✡ Shabbat Shalom ✡
שבת שלום
Have a wonderful Shabbat, everyone!
At Thanksgivukkah, Celebrate the Uniqueness of the Separate Holidays
But Jewish tradition doesn’t love conflating holidays. In fact, there’s a concept—“ein mearvin simcha b’simcha”—that we shouldn’t mix one happy occasion with another. No weddings during Sukkot or Passover, or any Jewish holiday, for that matter.
So instead of conflating Hanukkah and Thanksgiving, let’s look at it another way: How can the unique aspects of each holiday help us more fully celebrate the other?
So instead of conflating Hanukkah and Thanksgiving, let’s look at it another way: How can the unique aspects of each holiday help us more fully celebrate the other?
The Jewish Princess-Tiffany Goldstein after a grueling four hour tennis practice....
looking so nice as only she can(smiles) and soon joining the WTA world tour.

Privet lovely Matryoshkas
last kiss? ieri
last phone call?oggi
last sms(text message)?this moment
lost someone special? no gracias a Dios, no
what did you do for your last birthday? 24 hours of fabulous things
name something you cannot wait for? Living for today
what music are you listening to now?
Limi-T 21 - No Te Olvidaré
favorite color? elementary Mr Watson.....Black.......
wrapping up more presents for the upcoming Hanukkah
Black lace on black friday heart emoticon
The Stunning & Beautiful Mugdha Godse
Just what is it about lace that makes women return to it again and again? Maybe it’s because it’s so clever about re-inventing itself, or perhaps it’s just so gorgeous that women can’t leave it alone.
Making every day a good hair day is easier than you think.
do you subscribe to big hair?....it is coming back........

Gisele Bündchen volta com toda para a edição de Dezembro da Vogue, fechando o ano com chave de ouro!
A gata de botas
Hermès Apple Watch Capucine 24 karat Gold
Louis Vuitton Unveils Its Most Expensive Bag Yet
Add this to the top of your holiday wishlist.
The iconic brand just debuted its most expensive handbag ever—a crocodile-skin City Steamer satchel, complete with engraved padlock, and name-tag, with a price tag of $55,500 for those who've been extra nice this year.
THAI PERFECTIONThis girl goes full force...... Modern pageantry! The team preparing her has done a wonderful job, congratulation!
Olya Abramovich ~ a woman that looks so beautiful without a drop of makeup...G-d sure kissed her face!!!
Fashion = Art heart emoticon

C’è un’isola in me,
dove il vento soffia
di terra, e quando il mare urla
la sabbia impazzisce.
E c’è sempre luce,
ma non è mai giorno
dove il vento soffia
di terra, e quando il mare urla
la sabbia impazzisce.
E c’è sempre luce,
ma non è mai giorno

Conosco un posto nel mio cuore
dove tira sempre il vento.
Per i tuoi pochi anni e per i miei che sono cento
non c’è niente da capire, basta sedersi ed ascoltare.
dove tira sempre il vento.
Per i tuoi pochi anni e per i miei che sono cento
non c’è niente da capire, basta sedersi ed ascoltare.
ma so già cosa pensi, tu vorresti partire
come se andare lontano fosse uguale a morire
e non c’e’ niente di strano ma non posso venire
come se andare lontano fosse uguale a morire
e non c’e’ niente di strano ma non posso venire
The Château d'If became well known for being one of the settings in the novel, “The Count of Monte Cristo”. It is located in the Mediterranean Sea in the Bay of Marseille, France.
Finalmente la estabilidad regresa a la Argentina......Mauricio Macri -Presidente
gummy bear breast implants


Natasha asked why sometimes I write [sic] after a sentence? here is my answer:
Sic in square brackets is an editing term used with quotations or excerpts. It means “that’s really how it appears in the original.”
It is used to point out a grammatical error, misspelling, misstatement of fact, or, as above, the unconventional spelling of a name.
requested all the way from Fiji
many moons ago I read a book called " Fit or Fat" where the emphasis was walking....I decided to start training in accordance to the book, I still continue to play tennis, which I am great at(smiles)..... but I took the book info very serious....since that time, I now walk diligently two hours daily.....and it makes your body very fit...and very slim like.....recently I would see a beautiful girl walking too, not as much as me....and she asked one day? what event I was training so hard for??. My curt answer was: Life

JG -Altura, 190.5 centímetros. Perímetro craneal, 58,5 centímetros. Hombros, 46...cintura 81 cm
aqui esta la prueba....el resultado.....the results of Fit or Fat

many moons ago I read a book called " Fit or Fat" where the emphasis was walking....I decided to start training in accordance to the book, I still continue to play tennis, which I am great at(smiles)..... but I took the book info very serious....since that time, I now walk diligently two hours daily.....and it makes your body very fit...and very slim like.....recently I would see a beautiful girl walking too, not as much as me....and she asked one day? what event I was training so hard for??. My curt answer was: Life
JG -Altura, 190.5 centímetros. Perímetro craneal, 58,5 centímetros. Hombros, 46...cintura 81 cm
aqui esta la prueba....el resultado.....the results of Fit or Fat

"Develop into a lifelong self-learner through voracious reading; cultivate curiosity and strive to become a little wiser every day."
Beautiful lips....they are real
Non dimenticare mai di alzare gli occhi al cielo.
La France incarne tout ce que les fanatiques religieux du monde détestent : la joie de vivre par une myriade de petites choses : le parfum d'une tasse de café et des croissants le matin, de belles femmes en robe souriant librement dans la rue, l'odeur du pain chaud, une bouteille de vin que l'on partage entre amis, quelques gouttes de parfum, les enfants qui jouent dans les jardins du Luxembourg, le droit de ne croire en aucun dieu, de se moquer des calories, de flirter, fumer et apprécier le sexe hors mariage, de prendre des vacances, de lire n'importe quel livre, d'aller à l'école gratuitement, jouer, rire, se disputer, se moquer des prelats comme des politiciens, de ne pas se soucier de la vie après la mort. Aucun pays sur terre n'a de meilleure définition de la vie que les Français
"The zenith of elegance in any woman's wardrobe is the little black dress, the power of which suggests dash and refinement."
Do vain girls rule the world?

been there done that
thigh gap
mini thigh gap
no thigh gap
Noor Fares one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits
Love of the Babushka.......Babushka Chic



more tidbits
Ce que j’aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, people....places

I will do this in reverse from after to before.......
Marina Mayer NOW vs. THEN (a few years back only)
the moral of this little tale- is that money and plastic surgery can turn ordinary looks to great looks....
Miroslava Duma (her friends call her Mira) in Christian Dior and denim at the most recent Dior ready-to-wear show in Paris.
In just four years Miroslava Duma, the diminutive Russian media mogul, has turned her fashion and lifestyle platform Buro 24/7 into an online entity to be reckoned with. The front row fixture has launched 10 local versions of her site in places like Singapore, the Ukraine, Mongolia and Australia with another 12 countries in the works to launch in the next year.

They say beauty runs in the family – nothing could be truer for these two fabulous Parisians who sit front-row at fashion shows and are heiresses to one of the largest cosmetics companies in the world. The Clarins girls are fixtures on the fashion scene, attending exclusive parties, being snapped by street-style bloggers and playing ambassadresses to the family business, French luxury cosmetics company, Clarins.
The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........
a little take on Japan-日本,

Two important concepts related to Japan are 建前 tatemae (tah-teh-mah-eh) and 本音honne (hon-neh), which essentially mean "the facade or illusion that everyone pretends is real, the way we pretend things to be," and "the way things really are, or one's true intentions" There are many examples of how tatemae works in Japanese society: the little white lie you tell spare someone's feelings, the opinion you express only in front of others, the subtle pressure employees in companies feel to not use their vacation time (because it means more work for their coworkers), or the way gambling for money is illegal, so pachinko parlors let you win "prizes" which you can conveniently sell back to the company for cash.
a took these pics of RM a few moons ago and yes, I am not such a good photographer(smiles)

Santa Monica plastic surgeon Chia Chi Kao’s endoscopic Ponytail Facelift involves very little cutting and virtually no pulling. Kao re-drapes skin and soft tissue vertically and uses tiny stitches to tighten underlying muscles. He then contours and volumizes with a fine layer of regenerative-cell-rich fat taken from the patient’s own body.
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned

For those of you jumping on and off the Eurostar, make sure you DO NOT MISS this tree. It is most definitely an unexpected display of Christmas love. Kids will enjoy pointing out their favorite Disney characters, as everyone from Elsa to Simba is featured on the tree. And I'm sure you can all guess who sits atop the tower. It's Mickey Mouse, of course.
People who don’t understand the difference between ethnicity and nationality??????????
plz go back to 3rd grade and open your 5 star notebook.
because you have a 1 star for being basic and dumb.

Perrier water, Perrier [ˈpɛrɪeɪ]
( a sparkling mineral water from the south of France
[named after a spring Source Perrier, at Vergèze, France]

Plato"there is no such thing as a lover's oath"
Sooo… like what do you think? Did you think that girl was pretty? How did that girl even get in here? Did you see her? She’s so short and that dress is so tacky. Who wears Cheetah? It’s not even summer, why does the DJ keep on playing “Summertime Sadness”?

Doesn't everyone refrigerate their Lanvins?
Looks Purple Stag
To be a Jew is to keep faith with the past by building a Jewish future. That is the secret of our unbroken capacity through centuries of suffering to renew ourselves as a people"
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the
world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776, unless
otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or
without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776