one of my all time favorite films.....I have seen it so many times I can recite all the scenes....
An excerpt from the film High Society. Grace Kelly and Bing Crosby sing the Cole Porter composition 'True Love'.
It’s Monday, and I’m so happy because I’ve had a great weekend!
Independence Day of the United States, also referred to as the Fourth of July or July Fourth in the U.S.A.
Stay Independent Stay Free
These are the generations of the heavens and the earth…
אלה תולדות השמים והארץ
If you get my attention than you are kinda special......
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
Saturday I did my daily walk with a friend that lives in Hermosa Beach and she is so fit that
I felt the burn walking....nice though.....and if you have never gone to The Strand someday you
If you have never read Proust than you must but it is better if you can read it in French
There will never be anything like the iPhone again
Nine years and a few days ago, Apple released the iPhone, and the world was never the same.
I told her she needs to practice her use of chopsticks.........
René Lacoste was born on 2 July, 1904. French tennis player and one of The Four Musketeers who dominated the game in the 1920s and 30s
Balzi Rossi Moscow
Evgenia Dravina the girl on the far left reminds me of a young Leslie Caron
Ladies....A pop of pink may be just what the doctor ordered, especially when it looks as pretty as these pumps from Pierre Hardy!
Tamang pagpasa ng Korona lol
this question, "Why Russian girls are so beautiful?"! is my opinion, not sure if you will agree but it is my take, and I think I will almost describe it as is is (smiles)
Birkin is still the norm for socialites, models, wannabes and t.....
but Lady Lee ABL still reigns in the Birkin department
And you are big time if Louis Vuitton asked you to advertise for them....Selena Gomez is is
I think she is great but
I love how the pop ladies of the Gulf hate Myriam Fares' guts....They say she is a fake and a poser. So they do not pretend to like her. She also robs them from many gigs for weddings and private functions. Myriam seems to be invested in the Khalij region. She is spending a great deal of time in Dubai recording and performing.
I am missing this since I left Israel a few moons ago......
thick Arabic coffee from Jerusalem and licorice-flavored cookies from Jaffa.

Gordon Gekko: This painting here? I bought it ten years ago for sixty thousand dollars, I could sell it today for six hundred thousand dollars. The illusion has become real, and the more real it becomes, the more desperately they want it. Capitalism at it’s finest.
Prince Alwaleed during the private meeting with Bill Gates.
This is called bubble gum music.........
and here are two of my favorite ones
no, it is not my Birthday but someone sent this to is trying to see
if I have a sense of humor....and you know, that i do......
I dislike chit chat.....give me an intelligent conversation anytime...
Dr Karyn Grossman
Jaw line.....before I forget Dr Teitelbaum's friend Dr. Karyn Grossman told me a couple days ago that the way they did my Jaw....the more square chin implant will make a great impression.....she knows so do not take my word for coming
I promise when all the swelling goes down.....
"Le désir fleurit, la possession flétrit toutes choses" Marcel Proust
a layman translation would be.....when you desire something - when you get it , you do not want it...(ie. beautiful girls, luxury items...out of the ordinary experiences and so on.....)

Age?Never ask the age to a woman! And I will say that many women as they get into their late thirties and early forties think that having bigger breasts makes the day....and I think the opposite....but as always, I respect everyone's choices as long as it does not affect me.
Los Angeles is the land of delusions. You can live your life thinking you’re the best invention since sliced bread and no one will question your self-importance.
People in Los Angeles are always between projects. Ask them what they do for a living and you will NEVER get a straight answer. They work in the entertainment industry? They’re a pet psychic? They’re someone’s life coach? Oh, but they’re this close to getting a deal with so-so, which will catapult them to overnight fame.
"I don't throw darts at a board. I bet on sure things. Read Sun-tzu, The Art of War. Every battle is won before it is ever fought."
ie.....Saudi Aramco and Line IPO's
yes, i totally subscribe to his theory........
and by the way- Hasan Hejazi Reads My Blog!!!..and I say:
Shokran (jazeelan) (شكرا (جزيلا |
thigh gap
no thigh gap
Belinda Peregrín Schüll one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free
I think it’s a myth that black is a winter color, because I absolutely adore this classic colour all year around!

For women, Russia is definitely not the country to come to if you harbor any insecurities about your looks. Women there seem to wake up perfectly tousled, ready for a night on the town, even at noon on a Tuesday. It is a paradise for men.....Karl Lagerfeld said " If I was a woman in Russia I would be a lesbian, as the men are very ugly"

Virginie Courtin-Clarins and Claire Courtin-Clarins

PEEPY WITH MOTHER'LEE , M'AU At 24th "THAILAND TATLER" Gala Awards Dinner At Grand Ballon At Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok Hotel
a little take on Japan-日本,

Then there's the apparent eternal youthfulness of Japanese females. There are many reasons why Japanese women (and other East Asians) seem to retain youth longer than women in other countries. One is that they avoid the sun like crazy, believing that pure white skin looks better than tanned skin.
The difference in diet plays a role, too, with lots of vegetables, fish and seaweed consumed in Japan, and lots of unsweetened Asian teas. From the viewpoint of the Japanese, Westerners can look older than their actual age,

Some celebrities appear younger everyday; others get more beautiful… and then
there's some who just look completely different.
there's some who just look completely different.
Actress Megan Fox is only 32, but it already seems like she's had two completely different faces.
One screams pretty teen, the other, vampish movie star.
Eccentric heiress Daphne Guinness has one of the most impressive profiles I've seen on a 50-year-old…
Victoria Beckham of yesteryear, AKA Posh Spice, whose gummy smile didn't
render her so self-conscious
I am awarding 10 points for every subtle difference you can spot in Cameron Diaz's visage.
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden
HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
more Mozah
in my favorite color the Sheikha at 10 Downing Street
"Think pink, but never wear it.” -Karl Lagerfeld
Ironically,Sheikha Mozah in Pink Chanel Couture.


Cultures that endorse modesty and cultures that endorse hypersexualization are the *same* thing. Both define female sexuality by how it relates to the male gaze. In both cases the female body exists as an ornament either to be kept carefully hidden or put on display. Neither is an empowering feminist achievement.
When Black Celebs become White
This isn’t a joke post, though some of these celebs have become some funny looking people. Celebrities get famous and slowly but surely lighten their skin. They do this in a lot of ways, with actual bleaching products, wearing extremely light foundation or with Photoshop. Look, I am not going to debate about the politics of brown women wearing a weave or sporting your natural hair texture (that’s another conversation). It is worrisome to me when brown people begin to alter their appearance to look more Anglo. If you notice when people get nose jobs it isn’t to widen or round their noses it’s always to have traditionally Anglo noses. -just an observation, so , do not kill the messenger(smiles)
only in Hollywood
Rebecca Dayan
Rebecca Dayan
“I’m French, but my accent’s kind of gone. For a long time, I worked on eliminating it, and it’s the weirdest thing. In the beginning, when I started acting, my agent was always like, ‘You’ve got to make sure you have the most neutral accent possible,’ and I said, ‘Ok, ok, ok,’ and I worked really hard, and now they’re saying, ‘Can you play up your French accent?’ because people want something exotic, and I’m like, ‘You guys must be kidding me!’ I don’t even know how to do it anymore.
The cig no, the coca cola in crystal bottle yes........
Los naked dress (vestidos desnudos) se crearon para enseñar partes estratégicas del cuerpo de la mujer: aberturas infinitas que dejan entrever las piernas, profundos escotes en V, larguísimos escotes traseros y 'cut out' (pequeñas aberturas o cortes) en cintura o en el pecho.
The naked dresses (nude dresses) were created to show sensitive parts of a woman's body: endless openings that reveal the legs, deep V necklines, lengthy back necklines and 'cut out' (small openings or cuts) in waist or chest.
The Indian figure looks best in traditional Indian saris. While most B-town actresses step out in gowns, designer dresses during event comes festive season and you will find them draped in the traditional attire. They flaunt their enviable figure in saris made of net, georgette, chiffon, ethnic weaves and fabrics.
7290 Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90036 323 939 6455
one of their specialties - Macaron Ice Cream sandwich
Sweet Popcorn - Pipoca Doce

A Pipoca Mais Doce-The Sweetest Popcorn,,,,only in Brasil do they make it so so sweet!!!!!
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial (MUFG)

Have you heard of Hannah Cohen?
If you haven’t heard the name, maybe you’ve heard her voice?
If you haven’t heard the name, maybe you’ve heard her voice?
Someone, a few years ago, recommended I listen to her first album, “Child Bride”. I fell for her soft and unwavering voice right away, loved and played the track ‘Don’t Say’ on repeat, and I think maybe there’s just something about Hannah…
Now, her second album, “Pleasure Boy” was released just a few weeks ago. The subtle voice is there but it’s a slight shift, maybe a little more grown up. Music you could listen to all summer long… And I’ve been playing her new single ‘Fake It’ on repeat already!
Who’s on your playlist right now?
A great man has passed. We mourn Elie Wiesel, who survived the Holocaust and devoted his life to the memory of the Shoah and all those who perished.May his memory be a blessing.
If you live in Los Angeles let me recommend you the following:
Favorite People Watching Spot: This may sound strange, but I love watching Hasidic Jews walk the streets, especially on La Brea. They tend to walk every Saturday in groups and I love the way they wear all black and dress in uniform fashion. It's interesting and inspiring to watch them when they travel in unity.As you know I love sleek black fashion and I think Hasidic Jewish men surprisingly fit in this category. Probably the best spot in Los Angeles to see noir chic on the streets.
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world and life is.....
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