Shavua Tov and a great month to everyone :)

Go into yourself and see how deep the place is from which your life flows.....
"And I,
I sleep alone." (smiles)
:( :( &?$%/”“”“”“!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
Palm Island Miami Beach Sunrise with South Beach in the near distance..............
Tem pôr do sol mais incrível do que esse? Lindo demais!
"" ولسا ما لقيت اجمل من نظرة عيونك.."
Time and Silence are the most luxurious thing today...........

gold is gold
RG and I went to Bal Harbour Shops and Aventura Mall to practice our favorite sport (smiles).............
Celebrating Mario Testino's 60th b-day with some of his best work.
Mario Testino, one of the most respected fashion photographers in the entire world turns 60 years old today. He is responsible of creating some of the most beautiful model images featured in top fashion magazines from over 20 years therefore he definitely deserves this special tribute by Modelmanagement.com.

KK is KK
いいね!イスラエル, or “Israel, Like!” is the Israeli Embassy In Japan’s new anime series, created to attract Japanese tourists to Israel through the adventures of animated sisters Saki and Noriko as they bop around the holy land. The sisters are occasionally joined by “Shalom Chan,” a weird bird-egg (egg-bird? Horrible mutant?) character introduced last year by the Embassy.

In a world replete with greed, betrayal, sexual intrigue and rivalry, "Marco Polo" is based on the famed explorer's adventures in Kublai Khan's court in 13th century China.
Coming December 12.

“It” girls: Get “tons” of sleep, entertain “constantly,” and “be yourself.” Oh, and this: “When you’re trying on clothes, look at yourself sitting down and look at your reflection from the back side.”
a quote from the movie "Wall Street"
Darien Taylor: "When you've had money and lost it, it can be much worse than never having had it at all! "

gummy bear breast implants

"Some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. It is not. It is the opposite
of vulgarity."
I love the Spanish word- Pasmado and here is a definition:
pasmado,-a adj (asombrado) amazed: ¡me dejas pasmado!, you amaze me!
se quedó pasmada delante del cuadro, she was stunned by the painting
se quedó pasmada delante del cuadro, she was stunned by the painting
The world is full of beautiful women that is why beauty is no longer enough.

“Beauty is no longer enough!”Why? Well because your beauty is a depreciating asset, if beauty is the only thing you’re bringing to the table then the investment does not make sense on the long-haul. In 10-15 years your beauty most likely will diminish or fade away.
If you know me or if read the tidbits you know that my favorite color is BLACK,,,,
however when it comes to luxury items this are my favorite colors



and I could watch this film forever.............
Sing me another love song, but this time with a little dedication
Myriam Fares - Enta El Hayat
a view from the cockpit of the BBJ -What a view...it is better than s.......
Been there done that
thigh gap
no thigh gap

Kim Lim one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits


Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic


more tidbits
Fashion for all occasions........
For women what is better than finding a gorgeous, sexy dress which is so interesting and perfect on it’s own – You don’t really need to add anything to it?! This is exactly how I feel about this dress. It’s just so….perfect! On it’s own! Nothing else needed! .

Throwing in key elements like Chanel purse, Louboutins, black trousers and a Chanel jacket makes the entire look feel 100% even if the items it self are not very innovative. But it just works well all together!
Sometimes all you need is an interesting Alaïa skirt and a Hermès Kelly in your hand combined with a simply top & simple nude heels – and you’re good to go!
Christian Louboutin is a must have for elegance in women.......
My Boyfriend's Back original version and - American Dreams Version

One of the fun periods in fashion began in the 60’s with London’s pop scene. Mods, graphics, and geometric shapes began to find their way onto clothing. But it was the early pioneer Lucinenne Day who’s textile patterns caused a stir in mid-century britain. Some say her work most likely made ‘people fall off their victorian rockers’, as she paved the way for the ilusionary work of 60’s textiles. Now, this throwback thursday post is about Elena Perminova’s Giambattista Valli graphic ensemble, that looks to be an interpretation of the op-art mod movement. To keep this post short and sweet I have to add that I love how she did the details right. The accessories from her shoes, bag and sunglasses do not compete against the suit. Her outfit is just so loud I truly think she’s trying to cause a riot.

Where can you find lucite corsets, diamond-encrusted sweatshirts, and a female suit of armor? In Thierry Mugler's Paris archives, bien sur!
The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

A little take on Japan

When a younger student or junior employee in a company (kohai) sees an older student or senior employee (senpai), he's expected to greet his senior using a formal salutation like ohayo gozaimasu (good morning), while the senior will reply with the more informalohayo.
Japan is the land of polite capitalism


As you age, your skin will undergo a plethora of changes, from texture shifts to pigmentation issues. Sadly, there's no magic potion out there that can stop these changes from happening..so you need the scalpel, the fillers, the magic options that only dermatologists can produce.
Next to perkier breasts girls yearn for smooth, round, plump...earlobes. Yes, you heard that correctly. "Skin sags as we age, and the earlobes are no exception, "And because so many women wear heavy earrings, the lobes are often the first thing to droop." To plump them up, get a hyaluronic acid filler. "A tiny shot in each lobe gives your ears an immediate lift that can last from six months to a year,"
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned




my favorite, for slick back Gordon Gekko type of hair.....smells fabulous
and this is product placement too but I get payed big time for doing it(smiles)........
American Apparel made in downtown Los Angeles......sweatshop free........

American Apparel is a clothing manufactuter in the United states. They do all the design, marketing, and advertsing themselves and have built up a repuation of being one of the "coolest" brands among teens. They are best known for their use of block colour in their clothing which has expanded from just T-shirts to full male and female ranges and even down to clothes for dogs. Aside from their clothes the biggest thing they are known for is their adverts.
O conjuntinho de saia e regata de sedinha com estampa de coqueiros nas cores

Robert De Niro says: ‘Israelis are warm energetic people. Forthright. Very smart. I like smart people. They’re nice people you know. Aggressive, and I respect that aggressiveness because you need it in their situation.’
Who are we to argue with the sentiments of the great De Niro?
Are you zionist or jewish?" by JG
Both. We, because there is more than one of us, are Jewish and Zionists.
Useful Israeli sayings:
שלום Shalom - n. Hello,goodbye, peace.
"Shalom Aleichem" Peace be unto you.....שלום עליכם
Achla- The real thing( as in Princess Sofia)...."That was achla houmous.....
בחורה יפה- petzatza- literally an explosion but usually used to describe a pretty girl(Princess Sofia)!!!
ya-lah-move on......להא
Sof Ha Derech...מתוך ראייה רב Great-out of sight
עם ישראל חי
The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated.
I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit
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