend it.

In a perfect world, every trend, cut, and piece looks amazing on every single person—but in our world, where trains arrive late and our computers self-destruct, not all fashion is created equal.

Backstage moments have always been more interesting to me
a size 32 would seem to be the right size and not the big big implants...just wondering???

or this exaggeration(smiles)????????
gummy bear breast implants


I notice everything. And by everything, I literally mean everything. I notice when the way someone talks to me starts changing. I notice the little things that people do, and the little things they used to do. I notice when things change, and when it’s no longer the same. I notice every single little detail. I just don’t say anything.
Breast Implants do not bounce this way(smiles)............
"Luxury is uplifting and valuable to people in a time of economic stress," a Louis Vuitton customer relationship manager said. "The quality of our products and craftsmanship stand the test of time."

Curly hair is something else. Ringlets upon gorgeous ringlets. I love curly hair in women....i do not like it when women that have beautiful curls want to straighten them.........
and I love the curls of Myriam Fares....she is beautiful.....and of course I also love the curls of Vanessa da Mata...........

Fashion has always been a natural haven for personalities on the intense end of the
spectrum-a business defined by creation and fantasy realised in satin, tulle and sparkly paillettes could hardly be anything else.
I love Daphne Groeneveld but this is not kosher....drinking Evian water from a plastic
bottle it must from crystal bottle...is a JG must (smiles)
From Shabbat tables and holiday dinners to thickly sliced French toast the next day, there’s always a place for challah in the Jewish kitchen. But like everything else in Judaism, the braided bread is surrounded by symbolism and rooted in the Torah. Challah being absolutely delicious is just a lucky side effect that clearly wasn’t passed on to all of the Old Testament-inspired foods—it’s pretty hard to love matzah with the same fervor.

And I have mentioned this before....if you hate JEWS ...Israel you should not use Google,Facebook and Twitter as they were founded and are controlled by JEWS(smiles) and so is blogger.....I rest my case.
'Si hablan mal de ti, significa que vas bien'

I pride myself on being more perceptive than just about anyone. But I am not sure I can
decipher this pic...Mr Reynolds has his hand on his wife's backside and is staring at her breasts.What to think???? here are some thoughts: How lucky I am??? what a fantastic body???
what I am doing here at this place when I can be home with her???? or perhaps he is thinking
is she better looking than my ex-wife Scarlett Johansson??/
by request from Roppongi Hills......yes - 六本木ヒルズ
me gusta esta estrofa de la nueva musica de Arcangel "Se Va"
Esa nena p'a mi esta buenisima
yes lindisima, preciosisima tiene clase mi gata finisima
(i'am ) ella es una
chica maxima esa nena
pa mi esta buenisima
(hey) lindisima preciosisima
.Tiene clase mi gata finisima ella es una chica maxima.

thigh gap
mini thigh gap
no thigh gap

Mayte Brito Medina one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits
Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic


more tidbits
Karl Lagerfeld and Cara Delevingne are among the style stars who have been spotted toting the Karlito keychain.
Meet the status keychain — the Bag Boy Karlito from Fendi.
The Karlito is a pricey trinket created in the divine likeness of designer Karl Lagerfeld, who is rarely seen without his trademark black glasses and monochromatic black duds.
And Lagerfeld’s mini-me is just as fabulous.
It’s fashioned from fox-fur and mink — and costs a whopping $1,750. (For comparison, a logo hobo bag from the Italian luxury brand costs $900.)
Who would drop that kind of change on a keychain? Apparently loads of style slaves: The waiting list is reportedly 600 fashionistas deep.
couples start this way....and by the way the tats are yuk
and end this way...
and ladies when you are relegated this way.....move on.........

For women, Russia is definitely not the country to come to if you harbor any insecurities about your looks. Women there seem to wake up perfectly tousled, ready for a night on the town, even at noon on a Tuesday. It is a paradise for men.....Karl Lagerfeld said " If I was a woman in Russia I would be a lesbian, as the men are very ugly"
In a tea dress that's half Fifi Chachnil nightgown, half Toddlers and Tiaras. She looks like a beautiful pearly strawberry candy.
The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........
Extravagance.....elegance...and out of the normal style but that is Lady Lee
and Peepy

a little take on Japan-日本,

Saturday (May 23) was designated as キスの日Kisu no Hi (Kiss Day), since it was on this day back in 1946 that the first movie with a kiss scene was shown in Japan. While the Japanese use the English word キス kisu, they've been kissing since long before Commodore Perry sailed his "black ships" into Edo Harbor. The first mention of 接吻 seppun (the Japanese word for kiss, now somewhat archaic) comes from the Heian Period (794-1185), where it’s described in The Tale of Genji, about the playboy son of a fictional Japanese emperor, essentially Japan's first "harem" story.
This was one of the first procedures I did many moons ago and it is one of my favorite ones................
They say the camera adds ten pounds...and this is a procedure that helps...it is simple and quick and gives great results....it is done by models and others who are in front of a camera frequently....and also by normal people who want to improve their looks.
And it is like going to the dentist but with no pain at all, just the injections inside the mouth.

and by the way the theory that you cannot do the buccal fat pad removal, the most common practice of top models and models because you loose volume in the face is not correct....and should you lose volume than it can now be added with M.D.'s like Dr Frederic Brandt and Dr. Pat Wexler. The purpose of the buccal fat pad removal is to slim down the face....I did mine way way back before anyone knew about it....and the volume on my face is still nice....

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

Prada at Bal Harbour Shops
Girls Be Bright & Bold this Summer! I will stick with my all black.....
Summer is all about colors, the more the merrier! Now is the time to wear all those funky colors which often don’t see much day light in winter. Now is also the perfect excuse as to have the matching tan enhancing each color to it’s max giving that gorgeous summer look!
La Isla del Encanto (Puerto Rico)....is almost rectangular in shape, approximately 100 miles long by 35 miles wide and is the smallest and the most eastern island of the Greater Antilles
Good G-d
. Ophélie Guillermand for Victoria's Secret Swim 2015.

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

Someone asked me this question?
What is the difference between a Jew, a Hebrew, an Israeli and a semitic person?
The words are not interchangeable, and don't mean the same thing. They are not considered offensive when used in proper context -- but then, you can say that about almost any word, can't you?
Jew refers to religion. Hebrew is a language and is also used to refer to people who speak that language. An Israeli is a resident of Israel (All Israeli's are not Jewish) and Semitic refers to a race of people. Traditionally, the Semites are people who are descendants of Shem (book of Genesis) and this includes the Hebrews, Arameans, Phoenicians, Arabs and Assyrians.
Hao and Jiang Ginshin immigrated from China to the United States where they discovered Judaism and converted. Yesterday, they arrived in Israel for the first time with their family.
The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated.
I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit
to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775