שבוע טוב
Shavua Tov and Chodesh Tov! May this week be a good one for all Am Yisrael and may we hear good news.
modestia parte this is one of the best posts!!!!!

Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí - אני יהודי
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
When there is doubt of your existence you might consider this.
Yes, I want Moshiach now. Everything -all of this- is just temporary… Boruch Hashem!
May we all be zocheh to have the geula sheleima speedily in our days!
And now… sing:
We want moshiach now.
We want moshiach now.
We don’t want to wait!
Putting this tune in our speakers and getting ready for a new week....and I heard
this tune while speaking with an English friend-she was playing it in the background
and I asked the name of the tune.....it is really catchy....and Donovan was a troubador.
This is your wake up call...."Money Never Sleeps"


an 'it' girl, or party girl. usually mega rich, some are a bit slutty, and trend setter.
London as a city gets better and better.
Samuel Johnson got it right, ” when a man is tired of London he is tired of life.”
I believe him, I am sure it is true. The more I discover, the less I know and the more
curious I am becoming.
And you can add the Victoria's Secret Show as comfirming it............
When you go to an exclusive restaurant you should always dress up. Jeans or mini dress is not considered appropriate dressing. Make sure clothes are ironed and have a good fit.
Okay look now. She seems to be saying - I am Lady Lee of the rising sun. Lacquered hair, lacquered face, lacquered lips, lacquered nails, polished bling. Do I need to alert you to the fact that the only thing that keeps my skin youthful and smooth is to wear a jet cloth of the finest velvet from time to time? Do I need to tell you that I will top it with a necklace the size of my gardener's family home? No. Because I'm Lady Lee and you already know that, plebe
Sophie Strobele & Svetlana Zakharova in Believe The Hype for Russh
She should retire......

There hardly needs to be an introduction for Vogue US Editor Anna Wintour. She’s even been portrayed as the “Devil” in the fiction film The Devil Wears Prada and she’s nicknamed the ‘Ice Queen’. I think if Mubarak can give up his post as president of Egypt for the last hundred years, so should she. Plus she’s not even American!

Gordon Gekko: This painting here? I bought it ten years ago for sixty thousand dollars, I could sell it today for six hundred thousand dollars. The illusion has become real, and the more real it becomes, the more desperately they want it. Capitalism at it’s finest.
me gusta mucho este video.....y ella es una fiel seguidora de los tidbits.....she is an avid follower
of the Tidbits
a Miami 101 Tutorial

SoBe means South Beach(La Playa)
- Best beach…
Brasilian Beach, South of Fifth.
- Best Miami escape…
The Standard Spa for a massage and sunset dinner, but if you’re up for a beautiful drive: The Moorings at Islamorada.
- One thing you can get in Miami that you can’t get anywhere else…
A manatee as a pet. A flamingo? A drive through the swamps in an airboat. A crocodile scare! More seriously, the melting pot of Caribbean, Spanish and American cultures. Truly one of a kind.
- One stereotype about Miami I’d like to correct…
Scarface. Great movie, but times have changed
and yes, always black, LV items....crystal glass. no plastic cutlery...and strawberries too.......
I wash my face with diamonds each morning(smiles)
and I posted this pic of Ameera bint Aidan bin Nayef Al-Taweel Al-Otaibi before and I forgot to mention what great hips and thighs she has(smiles)
Russian girls love fur....and so do I and I have my own Sable Jackets....
The Process of cleaning oneself should be treated as a ritual. The right products need to be acquired- ones that lather well and smell fabulous!!!
Hey UCLA Students! Boycotting Israel Means No More Google, Apple, Microsoft, or Intel..Facebook..Whatsapp and too many
to mention
and yes, always black, LV items....crystal glass. no plastic cutlery...and strawberries too.......
I wash my face with diamonds each morning(smiles)
and I posted this pic of Ameera bint Aidan bin Nayef Al-Taweel Al-Otaibi before and I forgot to mention what great hips and thighs she has(smiles)
Russian girls love fur....and so do I and I have my own Sable Jackets....
And RG has as many shoes as Imelda Marcos(smiles)
i will elaborate on this on my next post...........
Gold digger is slang for a greedy person (stereo typically a woman) who only dates (and subsequently marries) wealthy partners with the intention of exploiting ...

Hey UCLA Students! Boycotting Israel Means No More Google, Apple, Microsoft, or Intel..Facebook..Whatsapp and too many
UCLA students, you fail to realize that in order to achieve what you are suggesting, you’d have to ditch your P.C.’s and Surface tablets, your Macs and iPads and iPhones, ditch most, if not all, smartphones on the market, and for those few phones that weren’t founded on Israeli tech, you’d have to delete many of your favorite apps.
You’d have to find a search engine other than Bing or Google, refrain from using Yahoo,stop using Wix to create websites, stop using Waze to get around when you’re lost. You cannot have it both ways.......I rest my case
Anastasia Krivosheeva one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits

Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic

Ana Ewers pics in the Pirelli Calendar 2015 were some of the best..........

I often write about how important it is to stay as natural as possible, and Viktoriya Dragan is a great example of that.
When I asked her about her beauty regime she seemed to be quite a minimalist who aims for natural beauty.
On an everyday basis she cleanses her face with only water and she never goes for beauty treatments! (Interesting!)
At the same time she tells me she does not like to wear a lot of make up, and keeps it simple with only a foundation (Chanel/Dior) and a lipstick from Chanel.
With regards to her hair, she has never dyed it in her life and keeps it shiny with Macadamia products (shampoo, conditioner and mask).
But what about staying fit? Is she a minimalist in that department too?
I believe Viktoria has a naturally beautiful body which only requires daily maintenance. She claims to be able to eat whatever she wants, but keeps it strict to not eat after 18:00.
As to exercise, she does cardio 7 days a week for 30 min – running usually – and that’s it. Nothing else on the gym agenda.
It is interesting to listen to other peoples beauty routines, because they are so different! Some girl do not require much efforts put in to look good, while others see it as their hobby to keep maintaining their appearance.
It is so individual and today I got the chance to present someone who is keeping it simple, but most importantly – who keeps it natural 

Ulyana’s the real deal for being a Russian trendsetter and she’s one the most high-profile figures of the so called Russian Fashion Pack, who are also called The Russian Mafia or the Czarinas. Ulyana’s style embodies an old-world feminine charm with an ode to all things vintage, sophisticated and elegant. She’s also a prominent Russian (Haute Couture) fashion designer.

A year old photo. Yet still awesome. — at Natalia Vodianova's Love Ball.
The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

a little take on Japan-日本,

Japanese have used the English word kiss ever since modernizing in the Meiji Era, but you still encounter the original Edo Period word 接吻 seppun, which can have a more archaic but poetic feel to it. The Japanese use the word pink for the color, which is very easy for foreigners to pick up on, but sometimes will use the original Japanese term 桃色momo-iro (lit. "peach colored") if they're feeling random.


there is a new approach – a technique called lipomodelling, which restructures the face from within, tackling deeper tissues.
Lipomodelling involves the removal of fat from another part of the body, such as around the hips.
The fat is refined – separating it from liquid or oil from ruptured fat cells.
A cannula about 1mm in diameter then deposits tiny particles in tunnels within the tissue, creating layers of new tissue.
These have to take as a graft within the face – establishing circulation from around the tissue to become a viable part of the structure of the face.
They don’t dissipate or move so there is less need for repeat procedures. It looks and feels totally natural
I love these tools....they transform you and make you look better(smiles)

You must have noticed how some celebrities just do not age.
And of course they can maintain with the expensive scalpel of the best Doctors....the injections, the dermatologist creams and potions......nothing wrong with that if the look is natural.....
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
Sheikha Mozah was spotted on the street of New York in her casual clothes and I have to admit it is very different than her usual haute couture style, she looks just like a normal New Yorker.
And i wonder where are the bodyguards???? I have never seen her without them????
Sartorial Splendor......Mozah has plenty of it.............

HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Alsaud, Chairman of Kingdom Holding Company (KHC), has been ranked number one for 6 Consecutive years in Middle East's Magazine's 2014 list of the World's 50 Most Influential Arabs.
Little Black Party Dress
Harper's Bazaar Australia December 2014
Photographer: Simon Upton
Stylist: Trevor Stones
Hair: Sophie Roberts
Makeup: Kellie Stratton
Manicure: Fiona Hay
Model: Bambi Northwood-Blyth
Face Proportions....exact proportions
In studio all day with your favorite VS Model Adriana Lima!! Even more beautiful inside then she is out !!!
Cintura fina quadril largo
Le Corset!!!!

Whether they have designed clothes, written poetry, composed operas, built public squares, painted for popes, hewn marble, or sailed the fathomless seas, many Italians of genius have placed a premium on achieving an appearance of effortless mastery, or sprezzatura, that is attained only by costly, concentrated effort and unremitting labor. 'In the end,' says Giorgio Armani, 'the most difficult thing to do is the simplest thing.'"
Sprezzatura [nonchalance], so as to conceal all art and make whatever is done or saidappear to be without effort and almost without any thought about it."

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated.
I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit
to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775