
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776 - JG 27

שבת שלום חברים יקרים ! 
Wishing you all an amazing weekend.

Chodesh Tov & Shabbat Shalom and a safe weekend to all.

La Ciudad del sol......................Miracle City

This is the world through my eyes, everything I like or find inspiring :)
accessories, beautiful photos, -people and -things; big cities, celebrities, clothes, fashion, flowers, food, glamour, interior design, inspiring quotes, lingerie, love, magical moments, making memories and living for today, movies, music, passion, romance, sunshine, traveling and so much more

She said " This is for your eyes only"


Flag for Israel
Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí  - אני יהודי 

Things I wanted you to know - 
JGsome thoughts and actions to think aboutand you should

“My prayers are with the victims in the horrible Paris attacks. May G-d be with you all.”

J'aime ma nièce Tiffany Goldstein
This hallow of calmness around 

My Sixth sense

j'adore la couleur noire dans les vêtements(the color Black in clothes)
Louis Vuitton Rules supreme..............

one of the best comment about moi and my blog....thanks
elegant, smart and romantic; quite the cliché desc. but these are the words which popped in my mind. 


'VS Fashion Show' ... Backstage With Hot Models Who Crave Fatty Foods

CARLA BRUNII remember the first time I met Carla, we were still in our 20s... It was in Milano and she wanted to know absolutely where i had bought my shoes! .... Little did I know that she would become France First Lady..

Style is eternal 


Have you ever experienced a feeling of jalousèle?
Or given in to a sudden impulcie?

Alla domanda cos'è di moda oggi rispondo "Personalità, non mode. Ridisegnare. Modellare. Adattare. Proprio come si fa quando si racconta una storia: con la devota cura che dovrebbe caratterizzare la scelta delle parole, dei gesti o dei silenzi" 

When asked what is fashionable today say "Personality, not fads. Redesigning. Modeling. Adapt. Just like you do when you tell a story: the devoted care that should characterize the choice of words, gestures or silences"

'to live is so startling it leaves little time for anything else.' -Emily Dickinson 

Всяк глядит, да не всяк видит (Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it.)
  Russian Proverb

I Love this.............

When the diary-like film was first released in 1985, Wenders noted that Tokyo was “no longer ordered but threatening and disordered” – an apt description for the rapturous, electro-rockabilly of Black Rivers.

I am a big fan of  Karlie Kloss 

Daddy Yankee - El Mejor De Todos Los Tiempos

gummy bear breast implants



I wonder who thought about me today

Hello my name is fabulous

Who doesn't  love labels???. I really do. Who doesn’t? Who doesn’t like to wear things that people can easily identify? Fashion, thanks to its multi-billion dollar global advertising budgets, has a way of making identifiable things ultra desirable. The more identifiable an item or a brand is, the higher the value goes.

the temple of elegance......

A questa vita breve. Ma bellissima. Talmente bella che dovremmo toglierci le scarpe e la paura e dare e darci di più. Non abbiamo nulla da perdere, se non il tempo 

And she will always be one of my inspirations.............

The fashion! The army of crocodile Birkins! The dizzying OTT! Look and her. Fabulous, at a water polo match in a white dress shirt and full on makeup, trendy bendy manicure and matching her Kelly to the son's MCM backpack to the swimming pool. And the hat. Not hiding her trademark 'do. Never. The hair always gets its picture taken.

The grand dame and epitome of WASP style, C.Z. Guest was a true tastemaker whose style transcended eras.
Guest's look and lifestyle defined the term "good taste".

It’s a smallish world these days. So small it can almost fit inside your computer. You can talk to anyone, at any time, if you have some sort of network connection.

Love them or hate them, breast implants play an out sized role in the Venezuelan national psyche. A shortage could hit the nation right in the chest.

Venezuela is known for both its socialist economic policies and its beauty queens. Now, the policies of Hugo Chavez and his successor, former bus driver turned Venezuelan President, Nicolás Maduro, have begun to affect the nation’s women—famed for their beauty and curves—in their hearts. Or rather, what surrounds their hearts: Their breasts.

Been there done that

thigh gap

mini thigh gap

no thigh gap



Alejandra Guilmant one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits



Comp Cards

Love of the Babushka......Babushka Chic.



more tidbits

Ce que j’aime en ce moment

some of my favorite things, people....places



- can make you feel happy (retail therapy)
– gives you a sense of control
– makes you feel creative
– gives you a temporary escape in life
– is a social thing among friends
– feels very rewarding
– can feel like a thrill
– is competitive
-helps supporting your superficial life
Shopping is very easy explained in a neuroscientific way.
When you buy something you like the chemicals in your brain and body gets “high” by the release of dopamine in your system.
The same dopamine gets released in people who take drugs, gamble, binge eat etc.
This dopamine effect has different levels of intensity, for example when you grab a bargain (at a surreal price) your dopamine levels goes sky-high, if you compare to when you do the average shopping stroll in the supermarket.

There are many scientific studies that show us that shopping makes us happy (the chemical release in the body that I mentioned earlier) – BUT it’s only TEMPORARY. A very short-lived happiness.
A temporary joy that carries a significant amount of destructiveness to the world we live in. What do you choose?
Science shows us that consumption makes us temporary happy, but long-term it’s proofed to make us UN HAPPY.


“Ladies are not born, they are made” This particular quote has been haunting me as of late, and when I think of modern day ladies, Ulyana Sergeenko is the first one to pop into my mind. I have never met Ulyana, but I’m often left with an impression that she is today’s example of a modern lady. With her reputation for being Fashion Royalty, (mind you the Russian couturier has been called ‘The Red Queen’) the title can’t only be accredited to her eye for the elaborate, or theatrical sense of style. It’s both her elegance, and poise that resonates with the photographers’ cameras. And as I may be envious of her always expanding wardrobe, I admire the way she carries herself more. Perhaps she could be my inspiration while I attempt lessons in perfecting the art of being a modern lady.


very cozy

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........



a little take on Japan-日本,

Japan is the most polite country in the world, where society's "golden rule" is to never cause 迷惑 meiwaku (inconvenience, trouble) to others...

There are interesting ways to gain an understanding of a society through its language. Two words that speak to Japan's rule-oriented approach to behavior are the words chanto("properly") and chanto shita ("proper"), which are used to grant a higher status to "the way things should be done."

Going under ground トワイライト


The modern world is so anti-beauty that anyone who searches for beauty and emulates  is regarded as some kind of anomaly....but I do not care,  that is why I post beauty and plastic surgery options

facelift, technically known as a rhytidectomy (literally, surgical removal of wrinkles), is a type of cosmetic surgery procedure used to give a more youthful appearance. It usually involves the removal of excess facial skin, with or without the tightening of underlying tissues, and the redraping of the skin on the patient's face and neck.

and this is one of my favorite Doctors(Dr.Toby Mayer).....the Meyer-Fleming hair flap is a miracle procedure
but this eye procedure is also great............

Dr. Toby Mayer Female Eyes - Beverly Hills

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!! 

"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned

Sheikha Mozah is the center of the attention.

Under her traditional black abaya, Sheikha Mozah was still wearing haute couture dress. How gorgeous is this!

Sheikha Mozah in black Dior couture





Sleeping model
Henri Matisse

Ah, the M word. If you were lucky enough to hit the genetic jackpot and score a metabolism that burns calories at lightning speed, then hey, good for you!(and moi) (Okay, yes that was slightly elitist, but seriously, enjoy it.)

 a escova modelada

and in her case she wants to show herself.......

dressing up is a form of acting

Standard Hotel:
One Night Standard is The Standard’s spontaneous/why-not?/come-on-up/let’s-make-a-night-of-it/day-of/night-of booking app. In other words, you’ll have an amazing place to crash at a moment’s notice. 

Do you believe in chakras? It’s not for everyone, but it’s cool to think of these ener

Chhammak Chhallo/ Chammak Challo

The word Chhammakchhallo (Spelt chammak challo also) is used for a girl who is flashy in appearance. The word can be called part of slang, and can be derogatory as well, though it's not a swear word.

Exactly, chhammak here refers to the sound of jingling as someone walks, and chhallo was most probably used for chhallas (chhalla = a ring, not necessarily the one worn in a finger) and hence chhammakchhallo was used for someone who used to make a jingling sound with her jewels.

Look – Vestido de Zebra

Hashem’s Torah is perfect, it makes the simpleton wise 

This delicious pastry is called a Boureka, it is usually stuffed with cheese, potato, spinach or spinach and cheese. It is really greasy - but yummy, and a favorite fast food in Jerusalem. 

Siamo tutti Parigi.

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....

I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the 
world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776, unless 
otherwise statedI am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or 
without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776

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