back in familiar territory.....

and this is the ultimate....a fantastic place to be...........
We light candles in testament that faith makes miracles possible.

שבוע טוב
Shavua tov. Wishing everyone a great week.
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
no Brasil O dia dos namorados está chegando
Bésame espectacular
Bésame hazlo ahora
Bésame sensacional
Hasta que se vayan las horas
about black.

With their audacious entrances and conspicuous consumption, they are the most visible new customers for couture in a generation, far outspending clients from emerging economies like India, Brasil and China. Karl Lagerfeld has said that, in a given season, some Russian clients have bought as many as 35 Chanel couture outfits, which typically have prices in the five and six figures.”

Haifa Wehbe who is a famous Lebanon singer, has done much plastic surgery on her appearance Breast augmentation as well as Lip augmentation that are easily noticed even by layman persons. The drastically changes on the shape of her breasts and lips are surely the impacts of going under the knife///she has also done -Cheek implants and Chin implants that are seen clearly on her face. She is also a big fan of Botox injections as well as Fillers injections. Fortunately for her, she has found the great professional surgeon, because she always gets the expected result for all plastic surgery she had done. Automatically it makes her going international and much more famous as an singer

Professor Ivo Pitangy
As belezas que só Ivo Pitanguy é capaz de fazer! The Beautiful women that Dr Ivo Pitanguy can only produce.
While living in Rio de Janeiro (Alto Leblon) in 2005, I saw something that caught my attention: a television broadcast of a Carnival parade that paid homage to a plastic surgeon, Dr. Ivo Pitanguy. The doctor led the procession surrounded by samba dancers in feathers and bikinis. Over a thundering drum section and anarchic screech of a cuica, the singer praised Pitanguy for “awakening the self-esteem in each ego” with a “scalpel guided by heaven.”

Roland-Garros : Serena Williams triomphe une troisième fois
and this guys are as JEW as they come....they know....yes they know.
gummy bear breast implants....

Bien Fait......Look Good....Do Good......
I got a request all the way from Saint Petersburg -Russia to repost this....and it is a great way to start the week.....really here i it is:
I have a very special friend in Japan....and so over the years she tells me, that if you send or receive a blank message via sms or email from a friend it is considered is really special to receive it in that if you have someone out there that you like....try it......
there's a great word to pull out when you want to praise someone: さすが sasuga (sah-soo-gah), which roughly means "I always knew you were incredible" or "You never let us down." So if you have a friend like moi named Mori Riyo who does something good, hit her with "Sasuga, Riyo-chan!" and know that you've made her day.

— (adjective) In the list of one of the most 100 beautiful words in the English language, ineffable’s beauty lies in its flowing sound and meaning. Ineffable describes the sentiment of being unable to express something in words because it is too extreme to communicate; words cannot possibly do justice at this particular moment
Some objects of desire.............

Great,so as to wear your hair in slick back fashion-a la Gordon Gekko

the smell is wow.........

Warhol's black-and-white "Double Mona Lisa,"

Canary Diamond
by request from Singapore

-Khalas -خلص
been there done that

Piernas Kilometricas
Palmeras Kilometricras
Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic

Vika Gazinskaya
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Best friends with Miroslava Duma, who helped Vika Gazinskaya start her eponymous brand, this is one Russian you don’t want to forget. Her futuristic almost cartoon-like designs are nothing like I’ve ever seen before. If I had to sum up her collection in one word: Graceful.
In a tea dress that's half Fifi Chachnil nightgown, half Toddlers and Tiaras. She looks like a beautiful pearly strawberry candy.
The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........
Apparently, according to the "Asians and their Hermes" thread on PurseForum, the 'do has an official name: The LION. It takes one and a half hours to do. She has had it done for 10 years straight and usually does it on the same day, but if she has a morning event, she will have her hairdresser coiff her the night before and sleep on her face.
D.E.D.I.C.A.T.I.O.N ladies and gents. Learn from the Lady.
ps. did anyone notice the magnificent, ivy-like growth of diamond on her neck? And ears and hands? And SASH?

a little take on Japan-日本,

Kawaii (かわいい [kaw͍ai.i], Means, "lovable", "cute", or "adorable") is the quality of cuteness in the context of Japanese culture. It has become a prominent aspect of Japanese popular culture, entertainment, clothing, food, toys, personal appearance, behavior, and mannerisms.The noun is Kawaisa (可愛さ) (literally, "lovability", "cuteness" or "adorableness").
Forget everything you thought you knew about aesthetic enhancement—appearance- improving options are being invented at a laser-quick pace. Troubled by wrinkles? A doctor can inject them with novel fillers derived from sugar or bone matrix, or eviscerate them with light. Want a little fat removed from your jawline? You can get it frozen or melted. Even the classic face-lift has evolved from a basic nip and tuck to a more customized blend of boosting, volumizing and refining. All this innovation has been driven by consumer demand: In 2011, more than nine million surgical and nonsurgical cosmetic procedures were performed in the U.S.—almost a 200 percent increase since 1997. Still, the plethora of beauty-enhancing options, while exciting, is also confusing and a bit overwhelming; we all know that bad procedures can happen to good people. Your safest strategy: Go with doctors at the top of their fields.
Why do you think a well-known New York designer has begun to look more like her own daughter? Baker may be the reason. Besides that fashion mogul, the surgeon is said to have perked up everyone from Madonna to a host of politicos. These days, when one of his patients is in for a lift, Baker makes a point of going above and beyond: He performs fat grafts to restore volume, inserts fillers for stub- born furrows, and resurfaces the skin to erase fine lines. And the results have staying power. “Face-lifts used to last 8 to 10 years. Now they can last 10 to 15,” he assures.


Canyon Ranch in North Beach. It’s one of the few places in Miami where you can sit on the beach and have a delicious and healthy meal.

Canyon Ranch in North Beach. It’s one of the few places in Miami where you can sit on the beach and have a delicious and healthy meal.
Tengo una amiga que vive una vida muy semi-famosa y tiene:
un cuerpo esculpido con cincel. Quién lo diría, dado su estilo de vida. Bendita juventud.
un cuerpo esculpido con cincel. Quién lo diría, dado su estilo de vida. Bendita juventud.
lightweight oil that gradually gives your face a hint of color over time.

DENIM ON DENIM.............
so very nice
The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
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