Kotel-IDF-Western Wall
Privet lovely Matryoshkas!
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
“Fashion is a language that creates itself in clothes to interpret reality.”
Happy birthday to my sweet friend pastry chef Tomoko Mauss!
Thank you Tomoko and Tomoe for the cake on the day of my birthday.
Thank you Tomoko and Tomoe for the cake on the day of my birthday.
ONE MY BIRTHDAY GIFTS all the way from Tokyo Disney...
Do you like my new jacket? and yes, it is unisex........
Do you like my new jacket? and yes, it is unisex........
tools of the business......iPhones....iPads...LV items....new Cartier glasses....Black Amex...
Spoiled by Beverly Hills (you would be longer on this waiting list than for a Hermès Birkin)....and i like it but not like my JG Cartier special cologne.....

The 2014 Victoria's Secret Casting Video
“Elles sont comment mes fesses ?”
C’est la question number one que mes copines me posent quand elles essayent un jean. Les fesses dans un jean, c’est la base.
Say what?! Well, recently I went to the most beautiful lifestyle retreat (with the most incredible spa I have ever been to in my life – take me back!) and they said that the most important thing you can do is chew your food. Not as in chew it three times and then wash it down with water, but chew each mouthful at least 30 – 50 times.
Lindsay Wixson has never looked more beautiful....and perhaps if you do
The main features behind these intriguing decorations are the French designer’s “pigalle” and his iconic, high-gloss red soles. In fact, the entire structure of the tree is based on these. Each rotatable tree has been created by the placement of the soles in concentric levels, conferring their cone shapes. There’s also a tonal metalwork involved here, structures that remind of the shoe racks which display the designer’s creations in his private atelier, in Paris.
gummy bear breast implants
In Japan, they have words to describe your private and public self. Honne, which is a person’s true thoughts and desires, and tatamae, the facade you present to the world.
And I understand her Honne and her tatamae....
J’étais donc dans la suite gigantesque du Hôtel de Crillon à me balader en shootant tout ce qui me passait sous le nez, quand sort de la 4ème salle de bains une créature de rêve, dans une robe de rêve, avec un sourire en émail diamant massif de publicité. Je lui dis hello.
du jour
Breast Implants do not bounce this way(smiles)............
Signora Prada subscribes to JG's theory of Evian water in a crystal bottle and a crystal glass....
[La La Land - L'expression désigne Hollywood, Los Angeles mais également l'état d'esprit qui caractérise Hollywood : détaché des réalités, tourné vers le rêve, l'imaginaire et la frivolité.]
La scène que vous voyez est complètement imaginaire…
[La La Land - The term either refers to Hollywood, Los Angeles or a state of mind synonymous with Hollywood that is out of touch with reality, focusing on dreams, fantasies or frivolous endeavors.]

I've never said I 'hate' anyone because that would imply I had any emotion for them whatsoever.
Some of the best moments in life are the ones you can't tell anyone about.

: Wanna stay together? Spend a lot of time apart.
Elegance in the mind it is somewhat different that just elegance. If you have ELEGANCE IN THE MIND you will always win the day and life.
Be imperfectly PERFECT.....I bet only a few of you out there can figure this out...what I mean by it.
You probably saw that "flood photo" of hi-so lady Lee Pheung boonphra standing haughtily in a motorboat surrounded by designer handbags. It had nothing to do with the flood, of course - it came from an old magazine spread - but life enjoys imitating art, and now we have the real thing Supachai "A" Srivijit, who manages A-list celebrities like Nadet Komikuya and Mario Maurer, was pictured being evacuated from his deluged home perched in a pile of Hermes Birkin handbags.Well, he loves the brand and is always toting one when he goes to the market. People know this.
Been there done that

thigh gap


Yumi Kim one of the 4.000 + followers of the Tidbits
Yumi Kim one of the 4.000 + followers of the Tidbits


Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic

more tidbits
Lena Perminova has been appearing on my blog for quite a while now.
She is more of a fashionista than a show off Barbie doll and her great style has been a true inspiration for many people in the fashion world.
Full name: Elena Perminova
Age: 27 years old, born 1987
From: Berdsk – a city in Siberia, Russia
Lives: London & Moscow
Occupation: Fashionista
There is something unique about Lena that makes her stand out from the rest
She was at that time a well known model in the area of Siberia which became a humiliating factor getting caught in the eye of the public.
Despite the fact Lena was not using any form of drugs herself, her trouble was her boyfriend at that time, being twice her age who had been forcing her to deal drugs for him.
That disastrous night in Novosibirsk came as a blessing in disguise, Lena got sentenced to 6 years in jail for trafficking, a sentence that in the end never fell through.
Instead a well known Russian oligarch stepped in to her case, he did not only become her saviour but also her future husband. His name is Alexander Lebedev.
and here are some fantastic pics of Lena......

The ushanka is one of Russia’s greatest media icons, and an item that I tend to crush on from time to time. If you were with me last winter then you might remember that I wrote two posts about the ear flap hat : Wearing Ushankas With Attitude and Ushankas Are Just Made For Winter Street Style. This year I thought I’d revive the ushanka because Fun, chic, and cute looks can be made with them. e.g. Just imagine sipping on hot chocolate in a chalet somewhere while wearing one. = Both Babushkas and Russian mothers agree that it’s important to keep your head warm so you won’t get meningitis, and whats better than an ushanka at keeping your head warm? (Russians take keeping your head warm seriously)

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

a little take on Japan-日本,

There's a class of four-kanji compound word called yoji-jukugo which are used in Japanese quite a lot. Rather than disliking these complex words for their difficulty, which is considerable when coming from a language like English, I found myself enjoying them quite a lot because they are so poetic and beautiful. One such a word is ichigo-ichie (ichi-go ichi-eh), which describes a once-in-a-lifetime encounter that should be cherished forever.(my favorite one) . Another is onko-chishin, translatable as developing new ideas by looking at the past, or issho-kenmei, meaning "trying as hard as you can," which is more or the basic state of working in a Japanese company. One word that comes up in just about every love comedy anime series ever made is yuju-fudan (you-joo-foo-dan), which means someone who is chronically indecisive and unable to make up their mind. The male character's inability to decide which girl he really loves is an important plot point in a wide number of anime and manga stories.

Buccal Fat Removal
and by the way the theory that you cannot do the buccal fat pad removal, the most common practice of top models and models because you loose volume in the face is not correct....and should you lose volume than it can now be added with M.D.'s like Dr Frederic Brandt and Dr. Pat Wexler. The purpose of the buccal fat pad removal is to slim down the face....I did mine way way back before anyone knew about it....and the volume on my face is still nice....
I take mine from pure esentials.....
It is good for healthy skin and hair and many others health benefits.....
This week again I was asked for the upteenth time...by request here it is.....
-”Mr Goldstein, should I fix my nose?”. Often my answer is: YES!
If your nose isn’t your best friend, then check these pictures. You might find a nose that looks like yours, and see how it could look if you had it retouched.
Two of my best friends had their nose redone lately, and they look so much better even though nobody can really spot where the difference comes from, but they for sure look much better.
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
Her Highness with the graduates of QSLP, Qatar Science Leadership Program
Killer heels, I love it!


Valentino, other than Rudolph Valentino star of the silent screen and idol to millions of women in the 1920’s, means lace, rockstuds and vivacious red to me.

30 Minutes behind the Scenes of the 2015 Pirelli Calendar
and I love the French and Brasilian accents.....well all European accents(smiles)
‘The More You Smile, The Less Your Skin Gets Old’

Peter Lindbergh + Mariacarla = a winning combo.

How clever are these Céline pants??!
There are buttons leading to the hem, so you can expand the flare down the side for a super wide bell bottom (they’re making a come back)!! It’s such a discreet design detail that you wouldn’t even notice if the buttons were all done up, which makes it that much more stylish.
Plus, it makes it makes it super easy to swap shoes if you feel like an outfit change…
Do you think this could become a trend??
Uma receita bem brasileira, com condimentos marcantes e rica lista de ingredientes:Xinxim de galinha...........que nos deixou com água na boca
American Apparel made in downtown Los Angeles-sweatshop free...

Till the next one and I hope I had this effect with what you saw and read.
The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated.
I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit
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