
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776 - JG 136

  1. This greeting is preferred by chassidic and traditional Jews of European descent. The Hebrew salutation, used by Sephardim of Eastern descent and those who favor modern Hebrew, is “Shabbat Shalom,” which means “Sabbath [of] peace.”

אהבתי את השיר 

Often imitated never duplicated

Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí - אני יהודי
my mother is Jewish, therefore I am Jewish.”

Things I wanted you to know - 
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should


It's hot. It's cool. It's fab. It's fun. I like it. Love it. Want it. Need it. Gotta have it. Gonna get it. It's all about sweet  finds & awesome anything. Like it? Are you on it? Do you want it? The "It List" by JG.
the list, the list, the list

It is best said, that I live in that state of mind , despite lesser humans do not wanting to see other people happy!!! Gordon Gekko had it right, .. "if you want a friend , get a dog!!! "

ברוך אתה ה 'אלוהינו אחת הנצחי, ריבון העולמיםמי לא עשה אותי גוי
Blessed are You, Eternal One our G-d, Sovereign of the Universe, who did not make me a Gentile.

Smile (if your face isn't botoxed), you're in sunny Beverly Hills

Beverly Hills in the morning with Romaine Body and Klaudia trousers.

Liu Wen.....same same...........

You don't understand this is an Alaïa!


Remember this????

When everyone was walking away from Miss Philippines after the mistake at Miss Universe, Miss Israel stuck by the gorgeous winner. Israel sticks by her friends!

This is what a call an arm party....an arm candy pic........Jewish Princess

Wow she looks amazing........she does

. Japan is the most polite country in the world, where society's "golden rule" is to never cause 迷惑 meiwaku (inconvenience, trouble) to others...

These Alaïa's are completely stylish and yet feel so provocative.

Le problème de la beauté physique : on essaie tous d’atteindre la perfection alors qu’elle n’existe pas vraiment. On se donne énormément de mal pour avoir les cheveux, les dents, le corps, les pieds parfaits ! Mais la vérité, c’est qu’on a toutes des imperfections ; qu’on le crie sur les toits ou qu’on essaie de les cantonner à l’intimité de notre salle de bain, elles font partie de notre identité.
Here’s the thing about beauty: we’re all striving for perfection when it really doesn’t exist. We go to great lengths to have perfect hair, teeth, bodies, even feet! But the truth is, we all have imperfections, and whether you shout them from the rooftops or try to mask them in the privacy of your own bathroom, they’re just part of our identity.

Donald Trump's daughters and daughters in law always come across as sharp dressed, lean,
elegant and classy......and so does his wife Melania.......

And by the way.....In 24 hours the white dress that Melania Trump wore at the Republican Convention was sold out...........the dress from Roksanda collection costs $1,898 dollars ......y cuesta 1.898 dólares.
 No han hecho falta ni 24 horas para que el vestido blanco que llevó Melania Trump, esposa del candidato republicano a la presidencia de Estados Unidos, en la Convención Republicana se agotase en las tiendas.

 Quality over Quantity How do translate that into French? :) Sorry for bugging you. I don't trust Google translation. 
La qualité prime sur la quantité. La qualité est plus importante que la quantité, etc.

This is the new norm....gold botox....if you don't know than you don't know......

liberals excited for a new iPhone, made by kids in China, from rare metals, mined by slaves, from a company that pays no tax.

on Thursday I watched a back to back showing of one of my favorite movies "Sweet Home Alabama" and this is one of my favorite scenes...........

Gummy Bear Implants


"I owe everything I am and everything I will ever be to books."

Skinny Genes: yes the Goldsteins have them... 

 Aristotle —  begins in comedy and ends in tragedy or despair —

JG-This is a fabulous combination.....black with gold....

Japanese are famous for saying ah, so (short for ahso desu ka? or "oh, is that so?"), and they really do say it a lot. I sometimes blurt  inadvertently  ah and cannot help it.

Chanel vs Hermès

Chanel reserves to Champagne Their clients; Hermès water reserves. I've always
thought about that ... and worst They give you a plastic bottle ... no, is not kosher ..

Cartier and a black Amex Card always reigns for moi...........

"The sea: I didn’t lose myself in it; I found myself in it."

Most recently  I was watching the Miss Venezuela Pageant, and it proved my point that beauty is devalued, as so much beauty was present on the stage; to render beauty, overpriced, oversubscribed and over devalued!!!! ...nowadays you need class, manners and intelligence to get by...just pure beauty does not carry the day as much as it did in the past!!!!!.and this type of beauty is rampant around the world!!!!

El grupo vasco Mocedades nos dejó un legado musical para seguir soñando...despiertos para dominar nuestros sueños a un viaje y a un mundo imaginario.

Been there done that

thigh gap

mini thigh gap

no thigh gap




Coralie Balmy    one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




love of the Babushka.....Babushka Chic




Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places people

Roland Mouret Galaxy Dress Collection

Maks, a stunning Bangladeshi-American woman who has worked for the company since 2010, with the words “Made in Bangladesh” splashed across her naked chest.

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free


Elena Perminova Little Black Dress

Okay. Keep it simple, cool skirt, deliciously red inappropriately large bag (never in a bad way), CHECK OUT THE FLUFFY MINK CUFFS AROUND MY ANKLES, sparkly sparkly thin straps. And with all the insouciance in the world. Got to love her.

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........



a little take on Japan-日本,


There are many reasons to like Japan. Hot towels handed to you at most every restaurant. Trucks that warn you they're backing up by playing the Disneyland Main Street Electrical Parade song. Walking behind a convenience store and finding a beautiful hundred year old Shinto shrine. Japan is also the land of some amazing desserts, and if you go there you'll probably discover some new taste treats. Japan's dessert world can be divided into two groups: 和菓子 wagashi, Japanese sweets such as taiyaki or kompeito and Kyoto candy; and 洋菓子 yohgashi or Western sweets, a word which covers everything from baumkuchen cakes to Kit Kat to the cutest doughnuts in the universe


if you are thinking of submitting to cosmetic surgery, You've seen that the most difficult option is to find the right doctor.
You must find someone that is a specialist....a Doctor that does many procedures is usally not great at any of them.....my advise if you want fillers go to one that does that..ie a breast Doctor and a face lift specialists............

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!! 

"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden”

   HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned 

Her Highness Sheikha Mozah: a 21st century queen




  1. Moschino S.p.A.
  2. Moschino is an Italian luxury fashion house, specilialized ready-to-wear, leather and fashion accessories, shoes, luggage, perfume etc., founded in 1983 by Franco Moschino.
  1. Founder: Franco Moschino
  2. Founded: 1983

    I’ve seen a lot of curious people wanting to dive into classical music but don’t know where to start, so I have written out a list of pieces to listen to depending on mood. I’ve only put out a few, but please add more if you want to. hope this helps y’all out. :)

    stereotypical delightful classical music:

    if you need to sleep:
    if you need to wake up:
    • morning mood
    • summer (from the four seasons)
    • buckaroo holiday (if you’ve played this in orch you might end up screaming instead of waking up joyfully)
    if you are feeling very proud:

    Louis Vuitton Unveils New Packaging

    This new range of packaging is worked in a bright saffron shade specially selected to create a new visual signature. Named “Imperial Saffron”, this distinctive colour has woven itself into Louis Vuitton’s history since a century and a half. It can been seen on many iconic heritage pieces such as the trunk known as “Citroën” in the Louis Vuitton archives, created for an expedition in Africa launched by the French automobile rm in 1924. The Imperial Saffron has also naturally been showcased as the prominent colour on the offcial poster of “Volez, Voguez, Voyagez”, Louis Vuitton’s exhibition at the Grand Palais in Paris in 2015.

    Louis Vuitton has joined hands with the acclaimed Australian designer Marc Newson and allowed him to go crazy on their classy rolling trunks – hence this modern and somewhat unique makeover. There are plenty of exquisite pieces of luggage from Louis Vuitton, but these new creations would easily stand out of any crowd. 

    Carefully designed and engineered, these are some of the lightest trunks on the market today, and that’s not all they have to offer. These new LV rolling trunks are both ergonomic and stylish, and they’re bound to attract quite a lot of attention, while helping you bring along your much needed possessions and possibly some extras

    Limone di Amalfi.

    Mitsubishi UFJ Financial (MUFG)

    –Is she starting a new trend? Hayden Panettiere wears bright red lipstick 
    to match her bikini, proving you can wear makeup at the beach

    La Perla 

    Lingerie is the new black.........

    And by the way I always have mentioned that Demi Moore was known 
    in Hollywood as gimme moore for always asking the Hollywood studios 
    for more...and Michelle Obama is known as Marie Antoinette or as 
    Muchelle as she wants more and more but at taxpayers expense not with her 

    Boiler Room - Vin Diesel, Ben Affleck quote Wall Street Scene

    made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

    made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

    Sharp lines bisect this essential 90's bandeau
    while a bit of curve and pillowy straps take Aika somewhere new and necessary

    Bien sûr

    A Jewish Bride Davening at Kotel.

    לבקר אחרים ולתת להם הרגשה שאינם רצויים - זאת יכול כל אחד לעשות. אך לרומם את רוחם ולהעניק להם הרגשה טובה - לכך דרושים כישרון מיוחד והשקעת מאמץ

    I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the 
    world and life is.....

    All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776, unless 
    otherwise statedI am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or 
    without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776

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      When I started writing the Tidbits …my blog , I knew I would attract a wide world audience but this is beyond expectations. I not only hav...