
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776 - JG 139

שבת שלום

Have a wonderful Shabbat, everyone!

“There are no better moments than the ones you share with your family. Shabbat Shalom 

This light is eternal..............SHALOM 

"Reflect on three things and you will never come to sin: Know what is above you —a seeing eye, a hearing ear, and all your deeds recorded in a book"
— Pirkei Avot 2:1 

Last night  in front of the most beautiful fireplace.....in the most elegant room.....with incredible views....in a Bang&Oluffsen giant screen I watched one of my favorite movies for the umpteenth time
two of my favorite scenes of the movie..........

 “Shema Yisrael Hashem Elokaynu Hashem Echad!”

"Les livres : la sève vivante des esprits immortels."

“I’m so happy with the small circle of people I have in my life right now.”

Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí - אני יהודי
my mother is Jewish, therefore I am Jewish.”

Things I wanted you to know - 
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should


It's hot. It's cool. It's fab. It's fun. I like it. Love it. Want it. Need it. Gotta have it. Gonna get it. It's all about sweet  finds & awesome anything. Like it? Are you on it? Do you want it? The "It List" by JG.
the list, the list, the list

the word style in the dictionary should include her name in their definition......


Sometimes a girl just needs to hear that she’s worth it you know ?
no, I say all the time(smiles)

and even better I am paying for Willi Geller to fix them.......

If you follow this blog....you know I love the " Wall Street" movie......and I can
recite all the passages(smiles)

Gordon Gekko: Money never sleeps, pal. Just made 800,000 in Hong Kong gold. It's been wired to you. Play with it. You've done good, but you gotta keep doing good. I've showed you how the game works. Now School's out. Bud Fox: Mr, Gekko, I'm there for you 110%. Gordon Gekko: No, no, no, no. You don't understand. I wanna be surprised. Astonish me, pal. New info. I don't care were or how you get it, just get it. My wife tells me you made a move on Darien. Well, here some inside info for you: That euro-flash G.Q.-type she's going out with has got big bucks, but he's putting her feet to sleep. Exit Visas are imminent, so I don't want you losing your place in line. [take a look at the sunrise] Gordon Gekko: Ah, Jesus. I wish you could see this. Light's coming up. I've never seen a painting that captures the beauty of the ocean at a moment like this. I'm gonna make you rich, Bud Fox. Yeah. Rich enough, you can afford a girl like Darien. This is your wake-up call, pal. Go to work.

E' così che dovrebbero essere le donne. 
Con il peccato negli occhi.(

"the French person will recreate distance with silence, the American with conversation..." 

simplicity and sophistication... daily inspirations for style and life.

Stella McCartneys's grey panties ($75)....

by request..... Goldstein....friends....places.....

And I am neutral as both as followers of the Tidbits.....they both have merits....

this about Gisele - requested one more time......

Mas divina cada dia . I love this hairstyle and look, classy all the way!

Linda voz..... numa apresentação hipnotizante
You have not lived till you see and hear Vanessa da Mata sing "Amado" in live performance.....

Dr Leonard M Hochstein

and this could be what he told this girl(smiles)
"I told you when I did your breast implants that they would bounce exactly like that.....they do not call me the Boob G-d for nothing."


: Miss Universe to be held in the Philippines on January 30, 2017, says Philippine tourism secretary Wanda Corazon Teo in a press conference held today. Teo added that private sector will shoulder the expenses.

put me in a time machine and let me live this period of time...........
wow love the go go go go go girls and the line....." its just keep gets harder to find"

Gummy bear breast implants




Once again Mr Mark Zuckerberg your social site of Facebook does not interest me
but your stock price keeps making me more and more $$$$$$$$$$$

And if you hate JEWS do not use Facebook(smiles) because it was founded and it is owned by a JEW......

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Gains $3.4 Billion In An Hour After Positive Second-Quarter Earnings
This sounds like a broken record but nevertheless once again......thanks Mark Zuckerberg .....yes, I do not like or use Facebook but your stock price sends$$$$$$$ me...........
Facebook, Inc.
123.342.12 (1.75%)

Pre-Market: 129.105.76 (4.67%) as of 7:43AM EDT

“Be with someone who makes your Mondays feel like Fridays.”

Apple sold its billionth iPhone

People are the prettiest when they talk about something they really love with

For moi big hair will never go out of style..........

"I always loved aesthetics. Not particularly fashion, but an idea of beauty."

and the late Steve Jobs believed in the aesthetics of the iPhone that aesthetics  is important besides the functionality of it.........

Soy un hombre muy honrado
Que me gusta lo mejor
Las mujeres no me faltan, ni el dinero, ni el amor

Been there done that

thigh gap

mini thigh gap

no thigh gap




Jealisse Andrea Tovar Velásquez one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic




Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places people

First seen on the runway, jackets and pants in textured and patterned fabrics from the new collection.


Is there anything better than going on a holiday to a far flung location, slipping into a swimsuit and staking your claim on the beach with a good book and an abundance of sunscreen? We figure by now you have got the bathing suit and sunscreen situation under control, but if you are still looking for that perfect book to while away your vacation hours, i  have a few very fashionable suggestions for you.

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free


Girls I really Like: Elena Perminova
One of the amazing "Russian pack" elements!

If you read my blog I’m sure you´ve heard about the “Russian pack”,a group of Russian women that are always in the front rows of the most important fashion weeks and which styles make any fashion photographer love them.
One of them is Elena Perminova ( the others are the non-less famous Ulyana Sergeenko, Miroslava Duma and Vika Gazinskaya) a young Russian with super huge legs and married with Alexander Lebedev, a former KGB spy and funder of the IndependentandLondon Evening Standard newspapers.
She is blonde, tall, beautiful and super stylish. She loves feathers and hats and she is a modern Cinderella. Saved from jail from her husband is now one of the most influent fashionistas. 

to be of the essence être essentiel (le)

It girls......what style.....what grace..........

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

Peepy With Mother'LEE & M'Au .....

Home Alone Peepy Signature!!!!!! By M'อุ๊ & P'ส้ม & N'แพร ......... 


a little take on Japan-日本,

One theme I write a lot about is how there's exactly one "correct" way to do things in Japan -- a correct way for students to sit at their desk while in school, a specific stroke order that every kanji character must be written in, and so on. There's even exactly one "correct" way to hold chopsticks
 A symbol of the Japanese approach to how to do things can be seen in the marks they make on paper when counting objects. While most Westerners count by drawing sets of five "chicken scratch" lines, the Japanese draw the five-stroke character for honesty and correctness, which is 正 tadashii.


20 years old - Botox

30 years old -hyaluronic acid

40 years old - Sculptra 

It used to be a woman's darkest secret. But now plastic surgery has become a status symbol - and even something to brag about.
Not long ago, surgeons agreed that the Holy Grail of cosmetic surgery was discretion and helping clients "get away with it".

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!! 

Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

   HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned

Sheikha Mozah was dazzling in show-stopping Jean Paul Gaultier couture caftan. It has been a slow year so far, but this look definitely made things much more exciting. We missed her in glamours night gowns, hopefully there will be more moments like this until the end of this year. Gorgeous set of jewelries completed the look.

Sheikha Mozah attends the ceremony naming Placido Domingo Goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO at UNESCO




And despite all the frivolity and craziness...she has a bookish side a Jewish mentality for doing business/// and like most smart girls.....all her advisers are JEWS

Those boots, that’s all.

This product will help you keep and intensify your tan,,,,if you do wish to be tanned
her tan

It’s time to take a trip back in time. Where are we stopping? In the 90s where the skirts are short and the lips are dark. While short skirts will always be in style in someone’s mind, the dark lips are showing up more and more in today’s fashion

The Duchess of Cambridge's blue jeans; Olivia Newton John and John Travolta in Grease




Denim Skirt

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial (MUFG)

Meet Mr and Mrs Jackass... Self centered people and useless to society.....🤕😡 no thanks Harpers Bazaar
However the Kardashians are appealing to hoi polloi and making a ton of money....but still thanks but no thanks..........

a la Frida Kahlo


היא נראית נחמד, אבל צה"ל יכול הרוג את בן רגע אם אתה כל כך ראויים לה

IDF-ישראל מתגוננת כוחות

Double Challah

I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the 
world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776, unless 
otherwise statedI am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or 
without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776

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