
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775 - JG 29

Antes Que Te Vayas Dame Un Beso
Se Que Soñare Con Tu Regreso


Flag for Israel

Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí  - אני יהודי 
Things I wanted you to know - 
: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should

for those who celebrate it....HAPPY THANKSGIVING.....

I love her comment below and her pic she sent me(smiles)

magynary asked: J'adore ton blog!
JG: Merci :-* C’est adorable!

GORDON GEKKO: Is his Birthday, so here are some tidbits about him and the movie "Wall Street"


"Come on pal, tell me something I don't know, it's my birthday. Surprise me."

"Lunch? Aw, You gotta be kidding. Lunch is for wimps."

financiers Ivan Boesky and Michael Milken, the two of whom formed the basis of the movie character Gordon Gekko in "Wall Street." 

I'm just a stomach flu away from my goal weight

Cartier is a high-end French brand known for its exquisite jewelry and magnificent watches, but it is also quite adept at creating fine perfumes for both women and men...and if you follow the tidbits you know they do a special scent for moi............
A few months ago, the maison released a fragrance called La Panthère, featuring a surprising scent which is initially sweet, then turns into a warm, mossy fragrance afterwards which absolutely fills the room. Now, Cartier is unveiling a special edition of this fantastic fragrance called La Panthère Extrait....both of my two sisters like this scent and use it occasionally.

Glamorous Princess Ameerah is campaigning for women to be given the right to drive a car
Glamorous Princess Ameerah is campaigning for women to be given the right to drive a car in Saudi Arabia. 

Sunday was The American Music Awards, but today has some major news from France: The homegrown folk-pop duo Lilly Wood & The Prick has just hit #1 on the alternative charts, thanks to their hit single "Prayer in C."  Remixed by German electro producer Robin Schulz, the song by Nili Hadida and Benjamin Cotto already has 75 million YouTube plays!
A little background: LWTP have been making music since 2008, when their acoustic cover of Santigold's "L.E.S. Artistes" became an internet sensation. In 2011, the pair was nominated for a Victoires de la Musique award (which is basically the French version of a Grammy), cementing their place in France's pop music scene. And thanks to a steady stream of disco remixes by popular European DJs, they've also become dance floor stars, too. (Check out last year's single, "Long Way Back.")
And here's a fun fact: Hadida and Cotto met the old-fashioned, French way--in a cafe!
Lest I forget Taylor Swift performed wonderfully.......

O que dá quando você junta a modelo mais famosa do mundo com o gatinho mais famoso do mundo? A capa da Vogue Brasil de Dezembro!! Choupette, o pet de Karl…

gummy bear breast implants


Bueno, Bonito y Barato no existe. Si quieres lo mejor , tienes que pagar!!!!

 I adore stacks of stuff.
- I adore these gorgeous boxes.- I adore this image , because it's just about the cleverest
stack job I've ever seen.

And of course, I adore Hermès

I LOVE BLACK.........

by the way, someone I know has started doing business in the Kingdom, as in KSA or Saudi Arabia......and he asked me why do they always tell me: Wallahi, Bukrah, inshallah....the translation could mean, I swear, tomorrow , G-d willing.....but in reality I did not have the heart to tell him,....that you will get payed when they feel like it.....no offence to anyone.....just what I know....or it could be never(smiles)..........

I cannot leave out this word you will hear in KSA and other middle eastern countries...ma’alesh.  it denotes something approximating “Who cares? What’s the big deal? So what? Don’t take it too seriously.”

Kingdom Holding...the Amir, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, always pays.........

A growing number of people are combining facelift and eyelid procedures to try and fight the signs of ageing.

One more time by request....that is how they look like in the morning and sans maquillage
sin y con maquillaje

This begs JG's favorite question....when you wake up with one of them in the morning....it is fair to say "Who are you?

On Wall Street, it’s Who you know AND What you know....so be onGoldman Sachs side....and as  GG would say "Tell me something I do not know" thus both of your bases are covered.....I rest my case......

Say you’re walking down the sidewalk on a beautiful day. Someone who has internalized an outsider’s perspective of herself will often spend more time adjusting her clothing or hair, wondering what other people are thinking of her, judging the shape of her shadow or reflection in a window, etc. She will picture herself walking – she literally turns herself into an object of vision – instead of enjoying the sunny weather….
… Women are constantly being looked at. Even when they're not, they're so hyper aware of the possibility of being looked at that it can rule even their most private lives. Including in front of  mirrors, alone.

"   There is no end. There is no beginning. There is only the infinite passion of life.   " 

Que tiempos...por Deus.......!!!!!!

mori-chan kawaii look

for women in Japan:
 Japanese tradition is being cute (kawaii) , humble, earnest and mild-mannered.
 I am not a fan of the typical 'cute' Japanese look. The Japanese notion of kawaii and sekushii (sexy) is 'long mistaken' 'Real beauty for women comes from the inside. It's a mental thing. It's about sensuality and intelligence.' I know the concept of trying to stand out in Japan is to be punished or criticized.....but there are other ways to think.......
and for Japan, I am not  asking for The Devil Wears Prada attitude that  grooms women to be independent, confident, goal-oriented and glamorous(the western way), instead of conforming to Japanese traditions of being cute, humble, earnest and mild-mannered.....just somewhere in between.....I might have said too much already.....(smiles)

Kawaii (かわいい [kaw͍ai.i], Means, "lovable", "cute", or "adorable") is the quality of cuteness in the context of Japanese culture. It has become a prominent aspect of Japanese popular culture, entertainment, clothing, food, toys, personal appearance, behavior, and mannerisms.The noun is Kawaisa (可愛さ) (literally, "lovability", "cuteness" or "adorableness").

mori-chan -sekushii look.....

been there done that

thigh gap

no thigh gap



Adi Himmelbloy -
עדי הימלבלוי 
one of the 4,000 followers of the Tidbits



more tidbits

Não sei como termina, mas sei como começa ..

Charlie Brown Jr. - Meu Novo Mundo *OFICIAL HD*


“Gold digger” – I feel like this word has become overly used.
From the beginning I personally associated it only with women who are money oriented and could marry anyone with a thick wallet – no matter if they loved or cared for the person or not!
Hardcore money hunters basically!

  • Because she wants to find a husband who has a successful career
  • Because she hangs out with wealthy people
  • Because she lets men pay for her
  • Because she has an expensive taste and enjoys the finer things in life
  • and so on…

Most of my life I have come across many women with a totally different outlook on life. The types of women people like to judge as gold diggers.
These women are not in to the whole “love shenanagans” the same way other hopeless romantics are 
They see men as the traditional provider and marriages as a cooperation to a steady lifestyle.
They don’t want to necessarily be with a man because of some kind of love story but because they want to have a financially safe environment which they value more than love. That gives them genuine happiness, this form of security.

People have different views on life, different aspirations – should we stamp them as gold diggers aka bad people?

Or the girl that happily accept’s when a man paying for her or spoiling her with gifts when he is kindly offering. Is she a gold digger because she accepts the actions taken from the man while he is getting his ego validated by providing for her?

In my personal opinion, I think true love should always be more important than anything from the material world.
If you fall in love with a poor man, then figure the finances out together and live happily ever after on what you have.
No biggy, loves comes first!

I still have difficulties understanding the journey of the true hardcore types (like the girls who are too lazy to work and just want to find someone who can pay their bills, or the girls who are so hungry for money they would literally do anything for it). 

and less is so much more

“It” girls: Get “tons” of sleep, entertain “constantly,” and “be yourself.” Oh, and this: “When you’re trying on clothes, look at yourself sitting down and look at your reflection from the back side.”

courtin clarins girls

Claire, Prisca, Jenna, and Virginie Courtin-Clarins

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

a little take on Japan-日本,

The word hanayaka means bright, flowery and full of pageantry, like a beautiful bride at her wedding, while the similar sounding nigiyaka means bustling and busy, like a big city where everyone is hurrying to get someplace. If something you're eating or drinking makes you feel sawayaka you feel refreshed and full of zest, while the word sumiyaka means speedy and without delay. Most Japanese parents would like their sons to grow up to be sukoyaka, which means vigorous, healthy and strong, while odayaka, meaning calm and graceful, is considered a virtue for daughters. While these nuanced words might seem hard to learn, they're used quite often, which makes them easy to learn.


Dr. David Hidalgo, MD

"Art and science intersect at plastic surgeon David Hidalgo's office on Manhattan's Park Avenue.  The prescription for eternal youth."
"The latest designer handbag may be recognizable from 50 yards, but according to plastic surgeon David Hidalgo, MD, the results of "designer" plastic surgery should be almost invisible. "Skillful surgery doesn't stand out," he says. "It blends in."

and women brag about their Hidalgos(Dr Hidalgo's breast implants)...........

Scarlett Johansson Breast Implants

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world 

"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

  HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned 

The jacket was from Christian Dior Ready-to-Wear Collection.

here she is wearing Giambattista Valli

I love her all black look but with brown boots she would look more CHIC!!!




 Turba shoot (no doubt an homaage to the glorious Sheikha Mozah!) in L’Officiel Levant!

In the modelling world...the European modelling world this pic of Mugdha would be considered too fat....in India she is called gorgeous leggy Mugdha.....quite a contrast....

. Lots of secrets for full-volumed hair.

fyi you're my favorite  blog :)

"plebestrians. You know, pedestrians and plebs combined." 
similar to hoi polloi

Cultures that endorse modesty and cultures that endorse hypersexualization are the *same* thing. Both define female sexuality by how it relates to the male gaze. In both cases the female body exists as an ornament either to be kept carefully hidden or put on display. Neither is an empowering feminist achievement. 


just a thought for what is worth..... do you believe in body language?....this could be normal people, but they are celebs so the images look not kosher for the husband.....and how ex-husband

with ex boyfriend.......I never looked stiff and uncomfortable with BrentJay

with husband......look at the stiffness, hands on pockets...eyes open and almost looking like she is obligada(not wanting to be there).....

cara de pocos amigos.....
Anyone who sees romance in a man dragging a woman down the street is pretty dumb.

The Richest Jews in the World

• Larry Ellison (5th, $39.5 billion. -ORACLE
• Sheldon Adelson (16th, $23.3 billion).
• Sergey Brin and Larry Page (24th, $19.8 billion).- GOOGLE
• Michael Bloomberg (30th, $18.1 billion).
• Alisher Usmanov (35th, $17.7 billion) (not Jewish, but Muslim and married to a Jew).
• Rinat Akhmetov (39th, $16 billion).
• John Paulson (39th, $16 billion).
• Mikhail Fridman (43rd, $15.1 billion).
• Michael Dell (44th, $14.6 billion).
• Susanne Klatten (44th, $14.6 billion)  BMW 

• Steven Ballmer (46th, $14.5 billion)
• George Soros (46th, $14.5 billion).
• Mark Zuckerberg (52nd, $13.5 billion).  FACEBOOK

• Steve Cohen (114th, $8 billion).
• Ralph Lauren (173rd, $5.8 billion). -POLO RL

and most of the Richest Russian Oligarchs are Jews too....

al estilo Mexique 

Jaime Antonio González Colson(1901-1975) was an artist from the Dominican Republic. His works usually focused on the people and culture of his homeland. The merengue, the dance shown in the painting, originated in the Dominican Republic in the nineteenth century.

And if you follow the tidbits you know this is one of my favorite merengues...

believe it or not .......one of my favorite places in KSA.....Kingdom Centre not so shabby or the Amir's palace but really I love this.............

al-Khobar or al-Khubar; Arabic: الخبر) 

and there is no place in the world that makes Churros con Chocolate like España with Mejico a
close second.....

Caffe all’italiana

 Here is an example how class and good manners have been lost over the years.....I will take Roy Orbinson anytime.

Hatikva6 - the most Israeli

התקווה 6 - הכי ישראלי (קליפ רשמי)

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated

I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit 
to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775

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