
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775 - JG 96

Challah Time.

Baciami ancora. E non aver paura di scompigliarmi i capelli. 


Flag for Israel
Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí  - אני יהודי 

Things I wanted you to know - 

JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should

Today we will  celebrate my sister  ML's birthday.....here she is with the Jewish Princess, my niece Tiffany Goldstein....like mother like daughter................

What I like about photographs is that they capture a moment that's gone forever.....impossible
to reproduce..................

️️️️️️️️️ "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO PEEPY" back (38 years ago)

J’adore tout ce qui est doré !

Gisele Bündchen Arriving At Vogue Brasil Party Celebrating 20 Years Of Her Career

The issue is dedicated to her, with multiple editorials.
And this is a must buy as it will be a collectors classic.


A Vogue brasileira de maio vem em clima de dupla comemoração: os 40 anos da publicação + os 20 anos da carreira de Gisele Bündchen, que, nesta edição do SPFW, se despediu das passarelas. Para comemorar, a über voltou ao Brasil, vestiu um modelo dourado com fenda profunda, da Chanel, e ontem, 28/04, foi na festa que a publicação preparou em sua homenagem!

anche...............Happy 40th anniversary Mr. Armani!!!!

45 minutes each day, six days a week. How much she exercises a week

How much Elle Macpherson exercises in a week; where to buy made-to-order Prada shoes

Uau, Lais Ribeiro! A top volta a exibir seus brasileiríssimos atributos na Victoria's Secret

Black is Black..........

The 'top' of Brasilian goddesses of lingerie............... Since the supermodels of the 90 decided to give up their throne the Brasilians models arrived with pomp and circumstance, they have reigned without any problems. They have cornered covers of the best magazines, they have staged all campaigns and have been shining examples in the Victoria's Secret stratosphere.

The one person who could save Europe

gummy bear breast implants



Le T-Shirt Parfait

Je croyais que c’était une mission toute simple : trouver le t-shirt parfait.
Vous savez, avec la coupe qui va bien ? Ni trop rigide ni trop lâche, avec un col pas trop rond, pas non plus moulant au point de se sentir boudinée. La matière est aussi super importante, elle doit être légère et aérée (sans être transparente), et bien sûr agréable au toucher. En Australie, j’avais trouvé la marque parfaite pour ça – Bassike, d’ailleurs j’en porte un aujourd’hui -, mais elle est difficile à trouver à USA.

that means you can read the tidbits(smiles)

And one of the reasons Mori Riyo won the Miss Universe crown in 2007 was because she had and has lots of kinben

l’éphémère possède un charme merveilleux, un charme d’une brûlante tristesse.

Bal Harbour Shops earns $2,555 per square foot in sales, making it number one in the world.

Luxury retail catches up with Miami's billionaire boom.

A smart girl wrote me the following short note: I feel like I know you
so intimately after going through
55 pages of your blog

this is one of the best reconstructed noses....Dr Ivo Pitangay.did this work of art

La Perla The leading creator of luxurious and fashionable lingerie,, it is more chic
and nicer than Victoria's Secret!!!!

Not all girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice. 
Some girls are made of sarcasm and wine and nothing fine.

wearing black is a lifestyle..........

Who is shorting Societe Generale as their shares are tanking????Jews for sure but who else????

been there done that.......

thigh gap

no thigh gap



Galinka Mirgaeva one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




Love of the Babushka.......Babushka Chic


The White Shirt


more tidbits

Woody Allen's Next Movie: Irrational Man

On a small town college campus, a philosophy professor in existential crisis gives his life new purpose when he enters into a relationship with his student.

Beach Fashion is not only about what Bikini to wear. It’s also all about what “cover ups” and clothes to stroll around in

Polina Kitsenko

She's co-owner and buyer for the 
 Podium Boutique in Moscow Since 2007, the seasonal boutique, (think Saks Fifth Avenue on steroids) specializes in “conversation pieces,” like one-of-a-kind baubles from Loree Rodkin, Delfina Delettrez and Garrard, as well as an in-house line of fine jewelry—perfect for après-ski cocktails.
So u can imagine the kind of access our dear Polina has to these beautiful things.........Complete access!
Polina is a definite trendsetter with fans left & right and I applauding her major style! 

Virginie on Claire: “Claire has a very specific style,” she says. “Sometimes when I go in a store with her and see something that’s maybe too flashy or a bit weird, I just know she will like it.” Sounds like someone I know!!

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

Peepy With Mother'LEE & P'X Anchavika

Peepy With Mother'LEE Wearing Anchavika ( their Favorite Thai Designer) @anchavika And M'Araya At Roger Vivier Boutique At Emporium. 

a little take on Japan-日本,

There's a category of four-syllable (or four kana) words used in Japan that are so loaded with meaning they boggle the mind, and I found they were quite fun to study and use. First is せっかくsekkaku (seh-KAH-koo), which carries the implication of having gone to great trouble to do something for someone only to have them not appreciate your efforts. Another fun word is やっぱり yappari (yah-PAH-ree), which means "just as I thought" or "as I expected" or "Aha! I knew you'd be trying to peek into the girl's bath!" When you learn something that surprises you, you might use the phrase なるほど naruhodo, which can be translated as "wow, I didn't know that" or "I see your point," and in a TV drama, a police inspector might mutter this to themselves as a signal to viewers that he'd found another piece of a puzzle. Finally there's とにかくtonikaku (toh-nee-kah-koo), which just means "at any rate" "regardless of that fact" or just "anyway."


What Is a Liquid Facelift?
Liquid Face Lift involves the use of advanced dermal fillers, such as Juvéderm® Ultra, Juvéderm® Ultra Plus, Radiesse®, Restylane®, Perlane® and Sculptra® Aesthetic, usually in combination with BOTOX® or Dysport®. Each of these facial fillers has unique attributes that can be used to rejuvenate specific areas of the face by a highly qualified plastic surgeon or dermatologist. 

Vain Glorious | Pitanguy’s New ‘It’ Cream

The Restoring Formula

Encoste o dedo indicador na ponta do nariz e a base no queixo, como se estivesse mandando alguém ficar em silêncio. Se os seus lábios tocarem no dedo, bingo! Você é bela. Senão, é feia mesmo (brincadeira!).

Touch your index finger on the tip of the nose and the base on the chin, as if having someone remain silent. If your lips touch the finger, bingo! You are beautiful. Otherwise, it is ugly (JOKE!).


some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!! 

Plus Dorés" - “the most golden”

   HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned 




Sleeping Well, Sleeping Sound And Dreaming Sweet

Sleep is such an elixir.
How delicious it is to feel refreshed after a sound sleep.
Refreshed is the key. Sleeping well is not so much about the hours of sleep but the benefits 
that come from solid sleep.

Daphne Groeneveld for Tom Ford 2015 Soleil Collection Mini Video

Gucci's - The Driver

7290 Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90036     icon_phone 323 939 6455

one of their specialties - Macaron Ice Cream sandwich

Sweet Popcorn - Pipoca Doce


A Pipoca Mais Doce-The Sweetest Popcorn,,,,only in Brasil do they make it so so sweet!!!!!

Have you heard of Hannah Cohen?
If you haven’t heard the name, maybe you’ve heard her voice?
Someone, a few years ago, recommended I listen to her first album, “Child Bride”. I fell for her soft and unwavering voice right away, loved and played the track ‘Don’t Say’ on repeat, and I think maybe there’s just something about Hannah…
Now, her second album, “Pleasure Boy” was released just a few weeks ago. The subtle voice is there but it’s a slight shift, maybe a little more grown up. Music you could listen to all summer long… And I’ve been playing her new single ‘Fake It’ on repeat already!
Who’s on your playlist right now?

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free


Jewish mothers and daughters have had the honor to light the Shabbat candles for thousands of years…one of the most beautiful aspects of Shabbat that so many cherish! 

שבת שלום

  The Jewish calendar date begins at sundown of the night beforehand. Thus all holiday observances begin at sundown on the secular dates listed, with the following day being the first full day of the holiday. 

g-d - אלוהים

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated

I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit 
to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775

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