Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
Today I had an incredible walk in this fantastic exotic place.....and while doing my daily two hour walk I listened to Alex Sensation and his mega mezcla (mix) of Reggaeton, followed by a Bachata mix and a Merengue was so so good....and I love how Alex Sensation makes comments and sometimes sings along the mixes....his station again can be heard on the OO Tunes App ( 97.9FM La Mega 97.9 New York City)
Sorry but this is reality it or not

vxbrant asked: ok so your blog is basically perfection, just letting you know ♥ check out mine if you want to? a follow from you would make my day :) 🎀✨💝
JG:with a message and a pic like that all I can say is thank you(smiles)
Russian Oligarchs.....
Russian Fashion Mafia.......
you go to bed with this option
and you ask in the morning who are you?(smiles)
Usar laca ya no es cosa de abuelas........... the use of lacquer is no longer a matter of grandmothers
Lejos de apelmazar el cabello como antaño, una nueva generación de lacas ha llegado al mercado para dar brillo, aromas florales o protección térmica a las melenas más exigentes. ¿Te atreves?
She swears by DR. NESTERENKO

and he did her lips nice not so exxagerated
Happy Birthday
If you know me you know that I only read non-fiction books as a obsessed reader
I devour books....through the years there are some a mix of non-fiction and fictions= books that I have read lately...
here a ten of them....
1. The Secret History -Donna Tartt
2. The Goldfinch -Donna Tartt
3. Madame Bovary -Gustave Flaubert
4. Sukkwan Island -David Vann
5. Jane, le renard et moi -Isabelle Arsenault and Fanny Britt
6. The picture of Dorian Grey -Oscar Wilde
7. Wuthering Heights -Emily Bronte
8. Rien ne s’oppose à la nuit -Delphine de Vigan
9. Persepolis -Marjane Satrapi
10. La ferme des animaux -George Orwell
Mugdha Godse - Bollywood Star

Most of the clients of the late Dr Fred Brandt have migrated to her.........
Dr. Ellen Marmur is a leading dermatologist and dermatologic surgeon
(“She looks great herself, and I like her vibe.”)
Some norms:
Don’t smoke. Smoking is no longer considered glamorous–that is soooo DEMODE!!!and so unhealthy, it will kill you!!!!
and stay away from
second hand smoke for it is worse than smoking itself!!!
Speaking of coffee, you must drink Macchiatos. Glamorous people
Speaking of coffee, you must drink Macchiatos. Glamorous people
do not drink coffee with milk and sugar!!!Really(smiles)
Drink lots of Evian water but only in crystal bottles and crystal glasses
Sugar is evil.
Try to look Long, Lean, & Luxe
What Qataris want.....Qataris get.....the Shard...the World Cup....Harrods....and so much more
NOSE JOBS -In Miami Beach and in Beverly Hills they were the bandages around the nose with pride
I believe Rhinoplasty is one of the most common (probably the other one is breast augmentation). I know a lot of people who have had nose jobs done, and according to them it’s not really a big deal – but it can make a huge (often positive) difference to your entire appearance.
Recovery time is set to 2 weeks which is quite manageable, and you don’t really need to stay camping (and hiding) at home for too long after the surgery. (I actually saw a woman today on the street with the entire nose in stained bandage and big bruises around her eyes. I felt “Wow lady, respect to you who have the guts to walk around like that in public”).

been there done that
thigh gap
mini thigh gap
no thigh gap
Jamilla Hoogenboom one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits
Love of the Babushka......Babushka Chic.


more tidbits
Ce que j’aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, people....places

The Czarina is looking amazing in this neutral look for her collaboration
with Michael Kors for Destination Kors. The camel colour is soft,
while her red lips pulls together this chic camel look.

For the Destination Kors photo-shoot Miroslav duma choose signature
pieces from the collection – a neutral palette mostly focusing in on a
sandy beige tone that we see throughout, with very classic tailoring.
“I love the American style. Michael Kors is very feminine and playful
but also very classic. I can say with confidence that the designer
loves women because in his clothes, they feel confident, beautiful and sexy,” -Mira
pieces from the collection – a neutral palette mostly focusing in on a
sandy beige tone that we see throughout, with very classic tailoring.
“I love the American style. Michael Kors is very feminine and playful
but also very classic. I can say with confidence that the designer
loves women because in his clothes, they feel confident, beautiful and sexy,” -Mira

Miroslava Duma On Style:
“Honestly, I do not have a clearly defined style, I’m always
experimenting. Because I work in the fashion industry I get to play with
fashion a lot.
I learn new things in this fashion world everyday,
so I always want to try everything,”
experimenting. Because I work in the fashion industry I get to play with
fashion a lot.
I learn new things in this fashion world everyday,
so I always want to try everything,”

CCC is not a one trick pony when it comes to fashion she goes to the limit............
The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

a little take on Japan-日本,

Then there's the apparent eternal youthfulness of Japanese females. There are many reasons why Japanese women (and other East Asians) seem to retain youth longer than women in other countries. One is that they avoid the sun like crazy, believing that pure white skin looks better than tanned skin.
The difference in diet plays a role, too, with lots of vegetables, fish and seaweed consumed in Japan, and lots of unsweetened Asian teas. From the viewpoint of the Japanese, Westerners can look older than their actual age,

In Brasil, where plastic surgeons are often as famous as the people they operate on, it’s refreshing to find one who prefers to stay under the radar. Benjamin de Souza Gomes Filho, whose office is located in Vitória, a quick flight from Rio de Janeiro, works on oodles of celebs, models, and moguls—but you’d never know it. His way with breasts, in particular, is gorgeously subtle.
The facelift is the quintessential procedure in facial plastic surgery. It is the ultimate in surgical rejuvenation for a more youthful face. The true facelift addresses the lower two-thirds of the face. From a medical point of view, a facelift refers to lifting the cheeks, jowls and under the neck, which is why some doctors and patients actually prefer to call this a "cheek-neck lift." Patients and doctors sometimes expand this description of facial rejuvenation to include a browlift referring to it as a "Complete Facelift."
Demi Moore


Feminine as a real princess and self-confident and sexy as modern woman. Deena Abdulaziz - princess of fashion and KSA....the Kingdom......Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Princess and boutique owner, Deena Abdul Aziz has recently made her way to fashion magazines, including, in addition to many other reputable publications around the world. After being spotted in the latest New York Fashion Week, Princess Deena, who is married to Prince Nasser Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, has been commended for her elegant style and poised chicness. She has been always roaming around the world for the perfect high-end pieces, not just to add them to her own personal wardrobes and make fashionable stunts, but she is always keen to bring the posh clients of her boutique, D’NA, the latest and most extravagant items. Her style is more of an Urban style that is characterized with her unorthodox choices of unique patterns, geometric cuts, daring accessories and simple makeup that magically highlights her Arabian features.
And by the way, she is also a follower of Dr Frances Prenna Jones and her Formula 2006 elixir buying 50 bottles at a time.........
Las dietas no funcionan. Pierdes peso y si paras, volverá de nuevo. Para adelgazar tienes que comprometerte a cambiar tu vida"Diets do not work. You lose weight, and if you stop dieting the weight will return. To be slim you must change your way of life...your way of eating
J’ADORE la danse classique, et à peu près tout ce qui s’y apparente et qui est beau.
Les sacs d’Olympia Le-Tan ont un petit côté charmant et suranné… ils sont devenus l’accessoire incontournable pour toutes celles qui aiment lire.

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the
world and life is.....
world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776, unless
otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or
without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776