
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775 - JG 109

Modeh Ani - Modeh מודה אני‎; "I give thanks,"
Modei ani l’fonecha… ThankYouHashem

שבוע טוב

Shavua tov  friends, wishing you all a great week!

Je ne suis pas faite pour dépendre de quelqu'un.”


Flag for Israel
Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí  - אני יהודי 

Things I wanted you to know - 

JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should


RG -there are not enough adjectives to describe her(smiles)....so I will just throw out a few....Bellisima...Bon Chic Bon Genre....intelligent.....well mannered...classy....sophisticated...a JEW....you get the picture? I rest my case!!! 

dream spring uniform and ladies you could wear it to a business lunch.

Click on image to enlarge it.


Ever wondered( I do not...smiles) what's going under those flowing Arabian robes(abayas). As well as designer labels, probably a Toledo body lift. Dr Toledo relocated from São Paulo(Brasil),Dr Toledo is the go-to man for royal families all over the Gulf(GCC); clients sneak into the private wing of his Jumeirah Beach clinic by night for his superb liposculture......he is totally in demand.

Japan is the land of polite capitalism

The secret to a longer life may be your protein to carb ratio, not your calories.

yes...i also like Indian models.....

Karl Lagerfeld was the first designer to do a high fashion collaboration with H&M.

La heredera del 'braless' -sin sujetador-, bautizada como 'side boob', 

This is my at home Trading Room...connected directly to Goldman Sachs.......

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. 
So classy and Chic....it proves you do not have to show lots of skin to look great!!!

In keeping with my usual rancor for feel-good-be-yourself pandering to womankind, not to 

mention the specific hypocrisies of Unilever, I’ve made my own 

“DOVE Real Beauty Campaign” ad. Hope you like ; )


Dove is owned by Unilever, maker of Ben & Jerry's and Klondike.

Rio 40 graus/Cidade Maravilha/Purgatório da beleza e do caos

"Tu es Beau"

gummy bear breast implants


Absolutely Stunning heart emoticon heart emoticon

Holding hands is a lost art!!!! now couples just want to go for............and it is sad....not kosher...not romantic

If you speak several languages in a conversation or in a written conversation...
you are multi-lingual....multi-cultural

Breast Augmentation

When friends ask me which procedure they should do, without hesitation I answer TUBA..... 

they did TUBA

 “Only in Israel.”

Bikini pictures aren’t uncommon and neither are pictures of guns; but put them together and you’ve got everyone’s attention.

Bikini girl post

English: hahaha
Spanish: jajajaja
Russian: xaxaxa


Pinay is a colloquial term for a Filipina.........

La Perla is La Perla

!! Every girl deserves nice underwear...La Perla would be the choice!!!!

one of my favorite pics of Asada Mao.........

Ricky Nelson - Travelin' Man


Calcinhas lindas

so much mobile communication and very little conversation

—  (idiom) Only the French would have such a way to describe beauty. A wonderful slang expression, it literally means “pretty and ugly” but describes the type of feminine beauty that is human, and not manufactured by plastic surgeons. It’s a kind of fascinating quirkiness implying charisma, a face you want to keep looking at, even if  you can’t decide whether it is beautiful or not

and Wixson fits that molde........

Θέλω να σ ακούω να μου λες πως μ αγαπας!  I want to hear you tell me that you love me!

and again all the references to American Apparel are for they are the biggest
sponsors of the Tidbits yes, $$$$$$$

made in downtown Los Angeles....sweat shop  free.............

been there done that

thigh gap

no thigh gap

Piernas Kilometricras

Palmeras Kilometricas

 Charlie Riina one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic



more tidbits

Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal the founder of Kingdom Holding
The business magnate Al-Waleed bin Talal bin Abdulaziz al Saud was born on the 7th of March 1955 in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia as the son of Prince Talal and of Mona Al Solh, who was the daughter of the first Prime Minister of Lebanon. He was also one of the nephews of King Abdullah, the Saudi ruler.

With graduation Al-Waleed went into business right away, returning to Saudi Arabia right in the middle of the oil 
boom that began in 1974. He received a $30,000 loan from his father and focused on construction contracts and real estates which would be managed from a small pre-fabricated office in Riyadh.
His first billion dollars was made by selling land and by working as a point man for different multinational companies to seek local contracts. When the oil boom ended he changed the investment portfolio and bought the United Saudi Commercial Bank which was struggling at the time. He put the company back on track and merged with Saudi Cairo Bank and SAMBA to make it one of the most important banks in the Middle East.

He was building his fortune in the country but in 1991 he became the interest of the international investing community when he bought a large amount of shares in Citicorp in a moment that the company was in difficulty. The $550 million spent to bail out Citibank as well as the investment in a lot of publicly traded companies from USA such as News Corp., Disney and Apple made his fortune grow.
In 1995 he acquired 42% of the New York Plaza Hotel. By 1997 he owned 5% of News Corporation and the empire of luxury hotel properties would increase as well. His investments were usually made along with his conglomerate Kingdom Holding.

Another impressive purchase was made in December 2011 when he invested $300 million in Twitter by buying secondary shares from various insides leading Kingdom Holding to own over 3% of the company, an amount that was valued at $8 billion during the same year.
His first wife was Dalal bint Saud, one of King Saud’s daughters and before their divorce they had two children together: Reem and Khalid. The second wife was Ameera al-Taweel and later on was separated from her as well, making the statement that “she remains a person that I have all respect for”.

With a current net worth of $22.9 billion, Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal Alsaud is known for his eccentric lifestyle, never shying away from large expenses. Most of the fortune comes from the 95% stake in Kingdom Holding and the other parts come from the real estate, stocks, media, private equity and aircraft.
He travels on a retrofitted Boeing 747 that had two bedrooms, a dining room and only 14 seats. His home in Saudi Arabia has no less than 420 rooms and spreads over 370,000 square feet. He has its own zoo at home with zebras, giraffes and gazelles and this is just one of the five residences he owns in the area of Riyadh. He once stated that his properties are valued at $4.69 billion.

He owned the Kingdom 5KR yacht which was originally built for the Saudi arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi in 1979 and it has a length of 85.9 meters. Later on he sold it to Donald Trump who renamed it Trump Princess but after the second bankruptcy of Trump the yacht was bought back.
Al-Waleed is an active philanthropist offering donations especially for education initiatives and projects that want to fill the gaps and improve communication between the Western and Islamic communities, creating centers of American studies in the universities of the Middle East and centers of Islamic studies in the Western universities.

Ulyana Sergeenko

Credentials: Unquestionably the fash-pack’s mascot, the wife of a billionaire insurance mogul and the woman responsible for single-handedly outspending every other Chanel client known to Karl. She also happens to be one of the most interesting women not from this Earth.

Signature uniform: Clingy sweaters defined by floor-sweeping, fifties-silhouetted skirts, that hearken back to another time, which she claims, ironically enough, were the subject of laughter and ridicule back in her native country. Have the tables ever turned, as a flock of her own countrywomen now covet to captivate in chintz dresses and matching bloomers in the same way she does. Guess who’s having the last laugh, Russia!

When she’s not milking it for the cameras she’s…tickling the fancies of Grace Coddington and Carine Roitfeld with her debut couture collection, which bravely fell after Chanel and as a prelude to Armani Prive, but generated a noteworthy response seeing as though it was crafted entirely from pixie dust and the fabric of her grandmother’s vintage babushkas.

They say beauty runs in the family – nothing could be truer for these two fabulous Parisians who sit front-row at fashion shows and are heiresses to one of the largest cosmetics companies in the world. The Clarins girls are fixtures on the fashion scene, attending exclusive parties, being snapped by street-style bloggers and playing ambassadresses to the family business, French luxury cosmetics company, Clarins.

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

Home Alone Peepy Signature!!  


a little take on Japan-日本,

One thing I like about the Japanese is how creative they are with the English language
There's a grand tradition of twisting the grammar of English to make new words, 
called 和製英語 wasei eigo or "made in Japan English," and some examples include 
 "all nighter" (a baseball game at night), "career up" (getting a promotion at work) or 
"mayoler" (someone who loves mayonnaise). The Japanese also love to take English suffixes 
like the tic ending in words like "dramatic" and mix them with Japanese in whimsical ways,
creating words like 乙女チックotome-tic, girl + -tic, meaning feminine or girly, 
or 秋葉チック Akiba-tic, meaning "related to Akihabara subculture in some way."


Improvements in Facelift Surgery

Shorter Incisions & Fewer Tell-Tale Signs of Having “Work Done”
Equal or Better Results with Less Time Spent in Surgery
Reduced Downtime & Quicker Recovery Times

Common problems modern-day facelifts may correct include:
  • Wrinkles
  • Skin Folds
  • Turkey Neck
  • Excess Facial Fat
  • Sagging Skin & Jowls
  • Weakened Facial Muscles

It’s no secret that cosmetic facial surgeries like a facelift can help you achieve a more youthful look, but if you’re looking to maximize your appearance, combining facial procedures is the way to go.
There are many cosmetic facial procedures that treat signs of aging. For example, once sagging skin and wrinkles begin to set in, patients often decide to go with a facelift to rejuvenate their appearance. It may also be beneficial to supplement their facelift with other facial surgeries like eyelid surgery to address droopy eyelids or bags beneath the eyes, or a brow lift to help eliminate forehead wrinkles.

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!! 

Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

   HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned 

Sheikha Mozah looks amazing in white




Karl Lagerfeld for ERES PARIS

only in Hollywood

Rebecca Dayan

“I’m French, but my accent’s kind of gone. For a long time, I worked on eliminating it, and it’s the weirdest thing. In the beginning, when I started acting, my agent was always like, ‘You’ve got to make sure you have the most neutral accent possible,’ and I said, ‘Ok, ok, ok,’ and I worked really hard, and now they’re saying, ‘Can you play up your French accent?’ because people want something exotic, and I’m like, ‘You guys must be kidding me!’ I don’t even know how to do it anymore.

Alma mater 

La Grande Sophie - La valse des adieux... 

Você gosta do cabelo bob (ou chanel, em português)?


1 – Você sai na rua de cara limpa? Você se maquia todos os dias?2 – Você faz academia? Já faltou a academia por preguiça?
3 – Quantos minutos por dia você gasta para se arrumar (banho + make + cabelo + roupa)?
4 – Você passa hidratante corporal e protetor solar facial religiosamente todos os dias?
5 – O que vc faz quando está num evento e o sapato machuca o seu pé?
6 – Já aconteceu da sua roupa rasgar, sujar ou manchar durante um evento? O que você fez?
7 – Já dormiu maquiada alguma vez na sua vida?8 – Qual a cor de batom que você nunca teria coragem de usar?
9 – Já sabotou sua dieta e se arrependeu?10 – Já fez alguma maquiagem que deu errado ou ficou esquisita e só percebeu nas fotos?
10 – Já fez alguma maquiagem que deu errado ou ficou esquisita e só percebeu nas fotos?

Look - Gola Alta

דיוור פרסומי
הצעה מיוחדת לקוראי הארץ ו - TheMarker

"I can’t tell where the journey will end,but I know where it starts”

When G-d gave the Torah no bird twittered, no fowl flew, no ox lowed, none of the angels stirred a wing, the seraphim did not say "Holy, Holy," the sea did not roar, the creatures spoke not, the whole world was hushed into breathless silence and the voice went forth: "I am the L-rd your G-d."

– Midrash Rabbah

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated

I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit 

to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775

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