
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775 - JG 97

Shavua Tov! May we all be blessed with a good week.

It's a well kept secret... you have my permission to tell the world about the Tidbits

Le mois de mai est celui de l’exploration réfléchie.

It’s Monday, and I’m so happy because I’ve had a great weekend!

“The home should be the treasure chest of living.” Le Corbusier


Flag for Israel
Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí  - אני יהודי 

Things I wanted you to know - 

JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should

Another new sponsor for the tidbits.....welcome and thanks.............

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. 

Yu-na Kim a total class act..................

 Queen Yu-Na - Donates $100000 To Nepal Earthquake Relief Effort

Versace Versace Versace 

real friendship between a man and a woman is  rare but important....and when I get a message from a special and beautiful Israeli girl(Ortal).....that  makes my day......
here is her message : "JGThank you for all of the beautiful music you have introduced into my life. 
This is my favorite. 

Siempre una de mis Bachatas favoritas.....always one of my favorite Bachatas

Vocales de Amor está siempre en mi corazón

A!Y$H@...an acquaintance wants her name to be spelled this way, since money is motivation.

Recently I was at Aventura Mall and loved the display for the Apple Watch

If every person in the world gets to have a theme song for their life, then Giorgio Armani’s should be “I Did It My Way,” by Frank Sinatra.

This week  Giorgio Armani celebrated his 40th Anniversary in Milan with serious of fashion events. In honor of  Giorgio Armani’s 40th Anniversary Celebration, lets look back at Sheikha Mozah’s Armani Privé couture looks through the years. As far as I know, she didn’t wear Armani couture that often compare to Valentino, Dior and Chanel. She wore the black jacket with golden zippers and light brown chiffon pants in UK (2010), brown couture dress in Spain (2011) and the black dress in Doha (2009). Each time she looked sensational, especially in the black beaded dress. I am sure she wore more couture pieces from Armani at private events/weddings. I wish she wears Armani more often, his clothes are chic, classic and elegant just like her

Gordon Gekko: This painting here? I bought it ten years ago for sixty thousand dollars, I could sell it today for six hundred thousand dollars. The illusion has become real, and the more real it becomes, the more desperately they want it. Capitalism at it’s finest.

I only know one Selena and her last name is Quintanilla-Perez. And here is beautiful tribute from Jennifer Lopez at Premios Billboard -2015

gummy bear breast implants


 A Wrinkle in Time

According to research out of Japan35.09 is the exact age at which beauty begins to fade. So try and prove the Japanese wrong by any means you wish, perhaps Botox, perhaps easy living,,perhaps your fabulous genes, perfect the best plastic surgeon and all available procedures...but try and beat the ticking clock(smiles).
And I am sure since i told her KC has agonised over this eventuality

the more you mix bloods the more beautiful you can get......AL is confirmation of that....

“I believe that a person’s taste in music tells you a lot about them. In some cases, it tells you everything you need to know.”

If Anna Wintour put Kim Kardashian on the cover of Vogue, no one is more deserving than the woman that is the epitome of elegance, Sheikha Mozah.....I rest my case.........

You must be smart, sensitive and a romantic to read poems from the past and present
I love and always loved this poem..........She Walks in Beauty..........................and Lord Byron is one of my favorite poets!!!...and now we know who inspired John Galliano to dress outrageously!!!George Gordon Byron, Lord Byron. 1788–1824

Luxury Undies

Opulence.....the Russian women take it to the extreme.............

my idea of being with someone is that if you do not fully know who you are with than be alone.....and if you are sure of yourself this will never happen.....

peeping into your partner's Phone is a sign of mistrust and insecurity

Forget Ordinary Be Extraordinary

and happy belated congrats to another special Israeli friend....she sent me this.....

Marathon Paris!! I did it!!!!"

Been there done that...............

Thigh gap

no thigh gap



Priscila Perales Elizondo one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic



more tidbits

Wear a hat this summer to protect your hair & scalp from the sun! Hats of this kind are probably the hottest accessories for this season, simply because we can’t use them during fall or winter. So take the opportunity to get yourself a “Panama Hat” for the beach or why not something more glamorous they wear for Royal Ascot? Be creative and don’t be afraid of being bold.


Vika Gazinskaya showing off a new hairstyle

Elena Perminova’s 1920s flapper fever to western chick outfits. (I do love those black heels.)


Anya Ziourova: I’m voting for this look

She could be wearing a plastic bag and still look like a million bucks.

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

Lady Lee Likes Pairing Black Velvet With Lemon Yellow

And why not?
She's rocking that do-nami.
Blinging in them rings.
Got the matching shoes (who makes shoes like that still?)
In short: being ABL.

Lady Lee Pheungboonpra (ABL) in Velvet And Orange

Lee Pheungboonpra2
I finally figured out why the forums call her ABL. it stands for AstroBoy Lady! Here she is again, amongst crimson-lipped ladies with her dusky lilac velvet dress and shocking orange matching shoe-and-Hermes Bolide combination. Don't forget the gigantic jewelry andAstroboy.
All hail Lady Lee.

a little take on Japan-日本,

I often write about how Japan's culture is colored by its two primary religious systems. The first is 神道 Shinto, the Way of the Gods, which sees 神 kami, spirits or gods, in natural objects such as mountains, rivers and trees, and it's associated with happy events like baby-naming ceremonies and prayers for good luck in the New Year. The second religion is 仏教 bukkyou, or Buddhism, which entered Japan along with kanji writing around the 5th century, either from China directly or through Korea, depending on who you ask.

A band you might be familiar with from Kill Bill (they’ve even appeared in one of the izakaya scenes), and later The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift, though this time one that has been successful long before they happened to attract Tarantino’s attention. An all-female trio, they’ve been playing some energetic surf and rockabilly since the late 80’s and still enjoy popularity around the world

5 6 7 8's (Japan girl band) perform "Woohoo-oo-oo-oo"


Hollywood has never been known for its subtlety. But if Teitelbaum, a Santa Monica–based plastic surgeon, has his way, that impression might soon change. Increasingly sought out for work on the body—liposuction, breast implants, tummy tucks, and the like—he is guided by principles of proportion and restraint, and he produces astonishingly natural-looking effects. For this reason, the best breast augmentation is not the biggest. "The key is to measure the breast and to fill it up to its ideal volume," says Teitelbaum, who has patented a sizing tool for this critical step. "Most plastic surgeons view this process as meeting the patient's desire for size. That doesn't work." It leads to breasts that seem out of proportion with the body, visible edges on the implants, and a look that is artificially round and overstuffed. His goal for any procedure is that the site of the surgery "blend into the surrounding sites," he says. And that's clearly a coveted skill in Hollywood.

Kybella(deoxycholic acid) has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat excess fat below the chin, a condition best known as "double chin."

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!! 

Plus Dorés" - “the most golden”

   HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned 

5 Things Sheikha Mozah can teach you about style............

1. Turbans are incredibly chic and even better when paired with statement jewelry.

2. A cinched waist is the epitome of femininity and makes every ensemble chic.

3. Long hemlines can be just as sexy as a miniskirt.

4. Bright colors are always the way to go and make a great fashion statement.

5. No matter what your age, fashion can and always should be fun.

Elin Kling zerschlissene Jeans schwarze Heels weißes Top schwarze Jacke mit pinkem Muster blonde Haare schwarze Sonnenbrille




Los naked dress (vestidos desnudos) se crearon para enseñar partes estratégicas del cuerpo de la mujer: aberturas infinitas que dejan entrever las piernas, profundos escotes en V, larguísimos escotes traseros y 'cut out' (pequeñas aberturas o cortes) en cintura o en el pecho.

The naked dresses (nude dresses) were created to show sensitive parts of a woman's body: endless openings that reveal the legs, deep V necklines, lengthy back necklines and 'cut out' (small openings or cuts) in waist or chest.

W magazine
One of my favorite pages in W is Gio’s Journal, edited by stylist Giovanna Battaglia. I’m a big fan of Giovanna’s ladylike style. In the April issue she’s inspired by the knitwear from the Chanel pre-fall collection that was shown in Salzburg, Austria. Me, too.

Two spring trends in one shoe—a laced espadrille from Aquazzura.

Handpicked by director Zhang Yimou to star in his film, The Flowers of War, actress Ni Ni went from unknown to it-girl seemingly overnight. Like Gong Li and Zhang Ziyi before her, Ni Ni was dubbed a ‘Mou Girl’ for her appearance in Zhang Yimou’s film and subsequent status as a media darling. Ni Ni’s combination of exquisite beauty and unquestionable talent has been impressing audiences ever since and the fashion crowd has certainly taken note. Photographed looking radiant in her dressing room as she preps for her latest role, Ni Ni embodies the glamour and power of cinema.

Who invented the piano? Google doodle marks Bartolomeo Cristofori's 360th birthday


The Jewish people are rooted in Israel. No matter how hard you try, We shall never be uprooted.

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated

I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit 
to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775

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