
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775 - JG 20

©fabulousany better would be a sin!!!!!

Boker Tov

Elegance is in the Mind


Flag for Israel
Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí  - אני יהודי 

Things I wanted you to know - 

: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should

There are very few days that I do not start my day with this type of breakfast....and if
you regularly eat strawberries your breath will be strawberry like...your kisses will be
in demand(smiles).....they will always taste strawberry like...........

and a week before my Bday (11-11) I took my annual physical....and this are the

Yesterday my private Doctor gave me a complete physical and as
she examined my heart!!!
"I took a deep breath
and listened to the old bray of my heart.
"I am.
I am.
I am."
a JEWof course
and the pretty Dr pronounced me 100 percent healthy and ©fabulousany betterwould be a sin!!!!!

my celeb Japanese friend that came to visit just went back to Japan but I watched with her
one of my favorite movies....and she cried during this scene....and I love this movie...

Cecil Beaton, The 1968 Sitting - Queen Elizabeth II, White Drawing Room

Cecil Beaton, The 1968 Sitting – Queen Elizabeth II, White Drawing Room

One of the best kept beauty secrets and one of the most difficult to come by is grace.
The art of grace or the state of grace, whatever it is called I find grace a tough one to master.

Many descriptions apply to the concept of grace.
Elegance, goodwill, serenity, poise… and many actions can manifest themselves in a graceful way.
Grace can be attributed to physical beauty and certainly to spiritual and emotional beauty.

and of course the late Grace Kelly had tons of it...........

Remember that time back in the dark ages when iPods were all the rage and Karl Lagerfeld went on a publicity spree showing off his collection of over 100 iPods? ) but the idea of having my own slave updating my iPhone and my laptop with all the latest tracks is kind of amazing, no?

It should therefore come as little surprise that said designer employs someone to look after them, in the manner of a librarian. Your initial gig, should you choose to pursue this career course, will be to upload your boss's CD collection on to the gadgets. Thereafter, your role will be to source new beats to keep your employer at the fore of sonic cool.

I say yes Mugdha

It is getting cold in some places around the world..if you are a girl.....you might want to say



my sister....Tiffany's mom en el crepusculo..........

And I have mentioned this before....if you hate    JEWS ...Israel  you should not use Google,Facebook and Twitter as they were founded and are controlled by JEWS(smiles) and so is blogger.....I rest my case.


Impossible de faire une semaine Parisienne sur le blog sans parler d’Emmanuelle Alt, si ? Si ? Non.
Cette photo prise pendant la fashion week 

gummy bear breast implants


I hold three passports....having an Israeli born mother....a French born father and being born
in USA gives me that right....but I lean to my Israeli roots....

AL walks in Splendor.........

MEJOR AMIGA... Es la historia perfecta: chica acompaña a amiga a casting de modelos,booker se fija en chica que acompaña, chica que acompaña se hace top model. ¿Y amiga? Nunca triunfó.

I believe women look best when they're not overdressed. Ease is Chic.......


modestia parte if you remember I posted my LV backpack a month ago before they were out to
the public(smiles)

Discover the collection

And I just got this one too.....even before CR7 got his(smiles)

For me this  Louis Vuitton hair cubes never go out of style even though they were from 2001...they look fantastic on women's hair.....

Tito "El Bambino" - A Que No Te Atreves ft. Chencho 

Been there done that.......

thigh gap

no thigh gap



Victoria Sekrier one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic


more tidbits


The jumpsuit is a great alternative to the regular trouser. Throw some killer heels on and you are ready for a night out looking chic and fashionable! 

Fla$hy or Tra$hy: Leopard Boots
I will blame the big swinging European chiefs at Gucci and Miu MiuSaint Laurent and Isabel Marant for reinstalling a proclivity toward leopard print in the public consciousness and furthermore, for doing it with a bottom-heavy twist. As in, on footwear.

You could call Ulyana Sergeenko the 'Fairy Godmother of the Russian Mafia'. At 32, Ulyana an avid collector of haute couture - why wouldn't she be, her husband after all is billionaire oligarch (translation - business magnate) Danil Khachaturov - decided to start her own line of Couture , with no training in design or production. Lady Gaga is a fan, among others, and her striking beauty guarantees that where Ulyana goes, paparazzi will follow. Whether she's in her own couture designs, or channeling a 'Russian peasant girl' in a full skirt and head scarf - Sergeenko oozes class, glamour and massive amounts of sex appeal to boot. Ulyana'sdesigns, by the way, are as breath taking as she is.

Ulyana Sergeenko Couture Fall-Winter 2014-2015 

Claire Courtin-Clarins Looking Amazing in Vuitton

The Unofficial After Party for THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART'S Spring 2011 COSTUME INSTITUTE Benefit Gala on Top of The Standard

 She is so cute! Everything about her is just perfect. Her hair in that strange knitted style is so cool and is a marvellously refreshing pairing, a sort of counterpoint to the "polished Shanghai" vibe of her dress. What makes the outfit especially great is those blockish sandals, soo unlike the dainty things coming down the Vuitton runway. She abstracted the black lines into geometric shapes and didn't aim for continuity which is wonderful! Her style has so much personality in it and she can wear anything and make it hers. Today you see so many people dressing better yet so many look indistinguishable from each other so it's always great to see people like Claire who really have fun with fashion their own way.

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

"SMILE" It Will Make You Look Better , "LOVE" It Will Make You To Enjoy Life More , 😇"PRAY" It Will Keep You Strong. 17h

Home Alone Peepy Signature!!!! By LADY'LEE & Ar'Patchara & Ar'Saowanee  

Peepy With N'Jibbie  Shopping At LuLu Guinness 

A little take on Japan

Japan's love of cuteness has become famous all around the world, to the point that the word 可愛い kawaii can be found in the Oxford English Dictionary.

 (Fun fact: 六本木 Roppingi means "six trees.") Foreigners are likely to use this word when counting chopsticks, since they're the right shape, but the counter for a pair of chopsticks is actually 善 zen, a word which Japanese themselves are often too lazy to use. Being a foreigner, I always go out of my way to use the correct counting word, saying something like お箸、一膳もらえますか?o-hashi, ichi-zen moraemasu ka? ("could I have a pair of chopsticks?"), mainly because Japanese don't expect gaijin to get this word right and I like to surprise them.


What happens after the age of 30+ I say you must get many mini treatments, fillers and 

 and the scalpel

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!

"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

   HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned 

Sheikha Mozah was wearing red Christian Lacroix couture in Malaysia.

Walking in Dior couture...and everyone in a trance...

Look all the buttons at the back, Ralph & Russo signature.




Dani Roses, Costes, Beauty, Lifestyle, Vicki Archer

Simple beauty rules seem to me to be what Parisian women follow.
I know that I admire the way many Parisian women look and dress.
Most of all I admire their natural appearance, their ability to look beautifully groomed but never overdone.
The less is more is really so much more when you take notice of Parisian women.
We focus on their fashion and their wardrobes, which are elegant, stylish and classical. What about their skincare, hair and make-up routines?
Do they apply the same principles?
I believe that they do.

The Simple Beauty Rules

We know that exercise is the key to looking good and feeling fabulous.
Parisian women exercise but not so much at the gym, they walk and they climb stairs. Their approach to exercise is more gentle but decidedly regular.
Mixing up the routine is paramount.

Eating the French way is easy, it is about moderation.
French women eat a little bit of a lot and they eat healthily. Less sugar is paramount. Good fats are in and packaged food is out.
The way to glowing skin is about what we consume as well as the products we apply.

The less is more approach.
The pale eyes and the red lip or the smokey eyes and a nude lip, never all together.
The red lipstick is a life saviour, French women of all ages have understood that for a very long time.
Face foundations are subtle and shading is the merest glow.
Eyes and lips are the only standouts.

Well cut and slightly messy.
That’s what I notice about the Parisian women’s hair… it’s perfect in that non-perfect way.

French women all over the country are firm believers in face and body treatments.
The theory is that if the base is the best it can be then the rest is easy.
I suspect that they don’t fret about what they can’t have but rather work on what they can.

Simple beauty rules to follow, full of commonsense. How did you go with this checklist?

Your body language tells who you are!!!

Stand straight and do not look down when you walk. It makes you look not confident.Take big steps when you walk, practice at home. Longer steps will make you look younger and taller. Wear high heels as much as possible, show your legs always.

Estée Lauder announces purchase of the luxury skincare 
brand RODIN Olio Lusso



DANS LA RUE: French 

When it comes to high fashion, France sets the standard—but for street wear like denim, t-shirts, and sneakers, les Americains still rule (with a little help from Japan).
That's changing thanks to global fashion communities online, along with a heightened fascination of French-Girl chic.

American Apparel made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free..........


look vestido longo em tiradentes beta pinheiro fashionite
look vestido longo em tiradentes beta pinheiro fashionite
look vestido longo em tiradentes beta pinheiro fashionite
look vestido longo em tiradentes beta pinheiro fashionite
look vestido longo em tiradentes beta pinheiro fashionite

Raisin Challah

Today in Jewish History - Tonight, the 11th day of Cheshvan, is the Yahrtzeit of Rachel Imeinu.
On the eleventh of Cheshvan, while giving birth to her 2nd son, Binyamin, Rachel, the beloved wife of Ya’akov, died, and was buried on the road to Bethlehem.
The site of her burial in Bethlehem, south of Jerusalem, known to us by tradition, is covered by a stone edifice. For millennia, Jews have come to this site to pour forth their hearts in prayer, and to awaken her merit in any time of travail, for the community as well as for the individual. 
Our mother Rachel was not buried in the tile cave of Machpelah in Hevron together with the other Matriarchs and Patriarchs of our people. Instead, she was buried on the road to Jerusalem, exactly where she died, while coming back to Jerusalem from the House of Lavan with Ya’akov. 
Why did our Father Ya’akov bury Rachel on the road in Bethlehem?
According to Rabbi Eliyahu Ki Tov’s Book of Our Heritage, Ya’akov saw prophetically that in the future, Jewish exiles would pass by on that road and she might seek mercy for them. 

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated

I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit 
to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775

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