The Center of the Universe....the Kotel
In honor of my late Paris born father.....he loved this Holiday........
Tradition must never be forgotten..............
La Fête Nationale
Joyeux Quatorze Juillet
In the last few days you visited the tidbits from...
less friends, less drama, keep your circle small
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
It's hot. It's cool. It's fab. It's fun. I like it. Love it. Want it. Need it. Gotta have it. Gonna get it. It's all about sweet finds & awesome anything. Like it? Are you on it? Do you want it? The "It List" by JG.
the list, the list, the list
Eclectic, dynamic and theatrical, Los Angeles is a sprawling sunbelt city just a short distance from breathtaking mountain ranges and sun-drenched beaches. As well as its unique, celebrity-driven mystique, the natural beauty of the surrounding area accounts for much of the city’s appeal, with countless cultural and recreational diversions along
I am a Frame Denim fan, their pants fit just so. The campaigns are clever and beautiful, too. My brilliant friend George Cortina is the stylist for the brand—I love the belt and block-heel pumps, super chic.
just got this at South Coast them
The Gucci stripe accents a new line of men’s boots
This is an Alaïa - if you don't know than you don't know

A very good plastic surgeon, can literally take someone who is a 6 and make them a 9. Do you know how empowering that is????
Local anesthesia is any technique to induce the absence of sensation in a specific part of the body, generally for the aim of inducing localanalgesia, that is, local insensitivity to pain, although other local senses may be affected as well.
and any plastic surgeon worth its salt will only use local anesthesia or twilight sleep type of anesthesis....
Steven Teitelbaum, MD
and gummy bear implants may be a thing of the past as this new option
"Ideal Implant," a new kind of saline implant.
In an attempt to tidy-up I’ve been cleaning out summer magazines. Vogue Paris’ summer issue is packed with great stories, especially this trip to Arles.
Gracias a Patricia....y aqui , su comentario " mi foto es mas artistica, sobre tres bellas tumbas judias..yo soñe esas fotos, como si tendria que hacerlas..
Remember what I said about the sun???
¿ Madonna. La reina del pop es, además, la emperatriz de bañarse con la ropa puesta. Madonna (57) no quiere que le toque ni un rayo de sol y acude a la playa con más ropa que en pleno invierno. Un clásico ya de todos los veranos. La diva se desnuda más en el escenario que a la orilla del mar. Y si ella lo hace, todos deberíamos hacerlo. Madonna nunca se equivoca.?
Mazel Tov
congratulates Prime Minister Theresa May, a long-standing friend of Israel and the UK’s Jewish community, as she assumes the post tonight.
“A very old man came in to a Starbucks that i frequent in BH. Halfway through struggling to understand his order through his thick accent, he noticed my necklace. He stopped and said "Your star is beautiful.”, and I thanked him. There was a long pause before he spoke again. When he did, he said “It is beautiful, but I am having a hard time looking at it. The last time I wore one, it was mandatory.”
We then spoke to each other in Hebrew for a bit. But soon enough he stopped again, and looked back to my star. With one hand he held mine, and used his other hand to shakily touch the sapphires on my necklace. His lip shook, and tears rolled down his cheeks. In a shaky, heavily German-accented whisper, he said “I am so happy you are here. Your generation is here. We won.”
Donald Trump and Gordon Gekko(Michael Douglas)
and yes, GG "money never sleeps"
Humble isn't my strong suit, hmm?( My strong suit's Tom Ford,.Brioni and Prada)

“Everyone wants something they don’t have. It’s the principle of desire,”
"Todo el mundo quiere algo que ellos no tienen. Es el concepto del deseo"
and many times when you get it you do not want it......
And this is not a put down...I am not a fan of Beyoncé ....she is super talented and has many other attributes...
I have a friend that has a beautiful girlfriend and day dreams about Beyoncé
And this is Beyoncé in a normal moment.....Sem Comentarios..........
are you able to distinguish a Gulfstream from a BBJ???
Been there done that
thigh gap
mini thigh gap
no thigh gap

Esti Ginzburg one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits
Israeli Soldier, Model, Actress
Love of the Babushka.......Babushka Chic

Elena Perminova’s Sky High Style
So if you’re about to take off soon- like Elena here are two looks for you. One of the looks incorporates a military inspired jacket that truly suits the theme of being a Co-pilot. Both looks also use jeans, and that famed Louis Vuitton luggage for traveling with style. I also like the look she has where she is wearing a chloe bag, but that look is best suited for flying in the cooler months as it includes over-the-knee boots.

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

White on White look...........
very few are as extravagany, chic matching as Peepy and Mother Lee....amazing...

a little take on Japan-日本,

Bowing, is a very big deal in Japan something that's done several times a day. There are many kinds of bows, from the casual 15-degree nod you'd make to a coworker or neighbor to the deeper (30-degree) bow of thanks you'd do when accepting your salary envelope from your boss, or the more formal (45-degree) bow made to a customer in a service industry. One bow is chorei (lit. "morning bow"), a brief formal meeting where the employees stand in a circle and basically promises to gambaru, or do their best and work hard, followed by a deep bow.

The knife or needle.....JG says for moi , both!!!! and my favorite part is when they start marking the spots they are going to correct and the extra skin that is going to be removed....

Sheikha Mozah was carrying dark brown Birkin 30cm Shiny Crocodile Tote Bag. This bag is the epitome of luxury and costs around $85, 000 (if it is custom-made then up to $120,000). It goes great with her dark brown couture suit which might be from Jean Paul Gaultier.
5 Interesting Facts Revealed in the Financial Times Interview with Sheikha Mozah
Sheikha Mozah sat down with Financial Times editor Roula Khalaf for an interview.
1. She is on a gluten-free diet.
2. The £200million mansion in London is her son Tamim’s and something she’s never set eyes on.
3. She says she is her own stylist: she likes to sketch and sometimes works with top designers on her outfits. She said: “It’s my mental treat. When I’m exhausted, I go to my dressing room and go through my closets and I try to mix things and fix things. I don’t have a stylist because I wouldn’t find anyone that would understand what I want.”
4. On her style: “My style is to be in something that respects tradition and is at the same time modern and practical.”
5. She won’t reveal her favorite designer. She wore Gianvito Rossi heels at the interview, she said it is simple and practical, she has them made specially for her and bought in different colors

Trend off-the shoulder
Quais são os bairros nobres de rio de janeiro?
Leblon (Alto)
Jardim Botânico
Barra da Tijuca
Leblon (Alto)
Jardim Botânico
Barra da Tijuca
Esta es una de las mejores revistas del mundo...This is one of the best magazines in the world!!
Ahora la recibo por correo....pero la he comprado en el barrio Posadas de Buenos Aires o en el centro de Miami....Now I get it through the mail, but I have bought it in Posadas, a suburb of Buenos Aires or in downtown Miami~~~~

This elegant 90210 bookstore is the perfect spot for anyone with brains and beauty.
Machiavelli's "The Prince" After 500 Years
'De Principatibus'
The Prince (Italian: Il Principe) is a political treatise by the Italian diplomat, historian and political theorist Niccolò Machiavelli. From correspondence a version appears to have been distributed in 1513, using a Latin title, De Principatibus (About Principalities). However, the printed version was not published until 1532, five years after Machiavelli's death. This was done with the permission of the Medici pope Clement VII, but "long before then, in fact since the first appearance of the Prince in manuscript, controversy had swirled about his writings
Obra aún vigente - his work is still in force...up to date even 500 years later.
I am completely smitten with these knotty pony tails from Michael Kors, they are perfect for the spring! And I like how they look on chic women.....

Most Hated People in Fashion
1. Naomi Campbell
Famous quote:
“I make a lot of money and I’m worth every cent.”
2. Anna Wintour
Editor in chief, Vogue US
Famous quote:
“I’d just been on a trip to Minnesota, where I can only kindly describe most of the people I saw as little houses.”
3. Karl Lagerfeld
Designer, Chanel
Famous quote:
“She (Princess Diana) was pretty and she was sweet, but she was stupid. The public does not know who Camilla is. She is the life of the party! “
4. Tim Gunn
Faculty Member, Parsons school of design.
Famous quote:
“she (Suri Cruise) is a fashion victim and it’s just very inappropriate,”
5. Olivia Palermo
TV Personnality, MTV’s the City
Famous quote:
“I can talk to a side bench”
Famous quote:
“I can talk to a side bench”
Il fait beau, il fait chaud, on a envie de glaces. Et vous?
Everyone is suddenly catching Pokémon fever again.
And everyone can have it, I do not want it. no. non. nyet...I will not join this fad
made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free
Aly Raisman Earns Spot on US Olympics Women Gymnastics Team
"And all the nations of the earth shall bless themselves by your descendants….” This is Hashem’s blessing to Avraham 4,000 years ago because Avraham obeyed Hashem’s voice.[i]
[i] Genesis 22:18
The light after the darkness - Live from the kotel
And this is a must for all to experience
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the
world and life is.....
world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776, unless
otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or
without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776