
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775 - JG 120

שבת שלום!

Shabbat Shalom Lekulam, and a great weekend to all. Stay safe!

Fabulous, any better would be a sin is a® Registered Trademark that
belongs to me..............so if you use it you must pay me(smiles)....


Flag for Israel
Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí  - אני יהודי 

Things I wanted you to know - 

JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should

thanks to all the followers, all that read but do not follow, the few haters that also read
the Tidbits(yes,I see you in the map everyday)....today the Tidbits reached 900.000 page views.....on the way to a Million and more......the world is converging here......muchas gracias...........

a vision in Black....AL with Marc Jacobs......

I took thic pic last year during the FIFA World Cup at my cobertura......and yes, she has a mini-thigh gap(smiles)..............

Anonymous asked:

what are your favorite french films?

vraiment trés difficil alors….jeux d’enfants, amelie, les dernier metro, pierrot le fou, 
les enfants du siecle, contempt, l’amant,la piscine, la reine margot, les demoiselles des rochefort, 
moliere,le genou de Claire, last year in marienbad, Belle de jour, jeune et jolie,la vie en rose, 
hiroshima mon amour, a bout de souffle, ensemble c’est tout, coco avant chanel, hors des prix, 
plein soleil, la boum, quantum love, yves saint laurent, 100% cachemire, therese desqueyroux, 
l’amour dure trois ans, paris manhattan, little white lies, le prenom,De rouille et d'os…….
Bonjour Tristesse

Women in the past had style and class and dressed to the nines...and I have to give it to many
Russian women that take so much pride in the appearance....perfectly matching and no hair
out of place............

 no ha habido en el mundo un cantor como 'Carlos Gardel',

Argentina homenajea a Carlos Gardel en el 80 aniversario de su muerte.-gracias a mi amiga Argentina por recordarme


Dior. Paris.

.:Sophisticated Luxury Blog:. (youngsophisticatedluxury.tumblr.com

Mugdha Godse during Fashion movie 💜

I like this lineup.....

And I am a big fan of Myriam Fares and I have to say this is entertaining..........Myriam "It's haram if I hurt her"

and kudos to the reporter conducting the interview.....ARAB INTERVIEWERS ARE BRUTAL WOOWW

I liked the comment she sent me below...and her pic well, sem comentarios


magynary asked: J'adore ton blog!
JG: Merci :-* C’est adorable!

Toda mulher adora um look todo preto, né? Eu amo!Geralmente o “pretinho básico” é simples, chique, clássico e elegante, mas ele pode ser também ousado, sexy e até bem dramático!

and the look would have been much better with brown or beige shoes....?

Perfect watches, like perfect boyfriends, are hard to come by—and Chanel's new Boy.friend watch may just be a little bit of both.

Luxury luggage always ups the style factor.

Nunca antes tuvo tanto sentido la frase 'el tiempo es oro',  Apple Watch (edición 'gold') 

gummy bear breast implants


Queen has arrived. Glamour has been signed, sealed and delivered.

"I like it when it rains hard. It sounds like white noise everywhere, which is like silence but not empty."

Borsh :)) if you don't know than you don't know...

“Now and again an echo of Chopin’s music rings in my ears, and this much you absorb me that, at such moments I always think of you and lose myself in meditating about possibilities.”

nocturne in b-flat minor, op. 9, no. 1

Objects of desire....and only will you find them here on this blog........

by request from Abu Dhabi..........

Four Bs women should possess or try to: Beauty, Brains, Body, and Balance. 

Let’s face it, men are sight-stimulated.

Top-notch men want a woman with brains.

Here we go again with the sight stimulation. Men want a woman who is in shape and takes care of her body

Finally, the last “B” is balance. Men want someone who is calm, cool, and collected for the most part. Achieving balance means not taking things to extremes.

Am I the only one here  who cannot wait for the upcoming movie Macbeth (with Michael Fassbender and Marion Cotillard in leading roles)? *_*

“ The best moments in reading are when you come across something - a thought, a feeling, a way of looking at things - that you’d thought special, particular to you. And here it is, set down by someone else, a person you’ve never met, maybe even someone long dead. And it’s as if a hand has come out, and taken yours. ”

Mélancolie : Signe de distinction du cœur et d'élévation de l'esprit.

been there done that

thigh gap

no thigh gap



Rocío Crusset one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




Love of the Babushka.......Babushka Chic



more tidbits

The tweed-like fabric, famous from the classic Chanel suits will never go out of style. And it’s something you can wear all year around, even in summer! I am personally a big fan of the boucle jackets, worn together with matching shorts or a skirt. But even the longer jacket is super cool because it works with any occasion, dressed or casual!

Ulyana Sergeenko


Ulyana’s the real deal for being a Russian trendsetter and she’s one the most high-profile figures of the so called Russian Fashion Pack, who are also called The Russian Mafia or the Czarinas. Ulyana’s style embodies an old-world feminine charm with an ode to all things vintage, sophisticated and elegant. She’s also a prominent Russian (Haute Couture) fashion designer.

Spotted : Claire Courtin wearing the Selec.to  T-shirt  and with aniPhone 6....nice and chic.................

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

Peepy with close friends.........

Lady Lee is a vision in green......and always her Birkins match perfectly

a little take on Japan-日本,

Japanese sentences are structured so that that different parts -- subject, object, prepositions, etc. -- are marked with handy grammatical particles like は (the subject marker, pronounced wa) or を (the object marker, conveniently pronounced 'o'). While this can be handy for anyone learning the language, the reality is that any information that's understood by all parties will nearly always be omitted from sentences. When a girlfriend comes into your office asks if you are ready to go to lunch, the only word she actually says is 行く iku? (literally meaning "go?"), since everything else she wants to say is clear from the context. 
Silence is also one of the most potent social weapons in Japanese society. If you ever really offend someone in Japan you'll know it because you'll hear only total bone-crushing silence from them for the rest of eternity, coupled with the refusal to ever make eye contact with you. It's pretty much the most terrible thing ever, the equivalent of being shunned socially.
And it is similar to what I practice-Kaddish means when you are not nice and obnoxious you cease to exist in my life........


Facial aging is similar to the movement of a glacier. It is the migration of facial fat over time, which drags the skin as it goes. The skin's elasticity degrades over time as well, so it cannot resist the pull of gravity as it once did. This is what causes the deep folds surrounding your mouth and nose—those wide smile lines—and what causes the hollowing beneath your eyes, the jowls sagging from your jaw, and the excess skin in your neck. 
An expertly crafted, truly beneficial face lift demands a mastery of the intricacies of facial anatomy, mature aesthetic vision, detailed procedural planning and execution, and a passion to provide each individual case the most outstanding result possible. .”

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!! 

Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

   HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned 

Get Sheikha Mozah’s Jumpsuit for Less. 
Sheikha Mozah wore fabulous couture jumpsuit from Jean Paul Gaultier last month. If you want to get the similar look, here you have it. This tuxedo Wool Jumpsuit is from Jenni Kayne, it has similar style and shape such as button front closures and pockets. Even the buttons in the front look relatively identical. This jumpsuit used to retail for €610.71, now it is €275.04. If you are concerned with the sleeves, juts wear a long-sleeved black shirt underneath it and you will have the SM look.




 Ekaterina II of Russia was born Princess Sophia Augusta Fredericka, and if you want to get your inner historian on, her full German name was Sophie Friederike Auguste von Anhalt-Zerbst-Dornburg. As for the English speaking world, she’s simply known as Catherine the Great.


Don’t be surprised when I say that Catherine was a fan of ice cubes! It was claimed that Russian monarch loved beauty, and had her own secret beauty tip up her sleeve. Each morning the Empress would rub an ice cube all over her face, neck, and décolletage in order to preserve her beauty, and gain a glowing complexion. 

“The ice cube therapy can help minimize pores and control the oil production, it also can prevent premature aging and the appearance of wrinkles. Regular use of ice cubes will give your face fresh and healthy glow, so that you’ll look gorgeous, even with no make up

It would seem there is a trend and it is making us coconut crazy.

The more I read the more I want to go tropical; at least in the coconut sense.

Everywhere I turn I am reading the beauty and health benefits of the humble coconut.
The coconut is classified as a fruit, a nut and a seed so its potential is magnified before we even look heavenwards to the palm.

A fashion law degree?! Yes, it will now be a real thing.
Fordham Law School has announced that it will offer the world’s first degree in fashion law, starting this fall.
The program is backed and partially financed by Diane von Furstenberg, who has been a longtime advocate for legal reform in the industry. She’s kind of the ideal proponent for Fordham’s new program, right? The curriculum will cover topics like fashion financing, Modeling law, fashion licensing, and sustainability.
So, could this mean greater security and stricter regulation within the fashion industry?
In our opinion, we see this only as a good thing!

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

Look – Black

kol hakavod -כָּל הַכָּבוֹד-beautiful music: such talent!!

Tchaikovsky Flashwaltz at Hadassah Hospital

Forty students from the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance took a classical approach to the flashmob as they flash waltzed Tchaikovsky's Waltz of the Flowers at the new Sarah Wetsman Davidson Hospital Tower in Jerusalem. Doctors, patients and passers-by joined in the fun.

39 years ago, Yoni Netanyahu made the ultimate sacrifice in the Entebbe Operation, rescuing 105 Jewish and Israeli hostages held in Uganda by PFLP terrorists. Yoni, just 30 years old, was the only Israeli casualty. Today I wpuld like to honor and remember him as the true hero of the Jewish people that he is. 
May his memory continue to be a blessing.

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated

I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit 
to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775

Miscellaneous Tidbits 5785 OVER ONE BILLION PAGE VIEWS

  When I started writing the Tidbits …my blog , I knew I would attract a wide world audience but this is beyond expectations. I not only hav...