
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775 - JG 21

בוקר טוב

Hoy fue otro día diez !!today I had another fabulous day...a day with a  grade of ten, you could say!!!!


Flag for Israel
Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí  - אני יהודי 

Things I wanted you to know - 

: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should

If you know me than you are cognizant that both my 14-year-old niece, the Jewish Princess-Tiffany Goldstein and I were  both born on 11-11, of course many moons separate us.....and you are also aware that I celebrate it by staying up all 24 hours....the moral of this is that as you get older you never know if you will have another day.....so I choose to celebrate it in such way........
And it will be a special day as it is the first Bday where I became the legal guardian for the
Jewish Princess......

May others plan the future I'm busy loving you....Let's live for today.......

YOU WILL LOVE THE FLAVOR AND NEVER WANT TO STOP KISSING ME and besides I am a great kisser....so i have been told(smiles)

There may be a lot of hate directed at her in New York City, but the rest of the America still loves Taylor Swift. Swift’s latest album, 1989, sold nearly 1.3 million copies in the U.S. in its first week, meaning it is the most popular album release in 12 years. 

Bella donna// In Italian, a beautiful lady.  Or in this case Belle Donne for more than one beauty!!!!

but, as much as they profess about health...they all smoke....

this is a DrIvo Pitanguy nose....bien sûr

Polo by Ralph Lauren

And her Doctor is my Doctor....Dr Steven M Hoefflin (Michelangelo) and yes, she is 60 years old

I do my thing and you do your thing.
I am not in this world to live up to your expectations,
And you are not in this world to live up to mine.
You are you, and I am I,
and if by chance we find each other, it's beautiful.
If not, it can't be helped.
(Fritz Perls, "Gestalt Therapy Verbatim", 1969)

And I like this...sort of a soft Reggaeton.....

Why should we wear black? 
Because Emmanuelle Alt does. 



Oui, revoici Veronika. Je me répète, mais j’adore son style casual-cool. Avec elle, on a l’impression que s’habiller pour un jour de pluie, c’est trop facile. J’adore la simplicité de sa tenue, avec juste un manteau de pluie noir - une robe en lainage blanc et bien sûr, ces sublimes bottes Calvin Klein.

gummy bear breast implants


עם ישראל חי
Masada Shall Never Fall Again

Elegance is the new avant-garde. I’m fed up with extravagant clothes, that are synonymous with tastelessness, and also with badly crafted garments. I find them passé, garments a second-rank actress would wear in one of those out-of-money, small-town theaters where the costumes where badly made using unappealing fabrics

Some Questions and Answers to enlighten and challenge you:..my answers ,,,what are yours??? 

South Coast Plaza or Bal Harbour Shops


Victoria's Secret or La Perla...........

La Perla

Displaying photo.JPG

Gstaad or Gold Coast? 
Gold Coast. 

Levi's or Lagerfeld? 

Mikimoto or De Beers? 
De Beers(big diamonds) 

Kumomotos or Kobe beef?
Kobe Beef.

Full Metal Jacket or Pretty in Pink
Pretty in Pink.

"I Touch Myself" or "Can't Touch This"?

Late nights or early mornings?
Early mornings. (money never sleeps) 

Raccoon Eyes or Red Lips?
Red Lips

Black magic or white lies? 
Black magic...the one Frank Sinatra
sings as in //"That Old Black Magic!!!

Mori Riyo or Asada Mao


Cartier red with green

Luxo e exclusividade sempre caminharam juntos, mas ultimamente essa relação anda um pouco abalada pela velocidade com que a informação caminha. Ainda são poucos os que podem pagar por ícones de luxo

If you're wearing lingerie that makes you feel glamorous, you are halfway there to turning heads"

Alors, lesquels vous choisissez ?

The Mamas & The Papas - California Dreaming' 

Sun Tzu -The Art of War



 Italians admire Signore Berlusconi for being "furbo" – a uniquely Italian concept which roughly translates as "cunning" or "wily". It means getting ahead in life not by through hard, dreary slogging, but by being shrewd or sneaky, exploiting loopholes and personal contacts.

Been there done that.........

thigh gap

no thigh gap



Blanca Padilla one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic


more tidbits

Cameron Diaz, Kate Upton and Leslie Mann Show Off Bikini Bodies in the Bahamas

While filming "The Other Woman" this pic shows that without photo enhancement -they are mere mortals...nothing to write home about......


un sobresaliente en belleza, simpatía y elegancia

The Sascha Velvet Evening Bag.

Photo: The Sascha Velvet Evening Bag.

View at http://tmfrd.co/h22v9E


ccc jeffrey

In Jeffreys. Flesh drape, red, blonde. Incredible.


Not that I care what Vogue says. The were best dressed before Vogue was born!


 and her perfect style is a lovely thank-you note she sent me yesterday for my rapturous wall posts about her. She called me Beau. I am so flattered! Totally didn't expect it! So. Claire-time!

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

Peepy With P'Pueng , P'Pye , Tae "LIKE BROTHER LIKE SISTER" 

a little take on Japan-日本,

gaijin (foreigners) from various countries. (Incidentally, gaijin is the word used for "foreign-looking" foreigners. Koreans and Chinese are usually not referred to with this term, instead being called by their nationality, e.g. kankoku-jin or chugoku-jin.) 

Bowing, is a very big deal in Japan something that's done several times a day. There are many kinds of bows, from the casual 15-degree nod you'd make to a coworker or neighbor to the deeper (30-degree) bow of thanks you'd do when accepting your salary envelope from your boss, or the more formal (45-degree) bow made to a customer in a service industry. One bow is chorei (lit. "morning bow"), a brief formal meeting where the employees stand in a circle and basically promises to gambaru, or do their best and work hard, followed by  a deep bow.


Keep them guessing!

One of the latest developments in breast implant devices is the natural-looking Natrelle® 410 highly cohesive, anatomically shaped, silicone-filled breast implant. It is different from most implants because of its tapered or “teardrop” shape. Also known as the “gummy bear” implant, the Natrelle® 410 follows the curve of a woman’s breast in the most natural way. Family and friends may not even be able to tell you’ve had the procedure done. Say with confidence that you’ve been "Naturally blessed".

Gradually Tapered

Fully Contoured

Leonard M. Hochstein, MD
— Celebrity Boob G-d
Dr. Leonard M. Hochstein is a board certified plastic surgeon and for close to 20 years he has focused his plastic surgery career on primary and revision breast augmentation surgeries. During his plastic surgery career, Dr. Hochstein has performed more than 14,000 breast procedures, including breast augmentation, breast revision, breast lift, breast reduction, and gynecomastia (male breast reduction). Due to the number of breast procedures he has performed throughout the years, Dr. Hochstein has been affectionately named "The Boob God" by various media and print outlets.

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!

"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

   HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned 

The Sheikha....I can have it all....and she does have it all..........

Sheikha Mozah in Jean Paul Gaultier. The fit is just flawless




Burberry, Showpieces, Vicki Archer

Is there anything more British than Burberry?
Show me some double breasting, fine tailoring and a patch of plaid and nothing speaks “Old Blighty” more.
Burberry, as a classic, is re-interpreted over and over by the brightest young things and is one brand that truly spans the generations.
158 years old and as distinctive and as relevant as ever… merging English heritage with fashion’s cutting edge is what Burberry does so well.

It’s an old story but there is nothing sexier than a woman in a belted overcoat and heels.

Burberry, Kate Moss, Showpieces, Vicki Archer

Kendall Jenner, Karlie Kloss and  Adriana Lima  model  Giles Deacon’s  Children  In Need 2014 t-shirts

uno de mis lugares favoritos para comer es " La Dorada" en Madrid pero desde el 1999 hay una sucursal en Coral Gables y constantemente vamos alli.....y la comida es igual que en Madrid....

American Apparel made in downtown Los Angeles.......sweatshop free.......

Las Mujeres No Se Acaban (guaracha)

y modestia aparte yo bailo mejor que estas personas en el video....and modesty aside I am a better dancer than the people in this video(smiles)



The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775

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