Morning coffee break, with some hot, sweet Arabic coffee plus some delicious baklava!Want some?
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
A tribute once again to a special friend....rest in peace you left too early
Natural or fake? Who of these celebrities has gone through the knife? How about all of them.......
"They say in every library there is a single book that can answer the question that burns like a fire in the mind."
If you could advise your younger self, what would you say?
What would you advise a younger self? Or is hindsight a reflection with no benefits?YES
Think like a diva, act like a diva, dress like a diva!

People seem to have various definitions of it.
For some, a girl is a gold digger just because she hangs around rich people, for others she is a gold digger if she doesn’t split the dinner bill when she is out on a date.
I think as a general rule, the word gold digger means someone who is interested in meeting a wealthy man so that she can benefit from him.
Why do you think beautiful women go for wealthy men?
Because they know they can.
Women want to be comfortable, they want to create the best possible life for themselves. If they can get any man in this world, why look for someone who cannot provide anything to them? Love is possible to find in any human being, rich or poor. For that reason focusing the search in the wealthy department is only a strategy in to achieving what you know you have the capacity for.
You don’t need to agree with my opinions, but I think each and everyone should have an extra think next time they bash girls off as gold diggers.
El fanatismo por la belleza que domina las redes sociales ha creado una tendencia que me encanta: la pasión por las cejas gruesas, delineadas y perfectamente depiladas. La época en la que una ceja fina y súper arqueada era lo más sexy ha quedado atrás, muy atrás.
Beauty fanaticism that dominates social networks has created a trend that I love: the passion for thick, perfectly delineated and plucked eyebrows. The time when a thin and super arched eyebrow was the hottest, has been left behind, far behind.
Gisele Caroline Nonnenmacher Bündchen poses her first cry in this world on July 20, 1980 , in the beautiful country of Brasil. She is a Brasilian model known in the fashion world. Her father’s name Valdir Bündchen and her mother name is Vania Nonnenmacher. These two German immigrants gave birth to 6 girls. Gisele has a twin sister, Patricia, who, like other sister tried modeling. Gisèle only managed to break through and has an exceptional career that began in 1993.
" One of my favorite stores in Paris is Colette," "I actually think it’s one of the best stores in the world. It’s a place that you go, even if you don’t want to buy anything, just to see the people who are there."
You cannot go to Paris and not go take a look at Colette. I think they’re doing an amazing job at capturing what’s cool right now, better than any magazine. Colette is amazing for everything but their jewelry and book selection is very special. It’s very eclectic. You go there and come out with a pair of sneakers or a Dior jacket.
Plongez dans les profondeurs !
Le mois de novembre est celui du Scorpion avec le soleil qui joue avec les zones d’ombre et de lumière du signe le plus mystérieux du zodiaque jusqu’au 22 novembre.
I like when women wear a men's Rolex Day-Date President Watch


girls you need to cave and buy them; the Dior, ‘So Real’ sunglasses.
Blanco o Negro??????
Ne regardez pas en arrière et ne pleurez pas sur le passé, car il est passé et ne vous en faîtes pas pour le futur, car il n'est pas encore arrivé. Vivez dans le présent, et faites-en quelque chose de magnifique qui vaille la peine qu'on s'en rappelle. •

Oui j'aime Paris,
Oui j'aime cette ville,
Oui j'aime ses rues,
Oui j'aime ses bâtiments,
Oui j'aime son côté musée à ciel ouvert,
Oui j'aime son côté snob…
Et en même temps…
Paris est comme un vieille dame qui vieillit mal depuis quelques temps.
Yes I love Paris,Oui j'aime cette ville,
Oui j'aime ses rues,
Oui j'aime ses bâtiments,
Oui j'aime son côté musée à ciel ouvert,
Oui j'aime son côté snob…
Et en même temps…
Paris est comme un vieille dame qui vieillit mal depuis quelques temps.
Yes I love this city,
Yes I like its streets,
Yes I like its buildings,
Yes I like his side open-air museum,
Yes I like her snobbish side ...
At the same time ...
Paris is like an old lady who age well for some time.
What is your definition of Fashion?????
Fashion is something we deal with everyday. Even people who say they don’t care what they wear choose clothes every morning that say a lot about them and how they feel that day.
One certain thing in the fashion world is change. We are constantly being bombarded with new fashion ideas from music, videos, books, and television. Movies also have a big impact on what people wear. Ray-Ban sold more sunglasses after the movie Men In Black. Sometimes a trend is world-wide. Back in the 1950s, teenagers everywhere dressed like Elvis Presley.

and i will stick with my all black....all year round....all the time....till the
end of time(smiles)
A dear friend asked why I am not in love with love....and perhaps it is better said
in french after the perceived magic fades:
Bref c'est comme une histoire d'amour qui perd de sa magie : je t'aime, je t'adore, je te désire, je te déteste, je te hais…
Moi fatiguée ?
and with this, I rest my case....it happens all the time...
Everybody knows that Miami Beach is a glamour capital of the world. Few destinations rival South Beach or SOBE for glitz, ritz, and fun. Between the fancy hotels like the Delano and the Fontainebleau, fine dining, and balmy weather year-round, Miami Beach rivals any place in the world for fun and sun. What few people may know however is that Miami Beach cosmetic surgeons are among the most famous and accomplished in the world.
and with this, I rest my case....it happens all the time...
Everybody knows that Miami Beach is a glamour capital of the world. Few destinations rival South Beach or SOBE for glitz, ritz, and fun. Between the fancy hotels like the Delano and the Fontainebleau, fine dining, and balmy weather year-round, Miami Beach rivals any place in the world for fun and sun. What few people may know however is that Miami Beach cosmetic surgeons are among the most famous and accomplished in the world.
La beauté physique, comme tout le reste, c’est toujours cette bonne vieille histoire du verre à moitié plein/vide : il suffit de se concentrer sur le positif pour éliminer le négatif.
Standing at a statuesque 6ft 1in and with legs that seem to go on for miles, Karlie Kloss undoubtedly stops traffic wherever she goes.
Karlie Kloss in CHIC feat Nile Rodgers ' I"ll Be There
Beauty is not...
- Esoteric
- Ethereal
- In the eye of the beholder
Beauty is...
- Definable
- Identifiable
- Consistently Reproducible
...If you know the secrets.

been there done that
thigh gap
mini thigh gap
no thigh gap
Olya Prister one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits


Love of the Babushka.......Babushka Chic


more tidbits
Ce que j’aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, people....places
Secrets of a Miss Universe you will not read or find anyplace....
The day of the final was a problem. Zuleyka had oily hair and she had prepared a dry shampoo backstage . As she climbed positions and was among the finalists, some of her competitors became angry and hid her shampoo. While her advisers became hysterical looking for the shampoo, Zuleyka combed back her hair using hair gel, and went on stage ready to shine brighter than ever. And won.
Once the goal was achieved , something happened that is usual: Zuleyka gained a few kilos. A great example of what happens on the rebound. To go so long without eating carbohydrates (something dangerous and inadvisable), she gained a lot of weight when he went back to eating normally.

That’s right, Irina Shayk. And not just because she’s Russian. She’s unreal. Like stop it, Irina!

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

"HOME ALONE PEEPY Signature" By MR'PEEPY VS "กรุบกริบกรุบกริบ กับแหนนะจ๊ะ" By Madame'NARE VS "The Poll ETC

a little take on Japan-日本,

Japanese sentences are structured so that that different parts -- subject, object, prepositions, etc. -- are marked with handy grammatical particles like は (the subject marker, pronounced wa) or を (the object marker, conveniently pronounced 'o'). While this can be handy for anyone learning the language, the reality is that any information that's understood by all parties will nearly always be omitted from sentences. When a girlfriend comes into your office asks if you are ready to go to lunch, the only word she actually says is 行く iku? (literally meaning "go?"), since everything else she wants to say is clear from the context.
Silence is also one of the most potent social weapons in Japanese society. If you ever really offend someone in Japan you'll know it because you'll hear only total bone-crushing silence from them for the rest of eternity, coupled with the refusal to ever make eye contact with you. It's pretty much the most terrible thing ever, the equivalent of being shunned socially.
And it is similar to what I practice-Kaddish means when you are not nice and obnoxious you cease to exist in my life........

Facial aging is similar to the movement of a glacier. It is the migration of facial fat over time, which drags the skin as it goes. The skin's elasticity degrades over time as well, so it cannot resist the pull of gravity as it once did. This is what causes the deep folds surrounding your mouth and nose—those wide smile lines—and what causes the hollowing beneath your eyes, the jowls sagging from your jaw, and the excess skin in your neck.
An expertly crafted, truly beneficial face lift demands a mastery of the intricacies of facial anatomy, mature aesthetic vision, detailed procedural planning and execution, and a passion to provide each individual case the most outstanding result possible. .”

No, you'll probably never be called to testify about the contents of that bikini top. But sometimes, and especially on the beach in the summer, you just can't help but wonder: are they or aren't they?
Borderline: Unless they're sitting in one heck of a push-up bra, natural breasts don't have a defined, 360-degree border around the edges. When looking at the right breast, it should only have a border from about four o'clock to eight o'clock.
Gap: Oversize implants can create a wide, bony gap between breasts. "Many surgeons mistakenly put in bigger implants to mask the gap, and it makes it look worse,"
Fall line: When a woman lies on her back, her natural breasts fall slightly to either side. Very large implants, on the other hand, stick up straight.
Side line: When viewed from the side, natural breasts tend to have more volume in their lower half (you can thank gravity for that). Fake breasts often look as full on top as on the bottom.
Pointers: Most nipples point straight ahead or slightly up—but if an implant is too big, it could make the nipples tip downward.
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden
HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

Fashion tip from Sheikha Mozah: Necklace ~!

French film actress Anouk Aimée epitomizes sexy, grown up style—I love her bohemian, yet polished, vibe in these vintage pictures.
I totally agree with both of them...
Russian President Vladimir Putin Claims that Global Warming is a “Fraud”
Now Philippe Verdier, a household name for his nightly forecasts on France 2, has been taken off air after a more controversial announcement – criticising the world’s top climate change experts.
Mr Verdier claims in the book Climat Investigation (Climate Investigation) that leading climatologists and political leaders have “taken the world hostage” with misleading data.
Place des Vosges:
The Place des Vosges is the oldest planned square in Paris and one of the finest in the city. It is located in the Marais district, and it straddles the dividing-line between the 3rd and 4th arrondissements of Paris
Ekaterina II of Russia was born Princess Sophia Augusta Fredericka, and if you want to get your inner historian on, her full German name was Sophie Friederike Auguste von Anhalt-Zerbst-Dornburg. As for the English speaking world, she’s simply known as Catherine the Great.

Don’t be surprised when I say that Catherine was a fan of ice cubes! It was claimed that Russian monarch loved beauty, and had her own secret beauty tip up her sleeve. Each morning the Empress would rub an ice cube all over her face, neck, and décolletage in order to preserve her beauty, and gain a glowing complexion.
Only Fat Women Hate Skinny Models, Karl Lagerfeld Says

Looking back at this photograph taken in the place Saint Michel, in Paris, I recall that my thoughts immediately drifted towards lace.
Delicate, feminine and romantic…
Characteristics both city and fabric share.

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

Writing down wishes to be tucked in the cracks of the Kotel. In hope that Hashem fulfills their dreams.
They deserve it.
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the
world and life is.....
world and life is.....
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without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776