
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775 - JG 114

 Shabbat Shalom ✡
שבת שלום
Have a wonderful Shabbat, everyone!

What Is Life??? They Say It Is From "B" To "D" ️ From "Birth" To "Death" , BUT What Is Between "B" And "D" ??? ️ It Is a "C" So What Is a "C" ??? It Is a "CHOICE". Our Life Is a Matter Of CHOICES , Live Well And It Will Never Go Wrong.

Eat Kosher!!!!!!You will live longer!!!if you are in Bal Harbour someday you must
come to this place...........

People will stare, make it worth their while////Mafioso, Yakusa., Model like!!!!

Classy *Fancy *Rich*Money ♥★


Flag for Israel
Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí  - אני יהודי 

Things I wanted you to know - 

JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should

It is Valentine's day in Brasil......dia dos namorados.....so a friend sent me this in anticipation a few days ago......all I can say: "Obrigado"

Feliz Niver- AL turns 34-Parabéns Amiga - tudo de bom..

Her Bra Size
34 B
Her Body Measurements

5 feet 10 inches or 178 centimeters
Current Weight
132 pounds or 60 kilograms

and in honor of AL's Birthday.....here is a little tribute from Vanessa da Mata.....

Bigger. Karlie Kloss is so tall she seems to be the only one wearing flats.

La Perla reigns..........

Thank you Steve Jobs...thank you Apple.....this is the most amazing creation....Einstein would be proud..............

Os Japoneses dizem que você tem três faces.
A primeira face você mostra pro mundo. A segunda face você mostra para os seus amigos but próximos e familiares.
A terceira face pra você nunca mostra ninguém. É o reflexo but você é quem of verdadeiro.
The Japanese say you have three faces. The first face, you show to the world. The second face, you show to your close friends, and your family. The third face, you never show anyone. It is the truest reflection of who you are.

My Shul..............

The Shul is one of the country's most unorthodox, Orthodox synagogues, a popular center for both Jews who are returning to their Jewish roots and experienced congregants. Located on Collins Avenue. by the Atlantic Ocean, The Shul sits at the intersection of Bal Harbour, Bay Harbor Islands, Indian Creek Village and Surfside. The Shul is the center for Jewish activities in these four communities.

Bal Harbour Shops earns $2,555 per square foot in sales, making it number one in the world.

Luxury retail catches up with Miami's billionaire boom.



Dior. Paris.

.:Sophisticated Luxury Blog:. (youngsophisticatedluxury.tumblr.com

just some of my favorite boys (smiles)

he recorrido ya el mundo entero
y una cosa te vengo a decir
viaje de Bahrain hasta Beirut
fui desde el Norte hasta el polo sur
y no encontre ojos asi
como los que tienes tu

"Shakira - Ojos Asi"


2 Girls, 1 Dress.

and by the way they also have the same breast implants!!!!

gummy bear breast implants


The only color I judge people by is the color of their teeth(smiles)

good neta, a word which means the fish part of a piece of sushi, though in this case 
it refers to ideas for these little updates that I write.

Lei ha l’incanto, lo ha nei vestiti, nei capelli, in ogni cellula del suo corpo. E se le stai vicino e riesci a respirare un po’ del suo incanto, il mondo si rimpicciolisce, diventa piccolo. She has got it...for sure she does

  1. 1.
    a ruler in an oligarchy.
  2. 2.
    (especially in Russia) a very rich businessman with a great deal of political influence.

some of Vladimir Putin's Oligarchs.....

IF you do not know who Mouna Ayoub is....here it is , on her own words....so do not kill the messenger(smiles)....

"As a Saudi wife I had it all.. diamonds, furs and misery; She wanted freedom from her husband's vast wealth."

THE ex-wife of one of the world's richest men has revealed how her life of luxury was a "nightmare". 

(there is always two sides to each story///this is her side of it.)

I miss doing this.....a pic of JG not too long ago........we shall return.......

"…to me, Van Gogh is the finest painter of them all. Certainly, the most popular, great painter of all time, the most beloved. His command of color the most magnificent. He transformed the pain of his tormented life into ecstatic beauty. Pain is easy to portray, but to use your passion and pain to portray the ecstasy and joy and magnificence of our world…no one had ever done it before. Perhaps, no one ever will again.

I wonder if the Amir had listened to this  perhaps  they would have stayed together??????

Should your cologne be recognizable only to those closest to you or everyone you leave in 
your passage?
Sillage, the French word for the ripples left in the water by passing ships. With all due respect I will co-opt it to the scent left by my special cologne made by Cartier. Over the last 11 years I am recognised when I walk into a room by this special smell A smell that I receive many compliments like you cannot imagine. And it is a formula of three combinations...I will not reveal it, outside of my family only KC and Princess Sofia know the formula(smiles)....and both KC and Princess Sofia are like Mossad operatives and would never reveal it(smiles).

They did a new bottle for moi.....I would have prefered black like the old ones but red is nice and what is important that it is the smell.....MY SPECIAL FRAGANCE

Anais: Your blog is like no blog. Your thinking and style are better than all.
 okay | cute | lovely | amazing | perfect
Icon: okay | cute | lovely | amazing | perfect
Theme: okay | cute | lovely | amazing | perfect
Posts: okay | cute | lovely | amazing | perfect
JG: I appreciate it

If Goldman Rules the World, Why Not Buy Shares? (Goldman Sachs(GS)//my theory...my advice- If Goldman Rules the World and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future, why not hold common shares?//you should!!!

The frenchies get it right, every time...

While the America Vogue girls are known for their absolutely over-the-top chic style, the French Vogue royalists have their 'look' totally down pat... And it is better than ever.

Low-slung cropped designer jeans, oversized shirts, sculptured blazers, pointed pumps and leather love is what you'll see. In particular, Editor in Chief Emmanuelle Alt and her stylish assistant Geraldine Saglio have become known for their laid back rock and roll style.

I truly love their wardrobes.

been there done that

Piernas Kilometricas

Palmeras Kilometricas

Dominika Cibulková one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic



So you met a girl who seems cool enough to consider dating. You’re going to need to figure out if this girl is expensive, and by expensive, we mean high maintenance. You know, the type of girl that needs to eat the most expensive thing at the restaurant every single time she’s out. The type of girl that won’t attend certain events, unless she’s sitting court side or in the VIP section. The tricky thing about a high maintenance girl is that she may not even be rich herself.
She might just be a regular girl who doesn’t come from money, but still thinks it’s okay to expect pricey trips to Sardinia for no apparent reason. Similar to a bougie girl, but not exactly. Sometimes, she does come from money, and that’s when it’s worse because without you, she can still get whatever the hell she wants. She thinks it’s completely normal to ask guys personal financial questions just to foresee what kind of future she may or may not have with him…within the first ten minutes of meet

Unless they’re court side (or suite level), she ain’t goin’.

She Googles you to research your yearly salary after taxes

She can name every brand of clothing you have on and tally up the approximate total of what everything costs.

my advice stay away from such girls(smiles)

 women who define what’s beautiful now.

In 1890 in Russia, Vasily Petrovich Zvyozdochkin, a wood carver, and Sergey Vasilyevich Malyutin, a painter, came up with the very first matryoshka, a set of nesting dolls in colorful folk dress designed to start tiny and end up big. And in my opinion 28-year-old Miroslava Duma—or Mira as she is known to her friends. You can say that it’s easy to feel you’ve encountered a latter-day, living matryoshka. Duma may stand just a fraction over five feet in her size XS Wolford stocking soles, yet her towering online presence has made her virtually larger than life. 

Claire Courtin wearing the Selec.to Ambassador T-shirt

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

Completely Nuts. Devastatingly Fabulous.
This fantastic creature (known as ABL on the forums) is a blinged-out,
rigidly perma-coiffed, intoxicatingly dressed, Hermes-crazed supernova
and is my new obsession of Mozaproportions!

Lee Pheungboonpra3

a little take on Japan-日本,

If you've listened to spoken Japanese at all you've probably noticed the word です desu, often pronounced with the last vowel reduced so that it sounds like "dess." This word is basically the verb "to be" in its formal form. It's really simple to use: if you want to say "I am Joseph" just say ジョンです Joseph desu and if you want to state your nationality, just say アメリカ人です America-jin desu or カナダ人です Canada-jin desu or whatever. The subjects of Japanese sentences are usually left off if the meaning is clear from the context, but if you wanted to clarify that you're talking about yourself and not, say, Michelangelo, you could say 私はジョンです watashi wa John desu (lit. As for me, I'm John). If someone pointed to an apple on a table and asked you what it was, you could say りんごです ringo desu, which works when discussing the drummer of the Beatles, too. The desu sentence ending is a formal word, useful for making a good impression on Japanese you might try talking to, especially if they're older than you.

If you're planning an extended trip to Japan you might want to hit the 日本三景 nihon sankei, the Three Most Beautiful Views of Japan, which are the gnarled Japan Pines of Matsushima near Sendai in the Tohoku area, the view from the top of Amano Hashidate Mountain in Kyoto and the famous "floating Japanese arch" at Miyajimanear Hiroshima.



this is one of the best reconstructed noses....Dr Ivo Pitangay.did this work of art

and here the Dr Ivo with one of his clients and re-creations, Tom Cruise........

Who: Dr. Ivo Pitanguy, one of the world’s most famous plastic surgeons.
What: The Restoring Formula cream, the latest launch from PreVious, a line of skin care products from Clinica Ivo Pitanguy in Rio.
Why bother: Let’s face it, Pitanguy is the man when it comes to repairing and enhancing beauty.

Vain Glorious | Pitanguy’s New ‘It’ Cream

The Restoring Formula

$300 for 1.7 ounces.


some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!! 

Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

   HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned 

It is the three Musketeers again. Sheikha Mozah, Ulyana Sergeenko and Frol Burimskiy were walking around in the city of Tbilisi, Georgia. They sono stati traveling together for the last week started from Moscow, then Armenia and Georgia finally. Sheikha Mozah looks like enjoying her down town.

Sheikha Mozah was touring around in the city of Tbilisi Georgia. She visited the Dry bridge market, antique shops and galleries. She was wearing London fog belted trench coat and dark grey panama hat.



The Creation of Anne Boleyn: A New Look at England's Most Notorious Queen

Nancy: The Story of Lady Astor



Come quando riesci a percepire la tua anima al punto di riuscire a sfiorarla.

Come quando partiresti. Ora. Fosse anche solo per andare a cenare in riva al mare.


Imagine overhearing the love of your life comparing you to another hotter chick. Now imagine him telling his friend that although he finds you cute and sweet, the hot chick has a prettier face than yours. Would you flip out, brush it off and move on or dwell and spiral into self-destruction?

Giovanna Battaglia

One of my favorite modern-day style icons is the Italian fashion editor Giovanna Battaglia.I adore her ladylike-with-a-twist approach to dressing. My two takeaways from these pictures are: floral-inspired earrings and a good white dress.

 Little Moscow - Sunny Isles


Someone from the past, asked me to write again about the Four B's that women should
So here they are:
The four B's
Beautiful,Brains,Bold and Brash ..

if you live in New York City..you
could also practice the Four B's
but in reference to shopping at:
Bergdorf ,Barneys,Bendel and


No hay nada mejor que fruta natural..........

Saadiyat is Arabic for "happiness,"...so be Happy!!!!


Today in Jewish History: June 12, 1929:  Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt, Germany. She would have been 86 today.. 

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated

I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit 

to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775

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