
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776 - JG 131

Let's give a round of applause to red lips.

שבוע טוב
Shavua Tov! May the coming week bring us peace & good health.


Charles Chaplin....yes a JEW
As Chaplin wrote in his autobiography, sadness is very close to happiness. I feel that this film especially shows that side, it is a mixture of the two, as Calvero dies, the ballet dancer performs her beautiful dance. "And so the world grows young. And youth takes over." From the movie "Limelight" all you can say is, WOW

Tão bom quando alguém se lembra de você todos os dias, sem ser porque ela precisa de um favor seu, mas sim porque ela sente sua falta e gosta da sua companhia. 

Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí - אני יהודי
my mother is Jewish, therefore I am Jewish.”

Things I wanted you to know - 
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should


It's hot. It's cool. It's fab. It's fun. I like it. Love it. Want it. Need it. Gotta have it. Gonna get it. It's all about sweet  finds & awesome anything. Like it? Are you on it? Do you want it? The "It List" by JG.

  the list, the list, the list

There is, of course, a special beauty vocabulary for the models you see filling the pages of magazines, and I mean c’mon now, who’s gonna believe these :

Yeah, I don’t know what happened, my breasts just popped up in only a few months, and at 25 years old. Poof! = Seriously?
I eat anything I want ! = Seriously ??
I’d rather go naked than wear fur. = Sériously ???


Shine bright 

yes of course the Jewish Princess plays fabulous tennis but she also has fabulous style.......

and she concurs about my favorite store......Barneys New York in Beverly Hillss

a nice comment and a gif from a follower of the tidbits

תומר רבינוביץ
Inès wrote: 
This blog is so perfect and so are you.
JG says: Gracias


These Jimmy Choo velvet pumps are incredibly beautiful–ladies you need to find an excuse to buy them.

if you come to Los Angeles....you must come here...........Nikita (foreground) and sister restaurant Nobu (background) along Carbon Beach in Malibu. VIPs jockey for the most coveted tables along the oceanfront rails.


There’s nothing quite like a good dress, it stands the test of time. This sleeveless, pleated number would do just that.

Alicia Vikander

The Oscar winning actress looks lovely in this August British Vogue story


the 50th anniversary of the publication of the hot-pink-edged Valley of the Dolls. Jacqueline Susann’s first novel, a shocking tale of fame, friendship, sex, and pharmaceuticals, was the fastest-selling novel in history: It sold over 31 million copies in 30 languages. 

Gummy Bear Implants


As you come in you must turn left......if you don't know than you don't know

Ever wonder what an investment banker actually does?

If you've ever heard terms like "IPO" or "DCF" tossed around without a clue as to what they mean — or speculated about 100-hour workweek horror stories and whether they could possibly be true, listen up.

This’ll get you a high-five from Trump supporters for being awesome and a high-five from liberals for being ironic.

“ Pleasure to me is wonder—the unexplored, the unexpected, the thing that is hidden and the changeless thing that lurks behind superficial mutability. 

- Quel a été le plus beau jour de votre vie? 
- C’était une nuit. 

G-d forbid
a woman be more
than her

And I end up being attracted to delicate things in all areas of my life

DelicadezaEsse substantivo tem muito a ver comigo – eu gosto de tudo que é delicado, sutil, suave. Acho que a delicadeza é uma característica inerente à minha personalidade, e eu acabo sendo atraído por coisas delicadas em todas as áreas de minha vida,

if you know me....if you follow my blog you know that I love palm trees,,,,,and also oil wells fascinate me too,,,,,,I love the black gold they produce$$$$$$$$$

Air Kiss

to blow a kiss..........

to kiss one's hand, then blow across it as if to carry the kiss through the air to another person

Sarò un po’ impegnato.$$$$$$$$$$

How does it feel to be 
one of the beautiful people
Now that you know you are


Gekkou」 鬼束ちひろ「月光」- Moonlight

Barbara from Medellin asked.......

Which fragrances are you into right now? 
these two....my own Cartier special scent and of course Spoiled by Beverly Hills

It's Always Fair Weather....is a good musical film
AllI can say is "wonderful"....where is the talent these days?

Been there done that

thigh gap




Giorgia and Guilia Tordini two of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




Love of the Babushka.......Babushka Chic




Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places people

a little take on Louis Vuitton

Louis Vuitton Malletier, commonly referred to as Louis Vuitton or shortened to LV, is a French fashion house founded in 1854 by Louis Vuitton. The label's LV monogram appears on most of its products, ranging from luxury trunks and leather goods to ready-to-wear, shoes, watches, jewelry, accessories, sunglasses, and books.

Winter Dresscode

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free


Ulyana Sergeenko is the crowned Russian queen of fashionable ladies and the most high-profile figure of the so called Russian Fashion Pack, Russian Mafia or the Czarinas  (the core members of which are: Miroslava Duma, the daughter of a Russian senator and editor of a fashion and style site - Buro24/7; Vika Gazinskaya, a fashion designer known most for her numerous geometric hairstyles and Elena Perminova, a model and the wife of Alexander Lebedev, a former spy for the K.G.B. that is now a banking magnate and owner of The Independent and The Evening Standard of London newspapers - more on them later).  

Thierry Mugler 

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

Peepy being Peepy

Lady Lee Puengboonpra

She has cut back on her partying, preferring to keep in touch with friends via Line, The lady with the big hair and big bling recently celebrated celebrated her Bday. Sbut when she does go out, it is usually in the company of Monlahcha Skulthai and Siriyos Devahastin Na Ayudhya.

a little take on Japan-日本,

There's a category of four-syllable (or four kana) words used in Japan that are so loaded with meaning they boggle the mind, and I found they were quite fun to study and use. First is せっかくsekkaku (seh-KAH-koo), which carries the implication of having gone to great trouble to do something for someone only to have them not appreciate your efforts. Another fun word is やっぱり yappari (yah-PAH-ree), which means "just as I thought" or "as I expected" or "Aha! I knew you'd be trying to peek into the girl's bath!" When you learn something that surprises you, you might use the phrase なるほど naruhodo, which can be translated as "wow, I didn't know that" or "I see your point," and in a TV drama, a police inspector might mutter this to themselves as a signal to viewers that he'd found another piece of a puzzle. Finally there's とにかくtonikaku (toh-nee-kah-koo), which just means "at any rate" "regardless of that fact" or just "anyway."


this is one of the best reconstructed noses....Dr Ivo Pitangay.did this work of art

Who: Dr. Ivo Pitanguy, one of the world’s most famous plastic surgeons.
What: The Restoring Formula cream, the latest launch from PreVious, a line of skin care products from Clinica Ivo Pitanguy in Rio.
Why bother: Let’s face it, Pitanguy is the man when it comes to repairing and enhancing beauty.

Vain Glorious | Pitanguy’s New ‘It’ Cream

The Restoring Formula

$300 for 1.7 ounces.

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!! 

Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

   HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned 




Plié, Please

Miu Miu, Marni, Miu Miu, Valentino, Miu Miu.

Simone de Beauvoir

“I am too intelligent, too demanding, and too resourceful for anyone to be able to take charge of me entirely. No one knows me or loves me completely. I have only myself”

Gisele Bündchen: la melena más envidiada del mundo
Para evitar que su melena pierda vida durante los días de mar y sol, Gisele se aplica a menudo las ampollas 'Rescate 1 Minuto' (5,49 euros/ 3 un), de Pantene. "Son mi aliado veraniego", dice.


Warning: Woldford dresses are tight and sexy!!!

fresas con chocolate...siempre....antes y despues.

Crimes of Fashion

I know so many laud Daphne Guinness and Lady Gaga but when I see how they dress, how they look it really scares me and I do not scare easy(smiles)

 I think tattoos are horrible. It's like living in a Pucci dress full-time. (however if you like them, then I respect your choice as long as it does not affect me)

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free


Despite their efforts to ignore almost everything else and mostly focus on IsraelIsrael will prevail!!! 

 Krukhit: It's a wrap. Photo by iPhone i
It is uncertain who invented the at-sign ("@") that most Israelis insist on calling "shtrudel," even though there is an official word - krukhit (kru-KHIT).

Elizabeth Taylor converted to Judaism 57 years ago today.

“It was something I had wanted to do for a long time,” Taylor said.
She took Elisheba Rachel as her Hebrew name.
May her memory be a blessing.

I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the 
world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776, unless 
otherwise statedI am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or 
without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776

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