"So come with me, where dreams are born, and time is never planned. Just think of happy things, and your heart will fly on wings, forever, in Never Never Land!" -Peter Pan
وسيكون يوم الأربعاء 6-7-2016 هو أول أيام عيد الفطر المبارك #وزارة_الأوقاف ...
To those who celebrate it.......Eid Mubarak! Wish you & your family a blessed Eid.
Can I teach you how to dance real slow?
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
After a spectacular four-year, $200 million renovation, Paris’s storied Ritz hotel reopens, with a new Chanel beauty sanctuary nestled inside.
The Royal Order of Sartorial Splendor:
Glam. There's no better word for it
المغفور لهم بإذن الله الملوك خالد ، فهد ، و عبدالله خلال زيارة ملكة انجلترا و الأمير فيليب للملكة العربية السعودية..
The Classic Black and White movies exhibited a civil society with lovely manners
OPINION :: Washington D.C. is no Las Vegas and that is just quite right for Miss World
C’est vrai, je fais une légère fixette sur les sacs à dos en ce moment.

Princess Ameera bint Aidan bin Nayef Al-Taweel Al-Otaibi - "Say Alhumduillah, because you always have more than you think you have."
I have a friend that walks with me on and off and she brings designers boots and clothes for the walk....why not if that is her wish(smiles).....
I pride myself on being more perceptive than just about anyone. But I am not sure I can decipher this pic...Mr Reynolds has his hand on his wife's backside and is staring at her breasts.
What to think???? here are some thoughts: How lucky I am??? what a fantastic body???what I am doing here at this place when I can be home with her???? or perhaps he is thinking is she better looking than my ex-wife Scarlett Johansson??/
La Isla del Encanto (Puerto Rico)....is almost rectangular in shape, approximately 100 miles long by 35 miles wide and is the smallest and the most eastern island of the Greater Antilles
Good G-d
. Ophélie Guillermand for Victoria's Secret Swim 2015.
Diversity Rules
and yes, the price of the barrel of oil in the stock market even better
as I shorted it.......
And I have mentioned this before....if you hate JEWS ...Israel you should not use Google,Facebook and Twitter as they were founded and are controlled by JEWS(smiles) and so is blogger.....I rest my case.
While doing my daily walk today I listened to a song that reminded me of RG
We go out to a party somewhere
The moment we walk in the door
People stop and everybody stares
She don't know what they're staring for
The moment we walk in the door
People stop and everybody stares
She don't know what they're staring for
She don't know she's beautiful (never crossed her mind)
She don't know she's beautiful (no she's not that kind)
She don't know she's beautiful
Though time and time I've told her so
She don't know she's beautiful (no she's not that kind)
She don't know she's beautiful
Though time and time I've told her so
“When I see an old movie, like from the ’40s or ’50s or ’60s, the people look so calm.They don’t have smart phones, they’re not looking at computer screens, they’re taking their time. They’ll sit in a chair and look so content. I think some day we’ll find our way back to that garden of Eden.”
and now
There is no friend as loyal as a book.
Who told you that they do not drink Coca Cola and eat junk food..........

What good are passions? Sooner or later their sweet sickness
Fades when reason speaks up
always stay calm a-la JG.........
"Luxury is uplifting and valuable to people in a time of economic stress," a Louis Vuitton customer relationship manager said. "The quality of our products and craftsmanship stand the test of time."

by request from Roppongi Hills......yes - 六本木ヒルズ
me gusta esta estrofa de la nueva musica de Arcangel "Se Va"
Esa nena p'a mi esta buenisima
yes lindisima, preciosisima tiene clase mi gata finisima
(i'am ) ella es una
chica maxima esa nena
pa mi esta buenisima
(hey) lindisima preciosisima
.Tiene clase mi gata finisima ella es una chica maxima.
thigh gap
mini thigh gap
no thigh gap
Janna Minina one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits
love of the Babushka.....Babushka Chic


Girls Be Bright & Bold this Summer! I will stick with my all black.....
Summer is all about colors, the more the merrier! Now is the time to wear all those funky colors which often don’t see much day light in winter. Now is also the perfect excuse as to have the matching tan enhancing each color to it’s max giving that gorgeous summer look!
Summer is all about colors, the more the merrier! Now is the time to wear all those funky colors which often don’t see much day light in winter. Now is also the perfect excuse as to have the matching tan enhancing each color to it’s max giving that gorgeous summer look!
Sister act
a little take on Japan-日本,
There are certain things the Japanese just seem to really like for reasons that are difficult for foreigners to understand. Like the Monkees song Daydream Believer, which is hugely popular, and is the official theme of the Seven-Eleven convenience store chain. Or bad Steven Seagal action films from the 90s, which seem to be on every night . Another thing the Japanese like a lot is...mayonnaise! They put it on salads, on traditional Japanese dishes like Takoyaki, and even on pizza and french fries. A person who loves mayonnaise is known as a mayoler in Japanese, and this is a joke that pops up in anime from time to time.
Life Is Plastic…In A Barbie World
Overt Barbie-ism: Lips, nose and bust combo package.
Botox Freeze: A perpetually surprised expression and slight smile accompanied by a shiny, crease-free forehead.
Fish Lips: Dramatic lip augmentation and collagen injections have transformed these thin-lipped ladies into pouty blowfish.
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden
La beauté physique, comme tout le reste, c’est toujours cette bonne vieille histoire du verre à moitié plein/vide : il suffit de se concentrer sur le positif pour éliminer le négatif.
If this is what Society wants....what rules in Society, if so, than count me out
Donas de dois dos maiores corpões da moda brasileira, Renata Kuerten e Barbara Beluco não conquistaram as curvas sequinhas bem torneadas sem esforço. Um suco, uma curiosa atividade esportiva e uma médica definida por elas de “quase milagrosa”: esses são os segredos de backstage e a santíssima trindade das tops na busca eterna pela boa forma.
Curly hair is something else. Ringlets upon gorgeous ringlets. I love curly hair in women....i do not like it when women that have beautiful curls want to straighten them.........
and I love the curls of Myriam Fares....she is beautiful.....and of course I also love the curls of Vanessa da Mata...........
El actor, conocido por interpretar a Rambo y Rocky Balboa, fue considerado un 'sex symbol' durante la época de los ochenta. Hoy cumple 70 años. A lo largo de su vida, no ha podido evitar obsesionarse con los procedimientos quirúrgicos y estéticos que le permitieran mantener la misma imagen que tenía a los 20.
Los 70 años de Sylvester Stallone:
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial (MUFG)

Sister act
Sister act
a little take on Japan-日本,
There are certain things the Japanese just seem to really like for reasons that are difficult for foreigners to understand. Like the Monkees song Daydream Believer, which is hugely popular, and is the official theme of the Seven-Eleven convenience store chain. Or bad Steven Seagal action films from the 90s, which seem to be on every night . Another thing the Japanese like a lot is...mayonnaise! They put it on salads, on traditional Japanese dishes like Takoyaki, and even on pizza and french fries. A person who loves mayonnaise is known as a mayoler in Japanese, and this is a joke that pops up in anime from time to time.
Life Is Plastic…In A Barbie World
Overt Barbie-ism: Lips, nose and bust combo package.
Botox Freeze: A perpetually surprised expression and slight smile accompanied by a shiny, crease-free forehead.
Fish Lips: Dramatic lip augmentation and collagen injections have transformed these thin-lipped ladies into pouty blowfish.
a little take on Japan-日本,

There are certain things the Japanese just seem to really like for reasons that are difficult for foreigners to understand. Like the Monkees song Daydream Believer, which is hugely popular, and is the official theme of the Seven-Eleven convenience store chain. Or bad Steven Seagal action films from the 90s, which seem to be on every night . Another thing the Japanese like a lot is...mayonnaise! They put it on salads, on traditional Japanese dishes like Takoyaki, and even on pizza and french fries. A person who loves mayonnaise is known as a mayoler in Japanese, and this is a joke that pops up in anime from time to time.
Life Is Plastic…In A Barbie World
Overt Barbie-ism: Lips, nose and bust combo package.
Botox Freeze: A perpetually surprised expression and slight smile accompanied by a shiny, crease-free forehead.
Fish Lips: Dramatic lip augmentation and collagen injections have transformed these thin-lipped ladies into pouty blowfish.
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

La beauté physique, comme tout le reste, c’est toujours cette bonne vieille histoire du verre à moitié plein/vide : il suffit de se concentrer sur le positif pour éliminer le négatif.
If this is what Society wants....what rules in Society, if so, than count me out
Donas de dois dos maiores corpões da moda brasileira, Renata Kuerten e Barbara Beluco não conquistaram as curvas sequinhas bem torneadas sem esforço. Um suco, uma curiosa atividade esportiva e uma médica definida por elas de “quase milagrosa”: esses são os segredos de backstage e a santíssima trindade das tops na busca eterna pela boa forma.
Curly hair is something else. Ringlets upon gorgeous ringlets. I love curly hair in women....i do not like it when women that have beautiful curls want to straighten them.........
and I love the curls of Myriam Fares....she is beautiful.....and of course I also love the curls of Vanessa da Mata...........
El actor, conocido por interpretar a Rambo y Rocky Balboa, fue considerado un 'sex symbol' durante la época de los ochenta. Hoy cumple 70 años. A lo largo de su vida, no ha podido evitar obsesionarse con los procedimientos quirúrgicos y estéticos que le permitieran mantener la misma imagen que tenía a los 20.
Los 70 años de Sylvester Stallone:
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial (MUFG)

La beauté physique, comme tout le reste, c’est toujours cette bonne vieille histoire du verre à moitié plein/vide : il suffit de se concentrer sur le positif pour éliminer le négatif.
If this is what Society wants....what rules in Society, if so, than count me out

Donas de dois dos maiores corpões da moda brasileira, Renata Kuerten e Barbara Beluco não conquistaram as curvas sequinhas bem torneadas sem esforço. Um suco, uma curiosa atividade esportiva e uma médica definida por elas de “quase milagrosa”: esses são os segredos de backstage e a santíssima trindade das tops na busca eterna pela boa forma.
Curly hair is something else. Ringlets upon gorgeous ringlets. I love curly hair in women....i do not like it when women that have beautiful curls want to straighten them.........
and I love the curls of Myriam Fares....she is beautiful.....and of course I also love the curls of Vanessa da Mata...........

Los 70 años de Sylvester Stallone:
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial (MUFG)

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free
Someone asked me this question?
What is the difference between a Jew, a Hebrew, an Israeli and a semitic person?
The words are not interchangeable, and don't mean the same thing. They are not considered offensive when used in proper context -- but then, you can say that about almost any word, can't you?
Jew refers to religion. Hebrew is a language and is also used to refer to people who speak that language. An Israeli is a resident of Israel (All Israeli's are not Jewish) and Semitic refers to a race of people. Traditionally, the Semites are people who are descendants of Shem (book of Genesis) and this includes the Hebrews, Arameans, Phoenicians, Arabs and Assyrians.
made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free
Someone asked me this question?

What is the difference between a Jew, a Hebrew, an Israeli and a semitic person?
The words are not interchangeable, and don't mean the same thing. They are not considered offensive when used in proper context -- but then, you can say that about almost any word, can't you?
Jew refers to religion. Hebrew is a language and is also used to refer to people who speak that language. An Israeli is a resident of Israel (All Israeli's are not Jewish) and Semitic refers to a race of people. Traditionally, the Semites are people who are descendants of Shem (book of Genesis) and this includes the Hebrews, Arameans, Phoenicians, Arabs and Assyrians.
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the
world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776, unless
otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with
or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the
world and life is.....
world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776, unless
otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with
or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776
or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776