
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775 - JG 110


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Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí  - אני יהודי 

Things I wanted you to know - 

JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should

Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal

Prince Alwaleed simply said "I'm a dollar man." As for equities, he said Kingdom Holdings will maintain its diversified strategy


" And I'm not talking about a $400,000 a year working Wall Street stiff flying first class and being comfortable" I am talking about liquid. Rich enough to have your own jet. Rich enough not to waste time. Fifty, a hundred million dollars, buddy. A player. Or nothing"


  1. 1.
    elegantly and stylishly fashionable.
    synonyms:stylish, elegant, sophisticated, dressy, smart; More

  1. 1.
    stylishness and elegance, typically of a specified kind.


Daphne Groeneveld for Alexander Wang

Poi siamo stati insieme
Proprio come nelle favole
E nelle storie vere

Black is Black is Black............

This is how Cartier’s Love bracelet should be worn; it has to show your commitment to someone special.

Sinto o absoluto dom de existir, não há solidão, nem pena...

We have no other land - Street Art in Tel Aviv. 

over 12,000 dollars of Louis Vuitton........ 

one of the most beautiful things created by man...........

and is this beautiful or what..........

one of the greatest.....uno de los mas grandes

some special places around Miami..........

Lunch spot: Mandolin at Soho Beach House 

Dinner: Makoto

Sweet spot: Jugo Fresh 

Special place: Graziano's in the Gables

Dessert: Anything with dulce de leche

and always the "News Cafe"

And special place not in Miami

 Pizza and profiteroles from Bruno’s Pizzeria in St. Tropez

Marilyn Monroe - Diamonds are a girl's best friend - Valentine Gift 

Be the hottest chick on the beach!

Gekkou」 鬼束ちひろ「月光」- Moonlight

gumy bear breast implants


Last night I met a spectacular Polish model. She was very thin, but it was a very healthy, very consistent with her constitution and physiognomy thinness. She was a very delicate and graceful girl, thin bone. Still, I asked if she was doing some kind of diet, and she said yes, that was a diet without wheat.
Anoche conocí a una modelo polaca espectacular. Estaba muy delgada, pero era una delgadez muy saludable, muy acorde con su constitución y fisionomía. Era una chica muy delicada y elegante, de hueso fino. Aún así, le pregunté si estaba haciendo algún tipo de dieta, y me dijo que sí, que hacía una dieta sin trigo.

Blonder hair
Flat chest
TV says bigger is better
South beach
Sugar free
Vogue says thinner is better

on Monday after receiving a late call from the Kingdom I could not go back to sleep so I watched a Japanese film "Ginza Cosmetics" from 1951 and I love the film and I loved the fact that I did not need to read the captions to understand the film...........and yes, my Japanese is ótimo

 “My mind speaks Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Japanese and English, my heart speaks Hebrew, and my ear prefers French.”


“Mi è sempre piaciuto il deserto. Ci si siede su una duna di sabbia. Non si vede nulla. Non si sente nulla. E tuttavia qualche cosa risplende nel silenzio”
"I've always loved the desert. It sits on a sand dune. I do not see anything. You do not hear anything. And yet something shines in silence "


O título “Coque quase perfeito” é porque perfeito mesmo ficaria com um pouco de spray ou gel pra segurar os fios na cabeça. 

La Perla The leading creator of luxurious and fashionable lingerie,, it is more chic
and nicer than Victoria's Secret!!!!

did I exaggerate????

Il y a des mots qui m’énervent vraiment, mais alors vraiment.
Surtout ceux qui sont utilisés pour labelliser, minimiser, condescendre et bref, mettre des étiquettes un peu moches sur des choses qui n’en ont pas besoin. Comme par exemple…

Plus Size

Ah, les trésors de créativité qu’il faut trouver pour ne pas nommer les choses telles qu’elles sont.
Je comprends qu’on ne puisse pas vraiment ouvrir une section “grosse” dans un magasin, mais l’expression plus-size est super énervante. Je dis ronde. C’est pas beaucoup mieux.

The Maxi: The Most Flattering Piece Of The Season
the top five maxi skirts this season

Is the maxi skirt.

Maxis are out and about this season but when you think about it a long skirt has always been a 
fashion staple.

Maxis are being worn in various different ways; game changer for the wardrobe.
The maxi is no longer the-going-out-somewhere-formal-wardrobe piece; this skirt is for all day and 
every day.

the top five maxi skirts this season

“Whoever said that money can’t buy happiness, simply didn’t know where to go shopping.”(smiles)

been there done that

Thigh Gap

no Thigh Gap

Piernas Kilometricras

Palmeras Kilometricas

Andrea Hlaváčková one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic



more tidbits

Fashion for all occasions........

For women what is  better than finding a gorgeous, sexy dress which is so interesting and perfect on it’s own – You don’t really need to add anything to it?! This is exactly how I feel about this dress. It’s just so….perfect! On it’s own! Nothing else needed! .

Throwing in key elements like Chanel purse, Louboutins, black trousers and a Chanel jacket makes the entire look feel 100% even if the items it self are not very innovative. But it just works well all together!

Sometimes all you need is an interesting Alaïa skirt and a Hermès Kelly in your hand combined with a simply top & simple nude heels – and you’re good to go!

I came across the new music video of Lebanese songstress Elissa’s latest song Ya Merayti (My Mirror) this weekend and I was immediately drawn to both the production and powerful message it portrays.Directed by Angie Jammal, the story tells the all too common tale of a wife and mother who is a victim of domestic violence.

Mais ça, c’était avant Whard WIllis. La réponse à tous mes fantasmes bikiniesques. Un design simple mais subtil pour des maillots élégants (sans prise de tête). Le top du top, c’est que tous les maillots sont réversibles, donc en gros on en a deux pour le prix d’un ! Idéal pour un week-end à la plage, non ?
Ward Whillas

Miroslava Duma Style .. ❤

Claire Courtin Looks Perfect in Monochromatic Cobalt

Snakeskin and suede is a win. And I love the purple clutch, just bruising the palette further. Beautiful girl!

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

The bond between mother and son last a lifetime...Peepy with Mother Lee

Lady Lee Pึegbuy the co-chaired pouring gold "I heart the phrase Fortune," the phrase the highest in the world (36 meters high) at Wat Nong Pao. Pond, the clear. Dist., Ayuthaya. bigger monk praying the Power of his disciples and invite all of you who participated in the solemn ceremony on this occasion.

a little take on Japan-日本,

One aspect of the Japanese I'm a fan of, is their humility, the general tendency to be self-effacing and avoid boastfulness when dealing with others. This humility takes many forms, for example most Japanese will vehemently deny a compliment paid to them, or may deflect the compliment back to you with the phrase おかげさまで okage-sama de, which literally means "it's all thanks to you," said even if you just met the person in question and they had nothing to do with helping you attain whatever skill or ability you've just been praised for.


It depends of how you want to be as a woman....but I think sometimes natural is better than exaggerated implants

no implants


The new look is becoming a trend for women in their 50′s and 60′s, calling it The New Face. Instead if tight, stretched skin, that is a dead giveaway for a facelift gone wrong – the new trend is calling for plump, full, glowing skin. The key to this technique is anunder-skin lifting of the muscles of the lower facepreserving essential facialarchitecture.” A regimen of injections of fat and collagen and whatnot supplements this work by creating the appearance of baby fat.

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!! 

Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

   HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned 

Arriving to Korea in Ulyana Sergeenko  couture

Sheikha Mozah speaks at the World Education Forum 2015  




Lunch at my friend's Federica beautiful home..ieri... Italian chef Filippo prepared 5 course meal, grazie mille! 🍎


  1. (of food, or premises in which food is sold, cooked, or eaten) Satisfying the requirements of Jewish law.
  2. (of a person) Observing Jewish food laws.

Food that is not kosher is commonly referred to as treif (lit. torn, from the commandment not to eat animals that have been torn by other animals).

Y nos,  los Judios,  tambien usamos, no es KOSHER cuando alguien no se comporta al nivel....and us JEWS use , not KOSHER to mean when it is not cool or it is not correct ;when someone acts not accordingly or something is not right.

Artist Questions 

Picasso:Do you remember your first word? What was it?
van Gogh:Would you rather become famous after death or famous in life but forgotten after death?
da Vinci:Do you have many talents or one thing you're really good at?
Monet:What do your parents want you to do for a living?
Dali:Do you have strange dreams?
Warhol:Have you ever had surgery? What for?
Magritte:Would you rather fall in love once and have it last forever (while wondering if there was something better) or have many relationships (but never settle)?
Titan:If someone could give you a title, what would it be?
Kahlo:Do you want to have children? Why or why not?
Renoir:What has influenced you most in regards of your character?
Rousseau:What is your main philosophy in life?
Klimt:If you have any; are you very close to your siblings?
Matisse:Does observing other people influence your style?
Kandinsky:How far would you travel in order to study your favorite subject?
Chagall:What 'style' or 'clique' do people typically associate you with?
O'Keeffe:What is your favorite flower?
Rockwell:Did you know from a young age what you wanted to do with your life?
Pollock:How do you define 'art'?
Donatello:Do you feel like you're stuck in someone's shadow?
Botticelli:What would you say your 'trademark' is? In either appearances or personality.
Dürer:Do you take a lot of selfies?
El Greco:Have you ever wished that you could grow a mustache?
Bernini:If you could work under a political official, who would you work under?     


Many of the pretty little white dresses by Valentino such as this one are nice.


Sonia Rykiel

Sonia RykielPre-fall pieces are hitting the stores

Everyone is calling her the next Kate Upton. How do you feel about that?

It’s old photo of Carine Roitfeld in Givenchy necklace, but I still can’t get enough of it. Totally in love with her look

Miami style: Crispy white blue tones

Quinta.5 - Blackbird (The Beatles Cover)
Arrangement: Doron Ben-Ami
Recorded Live by: Nadav Yarkoni
Mixed and Edited by: Matan Kaufman
Shot by: Gur Murad
Video Editing: Gur Murad and Galit Mor
Directed by: Galit Mor
Soloist - Galit Mor
Soprano - Yarden Cohen
Alto - Ayala Fossfeld
Tenor - Doron Ben-Ami and Matan Kaufman
Bass - Oz Weiss
Bird sounds - Ayala Fossfeld

Only in Israel!

Empire State Building lit up last night in white & blue to honor today’s Israel Celebration parade in New York. 

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated

I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit 

to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775

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