
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775 - JG 18

There are so many news that I am overwhelmed. Thus, Shabbat arrives just in the nick of time... yet again.

Trying to piece
together what a
beautiful world
should look like.

And I am close to doing so!!!! (smiles)


Flag for Israel
Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí  - אני יהודי 

Things I wanted you to know - 

: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should


I want to thank all the new sponsors and all the followers. Thanks too to  the
many who read the tidbits but do not follow my blog...

66 years ago today, Israel adopted the blue and white star of David flag as the official flag of Israel. Since then, the flag has been a symbol of liberation and human rights for Jews around the world.

Am Yisrael Chai!

Prada profits soar........La Regina

Clever (furba) Signora Prada, who's kept her name, gives just enough of the reigns to her excitable husband, and sits demurely next to him when necessary.

Parabéns Dilma  A presidenta Dilma foi eleita, o povo a escolheu.

and pay phones are almost obsolete..........

Mao Asada
September 25, 1990 (age 24)
Nayoga, Aichi Prefecture, Japan
Figure skater

Upton is ditching her modeling bookers at IMG in favor of the William Morris Endeavor talent agency and manager Rick Yorn

The shekel has gained 1.2% against the dollar since the Bank of Israel’s surprise decision not to cut the interest rate.

Chanel Les Rouges Cult

Chanel ressort trois vernis à ongles rouges des années 80. 1980, 1981 et 1987 pour être exact.
Le Rouge Flamboyant 38 est un rouge orangé vibrant que ma mère portait sûrement avec sa permanente. Moi, je préfère la Laque Rouge 71, un rouge plus profond et plus classique que je ne renierai pas, même dans 30 ans.
Au fait, je vous ai dit que c’était une édition limitée ?? C’est une édition LIMITÉE ! Dépêchez-vous !!

My  favorite BB Brunes album, LALALOVE YOU

Victoria's Secret's latest campaign may not look any different from their previous advertisements; a slew of tall and thin models posing sexily in lingerie. But with the words "The Perfect Body" splashed across the ad, the controversial campaign has created a lot of heat for the company.

It is this implication that the nigh un-achievable figures of the models, who often tower over 5ft 10in, is the ultimate shape for women that has prompted outrage. 

gummy bear breast implants


Beauty is about Uniqueness

The only color I judge people by is the color of their teeth(smiles)

The liberal hacks are excited for a new iPhone, made by kids in China, from rare metals, mined by slaves, from a company that pays no tax.

Modelame así, Dame ahora tu mejor pose (Pose, Pose, Pose, Pose, Pose) 

(Muy duro ma')
tiene la carretera paraliza
aqui esta pasando algo descomunal
he visto millones de Miss Universo

What was life like before Google? This might look like a silly and strange question, but it is a good one. Google has changed our lives. In an amazingly short space of time, the verb ‘google’ has entered our language. I think everything about Google is amazing. It helps us so much. We can find any information we want just by typing in what we want in the search box. I even like the Google home page. It’s so simple. You know, I can’t remember the last time a day went by when I didn’t use Google for something. I wonder what Google will be like in the future. Only those at Google know. The strange thing about the Internet is that something we don’t even know about yet might come along and totally replace Google overnight.

Usually when you think Holland you think flowers and these 3 Dutch beauties are just that. I've known Kim Noorda and Bette Frank for quite awhile [left and center] and just recently met Cato Van Ee


Ce que j’adore avec les cadeaux qui viennent de chez Hermès, c’est qu’on pourrait m’offrir juste les boîtes, ça me suffirait.
Bon ok. J’exagère, ce qu’il y a à l’intérieur est toujours spécial et précieux, mais avec les boîtes oranges, ça devient comme deux cadeaux.


You know what I love about thHermès gifts? It’s that even if I was gifted just the empty boxes, I’d be happy.
Maybe I’m exaggerating a little, because what’s inside is always so special and precious, but with these orange boxes, it’s like you’re getting two gifts.

Been there done that

Thigh Gap

no thigh gap....



Desirée Cordero Ferrer one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits 



Comp Cards

Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic


more tidbits

Coco Chanel in 1909

They call them the "Russian fashion pack". They are young, fabulous-looking women from Russia that are creating a buzz in the fashion world.

They include Ulyana Sergeenko, designer and photographer; Miroslava Duma, founder and editor of the online fashion journal Buro 24/7; Vika Gazinskaya, fashion designer; Elena Perminova, a Russian model and socialite.

Miroslava Duma is always dressed to impress, experimenting with texture, color  and silhouettes.

Lena Perminova's style vents chic and retro vibes

Vika Gazinskaya  blends ladylike and futuristic designs with her signature geometrical bob hairstyle. 

Ulyana Sergeenko perfectly rocks feminine chic and retro outfits with 50's vibe.

Claire is saying..."I rest my case"........certainement

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........


Frightfully delightful!

A little take on Japan

In Japanese, otaku, which is a polite word for "you" or "your family," now refers to a social class of obsessive, self-absorbed youths and would-be youths who fixate on pop culture icons and live for whatever rush they  get from that fixation. Idols, animation, comics (*manga*), adult video actresses: there is no limit to what can be otakified.!!!


Voluma has hyaluronic acid, a natural substance in the body that helps to hydrate skin and add volume.
“the ideal implant for remodeling facial volume and correcting a receding chin'' and says it also can rejuvenate a sagging facelift. It's said to be better suited for larger scale facial volumizing, not just erasing wrinkles.

And Dr Fred Brandt is a genius at doing a liquid facelift!!!!

Liquid Face Lift involves the use of advanced dermal fillers, such as Juvéderm® Ultra, Juvéderm® Ultra Plus, Radiesse®, Restylane®, Perlane® and Sculptra® Aesthetic, usually in combination with BOTOX® or Dysport®. Each of these facial fillers has unique attributes that can be used to rejuvenate specific areas of the face by a highly qualified plastic surgeon or dermatologist.

  • Gentle lift of individual (or overall) facial features
  • Reduced wrinkles, creases, line or folds
  • Restoration of natural, curved facial contours
  • A more rested, energetic look
  • A friendlier smile."

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!

"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

   HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned 

Simple and classic, just like old Hollywood

Time to pull out the big coat .

Sheikha Mozah looks diamondlicious in Cartier snake necklace & giant diamond ring(I  her wedding ring)




Se réveiller en douceur en savourant un "ness ness"

Adriana Lima Compilation - An Inspiration

 Celebrity Pink Jeans.
 Skinny Jeans in Tango Red 

Skinny Jeans....

American Apparel made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free.......



The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated

I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit 
to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775

Miscellaneous Tidbits 5785 - JG 34

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