שבת שלום
Have a wonderful Shabbat, everyone!
"E’ che io vivo di dettagli."
What I am about to communicate to you is the most astonishing thing, the most surprising, the most marvelous(smiles),the most fabulous(sonrisas) most thriumphant, most baffling, most unheard of, most singular, most extraordinary, most unbelievable, most unforeseen, biggest, tiniest, rarest, commonest, the most talked about, and the most secret up to this day....here go my TIDBITS:
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
Is coming next week
Those who know me are aware that I share my Birthday with the Jewish Princess, my niece Tiffany Goldstein (how special is that....yes it is).....and our Bday is on 11-11.....about five years ago as I realised that I was getting older, I decided to adopt the custom of staying up all 24 hours of my Birthday, yes all 1440 minutes , all 86400 seconds of the day. One never knows what tomorrow brings. My axiom has always been,Fabulous, any better would a sin however I have adopted also...."the future is now"
there are lots of places to eat hamburgers in USA and this company is one of the
best and if she is having a burger with you than much better.
Black or White? and she could be a great endorser for gummy bear implants as they are
very pronounced on her.....
The Indian figure looks best in traditional Indian saris. While most B-town actresses step out in gowns, designer dresses during event comes festive season and you will find them draped in the traditional attire. They flaunt their enviable figure in saris made of net, georgette, chiffon, ethnic weaves and fabrics.
Besides leopard I love the exotic look of Zebra..........
The Holy Grail for models
Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show celebrates 20 years of babes, bras and bling -
The sexiest women on the planet will be in New York on November 10 to show us the new Victoria's Secret collection, and to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the famous brand's first fashion show. - A place in the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show is a career high point for international top models. The most sought-after models on the planet have paraded down its catwalk with just a few exceptions. The show is not an end in itself, but rather a springboard for many young women who want to access the upper echelons of the modelling world. But to do so, a dream figure and curves in the right places are required. -
AL is still top of the list....I know some want her to go away...
Looking at Adriana Lima, it's hard to believe that she started her journey as a Victoria's Secret model all the way back in 1999! Every year she manages to turn heads on the runway in decadent costumes that range from sporty to supersexy.
She's sported wings since as early as 2001 and opened the show on multiple occasions, an impressive feat. And though the model took 2009 off due to her pregnancy, she was back in full force by 2010.
"When it comes to FITNESS , MG's Inspiration is Halle Berry, MG also Aims to be this fit throughout her life " - MG

"To men a man is but a mind. Who cares what face he carries or what he wears? But a woman's body is the woman"

money rules politics, and therefore, “Wall Street is Washington, D.C., and Washington, D.C., is Wall Street.”
Thanks for this new sponsor ......the tidbits is the place to be....thanks....


the word style in the dictionary should include her name in their definition......

Once again Mr Mark Zuckerberg your social site of Facebook does not interest me
but your stock price keeps making me more and more $$$$$$$$$$$
Facebook Inc
NASDAQ: FB - Nov 5 2:00 PM EST
5.13 (4.94%)
Comment est-ce que vous vous préparez pour sortir le soir ? Vous aimez avoir l’impression d’être une personne différente ou est-ce que vous essayez d’adapter votre look journée au soir?
How do you get ready for an evening out? Do you like to feel like a different person or are you trying to carry your day style into the evening?
I wonder if she means me or the palm trees(smiles)
And these guys are making lots of DINERO....two of my favorites - Arcangel y Daddie Yankee ...and only I noticed that Arcangel is wearing Missoni...
Ya os conté que hace unos meses conocí a una modelo que me contó su secreto para estar delgada sin pasar hambre: la dieta sin trigo. Al principio me sonó a chiste, pero pude comprobar que era cierto.
I told you a few months ago I met a model that told me her secret to staying slim without starving: diet without wheat. At first it sounded like a joke, but I could see it was true.
" Women who wear black, lead colorful lives"
and with brown boots it would be more chic
Life may be sparkling but it doesn't mean is a happy life.....
Is she really happy>???????
But to be a Jew in spirit is not the same as to be a real Jew. A real Jew is one who is born into the Tribe. He or she is able to prove a DNA relation by way of the matriarchal line.
And also today
I woke up with un tarlo musicale (literally: a repetitive piece of music that sticks in your mind) in my head. It was the beginning of an Italian song called Il cielo in una stanza, written by singer and songwriter Gino Paoli in 1960. This old song, wonderfully interpreted by ‘la voce’ (the voice) of Italian music, Mina, is still considered to be one of the most romantic Italian songs of all time.
" I speak the language in between
My mother tongue and the foreign one
It’s a dialect of solitude
It’s a question of where I’m from "
"Some people are uncomfortable with silences. Not me. I’ve never cared much for call and response. Sometimes I will think of something to say and then I ask myself: is it worth it? And it just isn't
been there done that
Piernas Kilometricas
Palmeras Kilometricas

the word style in the dictionary should include her name in their definition......

Once again Mr Mark Zuckerberg your social site of Facebook does not interest me
but your stock price keeps making me more and more $$$$$$$$$$$
Facebook Inc
NASDAQ: FB - Nov 5 2:00 PM EST
5.13 (4.94%)
Comment est-ce que vous vous préparez pour sortir le soir ? Vous aimez avoir l’impression d’être une personne différente ou est-ce que vous essayez d’adapter votre look journée au soir?
How do you get ready for an evening out? Do you like to feel like a different person or are you trying to carry your day style into the evening?
I wonder if she means me or the palm trees(smiles)
And these guys are making lots of DINERO....two of my favorites - Arcangel y Daddie Yankee ...and only I noticed that Arcangel is wearing Missoni...
Ya os conté que hace unos meses conocí a una modelo que me contó su secreto para estar delgada sin pasar hambre: la dieta sin trigo. Al principio me sonó a chiste, pero pude comprobar que era cierto.
I told you a few months ago I met a model that told me her secret to staying slim without starving: diet without wheat. At first it sounded like a joke, but I could see it was true.
Life may be sparkling but it doesn't mean is a happy life.....
Is she really happy>???????
But to be a Jew in spirit is not the same as to be a real Jew. A real Jew is one who is born into the Tribe. He or she is able to prove a DNA relation by way of the matriarchal line.
And also today
I woke up with un tarlo musicale (literally: a repetitive piece of music that sticks in your mind) in my head. It was the beginning of an Italian song called Il cielo in una stanza, written by singer and songwriter Gino Paoli in 1960. This old song, wonderfully interpreted by ‘la voce’ (the voice) of Italian music, Mina, is still considered to be one of the most romantic Italian songs of all time.
" I speak the language in between
My mother tongue and the foreign one
It’s a dialect of solitude
It’s a question of where I’m from "

been there done that
Piernas Kilometricas
Palmeras Kilometricas


more tidbits
Ce que j’aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, people....places
Lace is a timeless fabric that is very popular right now for dresses and skirts. Look for example on the IT GIRLS, they love pencil dresses and skirts made out of lace. Although this may not be a very new trend, I would call lace to be a classic piece, ready to wear any time, any season.

NATASHA GOLDBERG. She's a 28 russian girl, best friend of Miroslava Duma and a fashion director of the Kova&T brand (owned by Dasha Zhukova and Christina Tang. She was also columnist of the russian Grazia Magazine.

Not that I care what Vogue says. They were best dressed before Vogue was born!
The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

Lady Lee travels in fashion....she is it............

Peepy in London at South Kensington Road....


a little take on Japan-日本,

Some images just seem to sum up Japan for me somehow. Walking through a tunnel of torii arches in Kyoto, which represent the 108 temptations we're subject to over the course of our lives. Seeing Mt. Fuji through the branches of a sakura tree in bloom. A Buddhist priest begging for alms in front of Louis Vuitton store in Ginza, or visitors to Tokyo's Meiji Shrine washing down the KFC they'd just eaten with holy shrine water. Then there's this picture, which shows a chorus line of attractive models employed by Japanese cellular carrier AU to promote its brand.They're "campaign girls" which large companies hire through talent agencies for promotional events, and they're similar to the "race queens" who promote interest in F-1 racing. (The reason these girls are all the same height is, their shoes are each made with custom sole thickness for each girl. Genius!) Marketing events using models like these are quite common in Japan
Understanding how the latest ‘revolutionary procedures’ will change your appearance ‘without a scalpel’.
Dr Jean-Louis Sebagh can perform an alternative full face-lift called Dream Sculpture in less than half an hour.
"For most people the idea is not to create something artificial, it’s to regain what is lost over the years", - said the doctor of Hollywood stars.
"I feel like a sculptor and painter at the same time when doing this procedure - the doctor continues. – it’s virtually painless, and if you are not satisfied with the result, it can "dissolve" in the literal sense of the word for two hours. "JG will rather have the scalpel....it defines the results on your facebetter and brings you back as you were in younger years.....of course you need a Michaelangelo to perform it.........
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden
HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

Sheikha Mozah in blue Valentino couture


If you are a serious follower of the tidbits you have heard this song as I have played it a few times in my playlist....it is not only a beautiful song but it is a place you must visit sometime in your lifetime.
Twenty- six miles(forty-kilometers) across the sea
Santa Catalina is a-waitin' for me
Santa Catalina, the island of romance, romance, romance, romance
Chanel Aman with a cute pony for Harper's Bazaar Arabia, next issue
If you recognize her than you know quite a bit...this is the reality of Models or Celebs without maquillage and at sunlight...nothing to write home about

con il trucco
When The Ballerina Becomes The Velvet Slipper
Think silks and satins, paisley and prints; smoking jackets, black tie and Downton Abbey.
The only difference is flat velvet slippers are being worn with everything.
No longer a shoe
for the boys, velvet in loafer form is a wonderful alternative when seeking a flat shoe.
Last but not least....a little publicity for good friend , Mugdha Godse!!!! and she projects so well....
Sharing names that both sound alike, both women are princesses in their own craft - Kim Yuna with ice skating and Younha with music and her role "Cinderella."
Demi Moore, 'Gimme more'At the height of her fame, Demi Moore was dubbed "Gimme Moore" for her extravagant demands.
and Michelle Obama as known as muchelle obama for her Marie Antoinette tendencies to
spend extravangantly with money from taxpayers....
Este libro es muy entretenido....y lo recomiendo
and while on the subject of limousine liberals ......gracias a mi amiga Argentina Patricia que me manda esta referencia....

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

Look – Tricot Longo
Beautiful sight to behold
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the
world and life is.....
world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776, unless
otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or
without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776